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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.71 MB, 1518x828, surf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27157947 No.27157947 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever happened to this? I remember the dev was all cryptic for months leading up to it, saying that it would make all of us anons rich. Then it came out, and I feel like I didn't hear much about it after the first two weeks. What happened to SURF?

>> No.27158798

feb 1st my man, feb 1st

>> No.27160062

>believing a group of scammers
you deserved

>> No.27160359

Surf will be $10 by February 14

>> No.27160906

Nigga I didn't buy any. I'm just curious what happened to it. It certainly seemed a bit more legit than the average /biz/ scam.

>> No.27161140

it was LITERALLY just supposed to be a literal sushi scamclone
then TVL majorly underwhelmed our expectations
then the main dev faggot got high on his own farts and decided he needed to build an entire ECOSYSTEM of useless fucking dapps to try and give his shitcoin a purpose
get the absolute fuck out of surf if youre still bagholding
t. unironic former dev team member

>> No.27161157

it failed. it did have an actual idea behind it. but it failed .

>> No.27161369

Didn't it take off for a while? I was in a discord that was the precursor to it (I think) but I fucking hate discord and wasn't even paying attention.

>> No.27161553

t. weird hanger-on who’s been pathologically lying about SURF from day 1

>> No.27161633

fuck off brypto i hope you break your faggot ass foot again

>> No.27161679

Bros what if we take our money and.... spin it around!?

>> No.27161762

Dev is still around. Several dapps have been released and whirlpool is still paying out rewards. I'm actually still in profit with Surf, as opposed to all of my other shitcoin calls.

>> No.27162147

I believed for a long time and invested a lot of eth, got rekt by imperment loss - Maybe I would have held on if the community had been more transparent, but there’s clearly a major disjoint in the information those in the select inner circle have compared to everyone else. I was tired of just having to have blind faith and being completely ignored. If you held, I do genuinely hope it pays off for you.

>> No.27162238



>> No.27162341
File: 359 KB, 732x822, 1608982255581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved this pepe cause I liked it so I like SURF

>> No.27162883

hope you have a little stack fren, ygmi