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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27148489 No.27148489 [Reply] [Original]

>thus far only Bitcoin and maybe Ethereum to an extent actually get used for real life things
>people actually believe these 100's of shitcoins that came out with a "solution looking for a problem" design are actually anything other than pump and dumps with intricate dressings

They all fail. They will all continue to fail eventually. There is no real life use case for them you guys are just circlejerking over empty hypotheticals.

>> No.27148706

There is no real world use case for bitcoin either. At least not one that will not get outlawed in a few years due to increasing pressure to curb internet drug trade and cyber threats. Look at this India thing. Governments will use legislation to take back control, and era of free crypto is ending before it even begun.

>> No.27148782

Eth can't scale and bitcoin supports 7 tps
scamcoin is future sir

>> No.27149121

Look at TVL on ETH retard. It's going up parabolicly on the long term, has more txs than bitcoin, and has new dapps launching every day.

Poorfags will cry about ''muh scaling' but the fact that people are willing to pay big money for txs proves it's validity. Maybe learn what people are doing, not (you) because you'e obviously a poorfag holding some /biz/ pajeet pnd, and you maybe you'll understand that giving access to free market interest rates on a permissionless and uncensorable network is a big deal.

>> No.27149246
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Here come the meme hypotheticals and pseudotech babble from those in denial