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27220788 No.27220788 [Reply] [Original]

What crypto project do you regret investing in because it seemed like a good idea but then turned out to be a complete piece of shit?

>> No.27220839


>> No.27220891

Iota, XRP

>> No.27220916

DOT, ETH, Nano

>> No.27221133


brain small, yes?

>> No.27221295

ETH is a shit investment and a shit platform. Call me when there's no infinite supply.

>> No.27221435

fucking audius

>> No.27221545
File: 43 KB, 1080x743, 1610999365957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LCX, lol why tf are people saying ETH, XRP and DOT. OP said pieces of shit not digital gold.

>> No.27222388

Did DOT fail to deliver?

>> No.27222706

Just another centralized EOS-type piece of shit with a pedo lead dev

>> No.27222821

Who is the pedo?

>> No.27222872

Still holding my lcx. It might dø something one day.

>> No.27222963


XRP, lost money
XLM, lost even more money

Fuck crypto now. Buy Steel. $CLF

>> No.27223086


>> No.27223149


>> No.27223227

i went into GRT had a comfy stack of 2k that I wanted to hold for the pump it immediately started dumping so I sold then it started going back up I rebought for 1500 then it dumped again so I sold again then It started going back up i bought again for 1k grt and it dumped again so i sold everything and told myself "that's it not buying grt again" and the day i sold after like a week of constant dumping it went back up when i woke up it went above the price i bought for and it has been going up since and now its about to breach .70 which was my sell signal but here i am 500 lost without any gains.

>> No.27223284


>> No.27223920

He wrote a "story" about fucking a pre-teen girl with AIDS... WTF is wrong with this faggot?

>> No.27223954


>> No.27223965



>> No.27224063


>> No.27224144


>> No.27224227

And some bitconnect clone to which I lost 0.05 btc

>> No.27224230
File: 164 KB, 1078x1068, secular morality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just sold a couple link on a whim to try an ico - eosinterest, I barely gave it a once over, turns out it's a scam run by niggers.
I checked out their contract deployment account and its filled with scam coins.


>> No.27224279

Many people are currently missing out on buying near the bottom due to this mindset kek. I'll see you fomo back in when it's high again kek.

>> No.27224481

stupid crabbing pos

>> No.27224556

AGI, bled me from .8 to .08 btc

>> No.27224610

Orchid. I'm still holding a bag at like a 40% loss and I don't see this fucking shitcoin going anywhere

>> No.27224651

what's up with this shit, any moon potential or dead meme?

>> No.27224727


>> No.27225302
File: 26 KB, 416x416, FURIOus ZipGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOP because I thought normies and commies would lap that shit up. Then I was reminded commies don't have money and normies weren't into alt coins despite it being 2017.

8k lost.

>> No.27225310

Bitcoin (BTC)

>> No.27225362


>> No.27225407

fuck LINK

>> No.27225489


Lost over 80% of ny portfolio back in 2017/2018

Link saved me by going up 100x

>> No.27225530

>Link saved me by going up 100x
link is literally a scam you fucking nigger

>> No.27225635
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>> No.27225710

LCX piece of shit

>> No.27226403

Reminder that ADA has

>> No.27226681

Decentralized Internet with Satellites
It was being pumped at the same time as Link
Guess which one I bought hand over fist ?
Bought it the day it opened on Binance.
Was down 90% in a month.

>> No.27226899

Has what?

LOL Skycoin with the stupid raspberry pi miner

>> No.27226999

I've made bigger mistakes in crypto. I've been around awhile.

>> No.27227163

Xstable. Project is cool. But the creator wasn't ready. 900 people lost their money.

>> No.27227272

I tried to warn you fuckers, but you were all like 'nuuuu a prince of some shithole in europe with a population of 30k people wants to make US rich'.

Im guessing you's fell for the scam email of some african prince who inhereted millions but just needed some grands to 'release' said funds.


>> No.27227429

nice, just bought 100k DOT

>> No.27227438

Holochain fucked me up worse than any other coin. Until they get their shit together they vab rot in hell
I made a measly 2x but its not saying much after holding for a year

>> No.27228344

Bumping thread. Share your shame.

>> No.27228482


>> No.27228696

>buy high sell low 3 times in a row
ngmi, stop trading

>> No.27229732


>> No.27229839

RLC digital oil my ass

>> No.27229906

Lition, without a doubt.

>> No.27229949

wozx, my only real failure.

>> No.27230029

Rigel Finance

>> No.27230132

DOGE, knew it was a pump and dump and still lost on it...

>> No.27230160

I still like skycoin, synth was one of the early bitcoin developers

>> No.27230219
File: 32 KB, 550x397, John McAfee – safex scammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safex, i remember investing into this piece of shit scam when MacAfee was saying he owned more Safex than Bitcoin.

>> No.27231490

More shame!

>> No.27231532
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>> No.27231785

Ada when it was at $1

>> No.27231839


>> No.27233184

Pnk, It has done nothing at all. Other coins have 3x,4x,5x even. and there is nothing. I'm starting to lose hope.

>> No.27233230

definitely iota

>> No.27233236

In 17/18 I bought Nano, XRP and IOTA at ATHs. I only just broke even today.

>> No.27233266

I have 3k linkies and I regret buying them sub $3
worst hold of my fucking life.

>> No.27233908

>I make bad decisions, follow my investment advice
Lol, no thanks. Not even going to look at the chart for CLF.

>> No.27233985

This. Couldn't he write a story about murdering people like a normal person? What a freak

>> No.27234119

Icx Icon fucked me and my friend over. I hate it and never want to see it again even if it goes to all time highs. It’s like that one Thot on you’re life you already fucked or got fucked over with she’s not bad looking but I’ll pass. Also VChain just disappointed on all the partnerships and they don’t burn the token supply.

>> No.27234163


>> No.27234303

imagine being that much of a piece of shit that you are so fat and can't turn off a fucking switch. Seeing cunts like this do dumb shit like this gets me so triggered.

>> No.27234331

Reminder that there are people that invested in Ghost because Mcafee shilled it

>> No.27234396

DOT is up 300% since November what are you talking about Nigger

>> No.27234454


>> No.27234494


>> No.27235059

Honestly, just hold and be patient. If you were introduced to the project today, would you think it was overhyped/overvalued?

>> No.27235086

SHIBA, I just hated DOGEfags but got scammed lol