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File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1611979429791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27119635 No.27119635 [Reply] [Original]

/pmg/ After Dark Edition

>Why Gold?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3S4rl6ehiI [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gksenA5Al_A [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI7NnOg2rxo [Embed] [Embed]

>Bullion dealers

>"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)


>Bullion tax info by state:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed] [Embed]

Nitric Acid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mg9YcAShTo [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed] [Embed]

>EU/ENGLAND sources
https://www.chards.co.uk/ [Much cheaper than BullionByPost]
https://goldprice.eu5.net/ [Website to compare gold prices]

>Russian/European coins

>Relevant information regarding mining companies

Last: >>27111479

>> No.27119739
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first for physical, ignore slv scams

>> No.27119748
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>shchifts nervously

>> No.27119770

Someone else can take over making the threads, I'll be off to bed soon.

>> No.27119777

>clipped a few trash performers today
>bought SLV puts at EoD
Go ahead, bullion banks. You can't beat me now.

>> No.27119796

silver's opening above 33 USD on sunday isn't it

>> No.27119821

I just cashed out of Robinhood, waiting for my funds to clear, miners and all. After this week I'm absolutely done with stocks until this meme shit dies out. I seriously hope to God this isn't the end of stealth phase because I'm still about 20 ounces under pirate tier. I REFUSE TO SUCK A SINGLE DICK!!!

>> No.27119847

Well anons, you've convinced me. I'm buying my first 4oz of silver tonight!

>> No.27119851

Any degen silver option calls over?
What's your bets?

>> No.27119880
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Congrats anon! Welcome to the fold.

>> No.27119959

I like to think Peter Schiff has an office of Peurto-ricans whose job is to shill PMs on 4chan and Reddit when the price is high. Would explain simple sentences and occasional Spanish.

>> No.27119965

What some kino looking old silver coins I can buy? Idk what exists. I have a lot of Morgans and Portuguese Escudos and Spanish Pesetas and I want more variety of old world stuff (if thats what they are called) from various countries.

Which ones dont sell for absurd premiums?

>> No.27119968

Good on ya!

>> No.27119976
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Best horse coming through

It fucking better not, I still need another 1000oz.

What is he thinking right now?

>> No.27119984
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>> No.27120056
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What can I get from the FWTDHWAHQUADs for a pair of war nickels?

>> No.27120088

I have $900 USD to spend on silver to expand my stack but I just dont know what to buy desu. More ASE's? Boring. Shit with the queens ugly face on it? No thanks..

>> No.27120097

someone will. for the future remember to delete the [embed] things for youtube links

>> No.27120121

god no plz
or if it does let it go back down to 20 before everyone in the whole fucking world jumps on it
i need atleast another 10K worth

>> No.27120137

Asahi 10 oz bars

>> No.27120155
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>> No.27120158

>preach the silver gospel
>some friends and coworkers bite
>some sell when it hits 29

>> No.27120212
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Make it rain make it rain make it rain on amera

>> No.27120229
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this. liberty coin on ebay is a good choice if you want the matte bars

>> No.27120227
File: 405 KB, 1800x1273, EaWfqLiVcAAlS6u.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome fren

>> No.27120248

Buy the cheapest rounds you can find nigger. It's not about the artwork.

>> No.27120270

Cry out in pain as their wives give you the odd BJ for a merc dime.

Close second.

>> No.27120294
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thanks, no wonder It was giving me shit about it being too long

>> No.27120305

holy fuck that pic

>> No.27120322

Dw bro
Silver is going to 20 and staying there for a month then itl go down to 12-15 for 2 years. Peter Schiff is making some very Jewish noises atm.

>> No.27120343

Buffalos. With the way things are headed, silver is going to pump regardless and get a LOT more attention, this the SJW mob going after anything native like the Redskins and Indians and you have a recipe for value.

>> No.27120407

Fucking reddit niggers are buying silver and moving the price higher. I want a good 3 more years to load up

>> No.27120412

can someone explain the silver short squeeze to a literal retard like me?

>> No.27120456

new pm buyer. What kind of silver should i be buying to start off? 90% coins, 1oz and smaller coins, or bars? I just jumped on the train and bought 20 oz split between bars and coins, is this a good start?

>> No.27120492
File: 280 KB, 750x420, 52B53D6B-4B8B-42BD-86B0-BA39A629B743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /KiloKoinKlub/?

>> No.27120506

Hope you averaged down.

>> No.27120513

lol i wish it went down to that price
more silver for my dollar

>> No.27120517
File: 767 KB, 320x180, happy horse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was always alone as a horse poster in /smg/ nice to know here there are some here...

>> No.27120523

Buy silver and the jews lose

>> No.27120537


You can buy physical silver or paper silver. The paper is an IOU basically. The Jews have printed more paper than there is physical silver.

>> No.27120538

>is this a good start?

>> No.27120551
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i got a thing for redheads

>> No.27120563
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Japanese girls have intrinsic value.

>> No.27120574

Based Schiff. Fucking precious metals after dark. Golden showers if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.27120578

Kind of embarrassing how quick they move, huh?

>> No.27120587

1oz coins and bars are prolly the most common so always a good start

>> No.27120613

Nice Hubcap

>> No.27120623
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lol its actually pretty niche, really good show though

>> No.27120631

Doesn't matter at the end of the day as long as it is pure but remember coins like American Eagles or Canadian Maples go for a slight premium.

>> No.27120633
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it's not an ETF I guess
yeah I know holding physical is better of course but I don't know any jewelry store that I can trust and gold is more prevalent around here you can't really find traders for silver as much as gold and premiums are not as much as silver so I don't know but we'll see

if some kind of SHTF scenario happens around here people don't have that much of a silver to trade. Every women I know have some kind of a gold necklace, bracelet or smt (pic related) so gold will be more prevalent to trading and preserving wealth unlike U.S. where silver is more recognized and owned

>> No.27120636

Something like 100 people are given IOUs/deeds to the same physical piece of silver. What happens when everyone tries to cash in for their metal?

>> No.27120706


>> No.27120740

SLV doesn't have the option for physical delivery though

>> No.27120747
File: 16 KB, 374x149, Untitled0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright boys.

Goal is 60 ounces; rounds seem like the best way to sell to the desired amount if liquidity demands it.

Anyone got an argument for why I should buy a specific alternative to the standard buffalo .9999 (other minter/refiner deserves it etc).

One of the many /pol/ crossposters here for the silver bullet against (((you know who))).

>> No.27120758

Basically some DOGE failures think they can sink JPM shorts like GME by buying up physical
Maybe trade silver for a week and then short hard when these retards get the dabbed on by the whole jewish community

>> No.27120762

i bet the premiums and those is ridiculous

>> No.27120778

At this point, just order online. Plenty in the OP to choose from. If JM Bullion doesn't have something specific Monument Metals likely will.

>> No.27120812
File: 728 KB, 670x757, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while i get what your saying, youd be suprised how much of the 'gold' women have is costume. even then silver will be the better trader for smaller day to day transactions. sitting there and shaving off a thin piece of gold for a horse is gonna get weird. i dont think society will completely fuckin die. but itll be a while before people trust paper if ever again

>> No.27120874

Right and its part of the problem. PSLV allows for settlement of shares for metal its just VERY larger quantities.
I am still so pissed at the bullion banks for them making sure to buy out AAAU

>> No.27120875

no. an ounce is an ounce my guy. silver is silver. i know alotta people with buffalos no matter how much i dont like them. the weight is the same

>> No.27120897

I would pay so much to sniff that bikini

>> No.27120977

Very cute and comfy show. I actually hurt my ankle a couple years back and it was painful to go back to lifting so I stopped for months. Then after I was done with the show I got a sudden boost of morale and pushed through the pain till it was gone.

Yes, I am retarded and easily motivated by anime horsegirls.

>> No.27121002

yea they do, you just need to buy a lot
>The iShares Silver Trust (NYSEARCA:SLV) is currently one of the most popular silver ETF’s but lacks some of the benefits that are associated with Sprott’s Physical Silver Trust. The main difference between the two is that PSLV allows investors to redeem their shares for physical silver at a much lower value ensuring that there is an obtainable product behind the trust. SLV, on the other hand, does offer this feature but at a value that is almost unobtainable for most investors. They must purchase 50,000 shares of the trust to have it redeemable for actual silver which would cost $697,500 as of June 6, 2019. PSLV deals in a much smaller increment as one only has to purchase a London Good Delivery silver bar, which would cost only about $15,000. Not only is this cheaper, but it affords investors the realistic possibility of storing the silver at a secure location in one’s own house.

>> No.27121005

So is there an opportunity to make gains in this shit or is it just a meme for preppers when SHTF? If it ever got that bad I'd rather invest in a bunker/food and ammo stash desu and cut the middle man :^)

>> No.27121023

What is /pmg/'s reasoning to buy PM's and not crypto?

>> No.27121025


There are a lot of rounds out there with wildlife engravings, but you'll pay a premium.

>> No.27121064

thats prolly why i wouldnt do PSLV
id rather just buy the physical and miners for stock wise.

>> No.27121096
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>opportunity to make gains in this shit or is it just a meme for preppers when SHTF
that's the magic of it
you win either way

>> No.27121103

More importantly its about increasing the amount of silver in the hands of anons than it is about pulling off some meme stock shit. Maybe it could drive the pricw up, but every ounce of silver NOT in some kike vault somewhere is one ounce closer to victory.

The silver backed crypto is coming....

>> No.27121123

It appears short squeezing silver is the next target for the retard investor army, I will weigh whatever a can spare into the fight. However the only thing I can buy on my broker is a sprott silver etf tracker would buying that add to the squeeze or is it’s own thing divorced from the silver market?

>> No.27121156

Let's say my friend walks into a gold and silver dealer tomorrow with about $75K in cash. What's my strategy when buying bullion? What the fuck do I even do? Gold? Silver? Coins? Do I negotiate?

>> No.27121188


I'd post best horse, but I just got over a 3-day ban.

>> No.27121202

While most commodities exchanges have some level of paper trading, most of their market volume are people actually trying to get wheat or lumber or steel, etc. COMEX is not like that, almost ALL the trading is done with no intention of taking possession of the underlying commodity, so you have a 'derivative instrument price' dictating the price of the underlying asset.

By driving up the demand for physical bullion, you clear out dealers, forcing them the mints to demand more metal, metal that the COMEX doesn't really have because they aren't really a delivery vehicle like a real exchange. If you break them, you allow price discovery for silver.

>> No.27121203



>> No.27121204

>The silver backed crypto is coming....
Which one is that?

>> No.27121216

You can do both, but PMs are a physical asset that have maintained value throughout time. Silver has heavy industrial demand as well. Crypto may have great speculative gains in the future but we are potentially a week or two away from a massive deflationary crash with all this GME shit, I'd rather be putting extra cash in hard assets right now.

>> No.27121225

Buy 1kg silver bars, only silver.

>> No.27121226

The reason I did PSLV is to be able to sell quickly if there's a spike. What am I going to do with physical?

>> No.27121261

Where to cop Japanese coomer coin? This is as close as I'll ever get to a Japanese girl so I need this.

>> No.27121280

Is the Company That made Those are legit?

>> No.27121312
File: 462 KB, 1200x1319, aputism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am using WealthSimple as my stock exchange. I do not see AG there under the mining tab, is there another name on it or am I fucked? I just want to participate in the memes and/or get shiny coins.

>> No.27121317
File: 525 KB, 1024x768, 1596683914904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not going to realize your gains overnight as with some crypto pump and dump, or stock market feeding frenzy. The idea is to break the price of silver free from the century-long manipulation by the banks via fractional reserve shares in the form of $SLV. If successful, congratulations you've just made a good profit, AND you hold one of the most valuable commodities known to man.

And you get to stick to the (((bankers))). Win/win.

>> No.27121318
File: 66 KB, 588x815, Edd4sDxXkAAZ9-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the man telling you to load up on PMs
Peter (((Schiff))) is Jewish

>> No.27121335

>Mining has been conducted intermittently at Bayhorse since the early 1920’s
>AISC 10/oz
>With a maiden resource comprised of 292,300 short tons at an average grade of 21.65 troy ounces per ton silver (Ag) for total contained silver of 6,328,400 ounces.
>6,328,400 x $40 = 253,136,000

If BHS mined every infered oz in their current mine at $50 silver they would have more than 21x their current market cap in cash at current prices its still around a 10x move. If you through in a frenzy multiplier the sky is the limit I guess.

BHS is still a risky play however and I wouldnt go all in but I guess we are dealing with the Robin hood crowd these days so why not. Some other good miners are Fortuna:FSM and Calibre:CXBMF they are profitable producers with low and Zero debt respectively, with a relatively undervalued share price imo

>> No.27121356

The closest I'll get is this image.
But am all good. I can fap to that. time to fap

>> No.27121368

For such a large purchase, get price quotes from multiple dealers. Decide exactly what you want in advance. Go heavy on silver but do get some gold since it's safer in terms of price swings and $75k is a good chunk of change. Stick with liquid amounts of weight though, 1 oz coins for gold and either 1 oz rounds/coins or 10 oz bars for silver. You can get higher weights but you don't really save anything on premiums over spot and it just makes it less liquid. Get a 1kg and 100 oz bar for shits and giggles though, they feel nice in the hand. You can always negotiate, your goal should be to try to get as close to spot as possible. Compare with prices online like JMbullion, SDbullion, etc. Any other questions?

>> No.27121377

Only silver just seems too risky. Wouldn't it be safer to go at least half gold?

>> No.27121379

>sprott silver etf tracker

Either this (PSLV) or buying physical are the two best options, so you're good. PSLV's silver vaults are actually audited and represent real silver, unlike SLV.

>> No.27121389

no lol, its basically a hong kong ebay seller

>> No.27121404

You (can) buy both. Most crypto just follows the market so its a speculative (gambling) asset like stocks. PMs ARE money and many of the more sane bitcoin miners "secure" profits in them when the crypto markets run hot.
The entire crypto space likes to play around with "fighting the system" but the second an even cursory regulatory glance is thrown their way, everyone panics for the exits (XRP). Many people buying it, including dumb hedge funds, do it for the price action without understanding the why of it. BTC is inherently worthless, plagued by problems that will prevent it from being useful as anything approximating a medium of exchange. There are plenty of cryptos that attempt to address these very issues with new technological changes and there is room perhaps for value there from token based systems (but then again, you can have a gold backed token anyway).
I personally think the entire space is going to be spooked if it is ever really tested by central banks. Institutional investors doesn't mean anything. They will head for the exits well before any of the idiots pumping the ponzi.
I think cryptos that take the "FUCK the system" to heart might be worth keeping an eye on until the space settles. Monero at this point is likely funding assassinations and drugs, and no amount of central bank posturing will shake those holders I suspect.

>> No.27121422

Make him match jmbullion prices. If he won’t, walk away and purchase the items online.

>> No.27121467

this thread smells like curry, someone opens a window pls

>still they try to provide you fucking ref link to dump shit

ROFL someone even try to provide staking pools.

You should know one thing, I have already used Poolz and their nft for income, I wouldn’t believe in your scam

>> No.27121468

So, PSLV is good to put calls on?

>> No.27121497

I have 500 shares of AG, 500 oz of physical silver. If JPM wants to paper slam next week, I will make money from the SLV puts to effectively reduce the cost basis of my AG shares even further

>> No.27121512

Isn't also buying some smaller silver bars and rounds a good idea too for liquidity?

>> No.27121521

if you buy more than 10k at once you have to fill out a form for the IRS
so id stick to under that

>> No.27121535

if youre dropping 75k you should ask of they can give you a deal with spot price

>> No.27121672

At this rate, I think anything with the name "silver" in it is going to keep pumping. PSLV is reliable as a security because what backs it is actually audited and known, while SLV is just paper silver contracts that might be 500 shares for every 1 ounce of silver or some other ridiculous figure like that. The AG ticker (First Majestic Silver, a miner) was pumped the past two days and will probably also keep going up.

>> No.27121712

thats a good reason

>> No.27121725

Thanks for a serious answer. Yeah, 75K is a lot, I got a job at a top tier tech giant, and that's partial bonus money. But I've been so fucking busy I haven't invested it. And I generally feel like the world is about to end, and physical metals seem like a good idea.

Honestly, I don't know what I don't know at this point. Like, are spot prices available on weekends? Do they sell on weekends? I don't even know that much. I just have cash burning a hole in my pocket, and I'm worried about inflation eating away at it. Any good informational resources would be fantastic.

>> No.27121729

sorry, i still don't understand options trading

i'm just pissed that so many people are buying into the scam shares of SLV

we need to spam stocktwits and reddit explaining that SLV is a scam and that everyone should to focus on buying physical or AG

>> No.27121756

Should I go all in on silver? This market is too fake and gay for me

I guess my position would go from ~50oz to 500oz

>> No.27121793

>Peter (((Schiff))) is Jewish
so was Bobby Fischer

>> No.27121854
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Reminder that precious metals streamers are some of the best performing stocks when we get massive run ups.

(Besides jr miners ofc)

$WPM is best with 50/50 gold/silver flow.
$SAND is second due to overweight of gold.

If you're a uranium bro $URCCF, is the only streamer in the sector.

>> No.27121864

Where from?

>> No.27121927

congrats, fren!

>> No.27121939

Yes it is.

Everyone should have small denominations of easily identifiable coins or minted bars. Junk silver might also be good to keep depending on how bad you think things will get.

>> No.27121938

PSLV has no options, You can only buy shares.

The reddit play is to buy SLV calls only, PSLV shares and then calls on $AG and $MUX for short squeezing their shorts.

>> No.27121954

theres no downside if you do. even if it goes down. you hold the metal

>> No.27122005

I want these so bad

>> No.27122003

I'm not holding it physically, there's no easy way for me to offload it for cash

>> No.27122033

and mercery dimes for the much needed housewife/daughter blowjobs

>> No.27122062

>I'm not holding it physically
why not

>> No.27122063

>shit coin
>shit OP with [Embed]s

>> No.27122070
File: 117 KB, 1080x608, Screenshot_20210128-020633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought 10 oz 2 days ago
is it normal for the payment process to take two days? because it still hasn't shipped should I be worried?

>> No.27122079

Spot prices on weekends are basically just whatever they are when markets close on Friday. You can check spot on any number of websites, they are all pretty close to one another, I usually just use JM since I order from them anyway most of the time. Online bullion dealers sell on weekends just like any other day of the week.

For perspective, I recently put in an order for about $80k for my boomer parents to diversify their retirement savings. Since they are quite a bit older I went heavy on gold, and mainly got American Gold Eagles (AGEs), along with a bunch of 1 oz secondary market silver coins. The goal was to get as much metal in small divisible units as possible. If you want a more holistic understanding of precious metals then I highly recommend Mike Maloney's "The Hidden Secrets of Money" series. If you want more specific info on the more practical aspects of being a savvy PM buyer, that's probably best done just by lurking here and asking questions, although right now it's a shitstorm and way busier than normal.

Random example. Let's say silver spot is $27. An online bullion dealer's prices will always be listed as spot + a fixed premium, so as the spot fluctuates the price will fluctuate as well until you "lock it in" immediately before placing your order. Generic 1 oz rounds typically sell for under $2 over spot, government minted coins (note the coin/round syntax distinction) can be had for $2/oz over spot as well, but often sell for $2.50 or $3 over.

Generic bars have similar premiums to 1 oz rounds but can be had in much larger sizes. Frankly I really don't see a point in getting larger bars unless you really want a compact form of storage for your silver, or just want to hold a heavy fucking bar (if you stack for a while you may want this).

>> No.27122103

Bullish positions on SLV would be buying shares, buying calls, or selling puts. Each one of these assumes that what the SLV is will appreciate over time. SLV is fucking worthless so there is no reason to take these positions.
Shorting SLV, buying puts, or selling calls are bearish positions where you take the angle that the value of SLV will deprecate over time. Some people also do it as a short position against silver.
Point being is that if on monday, SLV accidentally lets it out of the bag from some dumb boomer sending emails to the wrong people that it does not have any of the assets it claims, the ETF will go to zero. But I will be able to sell my put contract to SLV longs because then they can get rid of their worthless shares for a price to whoever sold me the contract.

>> No.27122112
File: 660 KB, 1023x800, jackson9000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know nothing. that mans father wrote many books from prison as a tax rebel he knows about kike tricks and so do anons
you have no power here

>> No.27122121

that happens when I buy off of JM bullion too

>> No.27122128

wow those do look cool

>> No.27122145

wow that's expensive
and it's all out of stock

>> No.27122147

Because I want to get in and cash out on the trade easily. I don't have the capacity to lug a silver bar to a comex or bullion dealer and get ripped off on the spot price on both sides of the trade. I would rather buy PSLV

>> No.27122180

so was his father.
find out what they did to him.

>> No.27122192

Best place in australia to buy silver?

Should I just be stacking 1oz coins or buying bigger? Or should I be getting cast bars?

>> No.27122195

I spent like 5 hours browsing around for the best price, then opted for Monument Metals. I don't know if that was a good call lol but I figure buying any is better than none. I haven't worked in a year unfortunately but assuming I can find some wageslave gig I'll be putting more money into this. Fuck the stock market, I want my fiat in BTC/XMR/ETH and my precious metals (gold/silver/brass/lead).

>> No.27122252

Dealers are getting hammered right now, just be patient for like 2 weeks from when you ordered. We had to deal with the same thing in March, don't worry, you didn't get scammed.

One of the main advantages of physical silver is you are not simply holding to sell for fiat, it is money in itself, an asset that you hold onto dearly unless you absolutely must sell in a crisis. You can invest however you want but I'd recommend having some silver for the long haul.

>> No.27122255

you're doing it wrong mate.

>> No.27122256

Thanks man, this was super helpful.

>> No.27122268

SLV can only be only be redeemed by authorized participants no matter how much you buy.

>> No.27122314

Are they shipping internationally? Their prices are much cheaper than turkey
yeah I agree, I don't think people will switch to precious metals in an instant but I'm seeing a surge around here for silver too but who knows what the future will hold for us

>> No.27122327
File: 203 KB, 1160x1160, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The apocalypse trade units

>> No.27122342
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I want to breed a cute, petite nip and have 7 hapa kids

>> No.27122368

F the kikes silver buy now

>> No.27122382

bought 32oz of silver yesterday.
3 x 10oz bars and 2 x 1oz rounds
considering buying a kg

>> No.27122494

>7 hapa kids
her nipples will get weird though

>> No.27122507
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>I want to breed a cute, petite nip and have 7 hapa kids

>> No.27122510

i like both
coins have higher premiums but are easier to sell
bars are the reverse
so are you more concerned with holding them long term or selling them later?

>> No.27122518

thank you, anon. your insight is much appreciated.

>> No.27122561


>> No.27122581

it took my order 12 days after payment process before being shipped

>> No.27122604

You must be gay

>> No.27122642

Don't mix you fucking traitor!
Keep the bloodlines pure!
Jap for Jap!
White for white!
black for black!

Only a jew wants you to mix!

Fuck hapa's!

>> No.27122720
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For some reason buffalos get no tax on apmex but ASEs get shitloads of tax on top of higher premiums. Why is that?

>> No.27122734

big bars are fun
got a 100oz bar, kinda want another. but i need to fill my 1oz round tube.

>> No.27122746

Do it if you have the cash, though also consider getting more 10 oz and 1 oz pieces as well for more divisibility. Your kilo would be your king bar with a pyramid of smaller units beneath it. It's a trade-off between having a big compact bar versus several smaller items considering the cash you have available.

>> No.27122755

probably bcs its a govt backed coin

>> No.27122781
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But they all have to be girls, anon...You don't want this.

>> No.27122798

depends on your state. some states/countries dont collect tax on bullion

>> No.27122823

any good sites you guys have found for buying silver/gold in Canada? I'm new to this be gentle

>> No.27122835

but he looks like such a supreme gentleman

>> No.27122855

unless it's starlight
then you're on thin fucking ice

>> No.27122884


>> No.27122889

the OP has a bunch of sites
dont think it matters if you are in leafland

>> No.27122905

Bro my bloodline is already so diluted that my 23andme test came back and all it said was "Our condolences"

>> No.27122919

Going to hold long term, seems everybody here raves about coins and not bars. Should I just buy 100oz of exact same 1oz coin? Rather than 10oz bars or a 100oz bar

>> No.27122997
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SilverGoldBull .ca

>> No.27123015


>> No.27123044
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>> No.27123079

Bought key from silvergoldbull today witnessed no problem

>> No.27123081

I took a quick look but the first link said only shipping within US, so I was just hoping to circumvent checking every link with some help
Thanks! Will check out

>> No.27123106

.999 silver I'm sure
a wise investment

>> No.27123124

cheaper for bars
i bought 100 1oz ASE coins for $2,921.00
and 1 100oz bar for $2,670.65
all for the same 100oz of silver.
but its good to have lower weight stuff too

>> No.27123202
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says it is, but who knows if that site can be trusted

>> No.27123254

That's not a fair comparison, you should be comparing generic 1 oz rounds to a 100 oz bar. The 100 oz bar is still cheaper but we are talking like a 70 cent per oz premium vs generic rounds.

>> No.27123289

>That's not a fair comparison, you should be comparing generic 1 oz rounds to a 100 oz bar.
very true

>> No.27123294

What's our exit strategy here, though?

>Purchase 500oz silver
>Purchase it all in 1oz coins
>Market goes to shit, economy is destroyed
>Dollar is worthless
>Silver is now $5000/oz

Wonderful, I now have $2,500,000 worth of silver, all in the form of 500 coins.

>Tfw you can't do anything with your 500 coins since each one is worth so much that it wouldn't make sense to purchase a gallon of milk with it and no one will be able to make change for a silver coin
>Tfw even if you do purchase something, you have a finite amount of coins and 500 coins is not very much in absolute terms.

So wtf do we do? Holding forever sounds fine and dandy, but silver is REAL money. That is, it needs to be spent in order to realize its value. It does nothing for me in regards to putting food on the table. And with such a high (potential) value, you would be unable to purchase anything with a single coin, and wouldn't ever want to spend any coins since you have so few of them.

I just don't really understand what our end game is.

>> No.27123316

OP do something good for yourself, buy sentinel now and sell it in 3 years, thank me later

>> No.27123337

That's a pretty good looking mushroom cloud, I'll trade you some TP for it.

>> No.27123347

> if if if
Lol. Delusional

>> No.27123366

Why ever buy a premium round? Do they hold their value over time?

>> No.27123379

Hopefully soon.

>> No.27123393

>>>Tfw you can't do anything with your 500 coins since each one is worth so much that it wouldn't make sense to purchase a gallon of milk with it and no one will be able to make change for a silver coin
>>Tfw even if you do purchase something, you have a finite amount of coins and 500 coins is not very much in absolute terms.
Buy in bulk retard

>> No.27123401

thats why its good to diversify in size, 500 of the same size coin is not smart

>> No.27123408

you cut up your coins into pieces of 8
the value is in the metal not the circle or the picture on it

>> No.27123413
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I have last year's 1kg Kookaburra. Love this cheeky looking bastard. Also have a Batboi. Which one do you have m8?

>> No.27123429

>So wtf do we do?
Do what humans have on average done with it for thousands of years. Directly trade for goods and services. Fiat is a poinltess middleman.

>> No.27123437

same also applies to teh monster boxes
it was cheaper just to buy 100 1oz ASE vs the 100 count monster ASE box
about a 400 dollar difference if i remember.
but yea generic is cheaper if you only care about silver weight.

>> No.27123464


>you would be unable to purchase anything with a single coin, and wouldn't ever want to spend any coins since you have so few of them

This is why you have a bunch of different denominations. Junk silver in particular is really good for a SHTF scenario because you can likely use it for more day-to-day trades

>> No.27123492

In two hours im done work. Im gonna drink a little. Should I get another st helenas 250 gram bar from Silvergoldbull and then pornfuck my wife.

>> No.27123523

Watching you two makes me think of kids playing with pogs, remember pogs? :D

>> No.27123529

The one that exists only in my fantasies which have absolutely no basis in reality... but it sounds cool no?

If somehow someone could get like 1bn in silver and stick it in a vault somewhere like a sort of “stablecoin” then make some sort of innovative cryptocurrency that builds on that, and then ???? PROFIT!!!

Each coin could be worth 1oz silver, OR you buy in with an oz for a coin, then can cash out any time in either cash for your crypto or your silver again.

Lets make it happen

>> No.27123538

Let's get our terminology straight. "Premium" just refers to the price over spot. If you are buying a non-government minted 1 oz silver disc, it's a "round," and when the government mints it it's a "coin." There are rounds which carry a high premium, and some can have numismatic value (meaning they keep that value into the future, or even appreciate in price relative to spot), but this isn't what you should be shooting for unless you want to get into coin collecting as a hobby. I recently bought a 2 reichsmark coin, for example, which is really cool to me, but I spent $5 over melt value (spot) on it, so it's not a great investment necessarily.

>> No.27123566

If you asked me two days ago I would have said we had six months before silver started to move. Motherfuckers blind sided everybody but we have to take the chance while we have it

>> No.27123656

What payment method did you use?

>> No.27123743

Certain things get counted as "currency exchange" if you buy more than a certain amount, other things don't count for whatever reason. If you're buying silver always try to get it tax free.

>> No.27123758
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That's why you stack dimes, of course.

>> No.27123764
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buy a box of these so you can get your groceries after the great collapse

>> No.27123770
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got me 6.5oz today, feels good man

>> No.27123807
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At what silver price do we get to dab on all simps directly from our yacht's harem quarters

>> No.27123835

I just bought from MM too anon. They had a good rating from what i could find.

>> No.27123854

First of all for that much you should have a secondary method to test the purity and not just take their word for it. I would pay someone else to come and have a second opinion.

>> No.27123859


>> No.27123903

CIBC had good deals on gold awhile back, the silver premiums were kinda trash tho

>> No.27123983

If you're selling them to physical stores they might offer higher premiums because they don't have to send it away to get melted and can also charge a premium, depends on if the design is kept in good condition and has staying power. Much better for small-volume trading and it won't matter for huge trades really.

>> No.27123994

OK. I figured I'd go to a really large and reputable place, but that's good to know. What do you call experts in this field that you pay to come verify metal purity/value?

>> No.27124003

>Purchase 500oz silver
>Purchase it all in 1oz coins
Is there any logic behind this buying small denomations? Imo it seems that it's just a waste of money on excessive premiums compared to getting bars of it. Bc it's not like you will be using it as actual currency if shtf

>> No.27124004

Pretty good purchase my first was for sixty ounces as well.

>> No.27124035

Where's the best place to buy silver in aus, boys?

Should I buy a bunch of 1/10 ozs, 100 1 ozs, and maybe a single kg? Is it smart to just get these as silver kanga coins?

>> No.27124074

You will make massive gains. Look up previous pm bull markets.

Better yet go to gold ventures.org

>> No.27124116
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>shill silver
>All the qanons and biztards buy @35
>It drops to 15 bucks


>> No.27124117

you mean like mints or stores? perth mint is a good one

>> No.27124132

I would just go to a reputable dealer in town and pay them to come with their testing kits.

>> No.27124146




>> No.27124197

credit card

>> No.27124206

Okay, so I have a very small portfolio but I want to get in on the silver short squeeze. Problem is I can only buy covered calls. So should I just buy shares of PSLV or go 60/40 PSLV/SLV so I can buy covered calls on SLV? Or should I not fuck with call options at all for this play?

>> No.27124376

>Drops to 15
Yes please I'd like to buy low and never sell

>> No.27124386

any good recent videos or podcasts on this silver short squeeze idea?

>> No.27124414
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Guys! I heard everyone raving about some sort of "doge coin!" They're talking about pic related, right?

>> No.27124438

i bought most of my stack at 12-15

>> No.27124450

watching this now:

>> No.27124477

Crypro is for people who are smart enough to realize the stock market is dumb but are nto smart enough to realize that everything is controlled by powers they can't even understand. It's seriously dumb. I buy gold and silver to have more gold and silver because I don't trust paper fiat. Normies buy crypto because they want more fiat.

Crypro can be tracked and controlled (lmao at people who say it won't or isn't)

Crypto can be deleted at the press of a button.

Crypto is manipulated just like the stock market (serious lmao at people who say it isn't. Serious lmao at people who choose crypto over stocks to avoid "manipulation".

Crypto accounts can be locked. Coinbase one day decided it didn't like my account and started trying to draw funds from my bank account. I had to put a blacklist for Coinbase because I was trying for two weeks to contact somebody at Coinbase to fix the issue. GUESS WHAT. THERE'S NOONE FUCKING THERE. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR ACCOUNT THERE'S NOBODY THERE TO FUCKING HELP YOU AND IT TAKES THEM DAYS TO GET BACK TO YOU IF THEY EVEN GET BACK AT ALL.


>> No.27124487

Almost every regular podcast/youtuber related to silver or gold is. I know Schiff has something out about it. Sprott Money. GoldSilverPros. ArcadiaEconomics. You name it.

>> No.27124534

He seems very knowledgeable and trustworthy, which makes me bullish long term. But he doesn't even address the short squeeze situation.

>> No.27124533

This. Once somebody gets converted to gold and silver they don't leave. That's why each person you convert is a major victory. They also pass the information on to others.

>> No.27124598
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I just bought 50 oz of silver. Never owned metal in my life aside from firearms. Can I have a jacket, frens?

>> No.27124601

I think it says to allow 24hrs for cc
Not sure if it was them or another site but i think thats pretty standard. Especially right now in the bull market.

>> No.27124628

It lets you sell as little as possible in an emergency, or in a high/hyperinflation scenario where selling a larger bar exposes you to the devaluation of the currency you sold it for. Realistically this is a tertiary concern though.

>> No.27124630

Any site that has aesthetic coins at decent value or am I always gonna get fucked buying something with a nice design?

>> No.27124670

Buy physical silver, faggot.

>> No.27124692

Strategy is buy as close to possible to spot as you can. Look up price per ounce and get as close to that as possible.

If you're dropping 75k you need to have gold which is more stable in value. It's actually cheap right now. You should spend 40k in gold and the rest silver and you'll be a real happy fucking camper. That should come out to about 22 oz gold and 1300 oz silver. You'll be in the top tiers of ownership. The gold will also protect you from volatility. This is the patrician play and everyone reading this comment needs to agree and show support. We have to make sure we are educating these new comers responsibly.

>> No.27124720
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Craig Hemke too

>I don't think it's likely that a grass roots level buying of Comex contracts is going to be successful in squeezing The Banks.

>However, if [Reddit] ... is PERSISTENT and PATIENT enough, they may be able to set off a virtuous cycle of higher momentum that eventually gets price feeding on itself.

>What do I mean? Well, the first step is to close above $27.30 on a weekly basis. This seems possible today. However, if price can close above $28.04, then we'll have the highest weekly close IN EIGHT YEARS. This would be a significant event to the crowd of Large Specs and hedge funds that typically trade Comex silver futures.

>> No.27124738

Based check?

>> No.27124783

Thanks bro.

>> No.27124793

Tfw all I want is to have a 2 minute heart to heart with Korone and express my platonic love and appreciation for her. Maybe being a stackchad will be worth it in the end.

>> No.27124815

Okay, boomer.

Dont keep your money on ex

>> No.27124849

Don't keep your crypto on a third party's wallet. How many exit scams need to happen for people to learn from this baka

>> No.27124869

Well there is gold back crypto. It's not a new idea.
But how true and honest they are is a different story. Out of all of the gold backed crypto not one of them has actually made it ahead of the pack.

>> No.27124878

Also. For silver you want to divide your purchase up. You want some big bars but you want to get one ounce pieces as well if you ever need to use them or barter. If I was getting 1300 oz silver, I would get 4-5 100 oz bars. 50-70 10 oz bars, 200-400 one oz pieces with leaning more towards 400 even five hundred. That's plenty and a dream stack as well. Some of us have been at this for years and we don't even have that much.

There's also mining companies you can invest in. They will do well should silver price go up.

>> No.27124953
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I just bought my first 20 ounces of silver in bars today, at what amount of silver should I invest in some gold?

>> No.27124954

Bit before my time m8

I try not to get too cut about this and just use either Perth Mint or ABC.

Get at least 100 1oz silver coins. Then go mainly for the 10oz or 1kg bars. Don't be afraid to pick up meme shit or designs you like from time to time.
Don't buy silver rounds below 1oz. If you want fractional silver try to get good deals on 1966 50c coins or our predecimal silver coinage.

>> No.27124966

Look I'm cheering for bayhorse but first of all, no mines are ever mined to depletion and second of all they are not going to be able to produce anywhere near that at best it will be like 300,000 ounces a year. Please prove me wrong if I'm wrong.

>> No.27124994
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Ernest movies were so comfy except for the Halloween one with the trolls, which was and still is horrifying

>> No.27125003

why do people think a silver short squeeze is coming?

>> No.27125047

>I don't think it's likely that a grass roots level buying of Comex contracts is going to be successful in squeezing The Banks
I think so too. There is way too much volume for small timers to move but it can cause a shift in momentum or at the very least sentiment.
I think the current range trading of silver has been motivated by a fear of a debt implosion from mortgages, businesses, banks, etc. Not so much that that would be bad long term for silver but that you would get another fire sale similar to march. Because the printing would come. It would come fast. And come hard. These various debt repayment delay agreements eventually have to come do. You begin fucking over the creditors that still need to pay their own obligations.
I know that I have set aside nearly 10k on the chance that such a liquidity event happens again. I would just start buying as many 100 oz bars as I could.

>> No.27125075

Spot price is available anywhere. Look it up. I like silver seek. Com

Look dudem you're getting a really good deal on this. The stack you're about to buy is one that we would all call "legit" here. We are giving you solid info. Promise us that you will stick around and try to further educate yourself in this space. You'll actually be able to appreciate what you have and not only that but manage it more effectively.

>> No.27125107



>> No.27125115

Ernest Scared Stupid is the only one we had on VHS and the only one I clearly remember so Ernest is seared into my mind with an accompanied sense of dread and terror. I'm glad to hear I'm not alone at least.

>> No.27125128

Bro.... you need to do some reading on crypto's.
It's pretty much the future.

>> No.27125133

If I had complete control of my money, which I only control 20% because complicated stuff, I would put 80% of it into precious metals right now.

>> No.27125153

generally 1oz gold/100oz silver ratio
silver is more undervalued so will prolly have better returns so im leaning towards 1oz gold/200oz silver.

>> No.27125158

I hope you're being ironic. For real why are there so many men like this? I consider myself a loner all the same but this kind of thing is absolutely revolting. How bad do you have to look to be so desperate like this?

>> No.27125192

I have 20 oz gold and 200 oz silver. Wish I had more silver and I wish I had more gold. >>27122003
Sounds like you want pslv

>> No.27125219

ausfag here, thinking of starting a coin pressing business with first release something like pic related with text 'novus ordo seclorum a nobis liberate'

>english translation: free us from the new world order

anons do you think this is a based or faggy idea?

>> No.27125277
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forgot pic like a retard

>> No.27125282

Get one oz bars and rounds first. Ten oz is not bad though but you usually build up as you go.

>> No.27125303

This was helpful, thanks anon.

Going to start with 25oz of the 2020 1oz kangas

>> No.27125330

One million people to spend 3,000 dollars on a product they cant buy on Robinhood and comes through snail mail? I would be surprised if 5% of one million did that.

>> No.27125335

Yes and do it with ases.

>> No.27125355

. >2,000 oz here btw

>> No.27125404

I'm getting nervous watching this silver pump gain traction
I think we just opened pandora's box of shit

>> No.27125486

Good I need to buy more

>> No.27125489

I'm scared bros. I want to buy more silver but it's cleary being pumped by redditors rn. Do I just wait for the dip or will I be far too late and need silver asap?

>> No.27125517

A War Nickel will get you a good tug, maybe a titjob.

>> No.27125572

We all love monument metals. Except for one guy who had a bad experience.

>> No.27125580

If redditors are in, this is a silver run. Buy now before it skyrockets. Silver runs only benefit those who buy first.

>> No.27125614

You want to buy one oz stuff first and then work your way up.

>> No.27125619

What if it never comes back down?

>> No.27125653

>SLV $5k/oz
>Loaf of bread $1000
>Milk 3k

>> No.27125654

I am not making any new purchases until I see the fallout of GME next week.
That is how retarded markets in general are right now.

>> No.27125681

hope not
i still need to buy more
i want to see how it look on monday with everything thats going on with GME
if the government/wallstreet are able to fuck everyone over i get the feeling silver is going to rocket
but who knows

>> No.27125698

It's going to gap up on Monday. I just don't know if it'll keep pumping or correct down a bit.

>> No.27125707

They should start putting random anime girls on the coins. Watch silver moon 'cuz of it.

>> No.27125721
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You either buy now or wait months if not more to buy. When the boomers catch wind that their favorite rocks are popular again they will fomo

>> No.27125727
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Anything major happen while I passed out?

>> No.27125730
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>> No.27125752

RIP Ernest

>> No.27125756

Every single day there are articles and videos posted from several popular, well sourced, and current people. There are so. Many in fact it's impossible to watch them all.

Gold ventures Twitter does stock analysis and trend analysis.
Silver seek. Com
Gold seek. Com
Kitco. Com

Mike maloney
ITM trading (I like these with Lynette Zhang.. She talks about current events and exposes the underlying economic and federal reserve consequences)

Mike Maloney.

Peter schiff (kind of a moron but still okay)


The hedge less horseman.

>> No.27125791
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Yep, it's being spammed everywhere on facebook

>> No.27125939

I wish i had more BTC

>> No.27125966

>Yep, it's being spammed everywhere on facebook
god damnit.

>> No.27126020

That's a good start. Those alone puts you ahead of most people out there.

>> No.27126024

>shills a NWO symbol
>hurr down with the NWO

Their power is rooted in their symbols senpai. Do a black sun wheel with that phrase and id buy it.

>> No.27126038

ah crap

>> No.27126085

We are here because we recognize the stock market is fake and that this world we live in is fake. You crypto people are two steps behind. Congratulations, you just realized the stock market is fake but you only move one "brainthink" at a time. We are two steps ahead of you. Sure, buy crypto now and make money with it, sure it will become a major asset probably and hopefully but the fact is that it can be so easily controlled and manipulated and you are naive if you think it can't. We just had an entire fucking election stolen. We have a news media that is completely controlled. We just had every single broker pull some bullshit on normies trying to buy stocks. You're an idiot if you think crypto are safe. The only thing I trust is the gold and silver I keep in my house and my big ass scary German Shepard to defend it along with my guns and fearlessness in dying at a moments notice.

Yeah sure I'll get crypto and make gains. I already use it to buy things I'd rather not mention, but parking large amounts of money in it? RIGHT NOW? nah. I'll pass. I'll buy a good bitcoin dip though. Coinbase stole all My chainlink. And I'm not a boomer either I'm 30 so I'm Only a 4chan boomer. I'm at that age where I'm in touch enough with society but also have experience behind me so you should listen to what I say.

>> No.27126138

Oh fuck did you see the Alex Jones video, this will cause the boomer singularity

>> No.27126214

I worry that it pushed our movement too soon and will kill momentum. I don't think so though. I guess it will. Give. More. Time to stack.

>> No.27126240

I just spent about a little under 10k about 2 weeks ago
how likely am i to have IRS looking me up if i do another online order of the same amount so soon after the first one?

>> No.27126267

Educating new fags. Welcome back.

>> No.27126268

>not diversifying
Bitch, i own 4 crypto coins, PMG, 401k, pension, property, A M M O, and supplies.
Imagine not catching every wave that presents itself bc your ego wont let you. Lmao

>> No.27126291

some people were talking about it going down to 20 maybe even 15 an oz,
i get the feeling that is very unlikely now.

>> No.27126324

mercury dimes is the play lad
youll thank me later

>> No.27126326

Well im 33 so you should listen to me, zoomer.

>> No.27126349

What was it? I love Alex Jones.

>> No.27126368

when buying silver and gold how much of a factor is the condition? Is "lightly used" acceptable, or should "brilliant uncirculated" be the only choice? sorry for newfag question

>> No.27126387

People butchered the bread. i got the next one.

>> No.27126406

Thats when we just buy more. Never pull out, always push in.

>> No.27126439

based but would draw too much negative attention, need to find a middle ground of woke without going too nazi

>> No.27126445

Just bought 125 oz from here, no taxes, no shipping, decent prices on assorted silver.

>> No.27126460

i know
thats why i wanted it to go down
but now even facebook is talking about silver so i dont see that happening

>> No.27126465

I keep trying to sleep because tonights the start of my 2 weeks off but I am so wired from this insanity. My parents just left messages today saying they ordered silver kelo bars in this situation, when I ve been telling them to do that for weeks.

>> No.27126464

I literally said I have crypto. I have stocks, crypto, ammo, pms, storable food, water, land, crops, animals, guns, survival skills, insurance contracts and I add more and more to it every day. Geez.

>> No.27126467

Weight is weight with precious metals. Only time that matters is when youre collecting rares like theyre Pokémon cards.

>> No.27126508

It was really good, and I dont even watch his show.
saw it on this thread >>27124914

>> No.27126507

link us senpai

>> No.27126519

No. It isn't like a stock.

>> No.27126527

You're the kind of guy that milks his prostate because it's "progressive".

>> No.27126562

>drops to $15
Good, I can buy more and drop my overall cost/oz. You shitheads seem to really misconceive what people buy Gold and Silver for. No one is buying fucking Silver Coins to get rich tomorrow. They're not even buying it to get rich in a year. If I wanted instant profit and liquidation with the click in a mouse, I'll go manage my stock portfolio.

>> No.27126570


>> No.27126571

makes sense, thanks!

>> No.27126580

You shilled pretty hard against crypto for someone who still buys it. Pump the brakes my fren.

>> No.27126601

Too old didn't listen.

That's it then. Silver rush confirmed. Fuck.

>> No.27126612

earnest goes to prison was the best by far since he also played the villain which gave the film twice as much earnest
you know what i mean, verne?

>> No.27126624

god damnit
i want to order more but i dont want fedfucks knocking on my door because i bought too much too soon.
I dont want to have to buy silver at 50$ an oz

>> No.27126669

I got the next bread loaded for bump limit is 7.

>> No.27126672

I have a gold ID color and you have a poop one. This is a pm thread. I win.

>> No.27126679

Their boomers, and they knew this was coming for ages, but why o why did they buy now and not weeks ago like I told them too...

>> No.27126687

Even if all these goons rush into SLV or PSLV and physical it wouldn't change the price. The premiums may skyrocket for awhile because the physical supply starts to dwindle, but the bullion banks trading on the comex would just smash the price, they traded near a billion oz just today. This is their game. Buy physical silver, but don't think you are going to squeeze anything.

>> No.27126708

If milking my prostate gave me >1000% financial games id consider it.

>> No.27126730

Can someone redpill me on whether this is just another shortsqueeze strategy popularized on reddit?
I'm looking into putting a significant amount into Silver miners such as PAAS or MUX, but it sounds like the whole point is that whenever you buy any product which is basically a 'derivative' (not in the technical sense) of silver, you still run the risk of being bent over by institutions.

Is the sentiment then that physical in-hand silver is the strategy, unless you want to go full meme and pull another GME with the cucks on reddit?

>> No.27126753
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>> No.27126757
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>> No.27126758
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Based department

>> No.27126761

I wish we had six more months lol. I have a 3-7 hundred thousand dollar contract closing. I would have put it straight on pms.

>> No.27126768

i was told it was good for the environment

>> No.27126812

my id is J3w
guess im going in the oven

>> No.27126826

man i remember watching his videos back then

>> No.27126849

Of course

. >>27126730

No we play miners here as well. They exploded in the great depression. I wish silver miner Anon was here. He'd tell you all about it and then we'd poop on him for backing bayhorse but then we'd secretly back bayhorse.

>> No.27126891
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>> No.27126897

its physical silver first than any number of companies after that such as AG.

>> No.27126908

The Golden jew lol.

>> No.27126977

Its probably fools gold with the Jew

>> No.27126984

if anything, mines MAY see a pump

>> No.27127023

or golden brown from the oven

>> No.27127051

Do not worry. I got the next bread.

>> No.27127070

Based replies anons.
What is the reason that we focus so heavily on silver?
I was considering going into goldminers such as $MOZ as well. Looks good to me but usually you guys are right (in this case about silver being the general play) so what gives?

>> No.27127089

p4Z0Z J3w
pozzed jew
I wouldnt recommend eating me though lol

>> No.27127112

AG is First Majestic Silver co. right? For some reason it's showing up as FR for me.

>> No.27127284

yes Leaf. AG for Americans and FR for Leafs.

>> No.27127296

no your a newfaggot who fucks up the threads

>> No.27127297

that's the Canadian stock name

>> No.27127318

silver as stated about a billion times so far, is insanely shorted against to depress its value. Gold and silver are also regularly mined together, but most of the "silver" miners we discuss here regularly are operated from silver lead zinc ores, or major copper mines which produce gold and silver as by products. There are plenty of good gold miners and thats a perfectly fine play to go on, we can give you more names too if you do your dd on them yourself before investing.

>> No.27127363

New bread


>> No.27127375

funny it shows up as both on my end but I know it by AG.

>> No.27127407

you fucked up the bread faggot,you didnt put the embead reminder or the formerhouse wife statis,you also put the eddion in the op and not the subjest, you are a fucking new faggot,go back to plebbitddit yu fucking retard gorilla faggot,learn to bgake

>> No.27127456

I put some cash into CCW today after they announced finding that silver vein, I have my eye on AG for Monday and some other stuff . Thinking about Kinross for some long term dividend payouts too.

>> No.27127487

1oz .999 bars and rounds

as much as you can afford.

If you want a slightly better deal on the purchase price you can buy 2, 3, 5, 10 oz varients. But if and when you sell physical, remember that they are solid chunks of metal....easier to have smaller denominations so you have more freedom to decide how much you want to sell.

Coins have a higher premium for collecting and legal tender reasons...not worth it for me personally.

>> No.27127646


>> No.27127926

Buy a bag of silver shot. It's low premiums and divisible in grain sizes. Otherwise cut up the coins.