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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 928x729, 1612033103119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27197837 No.27197837 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>27184781


>What app should I use to buy?

>List of brokers that aren't blocking purchases:


>> No.27198003

I am selling on monday once it reaches 50+
Fuck this

>> No.27198043

WTF how'd this get stickied?

>> No.27198117

Sell order for 1400 @1000

>> No.27198204

Don't sell

>> No.27198300

When is this going up? Bought in at 12 and again at 8. Not selling until this is up a bit.

>> No.27198466

It was Monday at first.
Now it's Thursday. Fuck this place and follow your gut.

>> No.27198598

it's monday through thursday
not one or the other

>> No.27198667

posting in a sticky

lets watch the film that is the stock market

>> No.27198709

funny how you guys think it'll ever get over 15. AMC is complete garbage

>> No.27198754

OY VEY!!!!

>> No.27198790

Consult a doctor about your weak-ass hands, chump.

>> No.27198822

i'm holding 50 shares myself. i'm just not a fucking idiot like you

>> No.27198834

>posting in a sticky
>WTF how'd this get stickied?
It's just part of the image I downloaded from the aerlier thread.

>> No.27198843

Dude, it was over 15 on Friday.

>> No.27198863

You actually think it'll hit 50? I was planning to get out here at 13. This shit is too much like QAnon for me.

>> No.27198917

15.75 is still 15 dumbass

>> No.27198928

>Never going over 15

>> No.27198945


>> No.27198965

Dude we’re being raided by shills as always during happenings, didn’t you notice?

>t. /pol/tard

>> No.27198999

you're getting trolled by faggots here. get out as soon as you can, it'll dip hard

>> No.27199073
File: 91 KB, 1074x1074, D57Hgs-W4AAAJL7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normalfag friends texting me asking how to buy stock
>all want to get in on AMC and GME


>> No.27199095

Shills currently trying to bully people out of their bags. Hedgies needed it to be at 9USD and it did close way over that on Friday. They probably pay people to spread fake news right now to get as many cheap shares.

>> No.27199126

I brought 50 @ $18. I feel like i fucked up

>> No.27199137

Should I buy a few shares of this, anons? Is it too late for me?

>> No.27199142

50 50 AMC and NOK or AMC and PSLV?

>> No.27199204

The fact that they repeat shit like "the shorts are going to expire!", which is provably wrong by looking for five minutes, just drives me insane. But the only reason I'm considering holding is - if everyone is as retarded as these guys, maybe it will keep going up on pure retard factor alone. Is that rational?

>> No.27199301
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>> No.27199306
File: 918 KB, 2400x1640, 5F666CB3-2B80-41AA-9D79-FF3F1864E17C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t care I won’t sell until we’re close to $1000.
And I have meme stocks too like SNDL.

And I’m going to buy pic related with the gains FUCK JANNIES

>> No.27199315

>Shills currently trying to bully people out of their bags. Hedgies needed it to be at 9USD and it did close way over that on Friday. They probably pay people to spread fake news right now to get as many cheap shares.
They do. Lots of outfits hire people to spread disinfo online

>> No.27199367

I bought 60 @17 - just hold anon. You didn't give up when it got rough and I'm proud of you

>> No.27199371

Did you short them? :D

>> No.27199425

I'm not an econo/biz/t, just here for the happening, but I can't see posts like >>27198999 being anything but shills or just trolling, like >>27198965 said. I don't see it becoming anything like GME, but can anyone doubting it'll short squeeze to some extent give any concrete argument?
T. Crossposting faggot with no real knowledge of economics

>> No.27199432

>"shorts are going to expire"

>"the squeeze incoming next week, they will have to buy at premium"

i've even seen a guy claim that shorts+longs=total shares

this is just a hypetrain for newfriends who just started with this and want to make a quick buck on hype. AMC's value is based not on fundamentals but on social arbitrage. once the hype dies, the stock dies.

>> No.27199438

Is SNDL worth buying?

>> No.27199475

ready to buy amc stock do i buy right away or wait?

>> No.27199510

The reason people are expecting GME and AMC and whatever to go up is because of a potential short squeeze and gamma squeeze.

But honestly, the retard factor probably has a role as well

>> No.27199581

>And I have meme stocks too like SNDL.
>Is SNDL worth buying?
Cannabis stocks will probably go up, if weed gets legallized federally in the states.

>> No.27199627

>>27199438 yeah just make sure you get out at the right time. Or hold for a long time. A decent weed company will always go up.

>> No.27199654

what are the odds rabbihood let's me buy more before takeoff?

>> No.27200008

If enough retards from reddit go all in on this monday, could be a good PnD for those paying attention. I don't see it going above $30 but WSB is shilling hard for it and all it takes is a few whales to shift the paradigm

>> No.27200012

It was literally at 20

>> No.27200124

If you buy PSLV you're gullible as hell

>> No.27200239

yeah and that was the moon. if you didn't sell, i have bad news for you. you lost money.

>> No.27200275


to the anon that posted this in the AMC thread I'm a retard but trying to learn and need pointed in the right direction.

does daily short volume divided by total volume give me the short interest on the day? and then I look at which way that percent is trending?

Wednesday 27th: SV:61,692,479 TV: 360,521,640

Thursday 28th: SV:65,879,740 TV:219,835,340
percentage: 29.9%

Friday 29th: SV:147,053,814 TV: 285,512,338
percentage: 51.5%

>> No.27200276

It has already been triggered without any possibility to stop it unless something that is not legal or made possible by corruption, wich will result in a massive shitstorm that could unironically lead into a civil war and vigilante groups hunting down wall street people for fun. They still try to soften the blow but the people are not listening anymore. People are already mad as hell and a lot have nothing to loose. Wall Street may wont survive physically if they pull some mad shit again. Police is not on their side. Army is not on their side. They all bought some bags. Think about it. Everyone needs to get paid basically. This is way more dangerous than people think. Would not even be surprised if that is exactly what they want to happen. But if someone like Trumps steps up for the people, honest or not, they will follow. Very dangerous situation. Think about it.

>> No.27200286

It already hit 20 and would've hit 50 dollars a share if it weren't for robinhood and the other traders bullshit.

>> No.27200312

Basically these are the answers.
I’m into SNDL since December and despite the swings I always believed in the company.

Currently it’s being pumped/shilled like hell on stocktwits and their subreddit made, many normies are looking for SNDL on google (I read this from a screenshot) so it can be a nice pump and dump and god knows how much these autists are going to raise the price.
Overall SNDL is not a gamble even though you’ll read shill articles against it.

My another meme stock is CTRM but I’m not 100% sure of this one so I might want to sell this week after the possible big pump.

>> No.27200358

There are better marijuana stocks to buy honestly.

Aphria, GrowGen, Aurora Cannabis is a little less stable but I'm making money from it. Aphria is the best one i've seen currently.

>> No.27200616

>Overall SNDL is not a gamble even though you’ll read shill articles against it.
That is of course if you don’t FOMO in at retarded high prices, of course.
There’s a possibility of a merger/acquisition the next weeks/months so this surely will act as a catalyst. Do your research and don’t be retarded if you want to buy now, the worst that can happen is that you bag hold for a month or two, but be aware.

>> No.27200633

If you guys are going limit orders, what are you hoping to buy at?

>> No.27200859

TFW sell limit 1,200 at 90

>> No.27201036

Everyone needs to set a retarded high sell limits because the hedge funds can see what you set both as a stop loss and take profit.
Put 1000$ as TP.

>> No.27201240

If everyone holding would do that..
Hedgies gonna implode.

>> No.27201335
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Im holding until 100%

>> No.27201378

i'm not fucking selling

>> No.27201388

>But honestly, the retard factor probably has a role as well
Don't underestimate the retard factor. This is an Ork Waaagh. If enough people believe AMC is a good buy, then it becomes a good buy.

>> No.27201515
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>> No.27201533
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My mom told me to set a sell order at a high price so that hedgies can't use my stack to short it.
Is this how it works?

>> No.27202121

Actually a long time holder of amc because I’m a retard. Bought at 2.3, sold a bit at 4.5 bought more at 9. I placed a limit order for 100, if it rises up but hovers around whatever price it gets too, I’m selling. If i start to lose money on it, I won’t sell. Don’t sell at a loss

>> No.27202709

I purchased 50 @ 8 I can't of want more because at this point its pocket change

>> No.27203711

Can’t wait to go to the moon

>> No.27204054

Just bought 6. I can't wait to lose it all.

>> No.27204175

nah, its not posible with amc desu, its a slow stairway

>> No.27204405

Just put a limit sell order at 1000USD and enjoy the show.

This is not financial advice. I am not a professional financial advisor. Do not listen to me. I am just making a joke and I am very drunk and on pain killer.

>> No.27204580

>I am very drunk and on pain killer.
working on getting there

>> No.27204607


>> No.27204772

Well, I am not really drunk, but iam really drunk and just ignore my posts here I am also legally retarded and do not know my own name. Do not do what I just said. You will make people very angry and get rich by doing so and that would be crazy, just like me. Where am I ? What is an AMC?

This is not financial advice. I am not a professional financial advisor.

>> No.27204855

thanks where can i vote for ya, a born public office holder to be sure

>> No.27204938

I uh oh eh hmmmm you know, ehh,hmm,eh. Good night.

>> No.27205053

I'm a financial advisor and you should take my advice and do lots of stimulants.
And never sleep, sleep is for the weak and the poor.

>> No.27205105

>shitty italian trash

>> No.27205135

Also: Do not tell your friends about what I said. Woudl be bad if everyone would do this. Imagine the rampage. holy shit. aaaaaah. I am seeing colors .

>> No.27205250

I'm a retard who only does what people on 4chan tell him to do.
Convince me more.

>> No.27205326

WWwAAAgGH! To da moon!

>> No.27205482

I do not want to go into the looney bin again. Can not talk to you guys anymore. just do not do crazy things because that is not how a good little productive ant behaves. Ignore everything I say. Do not ceate a massive price wall. That would be terrible. Fuck, there is a speaking frog at my window and he tells me to go to bed.

>> No.27205519
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>> No.27205523

lmao 50? Youre delusional

>> No.27205693

>complete garbage
beside the point

>> No.27205767

This is absolute realistic. Listen to this man. Oh shit, Some Hedgies just broke into my basement and yelling at me. They look very angry and they smell. We all gonna make it .Good night.

This is not financial advice. I am not a professional financial advisor. Do not listen to me.

>> No.27205833

>Tranny uses speedrunner counting
yeah that tracks.

>> No.27206208

Yeah, delusionally low

>> No.27206278

800$ it is

>> No.27206396
File: 44 KB, 750x230, D2D48BAF-C0E0-415A-ADEF-E0FB805E46AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guess what could happen?

>> No.27206465

Do I have to set the sell limit to high number? If so how do you do it on trading 212?

>> No.27206552

50+ realistically, peak 500 hopefully? Whats the bet?

>> No.27206573

T212 is fucking gay and caps your limit sells at like 300% of market
>t. T212 user who tested the cap at about 33 when it was trading at 8.6ish

>> No.27206643

You think that's gay? I'm a boomer on wells trade, and they won't let me set a sell limit to more than 50% higher than the current price.

>> No.27206659

>Rolls Royce

Fuck off literal nigger ape

>> No.27206694

To the moon you fuckin go

>> No.27206736

>wells anything
Holy shit you’re dumb.

>> No.27206860

to the moon brothers, to the moon

>> No.27206897

I'm fucking OLD

>> No.27207081


>> No.27207179

Ya I am seeing 50 a lot as a sort of cautious but hopeful estimate for this week. I tend to agree.

>> No.27207854
File: 498 KB, 1000x500, 89C371AE-3BA9-4086-B40D-31AD4E95B30C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you fellers doing tonight, we feeling optimistic? How them diamond hands HODLing up?

>> No.27207927
File: 14 KB, 316x263, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard here. I'm using Fidelity and every time I try to set my sell limit to $100 it keeps saying this. Am I doing something retarded or does Fidelity just not allow this?

>> No.27207982

having trouble keep them from cutting through my desk feller, having trouble keeping my vodka glass from scratching

>> No.27207999
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>> No.27208128

I know the feeling feller I done broke 3 whiskey glasses since I got these diamond hands

>> No.27208212

trips don't lie

>> No.27208309

should i sell my $NOK and dump it into $AMC? i have about 90 shares rn

>> No.27208362


never selling. I will be buried with my 10 AMC certificates

>> No.27208371
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13 shares at 13.45
am I poor?

>> No.27208389

total noob here, I have 38 shares @ 13.46. I'm using revolut, was planning on just holding and seeing what people say here as to when to sell and making a market order - should I set a sell limit?

>> No.27208533
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What buy limit should I set?

>> No.27208545

$25-$30 would be conservative while $100+ would be fairly liberal, diamond hands tier would be $250+ imo
I’m not a financial advisor I’m just a regular feller

>> No.27208565


you're shares wont be loaned unless you say so

>> No.27208618

This thread reminded me to set my limit, but TD isn't letting me go near 700 for AMC

>> No.27208708

thanks, regular feller

>> No.27208736

So old that you didn’t see Wells literally creating ghost accounts for people for ten years and nearly get nuked for it? It was definitely covered in the dead tree press and Fox News, grampa.

>> No.27208798

bought 140 on friday, might buy more on monday depending on price

>> No.27209414

https://strawpoll.com/kje4cbof1 .

>> No.27209765



>> No.27209876

<25 master race here

>> No.27209967
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>> No.27210010
File: 159 KB, 750x1334, A254EECA-4CA0-4E8A-8AF1-E1339DFEEBAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my limit sell executes at $200 a share im going to immediately get high on coke and get fucked in my ass by three gigantic black guys in a porta potty behind my office

>> No.27210367

Should I try to convince my boomer dad to go all-in?
He respects me now that I've made six figures with link and I told him to buy gamestop last Sunday, but he didn't listen. After apologizing for not buying gamestop and admitting I was right he asked me to let him know if I ever see another opportunity. I think I could get him to buy AMC.

>> No.27210371

Yo dig this, old man. Even if you're old you can follow the trends of the young people. Don't fall into same traps your boomer peers are falling into, don't you know that (man)children are the future? Ask yourself this, if you're so dead set on following the crowd with your fellow boomers, what are you doing here on the counterculture hub of the 21st century then, huh pops? Get with the fucking times. I don't even know what I'm talking about specifically, but trust me, maaaaan.

>> No.27210592

Sounds like a good time feller good luck

>> No.27210867
File: 35 KB, 768x473, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with strawpoll?
What fucking captcha, there is no captcha!!!

>> No.27211590

I have a feeling it won't open under $18 on monday.

>> No.27211951

That's quite the prediction anon

>> No.27211977
File: 245 KB, 1056x1083, D-V-CJbXUAEHhmI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you moving forward /biz/?

>> No.27212205

Imagine buying into the Apple of popcorn

>> No.27212454

When's the Best moment to buy more shares?
I bought 10 @$15 yesterday

>> No.27212594

We've suffered enough.... You've suffered enough... Eren, Just Sell....

>> No.27212641

when the price goes down

>> No.27212790

of course you should try but them old codgers are gonna do what they wanna do, was talking to my dad about it and he was acting like he really believes it's going to sky as well and yet he barely put in more than me, frustrating but what can ya do

>> No.27212813
File: 369 KB, 668x812, YAIIpXU7AMwhPwmrtJMrE8VEHTLUpisUqH-13AZFAZQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We've suffered enough.... You've suffered enough... Eren, Just Sell....

>He doesn't see it

>> No.27212940

Bros im afraid I just want to make it.

>> No.27213095
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>> No.27213242

There's 287.28M shares outstanding and 56.57M shares for the float. 44.67M shares of the float are being shorted.

Does anyone know the vesting schedule for the restricted shares? Trying to get a handle on how much dilution we can expect.

Where can I view the most up to date information on how much of the stock is being shorted and who is shorting it?

AMC is converting debt into shares. Has this been included in the public float or are these shares restricted? Is there any hard info on this?

and lastly how do options contracts expiring in the money help the short squeeze?

>> No.27213525
File: 60 KB, 806x628, Natasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying on wednesday... i swear i will curse you retards if this is a meme dump

>> No.27213540

Dont overdose, and make sure to use condoms.

>> No.27213872

I only have 2 shares of amc and buying another 3 monday at open.
the only thing I'm betting on is that everyone is retarded like me and missed the gme rocket so they're trying amc . Wish I had to balls to drop 10k in it though

>> No.27214220


This is not financial advice

>> No.27214276

Who is a cannabis stock??

>> No.27214386
File: 46 KB, 960x960, 1611370558561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you even jack off with them weak ass hands? I just queued up to drop another 120 on amc once the market opens monday, i aint ever scared.

>> No.27214666

i cant even tell if your baiting or you're just a newfag because of all the normie influx

>> No.27214747

>be newfaggot
>larping on /biz/
>whats 160 guise??!?!?!
Oh im laffin

>> No.27214892
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>> No.27215482
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>> No.27215545

Is it too late to buy some shares Monday morning?

Not trying to make millions but a couple hundred would be nice. Also is Robinhood still kill? I hear Cashapp is okay to use.

>> No.27215606

My worries about Monday have disappeared. Ready to see those gains and pump more. Crab Legs and Pop Corn with extra butter oil.

>> No.27215659
File: 10 KB, 300x168, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my current mood but im still holding

>> No.27215783
File: 883 KB, 800x613, 05EBAFCE-EAA3-411B-961C-E8642C2A5B22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

Why would you even consider selling down here? I’m riding this past 100 or holding it to my grave.

>> No.27215873

I have 100 at 8 and its not worth selling unless I get at least 10k

>> No.27215925

So how do I prevent hedgies from shorting my 350 shares? I’m on TD Ameritrade.

>> No.27215988

That’s pretty good and short enough for our current environment. You should spread it around tictok and ifunny. .

>> No.27216010

Put in a limit trade as high as you can

>> No.27216178
File: 211 KB, 689x521, DFV stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DFV basically just plugged AMC as the "real short squeeze."

AMC is going to the fucking moon.

>> No.27216392

what does this mean?

>> No.27216500

fuck we are in

>> No.27216532

On day one of this it closed at around 5 and opened at like 20.

>> No.27216608
File: 482 KB, 800x533, A9145F64-3071-47C0-8B6A-03047AC9ABF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy gets it.

>> No.27216646
File: 430 KB, 683x799, 567890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strap the fuck in.

>> No.27216690


it means we are fucking holding

>> No.27216822

Post you put fag.

>> No.27216863

It means millions of normies with money and trading accounts were just told its a fucking lock to go tremendously higher. I believe it is and I don’t think at this price it’s possible to lose money in AMC unless you panic sell. Either it gets squeezed and FOMOd to the damn moon and beyond or it doesn’t and it’s a solid long term hold at anything below 20.

>> No.27216937

Buying more Monday

>> No.27216964

Oh also he’s this is financial advice, nothing I’ve ever posted here was satire. You can quote me on that.

>> No.27217033
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>> No.27217153
File: 34 KB, 580x548, ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shith adfhaishhasiasholy shjit holyu sholy shit, im dying right now boys

>> No.27217270
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It means the company was undervalued before short.
Hedgies get fucking greedy shorted it even further because fuck it.
Same with GME.
Now we can call their shorts and hope to steal all their moneis.

>> No.27217285
File: 137 KB, 465x298, 1584639082668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CashApp doesn't have a sell limit function
Well I guess I know what I'm going to be staring at for the next few weeks.

>> No.27217335
File: 299 KB, 1242x1547, 0C27105D-5BD0-456E-8039-ED9B4CDE14B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder I’m going to be rich bros

>> No.27217345

i’m gonna cum so fucking hard

>> No.27217461

Is currency.com safe to use ?

>> No.27217529
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>> No.27217577
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>> No.27217582


>> No.27217670
File: 58 KB, 828x612, AD8EAC82-9E15-4B4F-9C46-033AD72A26A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We diamond hands forever, feller

>> No.27217688

If it goes to 450 I’ll do coke and drink so much, it will be great.

Currently at 40 shares, hoping to get 50 more this. Monday

>> No.27217702


circulating currently on WSB. streamable capture from an hour ago:


>> No.27217760
File: 27 KB, 431x1023, Screenshot_2021-01-29 Wealthsimple Trade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go I hope next week is good

>> No.27218060
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>> No.27218077
File: 257 KB, 407x405, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time brothers, it's time

>> No.27218113

so he didn't actually endorse it

>> No.27218184


no he just plugged that OTHER massively shorted company that was on the verge of bankruptcy and now suddenly isn't.

you fucking faggot

>> No.27218230

Who is this guy

>> No.27218350
File: 198 KB, 1400x1400, 1611910933603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are fucking stupid retard, this guy started all this trending

>> No.27218380


>> No.27218552



>> No.27218628
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>> No.27218651


>> No.27218697

Hello fellow millionaire

>> No.27218760



>> No.27218811

Okay I’m not a Redditor bitch and /smg/ was talking about GME in September

>> No.27218833

Fuck, now I have to wake up on Monday at like 4 AM to buy even more shares pre-market, before the reddits get in

If I had known I'd be buying meme stocks, I wouldn't have moved to the west coast last year...

>> No.27218849

>muh stolen election
Back to bed grandpa

>> No.27218883

what are the odds of it hitting 20 again on monday

>> No.27218914

>Only 27 shares

Welp, I'm gonna need more.

>> No.27218946

>muh fantasy land where the good guys win
Go back queer

>> No.27219054

If they were so confident they wouldn't need the National Guard there 24/7.
Uh oh the semite is angry! BTW I'm holding hahaha

>> No.27219127
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dont care, this guy is the central pinnacle of all this operation, he stayed holding when he was losing MILLIONS OF DOLARS two days ago

>> No.27219151
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Nobody said anything about that shit retard, even the neocon boomers in my family didn't want to hear about orange mans tweets for another 4 years

I'm holding as well niggers. 300 shares @ 7.50

>> No.27219311

finally just set a limit bros, won't say the price point but i will assure you it is the moon, encouraging everyone to do the same just to make a point

>> No.27219349

because his options expire in april, but what happens to GME stock price when he exercises these options?

>> No.27219401

should I take 500 EUR of my BTC and buy AMC on Monday then? Already did it with 400 EUR worth of ETH

>> No.27219404


>> No.27219447
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>applied for webull on thursday
>finally get back to me
>they couldn't verify my birthday

i just want to show my love for /tv/

>> No.27219491
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See you on the moon, feller

>> No.27219656

it is a reasonable limit lol i said the moon, not uranus
happy birthday bro hope they get you sorted, my birthday's next week
thinkin of ya feller, still drinkin and still thinkin

>> No.27219661
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>> No.27219666

Based feller

>> No.27219673

The probability of it hitting 20 on Monday is mathematically around 50% based on the price it closed and the volatility. That’s a real number using calculus from the options price data using last Friday’s closing numbers.

Really what the math actually says is the market price action predicts AMC will move $6.564 on Monday one direction or another.

Now these are models and probability is probability after all so it could theoretically open and close at the same price or go 100$ up or down to fractions of a penny and the math holds.

>> No.27219729

have 77.7 shares, just qeued up to drop another 140 at open i truly do not give a fuck at this point

>> No.27219917
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>> No.27219982

whens the next >$10 dip gonna be, I want to buy in but $13 aint it

>> No.27220163

Ok, so like half that ;^)

>> No.27220162
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meant to post tits so i would get more responses

>> No.27220400
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feeling great, feller
bought in at 6 and havent sold once.
seeing all the fucking angry shills on friday completely killed all any fud i had

>> No.27221492

Guys, I can’t sleep. I’m freaking out about next week. I’m a poorfag, a proper fulfillment center wagie with the lower end of $5,000 in his account at any given time. I put $1,000 into AMC at $13/share on Friday and the suspense is killing me - and it’s not even the thought of losing, since I’d only really lose $300 at worst. I’m scared for how high it can go, lads. This money would change my life, where do I go from here?

>> No.27221587

>to be honest, i will sell 2 or 1 and buy more in the dip

>> No.27221785
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>where do I go from here?
The moon my friend

>> No.27221840
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>where do I go from here?

>> No.27221860

>13 a share

>> No.27221916

You have way more chance of getting rich than me. All I could afford was 27 shares. I might be able to grab a few more if it dips low enough. Enjoy your potential millions, anon.

>> No.27221964

I’ll meet you on the moon too, feller

>> No.27221980

>This money would change my life, where do I go from here?
Just reinvest 70% of it, put 15% in your savings (make sure to pay taxes first) and use 15% for fun stuff you'd like. Maybe upgrade your computer or something.

>> No.27222128

that money is not gonna change your life because the non-retard move is to put it toward real investments
also use the weekend to rest or you will just choke and make a bad call as next week unfolds and the threads spiral into madness

>> No.27222267

enjoy the peace while it lasts fren, next week you will regret not getting some R&R

>> No.27222373

buy yourself something nice and then re-invest into safe options.
wishing you the best from here on, bro

>> No.27222472

Based, Checking in at 5.2/share

>> No.27222534

Enjoy your day of Sabbath before the ride begins

>> No.27222572

Ignore these pussies

Parlay your earnings into call options on Pacific Gas & Electric (PCG) which is PRIMED to JUPITER in another month or so!

(This is satire, not financial advice, please do not actually do this)

>> No.27222573

Think of it like this, there is huge publicity on GME
AMC is along for the ride on that buzz, alot of people missed the GME rocket and AMC is next up at bat and its cheap right now, people can afford it , just like the start of GME

right now we are betting on people being retards and guess what? thats a sure bet because people are infact retards and they will jump on the bandwagon, more people buy AMC the higher the price goes, you will make money for sure just because of that , relax enjoy the ride and next week you will make money, if you cannot afford to lose your 1k sell when you make a good profit, either way you will win . rest now buddy

>> No.27223055
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>> No.27223544
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>> No.27223588

Lmao doesn’t matter if the company is garbage, you dumb kike.

>> No.27223703

THREAD THEME TWO: https://youtu.be/_jI6iAa-cC0

>> No.27223711
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>> No.27223777

>dont tell me youre the type who refreshes stocks every minute

why is this bad ? I like looking at numbers

>> No.27223820

all black people are niggers

>> No.27223850

didn't a mega Corp invest like 600 million into amc on Wednesday?

>> No.27223879

no shit also the reddit tourists are reporting you because truth hurts right now lol change ip bro

>> No.27224099
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No memeing is there any chance this thing actually hits $16 on Monday? I bought at that price like a fucking idiot and I really don't wanna end up a bagholder. Every day has supposedly been THE day since I bought in and it still hasn't happened

>> No.27224117

The real question is how they infiltrated the mod team so fast. Or maybe the mods got new instructions since redditors are too stupid to use any ad blocking software so 4chan is getting a ton of extra revenue.

>> No.27224175

Depends on if Robinhood caves and lets people buy it or not. They're under massive pressure from the lawsuit.

>> No.27224222

Which broker has fast sign up process? I'm stuck with Fidelity not approving my bank yet.

>> No.27224452


>> No.27224545

better bang those diamonds hands against something that won't break cause you are holding, i'm holding, he's holding, she's holding, we're holding, and that's just about the end of it

>> No.27224623

im having 6 stocks

its fair to sell high 2 on monday for profit and the buy?

>> No.27224625

but whats the reasonable limit sell?

>> No.27224635


>> No.27224655


>> No.27224675

Made an order for 54 shares to go through Monday morning wish me luck lads

>> No.27224723

Dumb faggot its been like 2 days, take your fucking adhd medication. Options expired on Friday. Trading was limited and restricted by brokers. It’s fluctuated like all hell and went over 16 before. Bitch.

>> No.27224734

Best of luck

>> No.27224829

How do you buy shares when the market is closed?

>> No.27224876

Over 100

>> No.27224890

What are our odds of making bank from the class action lawsuit that's going to follow when all traders block GME/AMC next week or actively disrupt the market by constantly changing policy?

>> No.27224933

I'm assuming cash app is quick

>> No.27224958

Got buy limits on doge for .025, probably gonna buy amc at open. Think gme is going to crash but when it does a lot of normies will jump on amc as the new thing

>> No.27224968

>be me, Feller
>open Cashapp
>order x shares

>> No.27225066

Buy high, be patient and sell when breaking even.
What a trader.

>> No.27225080

Risk reward says hodl for at least 50 before you sell calls against it. It’s almost certainly going at least that far. We need to see what next week brings, I’m hoping enough normies got their accounts set up to buy Monday it slams higher cause if it trickles up / crabs the nervous paper hands might start selling the dips.

>> No.27225106

Pretty low. Every member of the class would probably just get $10-$20 bucks. They are never lucrative, and Jew lawyers make it intentionally more of a hassle to claim than it is really worth.

>> No.27225117

whatever you think is the money that will change your life, after taxes of course

>> No.27225121

That just puts a buy order in when the markets open.
I tried this and it bought at 6:47 am at $15

>> No.27225199

Damn, I need to get some calls fast.

>> No.27225256

Zero. Only people that ever make money in class actions are the lawyers handling them. All the people always end up getting single or double digit settlements.

>sure you missed out on potentially making tens of thousands of dollars but here’s 20$ be glad you got anything at all

>> No.27225304

Then its confirmed. This thing will hit above $100 easy. Putting in 3 grand more.

>> No.27225334

I might not be able to make it to the moon with .21 shares but I can AT LEAST achieve Low Earth Orbit and get ready for the next. Also newfag/poorfag. Ill be dipping out of Robinhood soon as this week is over. Is there a way to transfer over to something more.... uncuckable?

>> No.27225522
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>> No.27225591

In at 18...fuck paper handed fags!

>> No.27225592

Yeah this fucked me with GME

>> No.27225946

Nice. I got in at high 18s the night before Vlad the Cock Inhaler took a fat shit on my portchfolio.

>> No.27225952

Link to thread:

>> No.27226000

bought 5 shares for the meme's . im late to the stock thing i have money in checking doing nothing

>> No.27226098
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Got 6 stocks at $16 average, don’t know anything about stocks but I’ll be happy to make any profit

>> No.27226107

Someone on reddit found another leverage exploit on schwab:

>> No.27226710

Imagine being this big of a retard to not believe fuckery was a foot in the election regardless who you were for. Similar to a few days ago in the market....but you'll deny that to

>> No.27226755

Do you guy think the AMC train will ride in to the week AFTER next? Like after the 8th?

>> No.27226852
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I can't wait to buy hookers and coke with folks like you some day. Cheers fren!

>> No.27227524

Everyday that came up with new tricks to fuck the retail buyer out of the market....but now with a few days under our belts, we are re directing folks to brokerages that allow proper buying. Remove the finger on the scale and we'd already being going to the moon.

>> No.27227646

Bought 40 DCA @ 9, sold at 13.70.

Hope some of you picked up what I was putting down.

Do I go back in?

>> No.27227867

I sense great FOMO within you...
You do already know the answer to your question

>> No.27228128

I matched 1:1 with AAPL so that I wouldn't feel bad if it kept falling from 9.
Glad Schwab let me pick up the stock on Thursday.

Prob gonna just split the cash into AAPL and AMC again.

>> No.27229419
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>> No.27230071

>so stupid beyond belief think there wasn't election fraud they were so confident they wouldn't look at any evidence.

>> No.27231233

Back to >>>/pol/ fellers

>> No.27231495

This rocket still fueling up? coming in with 3K!

>> No.27232326

I'll sell 2-3 to cover my initial investment then ride the rocket if it comes
t.turbo poorfag

>> No.27232645

I bought in at 18.10 with 15k USD. I don't think it will moon anymore but I won't sell on a loss. Also, FUCK TDameritrade for not letting me place sell orders. Every time I try at x3 or even x2 it says it is too far away from the current price. Why would they do this? Placing a supposedly unrealistic order doesn't hurt anyone.

>> No.27232780

Anon after thursday you should be able to hold it like fuck that was bad it went from 19.90 to 7 and back to 12

>> No.27232833

Bought at $16.50, going to sell at $16.50.

Fuck you all.

>> No.27232867

I'm holding well past the squeeze just to enjoy being a part of history. This entire episode has been a fascinating proof-of-concept and it's been a wild ride with you lads. NEVER STOP HODLING

>> No.27232880

Not too late, if there is some hype for this it will reach at minimum 30 though no promises. If there is a lot of hype then 50+. It could also just get fucked by the market manipulators and drop further due to panic.

>> No.27232894

Paper hands are not allowed in /amc/ please see yourself out, boy.

>> No.27232909

dude his position is a drop in the bucket to be perfectly honest

>> No.27232924

I would coom hard seeing that

>> No.27232977

No no no, there was election fraud, however, there was no election fraud that would’ve changed the outcome of the election :^)))

>> No.27233006

I got in around 16 because im a tard and bought at market not a limit.

>> No.27233029
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>was also going fidelity but $100 limit sell caps
>too retarded to rely on market sell scoping alone
are they still hiding GMC stocks or do both with AMC show up on cashapp?

>> No.27233164

I'm not even going to try with GME, that price is too steep. I'm setting three hundred or so into AMC and hoping for the best

>> No.27233260

You’re smart. GME is way too late, and every faggot saying to forget AMC or other stocks and go all in on GME is a ponzi scammer

>> No.27233292

Hopefully other FOMO buyers get on the AMC train since GME is so high now, any normie can easily buy in on Monday before it gets too high

>> No.27233370

>80% short
how can anyone doubt that this is going to the moon? so long as you weak faggots panicking keep holding it'll work, it doesn't need to be 100%+ for a squeeze

>> No.27233408

Thank goodness. I just hope the hype translates to AMC because I want mad cash from this to financially securmyself. Put as much into tax free savings account I have, some to charity in my local area, and the rest for my self(hopefully not into the next tax bracket), and then a little to keep experimenting with so called reliable stocks.

>> No.27233623

do not sell the fur of the bear before you bagged it.

>> No.27233739

80% is more than enough squeeze, and anyone saying otherwise is a coping GME bagholder
Consider putting all your spare funds into some sort of index so that you can beat inflation. Enjoy your gains come next week; it’s rather late to really “make it” but you’ll walk away with some spending money

>> No.27233753

I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch, I have very low expectations. But it's nice to dream.

>> No.27233821

Who's that?

>> No.27233936

mine is the german equivalent. Where are you from?
Im in with 300 at 14,2 $

>> No.27234008

Don’t worry feller we’ll either all be on the moon together or meet that teacher that died in the challenger explosion down in hell, but remember diamond hands = no worries

>> No.27234036

Can someone show me source of the % of stock being shorted? I dont trust "dude trust me"

>> No.27234076

Canadian. Wealthsimple says it's 13.26 USD, with a growth of 4.63(%53.65)
Also I gotta sleep or I won't wake up good night

>> No.27234117

That's the part that I like and what made me get into AMC when I did (13.5), not only is this gonna get normie pumped to oblivion, AMC even with hundreds of millions in debt was worth more than that. However once it goes over $30 it's anybody's guess.

>> No.27234288

Just put through 25 shares at U.S 15.33 usd limit

>> No.27234434


>> No.27234505
