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2711172 No.2711172 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ is using a term "Crypto fascist"...
What's up with that??

>> No.2711197

Why don't you Google it ffs

>> No.2711207

>muh /pol/ boogeyman
Fuck off nigger

>> No.2711220

I didn't realize anybody uses that term anymore, I thought it died with Thatcher's political career.

Crypto-Fascist means a covert-Nazi. Sort of like how you assume that everything is (((them))) in the 1980's it was a Nazi behind everything, not a Jew.

Oh, how the pendulum swings in the paranoid delusions of the plebs in their Sisyphean search for a new boogie-man to lumber with fault for everything.

>> No.2711384

>implying the jews aren't responsible for everything

>> No.2711439

Pol talks more about crypto jews than crypto fascists

>> No.2711476

>being this correct

At least somebody else can go read a history book.

In another 20 years it'll be Arabs or Slavs I bet

>> No.2711499

I thought the term crypto-fascist meant that the Pro-Russian Slavs were behind everything.

Maybe it will take 20 years for everyone else to understand that.

>> No.2711714

In 20 years there will be no more western european cucks to blame anyone