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27203412 No.27203412 [Reply] [Original]

which to buy RIGHT NOW for ACTUAL future gains
fuck you fudders, fuck you scammers. tell me HONESTLY right FUCKING NOW. /biz/ is and always has been the most confusing board on this site since you cant tell if what is being said is real or not.
just tell me. i dont want to die.

>> No.27203538

Rubic is an easy choice if you spend 10 minutes looking into both.

>> No.27203719

i went all in on rubic. but that was two days ago when everyone was shilling it hard and i fell for it given that i refused to buy link back in the day for the same reason. now all the attempted shills are immediately shut down and ridiculed for advertising a pnd scam. i dont know who the fuck to believe. i hate this place

>> No.27203756


>> No.27203788

All in on rubic bro. Fantom is a giant pnd scam with no future. Do not buy it all cost.

>> No.27203912

You must be patient. Build a nice stack before it gets listed. Don't fomo in to pump and dump with the other smooth brains anon.
This coin is getting fudded by the same fools snaking money off the redditers. Do as you wish.

>> No.27203920

As an ex holder of Fantom who just in the end felt tired of the leadership I say Rubic. Fantom was basically an abandoned project that Cronje was hired to basically make something so the team didn’t actually get arrested for fraud.

Rubic is amazing cause it’s just so cheap compared to its potential and it’s peers. Many don’t make money in crypto cause they keep away from low caps thinking they are shitcoins. Rubic is a great evolving dex that has unlimited potential to be THE big exchange that crypto lives on. Many will recognize its quality only when its 100m mc and on. In ace cause they are sheep.

>> No.27204021


>> No.27204155


>> No.27204212

its you fucking niggers and the sir posters that make me want to pull out

>> No.27204241

Muse is just about the only small cap coin (that I know of) which isn't a total scam

>> No.27204425

Fucking morons

>> No.27204479

how many altcoins that were shilled here actually ended up becoming scams? can you name a few?

>> No.27204480

buy neither lmao dude

>> No.27204489

imagine explaining to your impoverished grandchildren that you pulled out of rubic because someone typed "Rubic." on a 4chan thread

>> No.27204600

I went with Rubic because they have an actual working product

Fantom was gonna partner with South Africa last year but now it's suddenly Afghanistan lul, massive scam vibes

>> No.27204738

ctrl + f "rubic" and constantly refreshing /biz/ just to immediately type "Rubic." on every thread doesnt make it seem any less scammy

>> No.27204755
File: 71 KB, 828x612, 1611959178551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What these anons said, OP. Buy Rubic (and GME) and HODL.

>> No.27204813

FTM, it hasn't pumped as hard as RBC, so has higher to go

>> No.27204923

Get on board with Rubic, Fantom just hit an ATH.
>Have both. 10k Rubic. 10k FTM
I would buy FTM at around 0.08 when it dips.

>> No.27204941

it's just a funny meme bro.

>> No.27204999


>> No.27205211

check'd but that's my logic and I have FTM. Although if RBC was in binance I'd have bought some

>> No.27205273

There's literally a Rubic Discord full of Indians promising to rugpull you. Also no technology. They just use 1inch and charge you more.

BAO is Communist Party propaganda with almost no code written. You're investing in a Wordpress website. Your money goes directly into child slavery if you support China.

MUSE is a video game that actually works. You can go to Github and see the code. They have tons of users and it's constantly growing. You can stake on there, they have an exchange and everything. This could be huge, and we're so early.

>> No.27205334

All the RBC shilling in this thread should tell you exactly what to avoid

>> No.27205400

at least 90% ended up being complete trainwrecks financial wise

>> No.27205535
File: 200 KB, 361x363, 1611815931164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at Uniswap. That's going to happen to Rubic in a few weeks/months.

>> No.27207055

Rubic is a new coin which could be a scam the whole time. Fantom is coming to coinbase. I'd do fantom for the guarantee, but rubic would be higher rewards if it can get to fantom's level.

>> No.27207802

>Communist Party propaganda
if thats true then that means its stable and they will pump it for me. can you confirm?

>> No.27208474

FTM just get on there website and its a no brainer

>> No.27208549

>future gains
>when society is going to collapse inside of a decade

>> No.27208605

rbc is the better pick

the FTM wallet has a 50,000 withdrawal limit good luck selling it

>> No.27208642

Rubic is higher risk but higher reward

>> No.27208728

Buy MUSE dude

>> No.27208793

The risk is whether or not you can get in before they rugpull lol

>> No.27208867

>the rubic fud isn't even real anons just post it because they are still accumulating

>> No.27208904

FTM if you're high iq. If not I'd say Rubic.

>> No.27209096

>all in on rubic
Sorry.....it is a scam coin. Hope you get your money back somehow.

>> No.27209885

This, I almost lost $200 from impermanent loss on GME.
I bought .7 gme at $335 a share from FOMO and sold it at an even brake minus a dollar yesterday, which brings the price of my average from $190 back down to $115. I plan on selling my shares two shares pre-market on monday and using my gains to get a diverse stake (leaning heavily towards promising coins) for this alt season.
If the alt has been listed at the exchangers, aside from anomalies, you're too late.

>> No.27210233

Based statement based on observation and the digits to boost!
I currently have 1275 rubic, should I be worried that the developing team are all russian?

>> No.27210303

Bump for MUSE

>> No.27210453

Trips and I go all in