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File: 19 KB, 626x626, Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2717255 No.2717255 [Reply] [Original]

In your most sober, conservative estimates, where do you expect Bitcoin to "settle" at, years from now?

>> No.2717261


>> No.2717265

Well it will be valved at one because it will be the base.

>> No.2717270

this. but in terms of today's USD, easily $1million

>> No.2717274

Anywhere between 0 and 25,000 USD in 10 years

>> No.2717286

Yeah, I was talking in terms of fiat.

>> No.2717289

It already peaked at around $2900 several weeks ago. It's steadily going downhill now.

>> No.2717301

There will be no fiat. You asked the wrong question. Right now the buying power of one bitcoin is 2600 dollars worth of shit. In 20 years I could buy 2600 lambos with that one coin.

>> No.2717309

I don't think it eventually being worth $10k in about four years time is out of the question

Obviously some painful dips are gonna happen between that though

>> No.2717315

Yeah we all know the trends. So in a couple years time when Bitcoin inevitably blasts past its previous peak, and then that cycle 4 times again, its not inconceivable that 1BTC could exchange for +10k USD

>> No.2717320

This. People who think crypto will "break the banks" have their attention fixated on a smoke and mirror show and not the jewish magician who needs hanged.

>> No.2717324

lol at people thinking BTC will stop increasing in value at 5 figures.

>> No.2717325

Next 5 years, 20k.

>> No.2717327

This isn't a bad estimate. Asian countries are seeing streamlined btc use in real world markets/shops. If that does well, it will be followed by many countries in the following years. only drawback is the slow implementation of increasing block size (many delayed tx's, this may detour some growth each time the userbase grows rapidly)

>> No.2717358

Care to expand on that? Why DON'T you think it will stop there?

>> No.2717361

Conservatively I would say $10,000, realistically I would say $25,000 and optimistically I would say $100,000.
This is assuming it gets superseded and replaced at some point, if that isn't the case then the sky is the limit.

>> No.2717374

Let's be realistic here guys

Is there actually a timeline in which BTC does not hit 10k?

The idea doesn't even make sense. Of course it's going to

Just like partyhats were inevitably going to reach 2.147b each back when people were saying "Lol they'll crash once they hit 1m"

Fixed supply for in-demand commodities almost always results in continually increasing price. And have no doubts - demand WILL rise.

If I had balls I'd put everything I own into BTC. To be quite honest, I should just do it. I have nothing to lose - I'm set for a long time already

>> No.2717380

No kidding, the only thing stopping me from dumping everything I have into BTC right this second is the fact that I've already made it, and I want to avoid jewish tendencies

>> No.2717400


I'm too greedy and I want more BTC, which is the only reason I'm in altcoins. Obviously I'd get out of BTC too if it looked like there was an up and coming potential replacement for it many years down the road

>> No.2717425

even if it goes back up in a few years we are going to see prices of like 1500

>> No.2717426

Are you guys serious? If those estimates are anywhere close to the truth, we would probably be talking about the biggest free lunch ever in our lives. The world doesn't work like that. Real wealth is not created out of thin air unless you're a privileged banker or connected to old money. This all sounds like a fairy tale to me.

Yeah I'm a nocoiner mostly because I've just been building a small-moderate wealth base (and I wasn't paying attention to this market because of work) but all this sounds just too fantastic to be true. I know the arguments in favor, but still. Maybe I've just become pessimistic after blowing my money and time on a useless post-grad degree.

>> No.2717440

Honestly BTC is just a source of fun. You put some in that isn't going to kill you if you lose it, let it ride the rollercoast, and dream about what life would be like when that messily 10k initially invested becomes a mill

>> No.2717443
File: 26 KB, 438x302, runescape-bank-picture-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The analogy between BTC and Runescape partyhats is actually the best one in the world economy. Yeah it's just a game, but this is it. There is no other economic comparison that works this well. For reference, partyhats are an item in Runescape that were introduced in the beginning of the game and never created again, eventually becoming the most valuable items in the entire game - finite supply and high value despite being 100% cosmetic useless items

Partyhats: Introduced, low supply, not worth much
BTC: Introduced, low supply, not worth much

Partyhats: Glitch where partyhats were duplicated a ton, crashed market for years
BTC: No glitch here

Partyhats: Free trade removed, liquidity of partyhats ruined (not accurately priced in GE, the stock market of Runescape, so you had to use junk to trade), crashed market for years since there was no good way to trade them
BTC: MtGox was hacked and BTC liquidity completely ruined, crashed market for years since there was no good way to trade them

Partyhats: People realized that despite setbacks, the reality of the economic situation would overcome it. Even though they were cheap now, there's still finite supply
BTC: People realized that despite setbacks, the reality of the economic situation would overcome it. Even though they crashed to cheap prices, they bounced back soon

Partyhats: As the game got more popular they became status symbols and the most valuable items in the entire game worth billions of GP, more than any armors or weapons despite being useless
BTC: Continually rising into the thousands as it becomes more ingrained into the world economies

(continued below)

>> No.2717447

merched 100k to 10m through g/e back in the days
will i make it in crypto?

>> No.2717448

what free lunch? we're putting real money and time into this thing. deal with it, no coiner.

>> No.2717450
File: 85 KB, 333x432, smug rich runescape pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Partyhats already happened though - they're our glimpse into the future of BTC. And guess what - partyhats are now all worth over max cash (max value of 32-bit signed ints). Blue partyhats are worth ~13b GP. This is not even due to inflation - all other high level combat items are cheap as fuck too compared to partyhats. This is due to finite supply

Funnily enough, Jagex just announced that BTC will be a new accepted payment method for membership.

Bitcoins are partyhats. Didn't you always wish you bought a partyhat back when they were only 100k? Even back when they were 1b?

They are discontinued items just like partyhats. They're actually better though because they are useful economic tools not just cool hats on a video game.

If you real world traded for partyhats back in the days, you'd have made 100000% returns on your USD today. It's not just a game

>> No.2717452

You are thinking about this the wrong way.
You are looking at it like free money when in reality buying crypto now is like buying IT stock in the dotcom bubble. Most will crash and burn but some of us will come out holding Apple, Google and MicroSoft.
Do you consider people that brought Google stock at $50 to be getting free money?

>> No.2717456

There were people who said this same thing about those of us who thought BTC would reach $1,000 and beyond. Its still not too late for you as we're now in institutional investors phase, your window is closing though.

>> No.2717464
File: 5 KB, 184x44, Screenshot (2011-11-20 at 03.10.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically what I'm saying is, this is your chance to buy partyhats and santas hats for a couple million GP because nobody realizes their value yet.

Yeah, it's not a few thousand GP like in the very very beginning. But it's still early as FUCK

Don't be a cuck, buy partyhats NOW for a few million GP before they become billions. You know I'm right in your heart, in your technologically minded brain. This is it. This is the real thing. Normies haven't even begun to start getting into this yet.

>> No.2717493

never heard of these party hats before but really fascinating stuff. everything you said makes sense as well and makes me believe in BTC even more

>> No.2717495

If you buy btc here you deserve what you get

Protip that's an 80% loss

>> No.2717525

Dude fuck we are gonna make it aren't we?

>> No.2717559

we are gonna make it.

>> No.2717585


Stock Picker guy says 50K in 10 yrs.

>> No.2717601
File: 32 KB, 655x650, 0032 - clDaMk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 BTC = $1,050,000
The meme prophecies are true.

>> No.2717630

as foretold in the hebrewnomicon

>> No.2717636
File: 103 KB, 1019x849, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my most sober, conservative estimate?
Nothing stops this train.

>> No.2717678

I accept that people get a reward for risk and that that's not a free lunch. But these valuations that people are projecting seem absurd. What asset category could even compare to Bitcoins, historically?

I'm on the fence still but I get you. Just waiting for a dip.

>> No.2717688

you don't understand this at all rebecca

>> No.2717696

>What asset category could even compare to Bitcoins, historically?
Gold is the closest comparison as there is limited supply and people view it as a wealth store.

As for getting into crypto I have no idea when the time will be right, it's so hard to predict that I refuse to short BTC.
I'm lucky as I got in 4 years ago and have more than recovered my initial fiat investment so I literally can't lose.

>> No.2717699

>$10k is absurd
>x4 price increases seem aburd
>What asst category could even compare to this?
AMD stock had a 7x gain in one year, you honestly don't sound like you know anything at all about stocks let alone crypto.

>> No.2717783

In my most sober conservative estimate? I see no reason why they couldnt be worth 1 million plus each. The USD is fading from being the worlds trading currency. Once that happens USD will drop in value dramatically and whatever happens to Americas economy tends to have a world wide ripple effect. People will be looking for a more solid store of value and with the way everything is globalized gold will not be a real viable option. I mean my neighbors order their dog food from chewy.com so theyre not going to be paying for that in traditional stores of value. I really believe Bitcoin is gold 2.0. I dont think Bitcoin will be the crypto currency in which trades are done with on a day to day basis but I do believe that they will be akin to gold.

>> No.2718462

>What asset category could even compare to Bitcoins, historically?
There are none, this is a completely new asset that has never existed before. The PoW blockchain concept is one of a kind.

Like I said in my earlier post here:
...the only practical things it can legitimately be compared to are other other deflationary digital goods. One such example includes partyhats and other discontinued items in the MMORPG Runescape

As I explained in those posts, up until this point BTC and Partyhats seem to be at literal parity when it comes to their value behavior in response to certain market and regulatory events. People continually underpredicted the investment performance of partyhats and the same with BTC

>> No.2718476

what you're experiencing is the 'nocoiner cope'
When it was 1$, normie nocoiners coped; "This all sounds like a fairy tale to me. The ship sailed! It'll never go back to .1$!"
When it was 10$, normie nocoiners coped; "This all sounds like a fairy tale to me. The ship sailed! It'll never go back to 1$!"
When it was 100$, normie nocoiners coped; "This all sounds like a fairy tale to me. The ship sailed! It'll never go back to 10$!"
this story will continue until the value of one BTC is 1000000 USD
Then, and only then, the normie nocoiner will say "Man, maybe this BTC thing really isn't a scam! how do i get in?"

>> No.2718515
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>> No.2719305

one mistake though. Party hats are only worth around 2k nowdays :(

>> No.2719326

>this delusion

You're not going to make 1000x gains mate.

>> No.2719348

Nividia fucking exploded to . You faggots need to realize that life is a game . Crypto is a meme . If you would stop being a pussy and just invest in this meme you could maybe buy a dodge neon someday

>> No.2719364

2k in osrs, on the original servers they're still stupid expensive

>> No.2719377
File: 40 KB, 225x350, 198587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much higher than anyone would expect, but alt coins will surprise even more.


>> No.2719393

I'm already seeing a declining pattern here. There are so many other cryptos with way better technology. But I did buy some btc recently. You know, miracles tend to happen.