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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.18 MB, 1348x627, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27182438 No.27182438 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.27182665

Haha I sell worthless house for big number

>> No.27182766

>Half a million for that shit
Do amerimutts really?

>> No.27182779


>> No.27182802

This thread again? What kind of psyop is this?

>> No.27182820

I don't know. By the way, fuck jannies and fuck mods.

>> No.27182822

where the fuck are we gonna live? even if we make it a house is gonna take up all our money

>> No.27182848

the great mystery of our times

>> No.27182974

>what is a mortgage

>> No.27183062

what happened

>> No.27183080

do houses even exist below $200k anymore that aren't shitholes in need of half a million in repairs?

>> No.27183092

the only explanation for this i can think of is that the house was abandoned or condemned or something when it was sold in 1982

>> No.27183104

>Only 19k, even after adjusting for inflation.
Jesus, the housing market is truly fucked.

>> No.27183250

Might be overpriced, but I dont know why people are bullying the house, it looks humble and neat

>> No.27183252
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>be retarded homeowner
>buy house liquid 40 years ago for 3 months of work at the button factory
>lose most money after 2008
>blame gen-x
>lose even more money from 'rona
>blame millennials and zoomers

meanwhile i enjoy sitting comfy in my condo. eat my poo, boomers.

>> No.27183362

>Half a million for shit made out of paper in middle of nowhere
Lmao, I'd rather buy some appartement for that money as eurocuck

>> No.27183478

Used to live around there. Really good school district for what it's worth

>> No.27183486

I too like this house, although I’m pretty sure it probably looks like a crack den inside. Otherwise quite cozy
>fucking Pennsylvania

>> No.27183492

thats like 30 years of ass raping interest tho

>> No.27183549

Also 25 minutes from center city philly

>> No.27183573
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, mortgage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm yes what /is/ a mortgage? I wonder . . .

>> No.27183581

It is literally an agreement until death - from French

>> No.27183587

>2019 average 3 bedroom 1800 sqft house in my area is 500k
>2021 same house is now 700k because of rich Wongs and Pajeets

lmao I fucking hate being canadian sometimes

>> No.27183619

Yup this thread belongs on /pol/. Going to help get it there.

>> No.27183647

Flyover states

>> No.27183660

Kek I sold 50k LINK for a fixed rate house loan at $17 in the summer, in 10 years it'll be the equivalent of paying $200 per month from the ass fucking the feds are doing with the dollar. Still have ~30k LINK for the memes

>> No.27183670

>rather live in a tiny ass apartment surrounded by urban degenerates and constant noise pollution than a full house with a yard and space from your neighbors for the same amount of money
You’re exactly what’s wrong with Society I can’t wait until disease eliminates you

>> No.27183690
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>it looks cute!
It looks like a shed.

>> No.27183701

It's /pol/ bot thread

>> No.27183713

Here's 500 IQ strategy
>Get credit
>Buy appartement for it
>Rent it to somebody
>Let the rent pay off the debt while you already own the appartment

>> No.27183786

I don't want to live in a shit with walls made out of paper far away from any civilization just asking for niggers to rob it and having constant issues with internet, gas and electricity.

>> No.27183811

If you guys really want to balance out wealth, limit the amount houses a family can own to one
(Spouses/common law/marriage)
If you don't live in America you can't own a home here
Everyone's assured a home/space to live (very cheap "starters")
Rest of the houses can be turned into community-ran rental/air bnbs that are maintained by the community, with profits going directly to that community

Most the reason youth are struggling is entirely housing costs, and not necessarily wages.
Raising min wage sounds nice to retarded lefties but it's just another trick to dismantle small business, as well as hide the fact that it's not wages necessarily, but housing costs.

Boomers and any landlords have been happy to parasite off the youth

>> No.27183826

Entire elite class talking about a fundamental restructuring of the economy after a worldwide pandemic that destroyed over a trillion in wealth.
>"Let's buy the most expensive asset you will ever possibly own"

Are you retarded?

>> No.27183835

It's not just the wangs and pajeets. Canadians are fucking each other dry too. I know several boomers that have multiple properties that are sitting there empty. What the fuck.

>> No.27183902

If you want to add socialist rules then the state will give you a cheap prescribed house. In some detroit nigger block.

>> No.27183978

Honestly I'm starting to think we should just restart society with anyone under 35 in some untouched parts of America.
No fiat, no boomer media, no pozzed edu system.
We just learn like crazy then go fuck with their cities and institutions

>> No.27184001

I like old style architecture

>> No.27184007

going to gun shows in the U.S. in every state is the same as this. Literally everything is just boomers who over value their shit.

>> No.27184061

>what is crippling debt that only boomers shill now because they don't have to worry about a fickle job market

>> No.27184069

>how to keep the parasite train alive
Absolutely boomerific idea bro

>> No.27184105

LOL how would the average millenial afford a house that's been pumped up in value so high just so jews could milk boomers on never ending home equity lines to keep the fake economy going?

>> No.27184191

Well it makes money, doesn't it? And with influx of rapefugees the housing becomes more and more of an issue so thats an absolute long term win

>> No.27184258

Vote for me because I will make an exponential property tax which increases based on the amount of properties owned, thus banks will eventually be forced to sell the houses they own or risk paying ludicrous amounts of money. Of course there would be an exception for single-family homes so normal people don't have to pay taxes.

>> No.27184275

I'm pretty lefty. I agree strongly with the limits of housing a person can own. Housing should be seen as a human right, instead of a potential investment opportunity.

I have a good deal with housing and invest in bitcoin. I support a national $15 dollar minimum wage for corporations with over 250 employees. Beyond that, I think it should go to states and states should consider creating minimum wage laws around the number of employees a company has. Also capital gain taxes on huge earners -- talking over 100 million. Anything under 100k should be free gains.

Seems like an easy fix. I would be a libertarian if I was born 100 years ago -- but capitalism has actually gone insane and people are algorithmically destroying it.

>> No.27184318

No foundation kickers I KNOW WHAT I GOT

>> No.27184340

>Boomers paid off the mortgage in 5 years
>Boomers don't know what to do with all their money so they all larp as real estate moguls
>Prices everyone else out of the market

Fuck boomers.

>> No.27184369
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>e retarded homeowner
>>buy house liquid 40 years ago for 3 months of work at the button factory
>>lose most money after 2008
>>blame gen-x
>>lose even more money from 'rona
>>blame millennials and zoomers
enjoy not being able to never own a surround sound system or enjoy music in high fidelity, or have too many friends over, or own pets without signing 40000 liability leases, or even having sex because your neighbors will hear

a 30 year mortgage is less than 2.5% if you're intelligent. As soon as the economy rebounds we're in for an asston of inflation due to over 20% of all currency in the USA being printed this year.

>> No.27184404

>anywhere in Pennsylvania
>far away from civilization
You’re literally retarded. This isn’t the fucking 1800s, you’re not going to have to draw water from a well and live by gas. Unless you live in an under-developed country and/or have no skills using your hands for general repairs, you shouldn’t have a problem with any of those things. You’re literally sacrificing living space, tranquility, and safety to live where all the other human roaches are
Also you’re far more likely to be robbed by niggers in any urban setting than you are in a suburban or rural area, plus you can actually defend yourself with a firearm. This is coming from someone who grew up in Manhattan and moved to a rural area

>> No.27184417

Duh what do you think the motive to get out of it would be?
If there s an abundance of property it will reduce in value
Right now we have Chang and Herschel buying up everything and bloodsucking back to their homelands
Chinese investors bought up the skyline in Vancouver which raised the entire housing economy which puts less money in the local economy
They didn't even have anyone in the condos/apartments which further reduced the money coming into the city.
They raised prices so high and basically said pay it or it stays empty.
Vancouver had to put an "empty homes tax" it's total clown world.
You can have some Detroit shithole for a grand or something to start.
If you want out of it, make a few grand more.
Make mobility stupid easy but make the environment shit enough that it agitates people out of it and into development

>> No.27184443

>Housing should be seen as a human right
How many children do you think a couple should be allowed to have?

>> No.27184458

This is because of white flight. High population big city states have half their white population fleeing, and thus driving up the housing prices in small town America. Ironically house prices in California have been just about stagnant for the past 10 years while everyone pours out. You can get a nice condo in a ritzy beach town for 500k, further from the coast areas are around 300k for a nice family home. The catch is you have to live in fucking California, be taxed to death to pay for savages to breed, and let said savages kill you if you're attacked. I'm still trying to decide if it's worth it.

>> No.27184463

If you buy an older apartment the walls are pretty solid. I'm blasting William Basinski as I type this.

>> No.27184608

Poor ass motherfuckers. Have two incomes, good credit, and a steady job and a house is e-z street. You’re making interest out to be way worse than it is. Have fun paying for an apartment monthly with 0.0% accumulated ownership at any point.

>> No.27184614

Oh I don't know, we just have a passion for having no assets. NIGGA, WE'RE BROKE

>> No.27184619

Fucking incels complaining about high housing prices in one of the best places to live near a major us city. You can buy houses under 200k in ambler and and 150k or less within 10 minutes of this house. Retards can't even do 5 minutes of research just agreeing with other retards with your same uninformed opinions

>> No.27184673

A mistake

>> No.27184680

And just to underscore
You OWN the house
You can sell it whenever you want. You can buy any house anyone is selling.

All the extra houses that get freed up from landlord hogging (usury) are now basically community-owned airbnbs
Rich communities still disproportionately make more money off these rentals. Still capitalist incentive.
People still own their homes. They just get 1.
You have to live here to own a home.
You can rent wherever.
It's stupid easy to move up.

Can free up a lot of excess space for other purposes.

>> No.27184734

Hey, nice wage slaving there.
>William Basinski
Astoundingly based.

>> No.27184741

Also price has gone way up because philly is a shit hole and everyone with a little bit of money left

>> No.27184763
File: 28 KB, 450x338, A4EF6A2D-9EF6-42A6-B774-E1009AE63EC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I’d rather drive

>> No.27184782

You're dead set on being a boomer jew

>> No.27184823
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Its just a testament to the greed of baby boomers. It would be one thing if the houses were all fixed up and nice but no they're usually just crack shacks

>> No.27184829

>states should consider creating minimum wage laws around the number of employees a company has.
They'll circumvent that using "private contractors" instead of employees or invent some other trick, like maybe splitting their company into thousands of subsidiaries with fewer employees.

>Also capital gain taxes on huge earners -- talking over 100 million. Anything under 100k should be free gains.
It will eventually "trickle down" to normal people and they will be the ones to pay the most. The income tax used to be only for the top 5% and look at what happened to that.

What needs to be done is something that cannot be gamed and is completely solid. It will take a while to do that but it might be possible. I hate jewish people btw they should be taxed to death.

>> No.27184848

Prove me wrong

>> No.27184851

If we made the system more balanced, people on welfare should be sterilized at 2. I don't think the government should dictate things like how many children a person can have, if they can afford them. If people can't make it on their own, though, we need to get them out of the genetics pool or the flynn effect reversal will become more prominent.

Also welfare should be given mostly to young people to create opportunities to innovate industries. It currently works backwards, because old people actually vote, and us millennials are stuck demographically challenged against an army of old people voting to be kept alive against the natural will of earth forever. We will never get social security benefits.

>> No.27184963

Lamentations is incredible. Have you listened? Dude kinda silently dropped his best material outside of DLP. If you have a high fidelity sound system the reverb sounds so fucking good.

>> No.27185052
File: 37 KB, 340x296, peepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have started deleting certain 'off-topic' threads that are actually part of the culture of biz.

>> No.27185111

You sound like an /r9k/ leech. Have fun dying alone, without property or progeny

>> No.27185114

>for corporations with over 250 employees.
This is reasonable I'll have to think about the implications further.

Also your whole
>tax these guys
You guys seriously need to drill it home in your lefty dens
These people not only play a huge part in designing laws, but they can afford the best shady lawyers to shift things around. If taxes get ridiculous for them they simply won't pay and find some loopholes to dodge. "End loopholes" is, imo, totally a meme.

I'm quite convinced that they need to feel the full threat of the mass of people if they decide to fuck around. Full stop.

>> No.27185232

Ideas that people will find loopholes for a law are not a good enough reason to not impose the law. We really need to make Wal-Mart, Amazon, etc. more accountable for destroyings mall businesses and permanently fucking up middle class incomes. First create a law, and then figure out the loopholes and close them.

If we had a better system this would be easy. Honestly, if human nature was better I wouldn't want a government at all.

>> No.27185243
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>bro just take out a loan that lasts the rest of your life
>even though baby boomers when they were young could buy a house with about 2-3 years of the average salary at the time

>> No.27185314

>6000% increase
>wages flat
The end of America.
We don't even have cheap commie blocks to fall back on.

>> No.27185366

However much you want if you can support it

Welfare state is something we seriously need to reconsider, and lefties shouldn't just enable their liberal counterparts to be retarded
We gave trillions and trillions in aid to Africa, as well as an incredible amount of human labor, and ultimately they have no been able to do well enough with it, but they've been breeding like fucking crazy.
Welfare breeders are a huge problem, but it seems pretty baked in for things like creating a slave class in the prison system, among others.

>> No.27185390

25 here, bought a house 2 years ago for 150k and just refinanced to get some cash for my next house I'm getting

>> No.27185417

Reminder that the only way to raise wages is to unionise. The reason that society was much fairer decades ago was because unions were stronger. Join a fucking union.

>> No.27185473

>First create a law, and then figure out the loopholes and close them.
Democrat thinking except they do it on purpose. Laws are already extremely difficult to pass, what makes you think you can pass another one to fix the problems of the first one? The law must be 100% unbeatable in order to work. Every single possible outcome, and even ones that no one has thought of yet, must be planned against. There are always bad actors.

>> No.27185518

And model train shows. Those are even more fun. Kek

>> No.27185533

You are either so poor or so misinformed. Where are getting the information that a mortgage will last your entire life?

>> No.27185543

Actually poor people and individual retail investors currently pay higher percentages in capital gains taxes than top earners. Even Biden's tax plan doesn't address this. He's not gonna pardon Snowden. He's not cool, and neither is Kamala Harris. I just dislike these people less than a literal scam artist landlord scumbag who uses populist rhetoric to get the same people he spent his life exploiting to vote for him.

I voted for Sanders.

>> No.27185709

It’s difficult to make a down payment on a house if you’re single. I’m still living with my parents to make this a possibility. I should be able to save up about $175,000 by the time I’m 30 and make a $100,000 downpayment. Budget for me is about $450,000-$500,000.

>> No.27185741

The state of this country is due to that mindset
It's literally proving itself in real time

>> No.27185848

No law is 100% unbeatable. For instance, you kill someone and no one sees, and there's no evidence, you technical "beat" the system.

However, if you have to see how someone tries to beat the system to understand how to reform a law in the first place rather than come up with all hypothetical.

>> No.27185930

No I know you are right and that's shit and needs to get changed. I mean how are you going to change it? It just keeps getting fucked up.
And talking as an euro I'm telling you that there aren't empty houses/appartements in or close to cities. And tere is no tendency for it to be fixed in near future because more and more people (and rapefugees) arrive.
Not even the chink issue of buying up shit. Demand is just skyrocketing.

>> No.27185985

This is why it needs to be coupled with social pressure.

>> No.27186005

I'm from that area, this isn't the norm by any means.
Everything in and around Bucks County is relatively expensive because the only big nearby economic center is Doylestown. People working in and around Doylestown have raped local real estate. We're also incredibly close to both New York and New Jersey. We're close enough that people will live here and commute to work in NY and NJ each day. All of this has created an enormous bubble in the area and its progressively getting worse.
I built a house for cheaper than I could buy anything out here.

>> No.27186098

>I voted for Sanders.
Doesn't he want to provide free healthcare for illegal immigrants?

That's pretty economically suicidal. No country on earth does that, because why the fuck would anyone elsewhere in the world spend money on expensive surgeries when they can just buy a $500 plane ticket to the US and refuse to leave, and then receive treatment?

>> No.27186136

>what happened

>> No.27186161

I literally just proposed a system

Adam Smith himself trashed landlords on many occasions.

And idk what to tell you guys about refugees other than start figuring something out because that shit is getting ridiculous.

>> No.27186228

Nigger how am I supposed do change it as a person? Either go with the flow or become Hitler 2.0. Which is more likely?

>> No.27186271

This is south montco a little different than bucks but pretty much same thing. People commuting to philly from here or just working in the suburbs. Tons of offices/commercial real estate in the area

>> No.27186394

Almost everywhere else in the world has free healthcare already

>> No.27186411
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How do we do to the housing market what we did to stocks?

>> No.27186502

Dont bother. They still think you have to wait 30 years to pay it off. Fucking retards.

>> No.27186550

that's not the point stupid ass there's literally nothing in these flyover states, if you move there all there is to do is staying inside to smoke weed and the most interesting social activity is going to the mall on the main street and most of the population is borderline hicks

>> No.27186562

this shit is cheap compare to the price to the land down under

>> No.27186639

I'll never listen to any politician riffing on about health care without addressing health, nutrition, healthy living, etc, as well. What a meme
Health care either already does, or is shortly on track to out-spend the fucking military industrial complex.

I'm really not surprised they're trying to kill off unhealthy people with a memeflu.
Only like 25k of Americans with 0 comorbids have died.
The entire rest of American kungflu deaths, on average, have 2.6 comorbids.

And yeah seriously dude you lefties need to fucking reconsider your immigration policy because they're just going to keep pumping them out. There's no time to assimilate. The rest of culture ends up assimilating them.
Culture is absolutely retarding right now.
The more than happens, the more the lower class becomes a slave class.
Bezos loves diversity because it means conflict and problems unionizing.

>> No.27186662

Why did you ignore the part about illegal immigrants, and how no country provides them with free healthcare? Sure, every country (including the US) provides healthcare if there is a life threatening emergency, but Sanders wants to provide free healthcare outside of life threatening emergencies, and nobody fucking does that. Not a single country on earth.

Why? Because of the reason I stated. There are billions of poor people in the world, and many of them have health issues, and treatment costs more than they can afford. So tens, if not hundreds of millions of people would pour into the US every year and simply refuse to leave so that they would receive free healthcare.

>> No.27186684

If you can't imagine life without urban sprawl you're probably brainless

>> No.27186709
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Well, people who questioned this and came up with estimates for this failed to realize he had to first hold the medical industry accountable and reduce the fees on healthcare drastically in this country. Keep in mind the media worked very hard to destroy Sanders because media in itself is largely a set of monopolies with their own self-interests.

I think he should have stressed reforming health care instead of "health care for all" because people kept asking for a direct figure and it was impossible to come up with one. It's a later stage of a long-term plan. I don't think undocumented people should be denied healthcare.

I also don't know why my pills cost 1000x their manufacturing costs.

>> No.27186803

That would just kill small companies because no one will want to work for them.

>> No.27186817

It's your country dude. You guys need to figure that out
Stop letting women lead is a good start.

Either that or just let them burn it down.
TPTB will glass barbarians who refuse to evolve at some point

>> No.27186820

its been on the market for 5 days jesus you guys are autistic

>> No.27186856

My flat in UK costs the same as that. I'd love to live in a house like that

>> No.27186917

>I know what I got

>> No.27186948

I wish, but too many people are NPCs right now and state is doing good to keep them like that and distract.
It might take way too long to redpill them and I want to make money now

>> No.27187017

at least in urban places there's actual stuff to do, clubs, social activities, gyms etc etc, what are you gonna do in the suburbs of Pennsylvania? Watch birds on a rocking chair?

>> No.27187034

>treatment costs more than they can afford
No, almost all of them have free healthcare already. It's only a few shitholes in africa that don't, and they probably couldn't even afford the plane ticket

>> No.27187040

>I don't think undocumented people should be denied healthcare.

Then you're a fucking idiot, because of the reason I stated. Nobody provides illegal immigrants with free healthcare because it incentivizes billions of poor people to buy a $500 plane ticket instead of paying $5000 for surgery in their home countries.

>> No.27187156

Based /k/ anon

>> No.27187159

I don't think that's necessarily true. Also, what is a small company that relies on minimum wage labor?

Only thing I can think of is the food service industry. However, most small businesses are not serving fast food and waiters generally make above the minimum wage currently.

>> No.27187162

Are you implying there aren't bars and gyms everywhere in America?

>> No.27187172

this house looks like it will fall apart if you give it a good kick

>> No.27187204

See the map this guy posted here >>27186709

Most of the third world does not have free healthcare. Saying that these people can't scrape together $500 for a plane ticket to save their own lives is peak delusional.

>> No.27187217

>buy high
>sell low
Ah, I see OP is a true /biz/nessman

>> No.27187244
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Because they are massively overpriced. Fuck off boomers, I will not pay your ridiculous price tags.

>> No.27187309

>If you don't live in America you can't own a home here

Kindly do the same for Vancouver and British Columbia.

>> No.27187323

I bought a 1300 square foot house for $121k two years ago. Don't buy in inflated markets retards.

>> No.27187388

When you post the ad, say specifically that you're looking for a wage slave to pay for your living. Everyone already knows it anyway.

>> No.27187463

I didn't say it should be free. I don't think they should be denied healthcare.

I don't know how you would currently make an illegal immigrant who comes from a country with a GDP per capita of 22,000 dollars pay up on a 130,000 inflated American hospital bill currently. Let them die? I'm thinking of more of a medical emergencies situation than things like acne medication and acupuncture.

We really need to fix the border issue in a more sustainable way than a wall.

>> No.27187477

In smaller cities in Texas, where there are fewer governmental restrictions on new construction, yes. Also in Albuquerque.

>> No.27187491

Because I’m a poor NEET

>> No.27187568
File: 321 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210130-175323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a 20,000 home right there

But I Anon don't you want to be stuck and crippling debt for a quarter of a century?

>> No.27187591

That sounds fair compound 10% over 40 years so what is your point?

>> No.27187648

450000 for house
45 for front steps

>> No.27187656

>Smoking pot as an adult
I knew you were such a loser. And yes, if you have a partner or friends or family, there are things to do in “flyover” states. Clubbing and drinking/doing drugs in a crowded shit hole is only enjoyable to the lowest tier of society. You literally can’t imagine a life where you do enjoyable things with other people that doesn’t require being in an altered mindset. There are all different types of social groups and activities that exist in middle America. You really think this shit is Little House on the Prairie. Again, you are really what’s wrong with society and I have no doubts now why your country is being overrun with mud people.
>that’s not what I mean!!!
>ignore the fact that I’m moving the goal posts!!

>> No.27187663

okay so rent your whole life and pay someone else's mortgage off.

>> No.27187662

Just boomers

>> No.27187765
File: 585 KB, 2048x1103, countries that offer free healthcare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old is that map?

>> No.27187793

Legitimately at least 30 restraints and bars within a mile of this house you faggots have no idea what near suburbs of philly are like this is pretty much in the city but you don't have to send your kids to shitty philly schools

>> No.27187814

Illegal immigrants in every country with free healthcare, including countries like Norway where I live, are stuck with a massive hospital bill (unless they have travel insurance), because only citizens and legal residents of Norway are subsidized by the state.

If you start handing out free shit or perks to illegal immigrants you are basically shouting out to the billions of poor people in the world that your door is wide open and you will allow them to exploit you. The real world doesn't work that way. Even 90% of blood red socialists here in Norway understands that. It's only socialists in the US who don't seem to grasp this concept.

>> No.27187844

Or invest in Bitcoin and buy a house in 20 years.

Both are equally as volatile bubbles of speculative investment which could collapse under specific circumstances. One is outpacing the other in terms of return on investment.

>> No.27187912

Holy fuck....you are so out of touch. Do you really think there aren’t gyms or movie theaters in the suburbs of fucking Pennsylvania? I truly can’t tell if you’re trolling

>> No.27188132

Real estate threads are the worst threads on /biz/. Pajeet scamcoin threads are more worth your time. None of these morons have any clue about assets outside of whatever shitcoin is trending at the moment.

>> No.27188208
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>tfw will be a millionaire by EOY from the bull run but still won't be able to buy a decent house after taxes anyway

>> No.27188269

>paying 445 grands for a wooden hut
sucks to be a burger

>> No.27188286

Here's a hint for you zoomer morons. Depreciation.

>> No.27188307

I'm okay with this. I don't support all of Bernie's policies -- and this is one area where I disagree with him pretty heavily. I'm extremely pro legal immigration -- regardless of race or ethnicity -- and feel undocumented people are being unfairly given advantages and perks that people have worked their entire life for a chance at. It's extremely unfair. Also people who can't legally immigrate to this country usually don't create jobs and fuck up the market for unskilled workers until this country becomes a third world country in itself.

How does the current system make people pay in Norway? Like Garnish their El Salvadorian wages or something? I don't get it.

>> No.27188400

My condolences for the ones living in shithole third-world USA and not the rich and wealthy USA.

>> No.27188440

The urbanite mind is feeble, shriveled, drug addled. One can only guess what nightmarish hellscape they live in where they're in pain if the sky isn't totally blocked out by skyscrapers and streetlights.

>> No.27188448

Frustrating newfag socialists talking about nothing. There's a fucking 100 year old movie theater in the town where this house is

>> No.27188481
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Because they aren't getting married, which would have cut their housing costs in half. A $448,500 house becomes $224,250 per person in a couple, but millennial women are too woke to get married so now they're miserable.
Wokeness destroyed the entire generation and they can't even accept responsibility instead of blaming everybody else.

also this is a house thread so I'm going to ask here:
How far from an airport do you need to live to not be driven mad by planes flying over your house? There are some decent houses about 2-3 miles from an airport, is that far enough so I won't really feel like I'm living next to an airport?

>> No.27188582
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And who is selling this house?

>> No.27188651

because zoomers don’t understand 10x returns over 5 years

>> No.27188661

>How does the current system make people pay in Norway?
Treatment is ONLY provided if it's life threatening. If it's not a life-or-death emergency, they're told to fuck off.

Their outstanding debt is sold off to a multinational collecting agency which has the reach to collect the debt in whichever shithole the person came from.

>> No.27188739

>why ...spend money on expensive surgeries when they can just buy a $500 plane ticket to the US and refuse to leave, and then receive treatment?

That's the general problem with open borders and free immigration. You put a well-run, prosperous country (USA, Swizterland et al.) next to a poorly-run, corrupt, primitive, criminal and incompetent country (Haiti, Central African Republic et al.), and then open the border, then guess what happens? Obviously everybody goes from the one to the other and then drags it down with crime, poverty corruption, etc.

If countries and cultures were "equal" then easy immigrtion and open borders make sense. But they are not equal.

(and, I don't have a legal right to break in and go live in your house.)

>> No.27188755

Boomers didn't save anything for retirement and expect people to bail them out with their houses.

>> No.27188807

because I can't afford one?

>> No.27188837

Where the fuck do you live lol. The US has some of the most affordable housing in the west. This house would be 30 grand where I live

>> No.27189045

NYC flight is why that house is going for so much.
I have not seen a single reply take this into account. Tens of thousands of wealthy New Yorkers are fleeing to anywhere within a few hours drive that offers freestanding structures for roughly equal to whatever they were paying monthly for their brownstone/loft/shoebox.
>t./ live in nice spaced out CT pre 60's suburbs
>Home values saw 15-25+% gains over the summer, on houses already at OPs value
>all from John Q. Yorker and his Hyundai Palisade packing up and leaving westchester so Wigger Timmy and Slut Sara can go to school in person

>> No.27189081

>Sure, every country (including the US) provides healthcare if there is a life threatening emergency,

Not in China anymore (they did under Mao). Now in China you can bleed to death on the hospital front door; "No money, no come in."

>> No.27189173

As someone who used to live in Manhattan, and who’s whole family is from there, this is genuinely truthful. Living in a place like that rots you inside. Terrible people, especially the younger ones who can’t imagine life without clubbing and getting piss drunk.

I’m genuinely surprised that he thinks there aren’t gyms or theaters or anything...in the fucking suburbs of any American city or town. I’ve lived in NY, central rural FL, and WY and I’ve never been that separated from society. Some people are really ignorant and sheltered

>> No.27189219

I deliver to giant seas of beige brick houses in these new developments. They are filled with hood ass black people and immigrants. The billboards say 2-400k for the homes. They're fairly nice aside from the boring color and style of houses. How are they getting the money for this??

>> No.27189237


>> No.27189264

>I don't support all of Bernie's policies
Also, I understand this. But policies like the one I just mentioned, and the lax immigration laws he proposes makes all of his policies a massive oxymoron.

Incentivizing illegal immigration and giving them free shit is the thing that undermines the working class the most. Bernie is basically just running around screaming "open borders, free shit for everybody, vote for me!" and people who want to feel good about themselves instead of think about the implications actually donate to him and vote for him. Ridiculous.

>> No.27189336

I’m buyin bitcoin stock bitch

>> No.27189394

What clubs are even in Manhattan?

Clubs are in Brooklyn. I miss them. Listening to experimental techno sets with friends is comfy.

>> No.27189551
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Get a subprime loan, don't pay mortgage, shoot the evictors when they come to kick you out.

Everyone has to do it though.

>> No.27189645


He was actually very against open borders.

>> No.27189647

I just bought a house from a family member in cash because they gave me a great deal. It needs a paint job and a little bit of work on the exterior. More of life comes down to luck or being in the right place at the right time than we liked to admit.

>> No.27189649

>how can they afford this

predatory loans

we learned nothing from the 2008 crash; this time it'll be much MUCH worse

>> No.27189684

yuros are always telling americans to "fix" their country. now you know how it feels.

>> No.27189691
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>paying an astronomical price to live somewhere is ok as long as I’m “paying myself”
>Shied dis dumass lil nigga must ain’t never heard a no opportunity cost or some
Witcha broke ass

>> No.27189944

Honestly couldn’t tell you, moved with my mom to Ocala when I was 15. My cousins live in Staten Island and are general white trash who would never leave the city, though they do post a lot about clubbing though (or did). Not a club or loud noises person but I see how that could be comfy. I hear that Brooklyn is like 85% non-native New Yorkers now

>> No.27190028

Looks like he has more sense than I thought he had then. But I still think he's a fucking idiot for saying this;

>"Oh my god, there's a lot of poverty in this world, and you're going to have people from all over the world. And I don't think that's something that we can do at this point. Can't do it," the senator added.

And not applying that very same logic to what we discussed in regards to free healthcare for illegals immigrants.

>> No.27190061

Wanna get away from it all? Try the Oklahoma panhandle (the weird part sticking out to the west). It's boring, conservative, and flat (except at the far west near Kenton, OK), and a few cowboys live there in three little towns.
Nobody goes there.

>> No.27190173

That's because socialists have yet to claim and set of balls
It's mostly liberals, and armchairs/champagnes who pander to liberals in these illusory utopias.
Norway started our homogenous. Diversity has been shoved down everyone's throat here and the whole slavery/indigenous thing is being driven like crazy into giving them claim to bring in more immigrants.

They have no fucking idea what they're doing. Most of the people pushing internet narrative are fried from psychedelic internet manipulation, shamed from abrahamic background conditioning, and are usually under the age of 20 with absolutely zero idea how any of these things work.

I really have no idea what they expect going forward. What exactly are immigrants going to offer when our labor is worth less and less as tech advances, especially as markets have moved largely overseas

I suppose id just like to see some lefties with some balls and some actual spirit of heroism but I mostly see fat slobs with power obsessions who will say whatever their 14 year old boipucci twink liberal fucktoy prospect wants to hear. Just pandering. They all fall for corporate/elite propaganda too I can't believe I heard "antifa" in 2020.

>> No.27190205

Please don't judge New York based on anyone who lives in Staten Island. Most of NY sees Staten Island as a joke.

>> No.27190291

What a meme

>> No.27190312

>Everyone's assured a home/space to live (very cheap "starters")
Crackheads would rip the copper out of the walls to sell.
Wealth disparity can never be eliminated as long as a sizable amount does stupid shit like that.

>> No.27190385

My uncle once went to a boomer couple wanting to sell a house for 200K.

He told them that he would buy it off them for 50K, in cash that same day if they sold it to him on the spot, and they fucking did.

Boomers are greedy, and want to get rid of their houses, but if you approach them with an offer in person with real money they will often fold.

>> No.27190411


>> No.27190484

Like the previous anons stated, that's usually the case in rural, less populated states.

>> No.27190492

I honestly like SI the best because it’s relatively conservative and not filled with Muslims, Chinks, and every 19 year old from bum fuck nowhere who thinks they’re gonna make it big in the City. I grew up in NY and visited every month until I was 18 so I have a fair grasp on the City.

>> No.27190522

Bruh boomer wives mostly never worked
This post is pure jujitsu "we need more slaves on the plantation!"

>> No.27190539

>Hurr durr both man and wife should go wageslave and pay for half a house each
Fuck that. Women shouldn't be working because it cuts your pay check in half. Can't raise kids because husband and wife are out wageslaving.

>> No.27190563
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>Complain about housing prices
A house like pic related would be triple the price in W. Europe.

>> No.27190582

Idk. I’m a zoomer and I’ve been thinking of buying a cheapish house, renovate it a little and rent it out. I can live for free at parents home in the meantime while I get it going. I don’t see any major problems, worst case I have my own house.

>> No.27190596

shitholes in the south, flyover states

>> No.27190660

Do you own said condo? How does that work. Are all repairs and maintenance your responsibility even though other units below/beneath you are still renting and being maintained by the realty company?

>> No.27190741
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because i'll just inherit my parents' house and i can save money by living there rent-free in the meantime

>> No.27190745
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My moms house is fine, my wife and I live here and help take care of her. She’s not a bother and she’s fun to hang out with. I’ll get this one when she’s dead anyway, fuck buying a house lol.

>> No.27190813

>because it incentivizes billions of poor people to buy a $500 plane ticket instead of paying $5000 for surgery in their home countries.
I mean thousands of Americans already go overseas for medical tourism

>> No.27190880

I bought one with brother and sister as cosigners to move in. Bought out my brothers share. Now just need to convince my sister to buy her own house and move out. Unfortunately, she doesn't make enough and I may be forced to live with her as a roommate. No crazy sex parties or topless maids for me. :(

>> No.27190917
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>> No.27191006

>Try the Oklahoma panhandle (the weird part sticking out to the west). It's boring,

It has so little there, that for decades it was federal "No Man's Land" that no state wanted. No state (not Kansas or Texas) would agree to accept it. In order to become a state, Oklahoma (then the Indian Territory) was FORCED to accept it as a condition of being admitted to the Union as a state. It's kind of a joke in Oklahoma. Population not quite zero.

Dusty hard-working cowboys wear real spurs in Boise City (pronounced "Boy City"). NOBODY in the Oklahoma Panhandle is "woke".

>> No.27191056

I always like housing market threads. I'm looking to get a home by the end of this year. If I'm making 72k base, what's the range for homes I should be looking at for a first time home owner purchase?

>> No.27191109

And Biden is basically bringing back subprime mortgage crisis 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.27191147

Yeah, because it's cheaper, and that's fair game. But they don't get to come into other countries, use their healthcare system for free and then bail. Not how it works anywhere, although lunatic socialists in the US believes that's something that won't demolish their healthcare system in less than 5 years because of the lack of capacity.

>> No.27191175

Europe land ownership is a joke. You can't dig a hole a foot deep in England or France without finding some relics that then reclassify the entire area as a protected archeological site.

>How does that work

Basically, I own my condo, and can do any renovations I want (just replaced the kitchen sink and cabinets last year) as long as they don't protrude into my neighbors' condos. The trade off is you have to pay utilities and you are responsible for repairs if they are on your property, unless the damage was directly caused by a neighbor in another condo. Haven't had any trouble in the 2 years I've lived here though, probably going to sell in another 3-4 years if I find a better deal.

>> No.27191182

Because you have a small pocket of desirable land that more people want to live on that it can accommodate. So the people with the most buying power are the ones who gets to live there.

>> No.27191208
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Literally immigrants.

It's that simple.

>> No.27191288

Also, I'm not saying that the American healthcare system doesn't have major problems. I believe universal healthcare is the way to go. The only thing I'm criticizing is Bernie (and other Democrats) willingness to give free healthcare to illegal immigrants. Literally no other country on earth does that.

>> No.27191346

good cope to deal with your contract
dumb wagie

>> No.27191508

Yes, I agree. It's not like if he was elected that would be passed, though. He was too much of an idealist in some ways, but he was the most likely to stick it to Wall Street and he actively wanted to pardon Snowden.

Anyone who doesn't want to pardon Snowden, I don't trust

>> No.27191562

>I just dislike these people less than a literal scam artist landlord scumbag who uses populist rhetoric to get the same people he spent his life exploiting to vote for him.
That's because you're a cuck who doesn't care about the big picture and falls for mainstream media narratives.

>> No.27191651

Is she hot?

>> No.27191670

Yeah and notice how that only works in small, white countries? If you want free healthcare make an ethnostate where people won't abuse the system.

>> No.27191672

If you get a job as a programmer after graduating college at 22, live with your parents, invest your savings in a safe mutual fund with only 10% returns, you will have at least $200,000 by the age of 30 which is enough for a down payment on a $1,000,000 home.

>> No.27191717

MSM constantly shit on Sanders, took his quotes out of context, and supported Biden. What are you talking about?

>> No.27191764

Based, outboomered!

>> No.27191902

Why is a house the only asset that appreciates value without having to do anything? Really makes you think.

>> No.27191930

Theres always a bigger fish

>> No.27191976

Just because it attacked him doesn't mean you didn't fall for the attacks on Trump. Either way he did way more good than harm, plus the election was stolen anyway so it's not like any of this matters.

>> No.27191996

No idiot literally almost everywhere else in the world has functioning free healthcare >>27187765

>> No.27192026

>Anyone who doesn't want to pardon Snowden, I don't trust

If I were president, I'd COMMUTE Snowden's sentence to about 6 months but not a total pardon. What he did exposing Clapper's et al.s' lies and the adencies' mass spying on American citizens was absolutely right, but he should not have exposed US spy agencies doing what they are supposed to do: spy on other countries.

>> No.27192030

>this right here

My parents bought a house in the Chicago burbs 10 years ago worth about $400k for less than $95k in cash. Partly because of the economic crash, but also because the former boomer owner was on the run from the IRS and was willing to sell for anything.

Find desperate boomers -- they WILL sell for anything you offer in cash.

>> No.27192228

>Chicago burbs
Where bro? Naperville?

>> No.27192233

I will rent your condo and refuse to pay. You won't be able to evict me with the new laws. I now claim your property
Don't take it personal kiddo, but i'm gonna use your house for a bit. your future wife is welcome to stay a few nights and the government fully supports me

>> No.27192260

>someone wants to live in the city
if people want to go inna woods and live a simple life, more power to them. but saying we need to eliminate people who live in cities is retarded

>> No.27192313

>with 0.0% accumulated ownership at any point.
Dude, even when you "own" your house, you still don't really own it due to property tax
If you don't pay that then the government can still take your house, so therefore you don't own it anyway

>> No.27192407

7k in 80s wtf, we really are fucked arent we

>> No.27192423

I tried looking at homes a few months ago and I'm building a downpayment, but damn there are some slim pickings out there. From looking at Zillow, maybe 1/100 homes are ones I'd even consider buying. There are a ton of ugly-ass homes out there.

>> No.27192520

Tfw I am a millenial that rents an apartment in suburbs for $800 a month. All I want is a 2 bedroom house with 1 bathroom and a kitchen and a laundry room.

All the houses in my area are 4 bedroom 3 bathroom mcmansions with shitty floorplans and useable land. Lowest mortgage I can get with a 20k down payment and a 770 credit score is 1k to 1200 a month.

I dont have to pay for repairs, my rent doesnt go up, I have all the space I need, I pay 200 to 400 less than your average boomer and I live in the same suburb. I am going to rent and save the rest of my income and put it into investments.

>> No.27192524

Nah. You can be a nigger rapefugee and the state will pay the rent for you (in germany at least). So as somebody who owns the appartment I have literally no risks. I just have to make sure that the one who gets the appartment is not an absolute nigger (shouldn't be an issue due to high demand).
Unless there is a revolution you literally cannot lose.

>> No.27192610
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what APY is owning a house these days?
if its sub 10% then its not worth it

>> No.27192625

Blue states -- California and New York pay more in federal taxes than are received. I don't understand this sort of "us vs. them" mentality people have because we carry different political beliefs. I'm dependent on farmers, you're dependent on those kids making tech companies -- to manufacture the very technology you are using to complain about liberals on -- to grow the economy and provide us with our outlandish defense spending. What is the big deal?

>> No.27192652

federal reserve money printing has made them too expensive

>> No.27192659


Fuck Naperville and everyone that lives there.

>> No.27192756

landlord here
don't blame us for providing housing

blame central banks and governments for artificially increasing land prices

>> No.27192774

Beyond relief. It's all a fucking scam.

>> No.27192879
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>I support a national $15 dollar minimum wage for corporations with over 250 employees.
holy shit you're fucking stupid

>I would be a libertarian if I was born 100 years ago -- but capitalism has actually gone insane
It's central banks/government which have destroyed capitalism, not capitalism itself you fucking idiot.

>This is reasonable I'll have to think about the implications further.
It's not reasonable at all, learn some economics please.

>> No.27192989

>But they don't get to come into other countries, use their healthcare system for free and then bail.
There’s Americans that go to South Korea just for plastic surgery and pay almost nothing because the healthcare system there covers most of it

>> No.27193013

Imagine how much more prosperous we'd be if the federal government didn't waste a ton of that money.
Oh, who am I kidding, it'd just get wasted by CA and NY.

>> No.27193026

>It's not reasonable at all, learn some economics please.
Ah yes, the end all crutch from all you parasites.

>> No.27193096

And they all have either garbage healthcare or absurd taxes or both. Weird stuff.

>> No.27193106


>> No.27193139

>Why Aren't Millennials Buying Houses?

Sperm counts of males have fallen for 50 years, contraception works, wanking to diverse pornography is available to all, millennials and zoomers have far less sexual intercourse (down 45% among age 18 to 30), transsexuals, traps, shemales and homosexuals are burgeoning and promoted, and any boy's advance to a girl (even verbal or a touch on the shoulder) can be called an assault leading to expulsion, firing or prison. The result is that few young people in the West have children, and if they move out at all it's to little apartments. Lacking children, they don't need houses like OP's house.

>> No.27193190

They lack the basic knowledge on how to buy a house and they lack the basic skills to fix things that go wrong in a house.

>> No.27193278

how am I the parasite? I bet you support central banking, idiot.
Imagine supporting higher prices for consumers.

>> No.27193293

Yeah the midwest is full of them. I paid $93k for my house and all it needed was cosmetic work.

>> No.27193313

TLDR: it’s the boomers fault

>> No.27193315

>Americans that go to South Korea just for plastic surgery and pay almost nothing because the healthcare system there covers most of it

Sounds like absolute bullshit. I know SK is the plastic surgery capital of the world, but that's because of quality, not price. I'd like to see a source on your claim.

>> No.27193483

That's literally in philidelphia, in western PA you can get a house almost twice the size for half the price

>> No.27193902

I went from 30 years to 22 years in only 2 years. I am buying my second house

>> No.27193971

many Boomer wives did work, the idea that there were 0% women in the workforce was a feminist myth. Even if they did take years off for childcare, it's not like they never worked and when they worked before they had kids, that money would go toward savings and a down payment. My mom worked for 10 years before she had me which is one of the reasons my parents could afford a house.
For the ones who didn't, fewer women in the workforce meant that men had higher wages. And since the pipe dream that women are going to go back in the kitchen is just a delusional /pol/cel fantasy, we might as well talk about the realistic fact that millennials could easily afford homes simply by getting married and splitting the cost.
Also, the fact that women and men were living together meant that we needed half as much housing. When men and women live separately they each need their own place which doubles the demand for housing.
how is a child being raised by two working parents worse than a child being raised by a single mother which is what's happening today? And why does a woman need to stay home in her 20s before she has kids? Or in her 40s and 50s after the kids are grown?

>> No.27193996

Your autism really shows through the reading comprehension

>> No.27194001

Where do you live?

>> No.27194016

What is equity? You guys are young here.

>> No.27194075

>pays $400+/month HOA fee

>> No.27194160

I'll give you 390 for it gramps. Deal?

>> No.27194174

Because we're using all our money to buy calls on $GME, retard

>> No.27194180

paying off mortgage is literally cheaper than renting

>> No.27194243

SK is only the plastic surgery capitol because of all the Asians going there to get surgery to look like Westerners.

>> No.27194445

Some countries do have a second home tax to stop people from hoarding property, the us does not for ((some reason))

>> No.27194889

I like anon im a big fan of distributism myself and I believe all employees of a company should be stock holders and most employees should be board member. Companies should be lead by workers for the betterment of workers as well as consumers.

>> No.27195657

Easier to accumulate while living in squander. We can buy houses when we make it.

>> No.27195795

No my parents live in a 5k sq ft house on 8 acres and it's only 350k

>> No.27196304

I mean it's in ohio

>> No.27197170
File: 47 KB, 770x497, ambler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pay 500k for any location that is close to high paying jobs, has 5 star schools, and <25% people on free lunch

>> No.27198031

>discounted lunch % is roughly equal to asians & blacks

>> No.27198315

It's more spics + nigs. The school is 6.7% spic and 11.3% nig.

>> No.27199466

your map is shit many of the grey countries have universal healthcare

>> No.27199481

>move every two-four years for 10-25% income increase
>rent apartment near local state university
>penetrate college age females* while pouring money in crypto, options, and stonks

*payment necessary if short and asian
( ._.)

>> No.27199896

that's why you need to save enough money to buy yourself a house and second house, then have some schlub pay off your mortgage on both homes, then sell for a profit and repeat

>> No.27200047

My brother paid 10% down on a home that costs $700k. He keeps the mortgage for "tax write off" every year and doesn't realize he'll be buying the house three times over. It won't even beat inflation. Mortgages are for retards. I will never buy anything unless I can buy 10 and I will pay cash. Your net worth shouldn't be rented from a bank

>> No.27200049

Show me homes for 150k near ambler. I live near there and you're full of shit. The minimum is like 300k for a small house. Anything less than that is either a scammy townhouse, broken piece of shit, or doesn't exist.

>> No.27200156

Just fuck your neighbors bro problem solved

>> No.27200377

What the fuck are you talking about? I live in a two storey 20 minutes from Ambler and the value is 420K

>> No.27200457

Damn straight it is ohio is a great place to raise a family

>> No.27200518

spotted the jewish man

>> No.27200734

>I also don't know why my pills cost 1000x their manufacturing costs.
If I remember right most drugs that are researched on the bench never make it into animal trials. Most of the drugs that make it into animal trials don't make it to human trials. Most drugs that make it to human trials don't make it to the pharmacy. It sucks, but the drugs that do exist have to pay for all the drugs that didn't end up existing as well as themselves.

>> No.27201301

80K for an old farmhouse, several outbuildings, and 5 acres. Lots of fucking trees. midwest. And the previous owners put in a new septic system before we bought. Feels bruddy guud, bros.
Now I spend my non-shitposting time with the family, planting more fruit/nut trees, raising chickens, building garden raised beds and chicken tractors. The clover pasture is next. Then, honeybees.

>> No.27201758
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>son just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, invest in Windows and buy a darn Ferrari. It worked for me.

>> No.27202194

i'm not, but you need to learn from the best if you wanna win

>> No.27202404

You call that a house ?? lmao.

>> No.27202594


>> No.27202699

My parents bought our house for $100k in 1994. It's now "worth" $750k. Everyone else around them are already selling

>> No.27202986

Yes but Americans have to pay 100x what shit costs in other countries. Buying prescription drugs that cost less over the counter than with even good insurance from other countries is one of the original uses of crypto.

>> No.27202990

Meme thread I know, but..
Why aren't house prices going down if no one is buying?

>> No.27203201

bought a house two years ago. everyone thought it was the peak but the mortgage would be way less then rent so I did it anyway. Paid a little over $300k. Zillows says $570k now and I just refinanced for a 2.5% interest rate. I could pay it off now but the rate is so low I'm just going to keep my bitcoin.

>> No.27203376

what's the matter Carson, don't want to buy a million dollar home in Burnaby from Tracy Chang?

>> No.27203554

That's because the quality of American houses are literally shit tier. The walls are literally made of drywall and plaster, the exteriors are made of plastic. American housing is a get rich quick meme for real estate and construction companies and burger mutts are too retarded to tell that they are being scammed.

>> No.27203607

>if youre american you should go to Borats country to get good health care

>> No.27203776

You mean peak of the housing market?

>> No.27203890

i have to buy the house i'm in or move in 6 months to a year because the owner wants to sell
hoping the housing crash happens so i can get in cheaper or actually be able to consider other options

>> No.27204127

half a million?!?! What does that house have, a coke lab in its basement?

>> No.27204162

Because retarded boomer investors are buying boomer properties and then turning them into rentals. It's constant in my city. A modestly sized (1200sq ft) home is unachievable for the average family nowadays.

>> No.27204286

commie psyop

>> No.27204313

Empty homes tax is clever, try to get the house market back to FMV

Is it working? Houses are cheap where I live but there's no jobs

>> No.27204427

I have a house but is ugly

>> No.27204441
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Yep. Welcome to "muh free market". Really, it doesn't work on necessities because you get all these fucks pricing things high because the demand for wanting a roof over your head is high. It's an unethical business. It's the equivalent to me having all the water in the world and making you pay 1000 per bottle. That's what's going on here

>> No.27204562

It's fun everytime. Can't look at charts all the time.

>> No.27204638

>want to buy a house for $5k over asking
>roof needs to be repaired
>boomer screeches and stomps his feet because I had the audacity to tell him a 30 year old roof needed to be replaced
>tear up the contract and tell him to get bent
>some other retards buy the house a week later

Hope they enjoy the mold in the attic.

>> No.27204782

Ya, some people are retards with money.

>> No.27204919

Taxation is a retarded scam. All the money the Feds spend is created out if thin air. You don't need to raise federal taxes to increase spending, because taxes are only used to pay interest on that debt, which the Fed also sets.

>> No.27205099


I have no idea why or how anyone would pay that much to live in PA

>> No.27205108

Reminder to vandalize all vacant properties you see

>> No.27205169

>tfw my dad bought 5 acres when I was born for 200k in the middle of a developing area and its now worth almost twice that
>tfw the house my grandmother bought here in 1996 for 90k on an acre of property in the dead center of a rapidly developing town within driving distance to 3 major cities is now worth more than half a million
>every house in the major cities goes for 600k+ on the bottom end and rent starts at 1500 a month and only goes up from there, an actual nice apartment not in the ghetto and not a glorified closet is at least 2-5k.
Seriously, and people wonder why my generation (I'm the bare edge of zoomer/millennial) aren't showing interest in buying houses? Even with inflation and higher payment factored in, its so daunting to imagine having that much debt to the bank in a mortgage. And in order to get these high paying jobs that allow you to afford property, you have to either be insanely lucky or go through 8 years of schooling at the insane prices collegic classes are now and somehow magically land a good position in your field within a year or you are fucked when student debt amnesty expires. Everything is way, way, way too expensive and I know everyone has noticed. It doesn't track with inflation or rising wages, the housing market and schooling costs(the gateway to high paying jobs that aren't a trade) explode and charge whatever the fuck they want. Its artificially inflated to shit, and i can't wait for 08 to happen again when that bubble pops again.

>> No.27205318

This house is peak boomer

>> No.27205373
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>Be me
>Graduate with CS degree at age 26
>Charged rent at 18
>Worked back breaking jobs in order to keep myself afloat
>Finally graduate
>No jobs

Also doesn't fucking help that California is expensive as shit. Your plan works if your parents aren't jews, and you come from money.

>> No.27205376

100-(64.6+12.5)= 22.9% non asian non whites
89% out those 22.9% take discounted/free lunch

I wonder if it's even legal to disclose racial/welfare breakdown.

>> No.27205399

PAfag here, worst part is even Rent has inflated to hell and back here.

You cannot find a 1 bedroom 1 bath for under 1k a month.

>> No.27205459

Because they're buying dogecoin at .08

>> No.27205548

No goy, it's the $15 minimum wage that's inflating everything! We must prevent the McDonald's employees from getting off of welfare! We need to pump my Dollar General stock!

>> No.27205594
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>Living in London
You can buy a fucking mansion in the north for half a million. There are literal 5-bedroom houses with indoor, heated pools for not much more.

>> No.27205605
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>why aren't millennials buying houses?
balls deep in GME and BTC

>> No.27205801

these american suburban houses are really ugly

>> No.27206066

American companies designed 90% of those drugs. Almost no other countries in the world have medical/drug advances that didn't come from America because ot is not economically feasible. The USSR and China have some, but that's only because unrestricted human testing cuts costs and development time by several exponents. India also has some because a lot of American companies contract there. If you want medical advances, you need the American system. As usual, we subsidize the rest of the world.

>> No.27206188

i love these threads because I get to laugh at all the priced-out retards who think the housing market is gonna CRASH ANY DAY BRO

ahahahahahahhahahah eat shit faggots

>> No.27206242

I can corroborate this. I used to work construction, pouring foundations. All the money in a American house goes into 2 things, the foundation and the framework. And thats assuming your contractor doesn't just go get the cheap git'r'done mexicans to slap it together. Almost universally in modern construction the foundations are engineered reinforced concrete, that with proper treatment will outlive the house. Again, assuming the work was done right in the first place. Its the only part of an American houde that is built to last. I have seen some absolute fucking scams done by contractors here on the west coast. Latest one was a 1.5 million dollar house in the middle of a older neighborhood, developing a long vacant lot. First thing, when the house was designed, they didnt take into consideration the style if the houses around it, so theres this ugly little one story ranch style house, in mint puke green, surrounded by 2-3 story tutor style houses. And the building materials? Besides the concrete, all wood and drywall. Fake wood floors, plastic siding, sprayfoam, the cheapass works, for 1.5 million. He swindled the fuck out of these guys. And in this line of work, I have worked on legitimate 2-5 million dollar houses that are stone and actually are built very well. But your average home in the us?sheetrock and matchsticks. 20,000 in building materials at the most.

>> No.27206252

Because they're losing all their money getting scammed by pajeetcoins.

>> No.27206447
File: 53 KB, 650x650, f57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be too mean! Owning a shit tier home is the dream of most Americans.

>> No.27206685

>tutor style houses
Thanks, I always wanted to know what the style was.

>> No.27206716
File: 42 KB, 622x538, Screenshot (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are pure gains. Its only going up from here too.

>> No.27206762

>people think house prices have gone up
>they dont realize its just your currency devaluing

>> No.27206920

grats on killing your parents so you could inherit their doublewide

>> No.27206982

>The racial makeup of the city was 73.01% White, 24.95% African American, 0.55% Asian, and 1.48% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.37% of the population.

>> No.27207011

>whats my mortgage? 100k
>whats this place worth? 282k
>whats my parents place worth? 200k+
>how long they got? some-ish years
>what are my chances of living to retirement age? slim to none

>> No.27207048

kek you niggers have no clue how bad its about to get
the way homes are priced will be the reason the market takes a shit

>> No.27207165

>any day now
>*lights molotov*
>any day

>> No.27207303

I'm actually buying a single-family detached home in my area because I'm not a poorfaggot and have a decent income. With mortgage rates below 2% you'd be stupid NOT to lever up and buy real assets instead of punting on shitcoins lmao

Also the 80IQ brainlets in these threads never account for inflationary forces over X periods of time, nor the capital that goes into maintaining/improving the value of a home over it's life, plus the interest paid on the mortgage over the life of the loan. The comparison between the "old" and "new" price is disingenuous at best, not that I'd expect midwits to understand.

homes are priced fine if you're not some stupid poorfag working a minimum wage job. If you are, you deserve to be a lifelong rentoid and pay my returns as an asset owner.

you won't do shit faggot

>> No.27207373

>tutor style
Other than this, based

>> No.27207412

Nah, houses have nonstop growth bro bro.

Get ready to take out a 50 year loan, 3k a month for a 1 bedroom.

>> No.27207536

My guy, if you save up for a down payment and have any kind of credit, you can get a mortgage in like 3’s% these days. That’s literally running neck and neck with inflation, which means you’re getting 100% equity over the life of the loan. And then, buy a fucking house that you can make at least one full extra payment every year - start by setting up biweekly payments instead of monthly.

This assumes you don’t live in an assrape location like San Francisco or NYC.

>> No.27207638

House prices have risen massively above inflation rate

>> No.27207924

>buying an expensive house with low interest rates
>instead of stockpiling cash, waiting for the market crash, and buying it outright

>> No.27207968

Based and Real Estate-pilled

>> No.27208109

I fucking feel you bro. That's what I pay for rent here and almost every room in my house has mold in it. I don't know how long I can go with this shit. W-we're all gonna make it, right?

>> No.27208535

Same, I had 2 roommates in an apartment that our landlords did nothing to for 4 years. Roof falling apart, mold, etc.

$1600 a month for that piece of shit. We'll make it bro, we just gotta HODL our mental our time will come soon.