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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27187235 No.27187235[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Compared to shitholes like reddit. Here we're anonymous, no username, no feedback votes, no post tracking, which incentivizes you to be honest. Human thought is mostly negative so 4chan reflects average human consciousness the most accurate of any site.


>> No.27187353


>> No.27187705

like upvotes make a difference in what a user posts. Your reading too much into little things

>> No.27187807
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go back

>> No.27187830

You need to go back.

>> No.27187877
File: 241 KB, 1280x960, 1507610812998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of paying for some feet pics/videos with my crypto gains. anybody do the same? what should i expect and be careful for?

>> No.27187880

You will never be a woman

>> No.27187914

seriously. lurk for 3 years

>> No.27187929

my thoughts is that you are a reddit nigger who has just learned this, and will probably abuse this to act like a complete retard and make this place worse than it already is

Fuck Gamestop

>> No.27187953

problem is that biz is filled with jews and pajeets for the same reason

>> No.27187969
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>> No.27187971
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>> No.27188027

>>27187705its the only chance for social outcasts to stand in the sportlight so they just lie to be populair and toxic.
if ur not on the "good side" ur getting ignored so everyone just kiss ass

>> No.27188093

well idiot, keep holding your trash meme coins
I don’t go for these shittokens, I hold xsn on my portfolio
If this niggers believe in that shit this is their problem.
Layer2 DEX is the future.

>> No.27188122

My thoughts are you need to go back the pleebit, faggot.

>> No.27188236
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>cynical af

>> No.27188266
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>Compared to shitholes like reddit. Here we're anonymous, no username, no feedback votes, no post tracking, which incentivizes you to be honest. Human thought is mostly negative so 4chan reflects average human consciousness the most accurate of any site. Thoughts?

>> No.27188288
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>> No.27188385

shut the fuck up please

>> No.27188387

i unironically fucking hate women

>> No.27188413

I will dedicate the remainder of my life to destroying redditors lives

>> No.27188457

they don't, no one here is posting "hahaha i donated $800 for my gains to faggots without borders xd" or the sorts

>> No.27188462

> many upvotes, HE IS RIGHT
> he is downvoted, HE IS WRONG
> I must write things people want to hear so I get upvotes

>> No.27188460
File: 41 KB, 1440x900, 510gGakDFOL._SL1440_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan is cynical? You don't know the half of it, bro.
We come here each day to expose ourselves to harsh truths. Truths that would make your mother piss herself. Truths that could crash the government if they got out. Truths that turn our hearts bitter as winter and our minds sharp as a honed katana. Not all of us can handle it, and some of us go nuts. But those of us that weather the storm find ourselves in a unique position, one that may spell disaster for those who ubdersetimate us...

>> No.27188511


>> No.27188538

STFU retard and invest in Doge right now. IT'S GOING TO THE MOON.

>> No.27188597

it's over.

>> No.27188644

Go back
Also niggers

>> No.27188675


>> No.27188707

>like upvotes make a difference in what a user posts
Of course not! We're in for the Big Chungus Wholesome Keanu Epic Reddit Moment!
[insert some virtue signaling shit I'm too lazy to make up]
EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.27188775

>incentivizes you to be honest
I would dispute that there are no incentives for following the herd here. If you post something you know most of 4chan will like, you'll get a bunch of (you)s and 'based and redpilled' replies. I don't really see how that operates any differently from upvotes, honestly. Yeah it's ephemeral and doesn't contribute to your high score like it does with reddit, but I don't see why that would stop anyone from kowtowing to the masses. Deep down inside, everyone likes asspats.

Same goes for the thesis that 4chan is a truth crucible. The ideas that get replicated and reposted here are simply those ideas that its demographic finds appealing or useful in some sense. The truth content of those ideas has no bearing on that process, really. Maybe if everyone on 4chan was a card-carrying logician or something, but let's get real. Most of us are fucking retards. Bitter, redpilled, autistic, yeah, but still retards.

>> No.27188797

I think it's more to do with the unwelcoming attitude. Like fuck you for trying to come here. And it's a great filter too.
And the distribution is surprisingly representative: from tinfoilhat righties to absolute commies, from poorfags to actual millionares, 85 IQ retards, savants, and actual professionals.

Here's your (You) :^)

>> No.27188800

I just enjoy company of other weirdos like me.

>> No.27188813

4chan vs plebbit in a nutshell

>> No.27188862

upvotes are disgusting. names are disgusting, echo chambers are for fsggots, wsb was and still is a jeet scam sub 10x more than biz
it’s unfortunate we get shilled so hard here

>> No.27188865
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>> No.27188874

nice reddit spacing, now go back

>> No.27188929
File: 2.26 MB, 200x284, bigotinc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please lurk for at least 1 year before posting

>> No.27188931

Democracy don't work for outcasts, twisted. And so they build alternate systems, with craaaazy rules ahahahaha

>> No.27189005

i get more yous by posting bait that shit people would agree with

>> No.27189050

I come here mostly to do sentiment analysis, and since this place is very much like a pure evolutionary breeding ground of ideas, it works really well.

Also it's pretty easy to differentiate between LARPers and people just here for fun, spreading info: you just have to troll them with some idiotic counterargument. If they can handle that, they are probably not LARPing.

>> No.27189053

EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger.

EDIT 2: Thanks for the platinum, kind stranger.

EDIT 3: Thanks for the argentium, kind stranger.

EDIT 4: Thanks for the ternion all-powerful, kind stranger.

EDIT 5: Thanks for the santa's lux gift bag, kind stranger.

EDIT 6: Thanks for the party train, kind stranger.

EDIT 7: Thanks for the take my energy, kind stranger.

EDIT 8: Thanks for the heartwarming, kind stranger.

EDIT 9: Thanks for the faith in humanity restored, kind stranger.

EDIT 10: Thanks for the bravo, kind stranger.

EDIT 11: Thanks for the wholesome pro, kind stranger.

EDIT 12: Thanks for the this, kind stranger.

EDIT 13: Thanks for the coin gift, kind stranger.

EDIT 14: Thanks for the helpful pro, kind stranger.

EDIT 15: Thanks for the super heart eyes, kind stranger.

EDIT 16: Thanks for the doot doot, kind stranger.

EDIT 17: Thanks for the table slap, kind stranger.

EDIT 18: Thanks for the spit-take, kind stranger.

EDIT 19: Thanks for the I'll drink to that, kind stranger.

EDIT 20: Thanks for the timeless beauty, kind stranger.

EDIT 21: Thanks for the pot o coins, kind stranger.

EDIT 22: Thanks for the bless up pro, kind stranger.

EDIT 23: Thanks for the rocket like, kind stranger.

EDIT 24: Thanks for the got the w, kind stranger.

EDIT 25: Thanks for the crab rave, kind stranger.

EDIT 26: Thanks for the heart eyes, kind stranger.

EDIT 27: Thanks for the mind blown, kind stranger.

EDIT 28: Thanks for the giggle, kind stranger.

EDIT 29: Thanks for the ally, kind stranger.ain of work easily within my town.

>> No.27189064

>incentivizes you to be honest
not true.
On 4chan there is no accountability. I can post as a nazi or as a commie as it suits me and my point. Can't do that when people can see your post history - you have to maintain a true (or at least consistent) persona

>> No.27189070

wow anon, you are so smart!

>> No.27189152
File: 172 KB, 801x382, 1609005437431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frank Costanza: Welcome, newfags. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances.
I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you're gonna hear about it! You, Garlingberg. My son tells me your company stinks!

George Costanza: Oh, God.

Frank Costanza: Quiet, you'll get yours in a minute.
Brad, your poverty mane couldn't thwart those psychotronic attacks even if if iff ... I-I lost my train of thought.

>> No.27189224

I can smell the r*dditor on you with that armchair fag take, GO BACK

>> No.27189254

go back

>> No.27189256

Redditors think they are smart, but they're a bunch of average intelligence NPC normies that can't go against their own group think. Plenty of idiots on here too, but I think on average people here are smarter, have a more realistic view of the world, and your reply won't get 100 downvotes for going against the accepted opinion of the board.

>> No.27189265

Yeah, 4chan incentivizes you to think for yourself. On reddit, you can be sure that if a post has 10k upvotes, it most be true/useful.
>eat shit, millions of flies cannot be wrong

>> No.27189417

Based af

>> No.27189697

>your reply won't get 100 downvotes for going against the accepted opinion of the board.
This. Reddit literally rewards groupthink and punishes opposing opinions.
Based. I like to LARP as both right wing and left wing to trigger the other side.

>> No.27189737

I think the fact that reddit raises certain posts above others gives this impression, but I'm not convinced it's true.
4chan doesn't have a magic ingredient (at least not anymore) that means cool smart people come here and dumb NPCs go there.
Group think posts get upvotes, go to the top, and that's what you see - so it seems like a more group think site.
4chan is just a bunch of random posts in no order, so appears more diverse.

Personally I hardly post here anymore. Site's kinda dead. Since I started spending time on the internet during corona, I couldn't get back into 4chan. Reddit at least has some decent communities of interest to browse for a couple of hours without all the shitposting to wade through

>> No.27189738

>pure evolutionary breeding ground of ideas
I agree, but as evolution usually goes, this place selects for ideas with maximum replicability/retention. Which has nothing to do with the truthfulness of the idea, unless the agents who reproducing the ideas care particularly about that criterion. And I fail to see how the average 4channer gives a shit about what's true, vs what strokes their fee fees. No different from any other demographic in that regard.

>> No.27189937

on reddit it feels bad when your post gets downvoted
here if people call you a retard, it's (You) farming and it feels neutral at worst

>> No.27189976

Thanks for the based, kind stranger!

>> No.27189987

Beware the feet pics if they got no sole.

>> No.27190121

my thoughts are that this has nothing to do with Business & Finance so shut the fuck up

>> No.27190132


lol i know right how stupid to think that incentives would change behavior

>> No.27190143


>> No.27190189

>he is not hundreds of layers of irony deep

why are you even here?

>> No.27190224


>> No.27190292

thank you professor faggot

>> No.27190303
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unless you're planning on doxxing/blackmailing these dumb thots or something similarly based then it's a waste of your money
I will never understand the need to pay for something that is so abundantly free, zero cost, readily available etc.
Do you absolutely HAVE TO HAVE feet pics from one particular girl?

>> No.27190373
File: 70 KB, 374x500, dahl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i think the reason is because you can reply, close the thread, and never even be able to find your own post again, much less the replies. so if you don't care how people react, you continue to spiral downward until you physically start becoming la creatura, just as roald dahl indicated.

>> No.27190475
File: 5 KB, 300x168, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DONT MISS ON NEXT 100x by reddit army!!!!!!!

$SLP small love potion on binance and uniswap

>> No.27190591

I don't really care about truthfulness. It's not truth that drives this clown market.

>> No.27190628

Not him but feet are very different

Unfortunately most hot girls have ugly feet. It’s rare to find a pretty girl with the type of feet you prefer

>> No.27190641

based papa dahl

>> No.27190698
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>Human thought is mostly negative
i think you mean kike thought. humans who do not suffer from the disease known as judaism are actually quite positive.

>> No.27190701

At least the spambots are contextual.

>> No.27190733


>> No.27190805

the truth that GME was overshorted is what made a lot of redditors rich, doofus.

>> No.27190850
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see this sounds interesting. explain.

>> No.27190977

AMC made me rich even though it was not overshorted.
Also the 140% short was know for a while. But only once the idea got critical mass did it start being actually profitable.
So I stand by my point that you need to gauge the proliferation rate of ideas to predict memestock prices.

>> No.27191037

> which incentivizes you to be honest
Is this a fucking joke?

>> No.27191038
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>> No.27191122
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I'm not cynical. I'm a basket case.
Also, fuck off.

>> No.27191220
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Sure, sweetie