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27203117 No.27203117 [Reply] [Original]

I put a sell limit on GME at $7k per share on Robinhood and plan on just ignoring it for the entirety of next week. I can’t handle the stress of watching it every minute.

Is that too high or should I lower it to something more realistic?

>> No.27203186
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>> No.27203225

hope you enjoy holding bags nigger

>> No.27203305

wait for a pump to start and put on a 40% trailing stop, then put your computer / phone down and let it play out.

>> No.27203469

don't ignore it because they delete sale orders.
I have 1 at 1k, just for the meme, and the rest I'll decide but probably 9k

>> No.27203577
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that actually sounds like a pretty good idea, im legit having trouble sleeping thinking about it. im gonna do the same. maybe i can get some decent sleep. the weeks are rough enough being a wage slave

>> No.27203650


Going through the final stage of my korean fetish now.


I have sneaking suspicion that Robinhood will “crash” or malfunction in some way next week the moment the pump starts so I am trying to put in the order now. But yeah that would be optimal.

>> No.27203843

>don't ignore it because they delete sale orders

I heard that they were rejecting sale orders a few minutes after putting them in if they were “too high” but I didn’t know they were outright just deleting the ones that do go through. That sounds super gay and I am even more stressed out now.

>> No.27204055

I am not aiming so high, $1488 for me.

>> No.27204292

they cancel them.
Mine deletes too, except I'm in New Zealand and markets open at 3:30am here so it's fucking stressful on the sleep, I need to wake up and check them for an hour then go to sleep again

>> No.27204444

I did the exact same for my three shares. I tried putting 10k but they said it was too high, so I went to 7k. I don't care if I lose all my money, I'm just gonna ignore it until I get a notification for getting 21k being deposited into my account

>> No.27205103


I can’t wait to move out of RH after next week. What a joke of a company. Their IPO is going to take a major hit.


I might break it up into multiple orders at various levels.

>> No.27205874

haha bobs

>> No.27205934

She'd be cuter if that neck ribbon was tied a lot tighter.

>> No.27205995

Hey kiwibro same shit been up at 3.15am everyday just to dump on pumps and buy back at dips. Already made 10k literally just doing this lmao

>> No.27206149
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Based and Czech'd

>> No.27206304

Forget GME, how much for him to creampie my hemorrhoid clogged shitpipe?

>> No.27206448

The hedge funds, MMs, clearing houses etc. were so kind in looking out for the safety of retail investors.

What if retail investors were to say, see someone smoking within 3m of the Citadel/Melvin HQ buildings and then pull a fire alarm to protect them from a potential catastrophe during trading hours when these buildings are filled with human lives?

This isn't safety advice. Just a question.

>> No.27206670

interesting possibility

>> No.27206684

mines up for 28K per share

>> No.27206812

There is a very real possibility of regulatory interference or blatant securities fraud, The brokerages could just violate any rule and just take the lawsuit on the chin, might be cheaper.

>> No.27207057

Persoanlly I only have one share, all in on AMC already. But my one GME goes for $9000.