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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27128171 No.27128171 [Reply] [Original]

when UBI forever ?

>> No.27128204

Andrew Yang King of New York

>> No.27128249

soon enough, however they're going to make everyone desperate for it first.

>> No.27128725

The more we fuck up the global economy by doing retarded meme crypto shit the closer we get to them realising capitalism is fundamentally unsustainable.

I mean even under UBI, how do they stop people speculating with that money?

They can’t. Markets will persist and become less and less about the value of anything and more and more about social cohesion, trends, pump and dumps.

>> No.27128838

it's happening, or a primitive form of it

NYC will have it guaranteed under Yang along with resident ID cards on the flipside of the NY State ID


>> No.27128894

what do you think this unemployment shit is

>> No.27128979

lmao you're retarded you have to go back

>> No.27129061
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no nigga, you need to read up

see >>27128838 and pic related, my unemployment portal

>> No.27129173
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been on unemployment since Q4 2019

It is now Q1 2021; Biden talking about extending until Q3 2021 and beyond. Cmon son.

You couldn't pay me to go back to work - not right now.

>> No.27129250

it's not universal and it's not basic and it's treated as assistance, not income. as in, it is not affected by tax brackets, it's not opt in for every citizen, and it's not the same for everyone. i don't know what you want me to read up on?

ideally UBI would replace shitty assistance programs

>> No.27129597
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