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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27193622 No.27193622 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in big trouble and need help. I inherited $150k last year from my father, he worked hard as a carpenter for 50 years to save that money. I invested it into Nokia to help secure my future but Robinhood has limited buying so the price only goes down. What should I do? Sell at a loss or hold? Do you think it will recover soon?

>> No.27193698

Buy high, sell low. Think of the value of the education youre getting.

>> No.27193757

Please be bait

>> No.27193783

LMFAO I feel a lot better abt getting burnt for 280$ now

>> No.27193828

Sue Robinhood for forced losses.

>> No.27193856

“Sometimes the meaning of your life is to be an example for others”

>> No.27193874
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Holy shit you dun goof'd

>> No.27193899

I ALWAYS dca into memes. Throw 100-200 feel it out do more some buy dips etc. the Jews only got 50 from me

>> No.27193917

underrated first post kek

>> No.27193918

You cant be serious

>> No.27193934

Please tell me you didn't invest your entire inheritance into a single stock all at once.

I dont believe you, there is no way a guy who saves would raise a son to be this retarded with money

>> No.27193942

Hope you're trolling OP lmao, could have invested it in tons of other things that would have made you rich and you chose a pump and dump, you don't deserve wealth, this is why it's wrong to give your kids money and not letting them learn the value of a dollar

>> No.27193948

Sell, bro. It's only going to keep dipping

Get out while you can.

>> No.27193984

I contacted a class action lawyer that is going after robinhood. I contacted him on tiktok but have heard back yet

>> No.27193991

Nice your father worked all this time for you to lose it in memes

>> No.27194092
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holy shit dude if you're going over $300 in, use something else
even below $300 might as well get scratchoff tickets lmao

>> No.27194103

Low quality bait; already posted at least once yesterday

>> No.27194128


Everyone said Nokia was a sure thing. I checked multiple articles and forums. Even my rich buddy said it might be a comeback story like apple in the 90s. They didn't teach me about this stuff at school.

>> No.27194187

Ya I left doge positive then got greedy and fomod into RVN when I saw it pumped to 130% and got dumped on then tried to recover losses on ONE when I saw that pumping and got recked again lol, I've had some success with swinging ones but honestly usually a bad idea compared to just buying and holding

>> No.27194266

So all that hard graft and arthritis and for nothing.
Well done son.

>> No.27194333

Just realized I got ID Fat, like my bags abt to b n my physique after eating five star restaurants and personal chefs every night

>> No.27194444

>Robinhood has limited buying so the price only goes down.
>he thinks a single brokerage can stop all buying and there's actually tons of demand out there
nigger you don't even have the IQ to own a smartphone

>> No.27194456

Wait people communicate through those 5 second tiktak clips now???

>> No.27194516

So valuable his other lives will feel it.

>> No.27194588

I'm not an American.
Can I ask why people don't use a real broker instead of an app for significant investments?

>> No.27194612

Wait you put $150k in ONE fomo stock ?
Did I read that right ?

>> No.27194627
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>> No.27194635

You fucking idiot.

>> No.27194714

Pls be b8

>> No.27194785

switch to GME asap if you want that 150k back lmao

>> No.27194832

It is, same post was made earlier today.

>> No.27194909


>> No.27195004

Honestly at this point just hold it until they do the whole moon mission thing. Remember, you only lose money if you sell.

>> No.27195006

The first loss porn on 4chan I actually want to be fake. I'd kill for this money because my father is a gambling degenerate who saved nothing his whole life and your poor dead father saved for 50 years to leave you something and you basically light it on fire.KYS.

>> No.27195024


This is a troll. There is no way you can have an average cost that high in Nokia. You would have had to have bought the stock in 2010...

>> No.27195078
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sell and go paint this on your grandads coffin you fucking retard

>> No.27195148
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Lmao. I made more in 8 months with shitcoins than your dad did in his entire life. What a pathetic fucking family

>> No.27195153

>99.47% portfolio into penny meme stock
You deserve to lose the rest.

>> No.27195182

>invested it into Nokia to help secure my future
>Nokia secure future
>secure future

>> No.27195255

Thanks, I can rest easy now.

>> No.27195396

Did you sell yet ?

>> No.27195397


>> No.27195625

Anyone that tells you to invest more than 10% of your cash into a single stock does not have your best interests in mind.

Idc if he's rich he's not the one that's going to pay if things go south

>> No.27195902

Hold and take dividends. Big dividends every summer. Plus it's going over $10 this year. Don't sell it.

>> No.27195954


>> No.27195963

>yoloing every dollar you have into a meme stonk
i sincerely hope nobody does this
my entire portfolio is meme stonks (right now GME, TSLA, AMC) and I doubled it last week swing trading meme stonks but I'm well aware that these are extremely high risk positions and that I could easily lose 80% of the value in a blink. I've 10x'd and then zeroed out a meme portfolio multiple times either in crypto or stonks but never with ALL of my money.

i'm not going to give you financial advice but i will give you a prediction which is that I predict you'll try to make some other bet with it hoping for a quick double up and zero it out. because you're basically a degenerate gambler that hasn't taken big losses before and learned how to handle money. it's ok to be a degenerate gambler, i'm one too, which is why I do shit like swing trade meme stonks because they offer the highest volatility right now so the highest gambling rush you can get, but I'm also at least semi-decent at managing money to be able to squeeze out profit from my degen move and set aside a separate bankroll for this shit so that i'm not rekt when I lose. start learning about bankroll management and kelly criterion now. as for your position i'm not going to give you advice, it is what it is. if it's any consolation you are holding the stonk at the value it was at before it became a meme.

>> No.27196435

join the lawsuit

>> No.27196631

>Big dividends every summer.
They aren't paying divs anymore though
There are only rumors of it resuming, nothing more.

>> No.27196688

kek fpbp

>> No.27197373

A little silly to put all that in one place but honestly at that kind of lost just hold onto it.

There is a chance Nokia will get above your buy in point, but don’t expect to turn that into millions dude

>> No.27197769

Feel so bad for your dad

>> No.27197835

why is /biz/ in love with LARPs

>> No.27197874

Kek, now you’re going too far with it

>> No.27197921

With 150k you should have talked to an adviser retard, or put it in a couple of ETFs if you had no clue what to do.

>> No.27197944

>I invested it into Nokia to help secure my future
I'm so sorry anon

>> No.27198801

If you think Nokia is a sure thing, then hold your stocks and wait for them to go back up, instead of looking at it 2 or 3 days after your initial investment.

>> No.27198974

Sell. Buy XRP, then sell XRP tomorrow or the day after.

>> No.27199462

Reminder to everyone ITT that Nokia is not a pump and dump like GMC and to a lesser extent AMC. Its a solid long term investment, but it's not going to make you rich over night. Nokia is taking on new contracts and pursuing 5g and 6g networks. It just got a 13 million contract from NASA to build a communications network on the moon in 2022. There are big things in store for this stock, but good things come to those who wait.

>> No.27199483

Hold we reach 5$ on Friday next week.

>> No.27200952

Hodl you retarded mong. You dont deserve an inheritance if you buy high, sell low like a paper handed, panicky bitch. Just hodl.

>> No.27200964

is your broker trying to make you money or him?

>> No.27201320

Your next action should be accept the lost, pull everything out and find a better broker. Couldnt believe people still have faith in Robinhood after the restricted and forced selling they pulled. If this were the 70s all the execs would be hang.

A lawsuit could goes on for years and will cost you very dear even if you lucky to pick a competent lawyer. Going after them on your own with a dogshit lawyer from fucking "tiktok" will burn all your old man's hardwork on legal fees.

Your "investing" style is nothing but pure gamble. You have no diversity. You have no knowledge of the subject. You have no safety procedure. My advice if you still want to stay in the investing business is put all your money to bond (or buy the index if you think there's high chance a bull market coming up) and in the meantime educate yourself. If you want to pursue the lawsuit, see if there's a group of investor who are also pursuing it and offer to join. You wont win a fraud case against Wall Strt on your own.

Those inheritance is your whole father's life. Have mercy on them.

>> No.27202487

only people who bought those stocks for the purpose of fucking with the market will have any problems

people are buying nokia as a long-term stock like any other non-memeshit

>> No.27203315

Is the class action lawyer called Ranjeesh Prakash? And did he request a down-payment?

>> No.27203453

holy fuck you better hold on until it goes up

>> No.27203555

you put 150,000$ of your fathers hard earned money into an aging memephone because you saw some dumb shit on the internet about it?

>> No.27203656

>I invested it into Nokia to help secure my future
You mean you invested it because you got greedy and had dreams of being an instant millionaire banging supermodels in your lambo.

>> No.27203733

Literally hold retard

>> No.27203750

I really hope this is bait

>> No.27205198

Blackrock ordered 6 million shares of NOK on Friday, you'll get your money back anon, don't worry.

>> No.27205264

Some people just don't deserve wealth. anon ... what the fuck were you thinking

>> No.27205379

Hodl anon
That was stupid but you don’t lose anything if you don’t sell

>> No.27205502
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a blackpill to be sure, but a necessary one.

>> No.27205690

Stay out of the stock market crypto is the real deal.

>> No.27205712
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BOMBSHELL ALLEGATION: Man Claims To Be Robinhood Employee & Says The White House Pressured Halt of GameStop Trading.
Fueled by the “WallStreetBets” Reddit forum, GameStop’s market value has risen over 466% this week.

Thursday morning, Robinhood, one of the top free trading apps, put restrictions on trading $GME (GameStopCorp.) This action was immediately met with backlash across the internet. One Reddit user, Odin19199, claiming to be an employee of Robinhood, stated that the company was pressured to halt GameStop trading by Sequoia Capital and the White House. These allegations have not been independently confirmed by Breaking911.

In the post, he alleges that he overheard that “Vladimir, yes founder Vladimir [Tenev], and the C-Suite, received calls from Sequoia Capital and the White House that pressured into closing trading on GME.”

The user then goes on to state that he has information and documentation regarding the situation that he is planning to provide to Project Veritas and lawyer Glen Greenwald.
The newly-confirmed Treasury Secretary, Janice Yellen, has financial ties to one of the hedge funds that came to the aid of Melvin Capital, one of the companies that saw large losses after GameStop’s market surge. Yellen’s financial disclosure shows her receiving around $800,000 from Citadel for speaking fees.

White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, stated on Wednesday that Yellen is ‘monitoring’ the GameStop stock situation.

New York Attorney General, Letitia James, released a statement Thursday announcing that “we are aware of concerns raised regarding activity on the Robinhood app,” and that “we are reviewing the matter".

>> No.27205789

kek you fucked your dads life saving
he wagied his entire life till he died so his son can blow it on a meme stock that died in 4 hours
Sell for a loss and put it all in BAO now

>> No.27206154

Aye Lmao you fags are using my pic from the NOK generals. Yeah, yeah, roast me. Laugh at my pain. Also it wasn't inherited.

Started doing covered calls to recover off of the premiums.

>> No.27206236


>> No.27206347

dude i am so sorry, but youre a moron for putting all on a speculative bet. Liquidate it, put it all in bitcoin, you have 2 btc, sell one bitcoin this october (strong 300k prediction), invest the 200k in a roth ira.
you now have:
200k roth ira that grows
100k fun money
1 btc valued at 300k (this will be a forever investment, its not liekly to see the <30k area after this year with all the banks investing nowadays.

>> No.27206376

Based quads, I had hope for nokia a few years ago but other than their lead in 5g in Europe they are behind in the game.
I'm not a financial advisor, I've only lurked on /biz/ before this gme shitshow, but as other anons said; you only lose if you sell. Unless you're a day trader you can't claim more than $3000 losses in taxes.

>> No.27206439

Looks like youre in it for the long run. Youll get it back but i could literally be years.

>> No.27206454

based retard

>> No.27206492

Anon...your father worked hard as a carpenter for 50 years to save that money!

>> No.27206669

There’s nothing you can do anon, your father is going to disown you.

>> No.27207405
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>USE THIS ONE QUICK TRICK TO POSSIBLY TURN 70K into 200K! HOLD TILL THE END ᵃᵗ ʷʰᶦᶜʰ ᵖᵒᶦnᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒnˡʸ ᵈᶦʳᵉᶜᵗᶦᵒn ᶦˢ ᵈᵒʷn. ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵐʸ ᵇᵃᵍˢ, ᶦᵗ'ˡˡ ᵒnˡʸ ᵇᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃ ᵐᵒᵐᵉnᵗ.