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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27205130 No.27205130 [Reply] [Original]

What's /biz/'s next mainstream-news making move?

>> No.27205206


>> No.27205306


>> No.27205346

BAO and Rubic.

>> No.27205375


>> No.27205467

>GME made millionaires
>chainlink made poo in the loos make millions of threads
these are not the same

>> No.27205475

A private merchant marine.

>> No.27205525

>Reddit did DOGE
>/biz/ did SHIB

>> No.27205584

Everyone will say shill shit like BAO, Rubic, STA, etc but the only real answer is RSR. Its not even legal in America yet and is guaranteed to get listed on CB and other major exchanges. Worst case scenario is a x5 but a x25 is entirely possible. It's also safe and not a scam based on the big names backing it.

>> No.27205604

Probably something about white supremacists buying Silver.

>> No.27205621


>> No.27205772

is there any other way to take money from hedge funds?

>> No.27206374

Link is still cheap. Just wait until you see what it is in a year from now.
Look into buying some extra Link around July/August 2021.

>> No.27206403


>> No.27207427

bao doesnt seem special, rubic has some good tech behind it though, rubic is pajeet scam but im also buying more because price will moon for those who can be patient for a month

>> No.27207490

>rubic is pajeet scam
Kill yourself FUDDER
RBC will hit $10 MINIMUM EOY
You are not invited on our moon mission, I have 10M RBC

>> No.27207507

LINK hasn't hit the mainstream yet. Imagine the media shitstorm when LINK is unironically $1k and a select few autists are flaunting their wealth

>> No.27207515

you're an absolute brainlet. youre not gonna make it

>> No.27207683

Pick a single coin you fuckin retard cucks.