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2711780 No.2711780 [Reply] [Original]


How the fuck am I supposed to learn algorithmic trading if these people keep hiding the code?

Where is a book to learn this stuff?

These are the faggots making real money. Not this shill shit.

Anyone have a redpill on this?

>> No.2711787


Sad you can't steal/copy for a living, what are you, a nigger/chink? Learn a skill faggot.

>> No.2711790

get smarter

>> No.2711799

I started to post, "No irrelevant posts" but it's obvious that I can't trust you faggots for even that.

So I'll say it now—if you don't have anything constructive to add—then shut the fuck up and go back to buying digibags for a living, wagecucks.

>> No.2711817

Enjoy being subhuman ;)

>> No.2711837

I'll stick to my chinky dick and IQ any day, than being a broke faggot. Cuck off ;))))) hurr durr see I can do that too.


>> No.2712454

t. Chink wanting to do shit nothing but only steal other person's work

No wonder why you people kinds treated as subhuman

>> No.2712625

>retard op is frustrated because he cant steal
good thread, nigger

>> No.2712653

nobody will give you their source code for any sort of algo trading. you're brain damaged if you think people just give away what is money and effort.

on top of that, you end up crowding the trade.

>> No.2712663


>> No.2712666

#1 rule of algo trading:
It is not a magic money-making ATM. It DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.

#2 Never tell anyone how your algo works. They will find a way to break it.

#3 The only time an algo is shared is when that algo doesn't work and the dev hoes to make a quick buck by selling it to ignorant newbies as a magic money maker that doesn't exist.

#4. Learn 2 codebro.

>> No.2712697

Bots will never make you rich. First hand experienced it.

>> No.2712715

>algo trading crypto

If you're not able to trade successfully with an informed, attentive intuition you're not cut out for this game

>> No.2712724

>Learn 2 codebro

What books? I will order them now

>> No.2712741

There are free books Out there. Google how to learn python free

>> No.2713199

What is alpha anon.
Also what is front running.
Exchanges are the ones making the money anon.

>> No.2713239

OP learn about API calls and basic coding functions. You can go to code academy.

Also, I can give you an outline for algo trading if you have .02 btc to spare

>> No.2713288

>Your bot didn't make you rich.