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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2715862 No.2715862 [Reply] [Original]

The fact that this is 12 cents right now is the craziest thing I've ever seen. Basic Attention Token is the most disruptive coin with the highest potential on the market.

Coinbase is adding the top ERC20s to their platform, Bat, Golem and Auger by years end.

Bat is likely going to end the year at about $3. You think I'm joking motherfucker? Just wait.

>> No.2715870

Nice, just got 100k of this

>> No.2715877

Nice just bought 100k!

>> No.2715910

sent ;)

>> No.2715913

Congrats you just made a hundred grand.

>> No.2715927

Nice, just lost 100k on this

>> No.2715930

Nice, just bought 100k

Also saged

>> No.2716001

Just warning you. Screencap years end. What will have performed better, BAT at 12 cents or your fagbags like Antshares at $8 bucks. HMM I wonder.

>> No.2716026

what does the price of a coin have to do with anything?

>> No.2717266
File: 312 KB, 1242x1533, 1498989994155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Already superceded by ADT, which is browser agnostic, unlike BAT, which is tied to the general adoption of the Brave browser. Which just ain't gonna happen. See https://adtoken.com/

Coins aimed at furthering digital advertising are a good idea, but BAT fucked up from the beginning, trying to gouge ICO participants on the ETH purchase price. Then it turns out they tied their idea to the use of the Brave browser, like Brave is going to dislodge Chrome and Safari.

ADT, which is browser agnostic does much what BAT does but without the bullshit. Take your money, pull it out of BAT, put it into ADT. It's one of the most undervalued coins out there now, and will only go up the more BAT goes down.

>> No.2717287

shut the fuck up faggot

>muh newshitcoin is gonna take over your oldshitcoin

the fuck outta here let me hold in peace

>> No.2717295

Bat has 1.5 billion in supply. Bat being even $1 will put it in the top ten. I don't think it'll reach that cap this year maybe in a couple more years if the bull market continues.

>> No.2717331

>t. tech illiterate


>> No.2717339

Why not? Ethereum will be king, BAT and GNT will be prince

>> No.2717366

You're gonna get Jebbed

>> No.2717407

BAT has no future unless they partner with other browsers.
Barely anyone uses Brave.

>> No.2717413

Betting on BAT is a bet against Google, ballsy move.

>> No.2717418

i might throw a few balls at bat and hope for a homerun

>> No.2717469

Fuck Google, Id bet against those millenial shit brains any day.
Their adwords blows
their search results blow
their stupid tryhard googly games they do blow
fuckers are going down some day

>> No.2717476

Agree but for different reasons

>> No.2717484

not that guy, but for what reasons? EU fines? Competition? what's your reasoning for them going down?

>> No.2717488

I think the founders of google are in their 50s and the ceo is like 60

>> No.2717492

What's stopping google from buying the people behind this blockchain out and either destroying the project or making a new blockchain with the same tech?

>> No.2717508

that would be pretty sweet, 5 billion payout = $5/coin

>> No.2717526
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>bashing on things you don't even remotely understand

>> No.2717568

Meh, not interested.

No one is using this thing for ads. The market isn't there and it isn't coming quickly. Let me know when I can pay my company's ad bills in Bitcoin then we can start talking about paying in BAT.

Until then, it's just another shitcoin that will be manipulated by whales.

>> No.2717597

But they can buy the brave foundation without buying any bat. So the tokens will be worthless

>> No.2717607

According to the brave faq, you can use coinbase to convert bat into btc

>> No.2717660

They just mean you can donate to a Brave wallet from Coinbase. If they are doing payouts in BTC too, then you legit don't need a BAT token at all.

See the problem here?

>> No.2717662

Sergey and Larry are 43 and 44, respectively. Hard to believe they founded Google when they were just 25-26. I'm 25 and I haven't done shit with my life.

>> No.2717702

Millions of people will wanna get paid to look at ads. Shit I'd do that.