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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27172951 No.27172951 [Reply] [Original]

Lately /biz/ always seems late to the party

Most posts are made when the fucking coin has already reached ATH. Can we get some good info for once?

>> No.27173061


>> No.27173131

Volume so low, whats it do?

>> No.27173141

GME next week

>> No.27173155

kusama, safe 10x

>> No.27173193

Any penny stock that isn't a pump and dump

>> No.27173201



>> No.27173221


>> No.27173240

Rubic, can’t you read the writing on the wall?

>> No.27173248

that chart looks very bullish
do not miss the next leg up

>> No.27173316


>> No.27173328
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From schiffgold.com

>> No.27173464

If /biz/ likes it, short it
If Reddit likes it, but it

>> No.27173656

you should probably go back to plebbit, silly faggot

>> No.27173848

biz is always late to the party. 90% of the time I legit use this site to know when to sell

>> No.27173959


honestly not a bad strategy for crypto

/biz/ is a pretty good sample of the crypto traders. if biz is saying BUY BUY BUY, that means we're at the top and you need to sell.

>> No.27173961

How/where do you figure out what to buy early?

>> No.27174098


>> No.27174204

True desu, /biz/ only got lucky with RBC and BAO so far. LINK was never a /biz/ scout even if they claim it to be so.

>> No.27174238


>> No.27174240

Flashstake or IDLE ez

>> No.27174278

Yeah anon just let me tell you and ruin my entire source of income and wealth.

>> No.27174336

If you want up to date info go to reddit

this board is for shitposting and scamming

>> No.27174396

>Volume so low, whats it do?
You're new to crypto aren't you? These are basically race horses with funny names and logos

>> No.27174418

they said BAO was a pajeet scam but we just hit a new ATH, so get in now before we hit 1c :)

>> No.27174547

/biz/ is hardly the entire crypto market, it's not like sharing some tips with your 4chan bros is gonna ruin it for you.

>> No.27174584
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Big players have been accumulating DRIP. The lead dev has been working on a big release soon that will be the catalyst that pumps it.

>> No.27174641

How do you buy shit like this though when the gas fee is $30 the eth network is dogshit

>> No.27174663


>> No.27174736

Yea ETH is gay. Uniswap is the only way tho

>> No.27174766

based DRIP enjoyer

>> No.27174896
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rent free

>> No.27174964

>no volume
>shit website
>no info on creator

You want us to buy your bags, don’t you?

>> No.27174969

>LINK was never a /biz/ scout even if they claim it to be so

>> No.27175034
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Based and Pump-pilled

>> No.27175116

try changing your gas fee settings

>> No.27175153
File: 7 KB, 225x225, D3A3E6B4-8453-4D8C-92F5-A79161B6990D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VTHO only 45m marketcap. Easiest 10x target right now.

>> No.27175177

half the fucks here are from reddit anyway.
The problem isnt telling it a few guys the problem is that nobody on this site can shut the fuck up. Thats exactly the reason why I sell most of the time once I see shit pop up around here.

>> No.27175224
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yep, just waiting on the audit to pass
>no info on creator
k bro

>> No.27175278


>> No.27175484
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>future of finance as it's a stablecoin that distributes 2% off of each sell to the holders
>backed by noke
>updates coming soon
and that's when it's goona moon so i wouldn't fomo in, i know the gas ist teuer but there's no easy way in

>> No.27175526

hm interesting

>> No.27175597
File: 631 KB, 1170x2532, BED0E5B4-403A-42C7-9D3D-32DA0D977928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gonna moon

>> No.27175612

Can you expand on this? I've just gotten wise to looking at holders on etherscan and see that there are a good amount of whales in it seems.

>> No.27175667


>> No.27175724

This is exactly what I mean
People here are so late this shit mooned 10 days ago.

>> No.27175923
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Yeah, check out the website. Like other anons mentioned, devs are just waiting on the audit to pass for their next big release.
Lead dev is Noke, he made a project over the summer called STONK that pumped 100x, and he stepped in to save SLINK when the first dev jumped ship. He has a good reputation from his other projects, and that's why whales were accumulating it before it was ever mentioned here.

>> No.27176249

Yeah, it's just depressing to get into this space and think that maybe I don't have to wageslave for my entire life, and then realize that it's almost certainly just closed groups of richfags coordinating pump and dumps, and even 4chan is just another front for normie chads to dump on us.

>> No.27176284

whoever just dumped their bag missed out on 1c

>> No.27176375
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>> No.27176466


>> No.27176637
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idk, I bought at presale because a project like this honestly comes around once a year. bagholders and potential bagholders already got out at the rise or at the droop it seems. It stabilized after that. I'm still in green anyways but don't want to sell as the potential is actually huge. I follow one of the whales and it seems they aren't willing to dump as well.

>> No.27176680

What wallet do you use to store your DRIPPER?

>> No.27177153
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I use metamask, it's my favorite wallet for trading on uniswap.

>> No.27177176


>> No.27177298
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thank me later


>> No.27177327

Gotcha, yeah the whale movement def checks out then. Thanks I'll hit the website.

>> No.27177330
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i use my pants to hold by big dreeper tb completely h with you senpai

>> No.27177384


>only 3 months old
>18mil MC
>2 devs 10+ years at Microsoft

Ez 10x boys

>> No.27177410

Stratis boyo, $strax, will be 10x over next few months.

>> No.27177483


>> No.27178640

Grt. Cap this post homo

>> No.27179020

Unironically, XLM, COMP, ONE

>> No.27179064


>> No.27179134

dexg, its in a great di[ rm

>> No.27179155

unironically $sos stock
if you only like crypto, still $sos stock
others will moon, and a lot more, but I don't see anything as guaranteed as sos

>> No.27179233

Zenfuse $ZEFU

Follow the whales anon and check out their UI.

>> No.27179237

$CLV its time for you to bring some money back to the board.

>> No.27179471

are you the guy who shiled this in the other thread?
I'm bit skeptical after seeing all the shitty yt vids on it - including mcash fag who literally invented that Buffett invested in it

>> No.27179488


heres TA if you're an idiot

>> No.27179640

yes same person. i dont know anyone else talking about this anywhere

am i right? idk. read comments here for a lot of speculation. its the same thing that's happening to PHUN, to be honest, but it's also actually a useful company with huge revenue boosts


>> No.27179754

a lot of p&d traps for SOS, that mcash person is just a lying scammer, but it doesn't change any fundamentals and his youtube video was coincidental with the recent news, it was just lucky for him

>> No.27179820

in a year maybe. i'm only expecting it to 3x during the parachain auctions.

>> No.27179829

The next time dogecoin soars due to zoomers buying because of a tweet or mention.

>> No.27179859

Is DFT a good buy seems pretty low at 400k mcap

>> No.27179877

SLP. pump and dump will happen very soon, last time it pumped a 100x. it will pump because it has a cute donut-like logo and small cap.

>> No.27179927

REEF for the longterm

Encrypgen for the short term

>> No.27180036

LTO, but maybe more of a x5

>> No.27180177

ye - do you know why it tanked so much in past 3-4 years? It literally hit 0.70 in March and was 80 3 years ago

predictions/targets for DNA? I thought that shit would pop off but given the delay in CM listing it might take some more time? you accumulating more at these prices?

>> No.27180440

REEF. This shit is so undervalued (if the team delivers)

>> No.27180475

Just based off similar exchange listing pumps my price prediction is somewhere between 20-40 cents once Coinmetro gets off their fucking ass and fixes their shit liquidity.

>> No.27180523

I'm no expert investor but I'm going to guess (this should be verifiable) that the giant drop from 80 to lower was due to dilution. This company is absolutely known to dilute and sell shares to corporations to dump on retail investors.

You'd probably have to be a china stan like me to see how this is just good business. you'd have to know about the 90 day limitation on dilution that's locked in now. you'd have to see their revenue and stock prices do poorly but understand that they are transitioning into blockchain and they used funding from their stocks to fucking buy mining machines to x3 their revenue

they are galaxy brain as far as i can tell - it's also heavily shorted and set to be delisted if it can't hold a price over 3 dollars

everyone in knows this, though, and i can't imagine an accessible stock that's also tied to bitcoin and eth, after this huge influx of investors, especially to a hyper-capable company from china, not doing well

it's a gamble of course but it makes more sense than anything. it reminds me a lot of IOTA back when it was 30 cents - just for the new influx of investors and the simple fact they are huge miners now supporting their other IOT plays.

just makes sense man

>> No.27180528
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Any opinions on xst? It's a stablecoin but without an explicit peg, instead it's floating against a bunch of liquidity pools with different assets (atm there's only eth but supposedly more will come), your wallet balance can never decrease (as with e.g. ampleforth) since the upward rebase is taken purely from the seller. This is nice IMO. But it seems like you could get much the same stability simply by pooling those assets directly and just having a token to represent pool ownership.

>> No.27180543

SLP the ball is already rolling.

>> No.27180633

Try not being poor

>> No.27180636


>> No.27180659

besides that there's a mechanism to reduce temporary price shocks within epochs, or something. I'm not sure if it really makes sense desu.

>> No.27180663

This. REEF will literally make you a millionaire if they actually come through with everything they're talking about. That whitepaper had me shook.

This will easily hit 10-15 dollaridoos per token.

>> No.27180787


You're welcome.

>> No.27180801


300 views - not shilled anywhere i found it on twitstock. this would be posted everywhere if there was any sort of bullshit going on but i guess thats my opinion

>> No.27181020
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NUCYPHER on coinbase

>> No.27181059

REEF is gonna do at least a x2 over the next week then who knows what happens after that. I would get on before the 1st and enjoy the ride.

>> No.27181113

SLP is just starting to get attention and is near its floor in terms of price so it can only really go up. Plus its on binance so no gas fee problems iswell.

>> No.27181454

It's AMRS, which isn't even a penny stock.

>> No.27181989

last piece, compare the twitstock comments on say, PHUN (dumb tech no one cares about really) or BHAT (augmnented reality lol) and you should be able to see the difference between bullshit hype and actual fundamentals, math, and good speculation

sos is a 45m revenue saas/insurance company now transitioning to blockchain insurance and banking and none of that is even factored into the rise due to mining

DYOR etc

>> No.27182156

Don't ask /biz/ wait for reddit to announce something, they're doing it

>> No.27182271

right now, elon tweeted apparently

>> No.27182345
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all these coins
just give it 6 months

>> No.27182522

Idk, but the next 1000x is STATERA

>> No.27182642

gotta say I'm getting pretty dubious vibes from this one - might be because their statements in English read like gibberish because they translated them shittily, but I'm very skeptical

"In the next five years, we aim to create a complete ecological rescue, insurance, and safety testing service system, and enter India, Europe, the United States and other populous countries to create an international rescue service. Through big data and cloud computing service platforms, we plan to improve the entire internationalized rescue service, insurance, security testing, intelligent software and hardware, big data, cloud computing and other intelligent service systems."

I mean this reads like bs

Same here:

"Dr Yan’s technologies have revolutionized the way to protect our digital assets and cryptocurrencies from being attacked and lost. The truly decentralized cryptocurrency wallet and exchange technologies developed by Dr Yan have been proven to be bullet-proof. Once SOS Digital Technologies Inc is created, SOS plans to launch the first digital assets insurance company and the first cryptocurrency bank in the world, backed up by Dr Yan’s technologies. This venture is urgent as about 20% of cryptocurrencies are stolen or lost every year. Such venture is highly necessary as DCEP, the sovereign cryptocurrency offered by the central Bank of China, is in its testing stage and other sovereign cryptocurrencies are coming soon.”

So they hired 1 "renewed expert" (I know its a misspelling but still funny) who they act like will save the entire world

I was retarded enough to buy into Deepbrain chain 3 years ago so my chink-spidey senses are tingling

>> No.27182690


>> No.27182715


>> No.27182730

It has been a long time since the last major nonsense spike in the (now-sub-sub-penny) stock Sionix Inc. (SINX). Recentlity it started stirring on tiny volume after years or near-death. I don't have any idea why, or what's goinig on. The Sionix company makes clean-water treatment system that use surface tension of tiny bubbles (I think), and delivers portable water-treatment units to remote places like oilfield camps. My aged aunt bought some SINX stock about 25 years ago having been told "it can't lose". It lost.

It's OTC but I don't know if Depositary Trust (of recent Robinhood GameStop-suppression scandal fame) will let you "DTC" any SINX shares anymore, it's so low. Anybody know anything now about Sionix?
[Long SINX]

>> No.27182812

totally agree with you across the board

i think a lot of it is buzz but i think buzz matters

i also think they are a bit different than crypto do it all startups like IOT or deepbrain etc as they are already a functioning SAAS health security service company operating in china for years with 45m revenue so those buzzwords actually do make a bit of sense...i guess?

>> No.27182825
File: 25 KB, 753x621, dextokengov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't miss DEXG, $12 million market cap, 55,000 capped supply, decentralised exchange in beta and launching fully in February that will objectively be superior to all the others, transaction fee rewards for holders and LPs, no impermanent loss, no slippage, no price oracles, order books and limit orders coming, professional business and dev, the list keeps going but honestly, if you're not convinced to have a crack or think it sounds shit, skip to the next message and forget this fren.

>> No.27182890

reading a bit more it seems the protocol only works with a selection of "supported" pools
In that case it seems a seller could simply bypass the incurred burn by selling into an unofficial pool
I don't think they really thought this through
By the way it seems there's very few people left on /biz/ who even care to discuss project fundamentals, if you try to talk about a small project that does not currently have an ongoing shill campaign it's radio silence

>> No.27182939

Based on information available as of today, full year 2020 revenue is expected to be approximately $49.5 million, representing growth of 451% compared to that of 2019. The revenue's robust growth is primarily due to the effective execution of the Company's business transformation strategy, which enabled us to cease our legacy peer-to-peer lending business and focus on providing marketing-related data for clients such as insurance companies, financial institutions, medical institutions, healthcare providers and other service providers in the emergency rescue services industry. The gross margin is expected to be approximately 9%, up from 5% last year. US GAAP net profit gain is expected to be approximately $3.1 million.


pls remember i have no clue what im talking about and am an idiot

>> No.27182991

>Through big data and cloud computing service platforms, we plan to improve the entire internationalized rescue service, insurance, security testing, intelligent software and hardware, big data, cloud computing and other intelligent service systems."
lmao this is exactly how my chinese classmates write their papers

>> No.27182993

>wait for reddit to announce something
do you just look at various communities the size of WSB before it blew up or specific smaller ones?

>> No.27183073

he said x10 not /10

>> No.27183076

How do I mine this and/or get this for free?

>> No.27183078

Agreed on flashstake. They are working on L2 solution I think. It will explode after, everyone will be preferring their staking mechanism

>> No.27183083

Unironically Rubic

>> No.27183167

Cap this faggots

>> No.27183226

yes but it is a real company still lmao


>> No.27183333

Yep, it makes things a bit more credible but then again it's tough to validate

Will probably observe how it evolves and put something in if it retraces significantly but nothing now

Just found this kek too:
"To start off with, SOS Limited announced that it has completed the initial steps of its blockchain strategy. To go along with this, the company also says that it has developed a “firewall system, personal biological information storage system, and antivirus system all of which are based on blockchain and AI.”"

I mean look, what the fuck is this lingo + no way to validate anything

Anyways, thanks for engaging :) cheers breh

>> No.27183414

yeah dog but please know these are buzzwords but they have..like all of this tech already

its all real and operating in china


thats the website, dive into it. maybe im being fooled by some galaxy brain hypebeasts but...idk

>> No.27183505

too late for SHIB

just go all in COIN

>> No.27183532

RBC is an easy 10x but it will take 6-8 months

GRT is also a safe bet but will also take time

>> No.27183597

We are at the precipice of 2017v2
Norman fever from GME/AMC will fuel the next wave.
Question is, when's the next "New Years" megadump

>> No.27183658

Anyone with a brain knows it’s LTO.

>> No.27183753
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yeah I'm literally looking at it now - see pic attached and the corporate slide deck


Again I know this is translation and shit but seriously, the CEO and Chairman of board just finished his Master studies in 2019 or something?

>> No.27183855

is http://qingdao.chinadaily.com.cn/2018-04/26/c_240314.htm this company fake too? seems like a real government owned operation?


idk seems all real to me

>> No.27183959

Big tipper, Big, Big Dipper
King spiller, bitch, king dripper

>> No.27183991

lol bro there were nothing but fucking link threads when it was 25 cents for fucking months you literally could have made several million dollars

>> No.27184016

yeah idk m8


maybe it is fake as fuck but it also got listed on NYSE so i assume...that it can't just be vaporware ? i bought mine on charles schwab app so i guess that lent some trust

>> No.27184052

here from their investor FAQs - please tell me you think this makesany sense

Q: What is the business model of the company?

A: I. Rescue, insurance and safety inspection: Create an SOS cloud emergency rescue service SaaS platform led by three major products: basic cloud, cooperative cloud and information cloud; Building a national insurance sales and service system based on the big data platform;Automobile, industrial and mining enterprises in-use equipment and other fields to create safety performance testing and inspection service system.

II. Intelligent hardware: With basic services such as rescue, insurance and safety inspection, research and develop hardware equipment such as SOS cloud smart watch, smart water cup, intelligent safety inspection, intelligent parking, intelligent face car cabin, etc., and lay out health financial big data services.

III. Big data and cloud computing services: To build a world-leading data intelligence technology platform. In the data intelligence industry, data applications are the leading factor, and top-notch advanced technologies such as big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence are integrated to create developer services and commercialization. The four sections of AI and Mob Research Institute provide business intelligence solutions, App operation empowerment solutions and enterprise-level AI intelligence solutions for enterprises, developers and government agencies in more than 200 countries and regions around the world.

>> No.27184117
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This >>27183551

But the fucking retards won't listen. No one listened when I've shilled them Tellor at $3 or YFI at $600.

>> No.27184157

yeah dude I'm also aware it's listed on NYSE lol, thats not the question

Analogy: DOGE is also listed on Binance, and other shit on coinbase

>> No.27184175

reef, no doubt

>> No.27184188

Yeah that makes perfect sense. Do you know best buy just bought greatcall and greatcall recently bought a company that does this exact same thing? it's monitoring and response healthcare services


its translated bad but these are the same industries

>> No.27184342

they are also in rescue services aka AAA here in america - vehicle monitoring, response, and rescue as a SAAS. they link to multiple insurance agencies in china (according to the website etc)

nothinng is off about any of this other than it's very weird for a chinese stock to be on NYSE and they are clearly pushing content to try to bait american buyers

>> No.27184431

Silver, UVXY, SPY puts. AMC perhaps, get out this week tho

>> No.27184499

some friends told me MIR but I wanna know what anons think

>> No.27184528
File: 28 KB, 456x488, flashsteak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it
I can lock up 100k flashstake for 100 days and I get 30 link instantly. After 100 days I get my 100k flashstake back. Why? Who would give me 30 link for locking up my flashstake tokens, how can this possibly benefit them?

>> No.27184535

AKRO is primed to pump soon.

>> No.27184610
File: 64 KB, 618x597, 1598992817312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm literally the only and the first person to shill this on biz. I forgot that buying "high" is the biz way my bad, too early

>> No.27184705
File: 15 KB, 300x243, huge lighter 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed here...easy for the normies to get in on it after it pumps

>> No.27184863

I'm gonna have a look and report back, this better not be a shitcoin

>> No.27184985

its because /biz/ FUDs moon missions now.

>> No.27185017
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>> No.27185145

the fact that you're gonna receive your stake back eventually is recorded on the blockchain, so in theory you could sell this stake to someone else, completely bypassing the lockup mechanism. In fact this is a problem I see with many coins (just look at xstable above), they don't realize how easy it is to bypass some neat-sounding mechanism by e.g. wrapping the token (to bypass a burn on each tx), pooling, transacting via a contract and selling ownership indirectly etc...

>> No.27185154

just look at their corporate business plan and annual report

I think this is a complete clown show of a company who know just wants to mine btc and also cash in on some hype

If you seriously look at the website, business plan and annual report and dont think it's retarded, you are

not saying it might not pump - sure, it probably will with all of these fake shills on youtube like MCASH fabricating stuff and citing the chairman who finished his studies last year - but this is definitely not a company i believe in

>> No.27185171

I cannot find DRIP on coinmarketcap. What?

>> No.27185293

How do you trade for Free Liquid?

>> No.27185404

Are you guys talking about SOS or DNA?

>> No.27185448

Dude, Aergo about to blast.

>> No.27185531


DNA is probably very solid hold both short- and long-term

>> No.27185810

Who do you mean with "they"? For the staker the benefits are obvious and will provide a lot usage. When you stake more flash are minted, early unstaking burns them to keep it in balance. There's a better explanation by the founders somewhere

>> No.27185815

dog if you did any fuckin research im tryna tell you


fuckin look who founded the company and stepped down - they appointed a new ceo (this new idiot) but that doesn't really mean anything

Dr. Zane Wang will be leaving as Chairman, CEO and as a member of the Company's board of directors. He will be focusing on the winding down of the P2P business in China and the "Wealth Sharing" program. The Company will end the previous cooperation agreement with Hongkong Outjoy Education Technology Co., Ltd. ("OET") and cancel the unrealized warrants issued thereunder.

Mr. Yandai Wang, CEO of SOS (no relation to Zane Wang) will be appointed as the Executive Chairman and CEO of the Company. Mr. Wang has over 20 years of industrial experience in emergency rescue, telecom and call center services. He has been a visionary leader in the emergency rescue industry in China which has experienced explosive growth in the past decade.

i'd love to be wrong i appreciate everyone here talking about this with me

>> No.27185838
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-600k marketcap
-50% of the total supply burned
- Ncyotee,https://twitter.com/NCyoteethe best Auditor in underworld DeFi, Samuel Ried, ex-core dev of IOTA joined the project full time.
- Renaswap - Volume generating AMM DEX is launching next week.

>> No.27185882

Kitten Finance

>> No.27185926


1M marketcap. This means it's 20x easier to pump than BAO, which is already tiny.

It's an in game currency for a functioning game with active users. If the devs make the game great (they update and improve the game all the time) it could easily go viral.

Check out the discord if you're interested or want to ask the devs questions.

>> No.27185946

Well at least he's redpilled on rebase bullshit
>3. And rebasing... seriously... Rebasing achieves a total of nothing. The only thing that changes is that you're now trading on market capitalization & your % of total tokens. Oh and volume generation from the exciting rebase periods? Doesn't happen since rebases are priced in instantly as balances are updated directly in conventional CFMMs. There is nothing mathematically different between $BASE, $AMPL, and every other normie-tricking rebase token out there
But how exactly does it manage to tax "sell-side transactions"? Does that just mean people selling DRIP into the pools?

>> No.27186099
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It's "the shit"

>> No.27186112

Okay, alright. I cannot find SOS on Coinmarketcap, can you provide further information on where to find information about it?

>> No.27186147


>> No.27186178

Just UniSwap it:

>> No.27186241

dude what the fuck is your research - you think I didnt see this yet?

yeah great, the old CEO and chairman stepped out and they appointed some tard

so why doesnt that mean anything?

>> No.27186258

Use ETH or any stablecoin such as USDC

>> No.27186275


China Rapid Finance was founded in 2001 by Mr. Zane Wang, PhD, one of China’s leading experts in consumer credit market innovation and lending marketplace technology. Prior to founding China Rapid Finance, Dr. Wang received his PhD in Statistics from the University of Illinois at Chicago and started his career in the United States, serving as Head of Analytics for Sears Credit – the world’s largest retail credit card portfolio, subsequently acquired by Citibank. Upon returning to China, Dr. Wang advised the People’s Bank of China on the creation of China’s national credit bureau and the first functioning credit bureau in Shanghai before launching China Rapid Finance. Dr. Wang also is the only Council Committee member of the China Association of Microfinance from the marketplace lending industry, and the Secretary of the Shanghai Financial Information Professional Committee, a branch of the Shanghai government trade association.


if this is all bullshit i'm fuckin losing my mind

>> No.27186304
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Clover. It's already mooning. /Biz/ isn't late, you are.

>> No.27186320

Yeah I was looking for an explanation but they seem to be focused on video mostly, fuck that gay shit.
Anyway I guess it goes like this?
>A stakes link and flash in a LP for the usual reasons (fees and rewards)
>B swaps link for flash
>B can lock up his flash to instantly get some link
>when the lockup ends he can use that flash to get the remaining link
And then somehow an equilibrium will emerge between the lock-up period of link, and flash. It does sound nifty in a way...

>> No.27186345

mate its a chink stock traded on NYSE, it's not crypto

>> No.27186361

DRC ( Digital Reserve Currency)

>> No.27186369


god nvm dude i dont even care about convincing anyone i dont need to this shit is gold on its own

the literal head of analytics for sears credit just agreed to purchase SOS knowing the CEO but yea your analysis is better dog

>> No.27186473

Unironically silver.
Better odds than vast majority of crypto.
Might even be next 40x.

>> No.27186500

lmao. Alright, thank you. I've just checked my broker app, cannot find any SOS either. Only Xinyi Solar, Jinko Solar, Sosei Group.

>> No.27186523

you dont, you buy it.

>> No.27186731

So it seems, so it seems..

>> No.27186861

It's already been p&d.

>> No.27186883
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"Small dev update from today

One of the core Renaswap functions is finalized, now finalizing the last step for renaswap before we can test it as a whole.

Renascent ERC20 is being worked on by the original developer from ITS, he’s back :D

once these are done the final step is to link it all to the front end and begin public testing

We are also looking into redesigning the brand"


>> No.27187103



>> No.27187283

this garbage vaporware company has been making fake pr for fuckin years its so god damn complex


>> No.27187351

Reef, enough said.

>> No.27187378
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I cashed out of Rubic at only 15x, not sure if its too late to get in but I've heard its all a big scam anyway lol

>> No.27187470

you can say the stock wont do well but quit your bullshit about it being fake in any way


>> No.27187531
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ohhhh wait I get it, the mechanism should be explicitly supported by whichever token you're front-loading the yield of
...I think
Anyway I don't really get it, and they're not doing a good job of explaining it. For that reason, I'm out.

>> No.27187570
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It seems that way. BIZ is shilling Shitcoins while WSB is making millionaires out of retards who didn't even have a brokerage account until 4 weeks ago.

>> No.27187589

dog? are you a nig by any chance? that might explain a lot

HAHAH "this shit is gold" - Iook again at the FUCKING BUSINESS PLAN DECK YOU MORON >>27183753 >>27183753 >>27183753

this is the cadre of their company

I think you come straight from reddit

>> No.27187611

The next 10x is always Doge. If everyone would stop splitting their cash between the latest hype shitcoins we can shoot for 10x10x10 with the current media hype driving us.

>> No.27187865


>> No.27187917

it's funny that deck is what convinced you because most of the scam coins idiots like you fall for are very well put together, with real people behind them

fundamentals don't change because you don't like the ceo or the design of their english pdf propaganda

SOS has obtained a national high-tech enterprise certification, the title of "big data star enterprise" awarded by Gui'an New District Government, and has registered 96 software copyrights and 2 patents.


if only you knew anything about chinese government and how meaningful that is

>> No.27187984

Got mine ready.

>> No.27188017


did you even read this? it's super bearish


"Broadline Capital is a global private equity firm focused on growth capital and impact investments primarily in China and North America. The group is run by Chris Thorne, an accomplished tech company entrepreneur, McKinsey & Company alum, and recipient of three degrees from Harvard. Mr. Thorne serves on China Rapid Finance’s board. Broadline Capital is the lead investor of China Rapid Finance."






you are making me lose my mind my dude

>> No.27188240

awarded by Gui'an New District Government

god you're dumb


>> No.27188252

your link tells me they dumped their stock to make $25M




>> No.27188525
File: 52 KB, 1024x488, doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

Bao Finance (BAO)

buy both and thank me later

>> No.27188588

can you explain to me again

1. what your link should prove - apart from having that same copy-paste info on the company where they boast their stupid star award

2. what the award means - especially given you are A CONNAISSEUR OF THE FUCKING CHINESE GOVERNMENT IT SEEMS




man reallylosing my nerves here

>> No.27188623


yeah they did, wonder what's a good way to spend that money ? any ideas?


>> No.27188688

We've been trying to tell you about XRP but you won't listen.

>> No.27188723

would you faggots shut the fuck up?

>> No.27188828

fuck off im trying to shill my bags

>> No.27188995
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>> No.27189078

dude I wasted so much time showcasing that this is a fucking clown company

you are literally better of buying rare pepe or fucking shiba

I'm going to bed now and hope I will never see you post anything on this shit company again


really crazy retarded

hope any lurkers realize that you are dumb as fuck

>> No.27189104

where is electricity super cheap?
where does all fucking mining equipment come from?

wake up kid

>> No.27189114


>> No.27189220

stay poor dumbass we aren't talking about pump and dump crypto here we are talking about a fucking stock on the NYSE

you are fucking retarded please kys in a video game

>> No.27189257

>always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.27189268

$DONUT easy. Once it replaces karma and gold on reddit it's going to be $10 a pop

>> No.27189292

coinbase doesnt support Rubic. How do i buy Rubic

>> No.27189746

This place is a useless shithole, I'm out of here.

>> No.27189808

what subreddit should i follow for crypto? wallstreetbets dont like coins
and r/CryptoCurrency dont like memecoins are funnily enough very conservative

>> No.27189935

The scalable well financed chains will do well. Avax, dot, atom, algo, etc. Once ethereum fees hit $100, you will see a massive exodus.

>> No.27189941

Ah, this is your last argument

All your links didn’t say anything / were easily dismantled (e.g., the technology award from the PE firm, the stupid Chinese technology star)

I hope you get burnt on this one

>> No.27190017
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>> No.27190063



>> No.27190094

MUSE is going to fucking skyrocket

>> No.27190377


remember me monday ok bby girl? just think of me during the day at least once

you will

and youll know you were wrong


>> No.27190648

You fucking retard

I’m not saying it won’t pump - it might will with the morons looking at YouTube videos and MCASH who is literally lying and saying “Buffett says this will 10x”

I’m saying the company is highly dubious and that you are a fucking RETARD for arguing in favor of the company itself

>> No.27190857


no one gives a fuck about mcash quit repeating that like there's not an mcash video for literally every small cap coin

you fuckhead

company is not dubious in any real way, you're just fucking retarded

>> No.27191043

>(For long term anon, Rubic will deliver... short term, next 48 hours is a 100x at SHIB)

>> No.27191105

$MUX silver miner currently at $1.20 sitting on the launchpad

>> No.27191179

Ok then tell me about the data star award and what it is - you said if I knew the Chinese government I would know how huge this is

Pls Tell me

>> No.27191403


Stakers can be represented by the “stake” tab, as seen above. These are the people staking FLASH and earning instant yield (altcoins). In addition, every time FLASH is staked, new FLASH is also minted. That new FLASH is swapped into the pool of the users choice (ex: FLASH/DAI).

Makers can be represented by both the “create” and “pool” tabs on the dApp. These are the liquidity providers who earn stake/swap fees (just like on Uniswap).

Lastly, Takers can be represented by the “swap” tab. These are the arbitragers who balance out the FLASH liquidity pools.

The dance between the three roles and the inflation/deflation mechanism keeps the yield in line and generates the value.


>> No.27191441

MRPH is the only legitimate 10x out there.

>> No.27191544


Fuck 10x. This is a 1,000x once in a lifetime gem

>> No.27191776

"if you don't know specifics of government awards and internal operations of fucking china and it's authoritarian government then everything is fake the NYSE has been tricked by vaporware propaganda since 2002"

off yourself

>> No.27192050


>> No.27192092

the future of NFT is literally what muse is doing with the nft dex, imagine if you could trade a picasso for a vinci

>> No.27192560

i have 100 dollars right now, how do i make this bigger.

>> No.27192613

DEXG and ZCN. Maybe CORX

>> No.27193061

Cardano is one to be considered for sure

>> No.27193159

get a job.
Ive been playing with shitcoins tonight with an attempt to buy in at $150
>at least $30 gas fee to buy
>The investment amount
>gotta keep enough ETH in your wallet to buy the gas fee on the way out (at least $30, more like $50)
so then you can invest maybe $30 bucks and if it doesnt triple you lose money on gas fees.

>> No.27193207

MUSE has the most bullish chart imaginable imo

>> No.27193264

buy a solid looking project that has around a 1m market cap.
So something like KTYLO (it doesn't have to be this coin just an example)

>> No.27193268

50/50 in 2 shit coins dips and wait to sell for profit. Repeat several times until 1k and from there choose an early stage coin and hold to it (must be in top 40 and with realistically scalelable market cap) but u gotta do ur own research. Also never ever leave /biz/ anon welcome to the millionaire club

>> No.27193411

lol you can't diversify with $100.
Assuming a low gas fee he really has around $80.

>> No.27193657

Sure but goin all in one shit coin makes newfags to panic sell the first dip cuz they’re scared for their small savings af

>> No.27193687


>> No.27193949

idk about 10 but zkswap is doing 5x easy.

Explain why u think reef is so revolutionary. its basically a defi-aggregator like many others: orion, nord, frontier

>> No.27194990
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>> No.27195384


>> No.27197048

BBP is starting, Sunday staking for the best bot on Ethereum

>> No.27197091

Your moms cholesterol.

>> No.27197225


>> No.27197342
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>> No.27199090

bao posted at $0.0001
rbc posted at $0.04
you are the one who is late

>> No.27199305

Curio invest is already doing that.

>> No.27199520

Bitcoin will hit $1MM before the end of the decade and none of you fags are gonna take it for 97% off because your attention span is less than a goldfish

>> No.27200401


>> No.27200439

MUSE is lit

>> No.27200445

SLP, buy the dip this is only starting