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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27152410 No.27152410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fights for us little people his whole career
>fights for worker's rights his whole career
>fights for Civil Rights his whole career
>fights against Wall Street his whole career
>shouts from the rooftops what trickeries Wall Street has been up to for decades now, no one listens
b-b-but muh Socialism!
>Bernie's version of socialism is taxing Wall Street transactions and giving that money to us in the form of FREE FUCKING HEALTHCARE AND FREE FUCKING COLLEGE, you dimwits. we have other social programs too, he just wanted to create a couple more to help us out
>Bernie has been fighting his whole life against the powers that we're now seeing unfolding live in front of our faces with the Gamestop, Melvin Capital, Citadel, and Robinhood bullshit
>you could've voted for Bernie and had someone in power who knows exactly what these mother fuckers have been up to for decades now
>you could've voted for Bernie and had someone in power who would've cut the snake off at the head
>you could've had someone in power who would've given you your fucking tax money back and let you decide to do with it, instead of giving it all to (((them))), like what's been happening for far too long now
>now it's too late

you mother fuckers haven't been paying attention, have you? you reeeeeally haven't been paying attention. you fucked up, and all this shit that's happening is what you deserve. if we're lucky enough to have him run again, don't blow it next time

>> No.27152498


>> No.27152556

Shut the fuck up commie nigger.

>> No.27152610

(((Bernie))) has been a politician his whole life and has accomplished absolutely nothing of substance. He’s a self proclaimed neocommunist with multiple homes and millions in net worth. Fucking scam (((artist)))

>> No.27152656
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nice bait

>> No.27152729
File: 84 KB, 944x494, A2751105-A5C5-4956-804B-23E236F8A579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this and he still gets cucked (twice)

>> No.27152731

look at what the fuck he's up against, you god damned retard

keep voting for the Orange Man and voting against your own self-interests. you people are being laughed at

>> No.27152738

(((Bernie))) is nothing but a sell-out and conman.

>> No.27152800

>fights for little people his whole career
>pretends to want to tax the rich while being a millionaire owning multiple massive houses

>> No.27152807

Yep, bernie is like trump but for leftoid commies.
Controlled Opposition, just a different flavor...

>> No.27152812

You will never be a woman

>> No.27152824

Get the fuck out

>> No.27152826

fuck off to /pol/ or Reddit I don't care

>> No.27152832

after /pol/ nazis comes /pol/ commies what a time to be alive, /biz/ is now r/pol/ GREAT

>> No.27152895

Orange man is gone sweetie. You can’t go blaming all of your problems on him anymore. Fucking moron

>> No.27152936

I don't want him to fight for me, I don't want any politic fight for me. I want them to leave me alone.

>> No.27152948

nice "facts". the dude just became a millionaire after getting paid on his book. but keep spreading (((their))) lies, you're doing great goyim

>> No.27153025

He will never win. get over it.

>> No.27153174
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>bernie's version
>describes the basic bitch definition of socialism
>pretends to not know socialism is not a thing itself but a transitionary period into communism
Can you go shill your retarded shit in pol? Christ, do you even know where you are?

>> No.27153195

yeah he's up against an army of retards like you, who believe (((their))) lies and continue to vote against your own best self-interests

>> No.27153250

It doesnt matter. He is too old and a proven loser.

>> No.27153260

Unfortunately nobody actually likes communism enough for this senile retard to actually win, so I will never get to see him stab you in the back like trump did to the retards that voted for his jew-loving ass thinking he was different.

>> No.27153334

He’s a good person IRL. Fuck off are you five years old? Do you know this is politics?

>> No.27153411

He owned more than a million dollars just in homes in 2009. Thats before he bought his third house

>> No.27153465
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>> No.27153506

Why do you bring up the jew thing? Bernie is a jew

>> No.27153892

>stopped complaining about millionaires when he became one.
>demonstrated a lack of integrity by supporting the same people the opposed him, as soon as it was more convenient to do so
>tried to push financial/tax plans that couldn't work, as demonstrated by other governments that tried the same plans (socialism/communism)

>The woman that tried to make a small business making mittens had to quit because taxes were too high on small business owners.

>> No.27153928

Bernie is definately a good hearted guy, trying to stick it to the big corporations, but the socialism really is retarded.

"lining up for food is a good thing!" was peak retardation

either way, i really wish the left didnt fuck him up the ass and steal his chance at presidency. i think that at bare minimum, he would have been a better president than.. ya know...

>Obama 2! Electric... uum.. Kamala, where am i?

>> No.27153944

Man, you wrote a lot of shit I’m not going to read

>> No.27153972
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>> No.27153994

>He’s a good person IRL
He can be a good person, but it doesn't change that he is a corrupt politician that lacks integrity

>> No.27154002


>> No.27154042

the dude literally lived in a commune, and got kicked out for how lazy he was. lmao.

>> No.27154062


>> No.27154105

Bernie is pretty cool. It’s too bad he still doesn’t know the difference between democratic socialism and social democracy. His platform is clearly social democratic. But he still incorrectly calls himself a socialist.

>> No.27154120



>> No.27154190


That's what he's fighting for nigger.

Also the people DID vote for him, they hillary'd us, and then when the next time came around, we knew they would hillary his ass, so we decided to burn shit down with Trump cuz he had a storm the capitol strategy, versus Sanders softly softly "please wallstreet may I?"

>> No.27154207

His net worth is a couple of million, which isn’t really a lot considering his age and occupation. Don’t pretend he’s in the same league as some billionaire.

>> No.27154241

He's a showman. He make his career off of conveying the impression that he's a good man and a champion of civil rights. He's still a longstanding millionaire Senator who has never done an ounce of hard labor in his life, which is consistent with most champagne socialists. There are different classes of "socialist" but most come back to resentment for work.