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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27169362 No.27169362 [Reply] [Original]





>> No.27169450
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The future of the web is web 3.0, that is Sentinel dvpn. OP will never tell you this.

>> No.27169459

>made an appeal

>> No.27169499

Wsb never endorsed doge.

>> No.27169584

This is the time when you fucking idiots realize what a stop-limit is for

>> No.27169701
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>> No.27169742

doge bagholders thank you for finally releasing them from their shackles

>> No.27169867
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How do people like this exist that bet EVERYTHING on a single longshot gamble? Like shit, nigger.

>> No.27169894
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>> No.27169940

Wow, babbys first pump and dump

>> No.27169997

but number go up!

>> No.27170012

Sometimes stop limit doesn't even go through if the dip happens extremely fast because the exchange is getting hammered.

>> No.27170028

>buying a inflationary coin
>buying digital coin at nsa spying era.

>> No.27170057

How do I buy dogecoin?

>> No.27170076

ok, now kys and never come back here faggot

>> No.27170079

i dont normally say this but anyone who lost money in doge deserves it kek

>> No.27170081

I told people to sell the moment a pornwhore was buying
You shouldn’t take financial advice from a girl who thought it was a good idea to have videos taken of her getting cocks into her ass

>> No.27170162

>90% of nu /biz/ won't understand

>> No.27170255

1/10 larp, now buy more doge and hodl it

>> No.27170305

>Bought at 0.021 sold at 0.048 and rode into the sunset doubling my portfolio

Feels great. Don't be greedy.

>> No.27170360


>> No.27170445

imagine taking investment advice from a sand nigger porn star. Holy fuck I hope these people actually kill themselves over their losses

>> No.27170478

>gambling your rent money

oof and yikes

>> No.27170526

>binance help desk

>> No.27170587

you deserve it, did you even take 5 minutes to glance at even the wiki of doge? How it can be infinitely mined? Theres no limit on it? You are dumb as fuck and deserve to be poor, you really shouldnt reproduce because youre just going to fuck up the gene pool with your dumbass low iq. Fuck for christ sake dumb little shit, i hope you get smart some day, but jesus what a dumb move

>> No.27170588


>wanted to buy at .008 but couldn't get my fucking money in
>bought at .022
>gonna hold 40k doge for years now until it memes up again

>> No.27170643

Did people unironically go FOMO over DOGE? I've been shilling this coin for days but I only moved so much I already had invested. Crypto is not a casino because it moves way faster than you can put in or claim your money.

>> No.27170690

Why don't you just wait until it's 0.010 again instead and then buy 80k.

>> No.27170788
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>made an appeal
>this trade was rigged!!!

>> No.27170801


>> No.27170882

Literally all they had to do was open up coingecko, sort by mcap, and see why doge could never break 0.10. How the fuck can a memecoin sit at a higher mcap than link?

>> No.27170903

>Made an appeal
Heart chuckle
These people think you can just contest your stonk losses like a mobile game app chargebacks or something

>> No.27170946

Lol lmao

>> No.27170947

Hopefully you learn something from this.

>> No.27170957
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I got out, but im going back in later this week if doge is still trending. hopefully cash out on those pending RH deposits everyone has- or people see how much its tanked, get mad, and scare others away from it. who knows

>> No.27170964

Why would you throw that much into it something this unstable-you should know better than that, kid.

Consider it a loss but hodl. Doge instability is a double edged sword.

>> No.27171032

Anyone who stakes their rent money deserves to be fucked by their landlord. Consider investing in kneepads to cover the loss!

>> No.27171035



>> No.27171036

Anyone with a brain knew this retarded reddit coin wont ever be worth a damn thing, should have put every penny they wasted on this shitcoin into GME

>> No.27171134


>> No.27171143

sir mia khalifa never did anal porn i wish she did

>> No.27171155

imagine losing money on this fucking memecoin

>> No.27171192
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R8 my DOGE profits, boys

>> No.27171204
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>tfw sold at 6 cents
Feels good man!

>> No.27171237


>> No.27171309

you should have just gotten a job or did something honest / 10

>> No.27171326
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These people deserve to lose every penny

>> No.27171358
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Don’t worry fellow Doge fags
They doubt us but this is the final dip before the normie storm

>> No.27171414

WSB literally isn't even WSB right now retard. They got invaded by a bunch of retard normies who brought crypto pyramid schemes with them. WSB bans for crypto talk.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.27171418

Congrats. You were not a victim.

>> No.27171456
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>> No.27171466

Retard gambler greed, they're the kind of people who when they win $100 only feel bad for not betting $1000. They start getting it into their head that they can x10 their net worth

I can't feel any sympathy for this one, everyone knew this was chasing a blatant pump on a literal meme. The idea of some cretin having to tell his kid that he pissed away their college money on funny doge is just hilarious

>> No.27171558

>GME starts taking off
>/biz/ and WSB flooded with shills for NOK, BB, AMC, NAKD, DOGE, BAO, SHIB, etc.
>Threads are made every half hour about how you must BUY BUY BUY PUMP PUMP PUMP HODL HODL HODL
>Now it's a ghost town
Every dollar that goes to these shillstocks is a dollar not being used to buy GME which was the plane, this is exactly what they want. People wasting their cash on busts rather than GME.
Stop falling for it. Stop buying into these retarded schemes and wasting your money. GME was and continues to be the only stock that was going to rocket to the moon.

>> No.27171575

Do some fucking research faggots

>> No.27171576
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>I got liquidated on my Doge futures
What a fucking thing to write lmao

>> No.27171579

Got out lucky for FOMOing in so late

>> No.27171621

hee hee

>> No.27171638

WSB bans discussion of crypto.

>> No.27171667


My heart can't take it anymore anon, I wanted to get out after the first crash and I fell asleep when it went back to .6 after that huge drop and I missed out and it never went up. I don't want anymore of a meme pump and dump currency. Robinhood fucked it badly, just gonna hope people invest after gme goes out but who knows I feel like the magic is gone.

>> No.27171680

ahhahaahha when tards like Mia enter, that's when you exit. It's a really good indicator anons.

>> No.27171707

based 4channer stealing from Twittwefaggots.


>> No.27171787


>> No.27171801

Joing Rubichads on telegram, they can help

>> No.27171851

People on /biz/ actually bought this shit? I thought we were just pretending it was good to trick people into losing their money.

>> No.27171896

While this is generally true, there was a thread with 1000+ posts as it started with a title something like "While we are it why don't we get doge to the moon?". I think this was part of why doge did this.

>> No.27171924
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I never understand why retards put their rent money into gambling. Sat next to a guy at a blackjack table once who kept playing because he had to win back his rent money and was starting to have a meltdown. It was rather sad, but also stupid as fuck.

>> No.27171987

Agreed. I built a mini portfolio with the earnings from $100 put into doge 6 days ago. I kept 2k coins for the fuck of it as well. I bought a little tesla in yesterday's dip, a little bit of Microsoft and apple. Gonna just sit on those and keep putting in on those 3 stocks for the next 12 months. I invested $1k in btc Thursday and that has gone up...trying to decide if I want to hang on to crypto or use earnings towards long haul stocks. Very new at all this.

>> No.27172238

These stories must be made up, i dont belive anyone would seriously go for that

>> No.27172270

Fuck you for making me fact check, you filthy liar.

>> No.27172368

you got your money back?

>> No.27172421

AMC is following the GME squeeze trends, their data shows identical rise and falls at the exact same times. Everything else you said is a pump and dump. I mean NOK rise later on in the year to double its price later on in the year but that's about it.

>> No.27172462

based and blessed, thank you for doing god's work. making wsb great again

>> No.27172572
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I threw in 10 bucks and doubled my money then pulled out lmao.

>> No.27172671

Gambler's fallacy and/or gambling addiction. These people assume a rut of bad luck means a good break is coming soon.

>> No.27172680

I had been holding hundreds of thousands of doge coins waiting for a chad pump to dump them into.
Dogecoin = pump and dump mememoney
GME = completely different NEVER SELLING

>> No.27172691

How do you even track when retards like Mia enter without following all of them on twitter or browsing /biz/ 24/7? Not going to follow every retarded porn star's account.

>> No.27172695
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press D to dab on excommunicated roastie

>> No.27172731
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do cookie cutters really put their hopes and savings on a meme dog?

>> No.27172811

now i cant pay rent. again

lmao dog we warned you

>> No.27172839

where the fuck is her penis

>> No.27172861

I can't wait for my 4/16 $170 puts to print

>> No.27172903

you bet your check on the wrong fucking dog, hombre. SHIBA INU is the real winner here. All we have to do is snatch up all the coins.

>> No.27172993

First off WSB never said to buy DOGE
This is a propaganda thread to make you sell GME, because you know, you cant trust WSB right?
Secondly, dont invest if you dont know what you are doing, or if you dont stay at the fucking screen watching the market.
Also dont invest money you need to pay rent.
You invest money that you can throw away, and you increase that money through investing.
The gains will be low at first but will increase over time, because you make good investments.
Dont throw in all your money, especially if you dont know what you are doing.

>> No.27173028

DOGE @ 1$ is a scam until 2030. There needs to be trillions more in marketcap

>> No.27173033

Crypto doesn't have after hours also why would you let that sit

>> No.27173198


>> No.27173344

Feeling so comfy with my x5 short at 0.06. Only $500, wish I put more.

>> No.27173435

>faggot puts his entire monthly salary into dogecoin while it was rocketing
>up all night talking about how his life is set now and he'll never worry about money again
>keeps saying he's holding until a $1 and this is just a dip

He's going to kill himself, isn't he?

>> No.27173509

You may not like this post but all meme stocks and crypto like doge are a divide and conquer tactic from GME.

>> No.27173942

Normie liquidations are unironically bullish as fuck and I don’t hold a single Dogecoin. It will always be an infinite supply memecoin for me.

>> No.27174241

this, people are stupid they will believe any image they see on social media that says WSB or Elon

>> No.27174310

It had a higher market cap than LINK for a few hours.

>> No.27174323

what is going to happen to WSB when thousands of idiots are going to lose all their money because of gamestop memes??

>> No.27174392

Wait really? Based. I wish we could have separate boards for stocks/crypto too

>> No.27174400

It will be even funnier than the doge butthurt

>> No.27174472

ok, if doge is an uncapped coin, how the fuck does it have any value? like if it exists infinitely how the fuck does the value change?

>> No.27174586

when people put money on it, like every normie did 2 days ago
a literal ponzi scheme happened

>> No.27174629

i unironically went short 20x when it was 5.5 and also got liquidated in like 12 seconds... can’t win in this game

>> No.27174647

>I got liquidated on my doge futures
Imagine letting the world know this.

>> No.27174704

It has more than 100bil in circulation but can only grow by 5bil a year. So it's not like it just inflates faster and faster. All crypto value is highly speculative regardless.

>> No.27174847

>risking ALL the money
Fucking idiots I swear to God

>> No.27174887

Fucking normies getting into some shit they barely understand, they have it coming. Whores deserve all their losses for being leeches of society.

>> No.27174985

WSB never talked abotu DOGE. It was satoshistreetbets

>> No.27175052

So out of pure and utter autism I made 2k off of dogecoin. This shit shouldn't have cashed out but at least a nigga got my dump. Where do I go next in crypto or should I invest in some of the retard stock that's going on.

>> No.27175227

Degenerate, x20? you knew that 5% against your position liquidated you? with the volatility of this dogshit that was a retarded position.

>> No.27175503
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>a literal ponzi scheme happened
>mfw normies created their own ponzi scheme and got tricked by it

>> No.27175693

Gotta admit it can make you money if you are smart with it, or lucky I guess. I threw $100 at it last year when it was around. 003 and bounced with 1k during the pump. Couldve been way more but got greedy, oh well I learned my lesson. Easy money to make off these dumbasses

>> No.27176146

Eeeyy ese ese just march to Amerikka with the other watos biden gonna refund yo dinero raspalo estalwaso!

>> No.27176439

i saw some BSV bagholders on Twitter try the same scam

>> No.27176501
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>> No.27176639

Guys I'm losing my mind for real right now. I don't understand why the F*$!% doge isn't continuing to moon like everyone said it would?? I have been sick to my stomach for the past 12 hours and have barely touched my food that has gone cold now.. I was one of the very first people to buy in after seeing that now viral tiktok video and my portfolio on Robin Hood was DOUBLING every half hour. I don't know how the fuck I can face my neighbors and coworkers now after the way I treated them this morning due to my new found confidence when I thought I was about to retire this week.

>> No.27176861

>sets stop limit order at the price i bought in
nothin personnal kid

>> No.27176934

Lmao i put 40 down for the meme cause it was in Robinhood and I didnt really have a use for an extra 40 lying around
Never invest more than youre willing to lose lmao

>> No.27176979

I do not pity anyone losing money on DOGE. Like seriously, how can you fall for it?

>> No.27177070

>after hours
>blew his rent money on doge
kek ngmi

>> No.27177385
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>I made an appeal