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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27142445 No.27142445 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck did you make me buy into biz

>> No.27142693

I bought in before it was shilled on here. It's a comfy hold.

>> No.27142782

Thinking about buying. I have a feeling it's going to moon out of nowhere.

>> No.27142870

An endless audit

>> No.27143081

This. When V1 launches the fomo will be unreal.

For now, time to accumulate.

>> No.27143662
File: 26 KB, 272x274, 1567269188130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50K stacklet here. Been debating selling this shit, been holding for months now and keep hearing "Wait for the audit" this fucking audit is taking way to long.

>> No.27143744

if it's not a scam it's a multiyear hold you retards
if you want instant gratification try the casino

>> No.27144179

If i wanted instant gratification I would go on r/wsb as they are making millions meanwhile I am left bagholding this scam.

>> No.27144294

I got out with 50% loss

>> No.27144336

mma go for the greatest kek
drop you money and cry like a baby
I will be better that you and hold my Base with top Cascade protocol
overall volume will rise this month so I will become rich

>> No.27144401

please go if you think any of the normies that put $20 dollars to buy a derivative on robinhood are going to get out with a profit

>> No.27144468

bizidiots ngmi even if you spoonfeed them like absolute retards

This is the comfiest hodl of all the DeFi caps ive got which are at least 50.

>> No.27144492

I paid way too much for this in the private sale. Also bought more when it was at it's lowest.
I have since dumped my bags, as I don't trust the 'team'. Obviously I took initial losses, but it turned out to be the best decision I ever made, as I have quadrupled that money since..

>> No.27144991

Explain why this scam will shine out of a thousand other scams

>> No.27145553

ya bought the wrong bond boys.
you were meant to buy barnbridge

>> No.27145938
File: 1.06 MB, 639x909, 1611810188441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't matter if this does pull off a 3x in february since I'm financially annihilated from unrealised gainz from opportunities like doge, rubic, gme.......never selling, atleast still 10% up from initial

>> No.27146804

I'm only a 70k stacklet who bought kinda high at 0.02c but still holding.

Hopefully they finish this fucking audit and release V1.

If the project actually works i think it's gonna be incredible.

Maybe 1$?