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File: 86 KB, 901x246, litecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2713229 No.2713229 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2713259

Fuck you and your chink coin.

Charlie lee is a scammer. He owns ETC. That is all you need to know.

>> No.2713297

What is scammy about owning ETC? It just means you prefer blockchains that haven't been manipulated by shitty programmers.

>> No.2713314

etc is only still around because of early investors, miners, north korea, and shills. it has no future.

>> No.2713320

t. no ltc faggot

>> No.2713325

If you apologize to charlie RIGHT NOW, he will still forgive. That's the kind of man he is.

>> No.2713332

ETHfriends are becoming more unhinged by the day. Approaching nocoiner levels soon.

>> No.2713335
File: 161 KB, 350x350, IMG_2398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people on this board who don't have ANY ltc.

press f to pay respects.

>> No.2713349

It was hardforked from ether to harm etherium.

Someone hacked theDAO smart contract, got all the funds from the ICO.

But the hack was more of a trick, and the hacker basically held all the coins hostage.

Obviously that is fucked up, and etherium tried to stop it.

The hacker offered to pay people to keep notes on ETC.

Their website is CODE IS LAW

Which is code for I'm free to scam people for exploits.

Fucking shitshow. People who sold out etherium for ETC should be lined up and shot.

I hope the ETC heads get doxxed one day and people assassinate them and steal the ether back.

>> No.2713391


I'm sure ether would hardfork if your 3 ETH was stolen too wouldnt it?

>> No.2713398


Fuck this chink man, ride the pump but don't get DGB'D.

I don 't want to see people having to degrade themselves with sharpies again....ain't right.

>> No.2713409

Also obligatory.


>> No.2713411

>anything like DGB


>> No.2713418

Not even remotely similar

>> No.2713439
File: 122 KB, 600x591, LiteWayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao fuck this retard eth bag holding homo whomst bought at the top

>durrrr chink chink chink chink
>hurff durff dgb dgb dgb dgb

Like a broken record, but mostly just a fucking double digit IQ retard.

Go play in some traffic downy, you are scum and your parents regret you.

>> No.2713447

You're letting some random guy's very first steemit opinion blog prevent you from opening your eyes.

>> No.2713467

Maybe you should read the whole thing and do your own research.

You don't seriously think the Mit counter is real, right?

You're not going to invest in a coin that gets rid of blockchain to make things faster, right?

You're not going to ask your mom when your bags are going to go back up after august 1st, right?

>> No.2713482

I have read it, you keep shilling it on here which leads me to believe it's actually your article. None of the "points" move me or are why I invested to begin with.

>> No.2713499

LTC holder here

I must apologize because I never believed it could reach $50 agin

looks like in crypto market everything is possible

>> No.2713507
File: 27 KB, 799x243, litecoin.mit.edu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MIT page isn't even about the lightning network. View the source for yourself, or see attached.

>> No.2713515

>if you like diarrhea then you'll love ltc
every time.

>> No.2713526
File: 314 KB, 2000x1000, IMG_0292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepe is providing a motion that states from now on we refer to normies as nocoiners.

>> No.2713538

praise kek xDD

>> No.2713641

remind your mother it's not too late to have you aborted.