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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2714769 No.2714769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


How do we stop these fucking niggers

>> No.2714902


>> No.2714909

Start by doxxing a few members and setting an example

>> No.2714919

Why do you give a shit?

>> No.2714920

The most triggering posts is women stealing shit for their children. Like wtf

>> No.2714921

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.2714969
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>> No.2714983

>Over 40
>has a child
>still stealing

>> No.2714986

He loves the taste of Schlomo Shekelberg's big fat cock and will do anything it takes to defend him.

>> No.2715002

actually a pretty funny subreddit

anyone remember that site rotteneggs, it had shoplifters on it

>> No.2715017

The punishment for this should be death.

>> No.2715040
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The amount of coping on this subreddit is worse than bag holders.

>> No.2715043

>if you don't like people being thieving niggers you must like Jews

Why do thieves always have retarded justifications?

>> No.2715047

Wow.... just wow.

>> No.2715052
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>Drug tests are blatant classism

>> No.2715058


>> No.2715064

>shoplifting cheap shit

jesus fuck its just a bunch of plebs

>> No.2715072
File: 67 KB, 540x534, ke_ke_keek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these people are truly morally superior beings

>> No.2715078


Oh and if there are any shop lifters here.

Know that these "liftings" don't come out of company profits, they come out of tax payer's dollars. Each theft is written off or paid off by insurance (depending on the company).

When something is written off by the company as a lose, the government pays them back for their loss (~30%).

If a company has a lose of 100k, they're guaranteed to receive 15k - 30k back from that loss.

30 billion was lost in 2016. 30,000,000,000 * 0.30 = $9,000,000,000 of tax payer's money.

You're doing nothing but hurting your common hooman.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Oh and for you common working individuals, these people that shoplift are majority on some form of welfare - even more lost from tax payers.

>> No.2715106

That guy posts on r/fullcommunism


Source? I'd like to read more about how this works.

>> No.2715113


Tip the FBI or contact Reddit admins via telephone. It's not rocket science. I know you don't really give a damn because you came here an posted a stupid meme picture instead of doing it yourself.

Putrid pile of feces.

>> No.2715130

>reddit will dox right wing shitposters but not pedophiles or actual criminals
Really fenagles my frontal lobe

>> No.2715165






Hopefully that helps you.


I wouldn't.

These people need to know that they're not hurting the businesses profits at all. They're only hurting the tax payers.

Here is an interesting story of tax fraud:


People of this nature are ignorant to the fact that multi BILLION dollar companies are already 10 steps ahead - they just put the burden on tax payers.

>> No.2715180


> stealing from tax payers indirectly
> not classified as actual criminal


>> No.2715187

Interesting thank you

I think you misunderstood his post

>> No.2715206

Also how does this work with credit card fraud for example?

I know banks definitely refund the victim his money but isnt that also somehow paid by the government?

>> No.2715221

Even if they had an abundant revenue from taxation, the government would still siphon off billions to black budget ops to fuck the population over. They're using your tax payer dollars to pay for the warfare that they're waging against their own population.

Much taxpayers is such a cop out. It's no holds barred against these cunts til these institutions burn to the ground.

>> No.2715261
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looks like a few more lifetime tickets to the Holocoaster are booked. You simply cannot have a functioning society with these types of people around. It eliminates trust for the most petty reasons.

>> No.2715283


>shareholders are evil
>shareholders forced me to steal

>> No.2715288


It's not like rich people get tested for cocaine usage. But it's a necessary thing because too many niggers and white trash do drugs in the first place. I can see their point, but there's a reason why it's done.

>> No.2715294

lmao made my day, i love that meme

>> No.2715299


No problem.


To my knowledge.

Credit card fraud, the bank flips the bill and is counted as a loss. Works the same way - it's just written off and paid by the government in the end.


I'm not disagreeing with you.

And in reality. If you want to get to the nitty gritty of all of it.

The Federal Reserve is just printing money to in the end - cover the loss. As the government is just a middle man to the Federal Reserve. As more loss occurs, the more money is printed, the more inflation occurs and soon you'll have a wheelbarrow of money to buy a loaf of bread.

>> No.2715313

They don't care who holds the bag. They will just find some other bullshit way to justify their theft. If they're already commies or welfare recipients then they have no problem stealing from taxpayers.

>> No.2715340


> They don't care who holds the bag.

It doesn't hurt to tell em' we're all in the same boat.

Maybe if they see that stealing from Best Buy doesn't actually hurt Best Buy, it just hurts us all.

>> No.2715350
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This is why you can't have your libertarian utopia in a low trust multicultural society, faggots.

>> No.2715365

They see it as a means to end the oppressive system though.

>> No.2715384

>Shoplifting is automatically legal in a libertarian society
Really made me think

>> No.2715391

It's true. If everyone were white, K-selected, and had an IQ over 120, libertarianism might work. Unfortunately the world is full of low-tier scum with no regard for anything but their animal desires. I would love if a libertarian society were possible but I can't see it happening.

>> No.2715408



In the grand scheme of things, they're taking their frustration out on the system. I get it, but being educated enough to know the system already factors that in is knowing what's actually going on.

>> No.2715432

what did it say, its removed

>> No.2715442
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>> No.2715453
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damn rite honky
Only waipepo deserve to make money through underhanded tactics

>> No.2715456

Hands always used to work well

>> No.2715462

I'm triggered that they deleted it

>> No.2715469


I am too.

What do?

>> No.2715470

reddit is full of commies

they will all be killed when the civil war starts, dont worry

>> No.2715471

i reported it with a link to this thread :^)

>> No.2715476


That's not nice.

>> No.2715480

lol do you not know reddit?

thats what they do

>> No.2715509


>> No.2715514

Yes I know, I just hate commies and thieves

>> No.2715522

then definitely steer clear of plebbit thats for sure

>> No.2715529

i also like to fuel the hatred

>> No.2715543
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Next report please.

>> No.2715564

that was quick

>> No.2715607


To quick for me.

>> No.2715633

you moralfags belong on reddit

>> No.2715666

What the fuck does this have to do with biz, jesus christ
get out of here with your ethics and morals

>> No.2715700

This desu, trips confirm it. I 100% agree that shoplifting is wrong but this is really more of a /b/ thread. The last cancer this board needs is people getting invested in some cause. That's how we end up with Gamegate type shit distracting us from crypto gains.

>> No.2715710

Their delusions must be preserved. They must be able to act like shit with impunity AND feel morally superior while doing it. Such is reddit.

>> No.2715714

It's cool if your like 12 and know the worst that can happen is they call your parents, but as an adult fuck that dog

>> No.2715727

Works in majority white states like new hampshire

>> No.2715783
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You're saying talking about niggercoin is more important?

>> No.2715801


You're correct.

>> No.2715812

Unless you some sort of profiting plan for your anti shop lifters campaign, yes.

>> No.2715819

Fuck off bootlicker

>> No.2715826


> profiting plan

You know starting up a non-profit organization that specializes in anti shop lifting is a great way to get those tax dollars. I'm sorry, I mean it's a great way to work with the community in providing a safer shopping experience.

>> No.2715828

>Muh edgy.

Lurk moar and finish college before posting here :^)

>> No.2715834

But that subreddit is on reddit...

>> No.2715855


>> No.2715881

I love the part about child labour and sweatshops.
>"This item was made by some poor child in thailand :(("
>"I know, I'll steal it! That'll help!"

>> No.2715985

It's hilarious when commies reveal their true colors. They just want free shit and the death of more successful people.

>> No.2716014
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>> No.2716027
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>> No.2716044


>yes, i am despicable but...

these guys are worse than bagholders.

>> No.2716061

>people posting their "hauls"

yeah that's smart, lets document our crimes on the public internet.

>> No.2716062

It's true, though. Most lower class people are lower class because they're shitty people. Any measure targeting shit behavior is inherently classist.

>> No.2716084


These are like children.

>> No.2716113

hey when the state treats theft as less than marijuana possession
you can be a thief and get better opportunities than an honest cannabis user

>> No.2716134
File: 58 KB, 251x251, 1309380461741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geez, I wonder what is the racial demographics of this subreddit

>> No.2716146

Mostly White trash desu

>> No.2716251
File: 10 KB, 259x194, LilPump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'm sure you can imagine black people stealing, but could you really picture a bunch of hood niggas logging on Reddit to philosophically justify sealing using some DUDE CORPORATIONS LMAO type line of argumentation? These are upper middle class edgy white burnouts that look like pic related.

>> No.2716266
File: 22 KB, 480x360, top-trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, 4chan discuss "subreddits"

Oh! I'm on /biz/! You guys are maggots, lol

>> No.2716346

a trannycoin thread died for this ohh noo what r we all gonna do now

>> No.2716371


She is obviously doing that for fun/adrenaline.

>> No.2716374

If any of you pirate games, movies, music, books and software you are literally no better than shoplifters.

T. Guy who does all those things

>> No.2716500

I've filtered so many of you $4CHN niggers but more keep popping up. kys

>> No.2716506

hmmm I wonder who this could be

>> No.2716513


Watch your pockets :)

>> No.2716522

haha nice meme my dude :^)

>> No.2716540


>rich people don't get tested for cocaine

Wait what. This is excellent bait because I NEVER post, this is the most stupid shit I have ever read on the internet.

Go ahead and explain why drug tests are necessary for a company.

Just go ahead. I'll wait.

Holy fuck man.

Sterilize yourself.

>> No.2716573


universal basic income

>> No.2716592

Yup. Niggers don't need any other justification than "I wants dat". In that regard, I prefer them. I'll take an honest, unapologetic theif over a theif that claims they're doing moral good.

>> No.2716738

so by shoplifting I'm forcing society to partially implement communism?


>> No.2716799

>Go ahead and explain why drug tests are necessary for a company.
Not him but you're a ducking idiot if you can't figure out why companies have to do drug tests

>> No.2716807

Yes just give them money and they'll all stop stealing, right? Oh wait half the people posting in that subreddit are already middle class.

>> No.2716813

so they're stealing from us instead of businesses, very smart anon

>> No.2717562

>Le does anyone else hate reddit xDD? Lol even mentioning it is bad regardless of what topic it's on or about!

There is a significant overlap between people who use 4chan and use reddit. If anything reddit is a much better platform than 4chan.

>> No.2717610

i like the post thats complaining about toxicity in their "community". Like you're all a bunch of thieves you fucking pussy hello?

>> No.2717623


You're right friend, please stay there. Intellectuals such as yourself shouldn't waste their time on inferior platforms such as 4chan.

>> No.2717634

Niggers post their hauls on kikebook

>> No.2717657

Okay...? You can use both websites, as most people do.

>> No.2717665

Please fuck off forever.

>> No.2717670

Quick rundown what are these
wiggers stealing

>> No.2717712

Great little subreddit

Art supplies

Anything small really

>> No.2717718

I got halfway through that and couldn't finish. KEK

>> No.2717723

Lol NO we r fghting the evil white mon commin to rape mah village XD fght #stealfromthepoorandgivetotherich

>> No.2717724

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.2717729


meh, I think it was the stealing of gifts... one bitch is talking about jacking a baby stroller for her friends baby shower...

part of it is respectable as in the penalty for stealing it is high, so i guess she's a good friend... the other part of it, well if I had a friend give me stolen merchandise and found out about it I'd basically punt them out of my life...

>> No.2717731

>4chan is now a moralfag website

>> No.2717734

Wait a minute, if you're in america and you put something in your pocket while in a store you can get arrested for shoplifting? Even if you haven't left the store yet?

>> No.2717756

>tag switched a pair of jeans at Banana Republic for my husband - $100 to $8 :)
>Thanks for the feedback yesterday, it gave me the confidence to pull off this $330 haul (not including the jeans) <3

>> No.2717798


nah, do that shit all the time... typically they won't fuck with you until you try to exit the store... I'm assuming. Never actually tried to shop lift because I'm not a poorfag or degenerate adrenaline junky.

I've never been hassled for pocketing merchandise while I make my way around the stores.

>> No.2717903

Easy, join them and stop whining.

>> No.2717926

Why would you become a thieving nigger?

>> No.2717938

Greed is, for the lack of a better word, good.

>> No.2717942

>Not him but you're a ducking idiot if you can't figure out why companies have to do drug tests
German companies don't drug test and our economy is doing quite well. So why are they necessary?

>> No.2717945

There's better applications of greed than this.

>Get caught
>Criminal record
>Can't get a normal job because you thought you were above paying for things

>> No.2717952

god I fucking hate shoplifters so much. And it's always the ugliest, most decrepit looking old witch that's doing it

>> No.2717958

Steal shit worth 10K
Get caught
Pay a lawyer 2K
Get off scott free
Profit 8K

>> No.2717964

What the fuck are you going to steel worth 10k? You really think you wont get caught before that?

>> No.2717969

10 tiny fitbits are 2.5K
Easy to bag at AT&T stores

>> No.2717981

No lawyer is going to be able to get you out of stealing that shit.

>> No.2717996

>Has anyone tried playing retarded or handicapped? This worked very well for me.
I walked in with a fake exaggerated limp, and pointed my foot in a completely awkward way the entire time. I also scrunched my face the entire time, stiffened my jaw and tilted my head awkwardly.
I then grabbed a cart and filled it with a bunch of stuff, pocketed a whole bunch of things. Did everything seemingly legit. Got to the counter. Loaded a few things onto checkout and then pretended that I retard left my wallet at home. Grunted it to the cashier in a retarded way. She could not even look directly at me for fear of being insensitive. Just let me leave to get my wallet.
Best trick ever. Highly recommend.

>> No.2718001

Innovative. Well done.

>> No.2718002

>around 2002
>work at convenience store right out of HS
>have to work saturday morning
>boss says some nig nogs are going to be doing a car wash for some funeral fund raiser on the lot next door, they're going to be using our water
>little more traffic than usual but everything is normal
>niglets walk into store
>4 of them about 10 years old
>they all spread out along the store
>keep an eye out make sure they don't steal anything pricier
>little niglet nearest me stuffs some gum into his pockets
>they buy some soda and some other shit don't care
>as they're walking out one of them points to newspaper rack
>"Hey Look it's your dad!"
>they leave
>walk around counter to look at fucking newspaper
>Nig nog on front page of news paper
The reason they were doing a car wash was to raise funds for a funeral after that kid's dad tried to rob a liquor store at gun point and the owner killed him.


>> No.2718012

In fact... are you even a shoplifter? Or an online roleplayer? These posts seem very familiar to shit I read on that subreddit and I don't think they were posted by the same person.

>> No.2718056
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>> No.2718059


As you see your honor, my client is clinically retarded by this documentation that may or may have not come from a doctor my client paid off.

I also have a physiologist here that has evaluated my client and has found he's experienced emotional trauma from the opinions of others in this court room, news outlets and newspapers that have ruined his reputation. He's now filing a counter lawsuit over defamation of character and emotional trauma produced over this whole ordeal that has further increase his clinically proven retardedness.

>> No.2718069
File: 65 KB, 1000x609, -scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir your client was proven retarded after the date of the crime. he also has held 3 jobs in the past 10 years with no mention of disability by his employers

>> No.2718081
File: 30 KB, 1400x800, emoji-thinking-3d-model-low-poly-max-obj-3ds-fbx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my client's defense: had my client not been retarded, does the jury honestly believe that they would have stolen numerous expensive electronics in one go, with no regard for their longterm future?

I rest my case your Honor.

>> No.2718100

Shoplifter checking in.

I dont care who takes the loss, its survival of the fittest. Already stole 15k this year LMAO

fuck you!!!!

>> No.2718105
File: 604 KB, 2400x1600, dear_lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your honor, it's clear my client was unaware of his mental status at the time of the crime. I'd like to continue this case to gather whiteness from his previous employers.

> 3 months later

Tell me madam. Is this the picture he sent you?

Y-yes it is.

Would you care to explain why he sent this?

H-he said it was his matting call.

How long did you work with him?

I worked with him for 3 months before he up and quit.

How long ago did he send this message?

He sent it about 2 weeks before he quit.


desu this is the better response

>> No.2718298
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The mental gymnastics are utterly ridiculous. Nobody forces people to work there.

>> No.2718311

When did this board become a bunch of sterile pathetic baby boomers

>waahhhhhmuh stealing

Who gives a fuck, that what you can get. I'm getting robbed by my rent anyway

>> No.2718325

Lol this isn't /b/ fag

>> No.2718337

The cycle continues

>> No.2718343


This post doesn't belong here.

>> No.2718356

so good

>> No.2718369

German companies do well because they employ Germans instead of Somalians

>> No.2718430

You should have chased them down and extorted them for money.

>> No.2718460

4chan is now a Christian-Conservative hugbox.

>> No.2718467

No Tyrone this is a business board where people try to make money by providing value. Not getting fucked in the ass in prison and then being unable to get a job afterwards.

>> No.2718481

That's why the savvy thief steals in foreign countries.
>Travel to America, usually in a cheap cabin in a freighter
>Fill my bags with electronics
>Sell on Craigslist
>Load up Tinder
>Get down with American hoes
>Maybe impregnate 1 or 2 to support population growth
>Repeat for 2-3 weeks
>If not caught, go back home
>If caught, get free food and shelter in prison, clean sheet at home

>> No.2718488

Yea you should try doing this.

>> No.2718522


I just came from work and someone just got fired for a putting a weed bag in a bin at Amazon. This is why they do drug tests.

>> No.2718531



>> No.2718829

bc you shouldn't give a shit if it doesn't affect you. white people always stick their nose where it doesnt belong

>> No.2718871
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These retards are hella ironic.