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27110938 No.27110938 [Reply] [Original]

hy do people think that this whole AMC/Gamestop thing is hurting billionaires?

They're BILLIONAIRES! they will outwait the squeeze, they dont have to answer to brokers and even if they did the broker isnt worried about a broker having the money to pay back -

seems to me like the only people getting hurt by this squeeze is the average joe that needs to sell if they lose $100.

>> No.27111185

Its just a good narrative to push the pump in dump.

Billionaires are long anyway. The fed and government rig it so people are forced to invest in stocks and pump up billionaires wealth.

Idiots think they're fighting billionaires when they're just making them richer.

>> No.27111656

one cannot "outwait the squeeze" if they literally contractually obligated to cover their positions. they are desperately hoping for the price to come down as the due date for their short comes closer, but if it doesn't one of them will break first to avoid complete ruin, at which point they will all start panic buying the very limited shares.

>> No.27111847

The losses in a situation such as this are technically infinite. Most people aren’t fighting billionaires. Rather, they are using a feature of the short sell itself to profit.

>> No.27111935

billionaires play the long game. the contract could be months or even years. also panic buying is only a trade of poor people.

>> No.27112015

everyone seems to think they are doing to good work against hedge funds. seems to me like its way too risky for any logical person to want to invest in, seeing as how AMC has been going up and down like 50% lately.

>> No.27112305


I think they think of it more of a sacrifice to fuck someone out of spite and jealousy than an actual investment.

But its really just fucking like a few funds that had shorts. Most billionaires don't short, its fucking retarded with the fed printing money like no tomorrow.

Is kinda funny though, shorting in this market takes the most thinking because the system is literally rigged for billionaires to be able to go long and never lose. But normies fucking HATE short sellers for some reason.

>> No.27112436

You neglect to consider that trading has been sharply restricted on the majority of platforms. This will not be possible long term for obvious reasons.
In addition, if you look at the amount of shorts remaining, nothing fundamentally has changed since earlier this week. It’s a rational investment because its sound on the way the short sell operates and hedge funds got their hands caught in the cookie jar. It’s not going to be like this every time but the people who have bought in will be very pleased.

>> No.27112520

why did AMC and GameStop become the stars of the show? do they know that hedgefunds may be shorting hundreds of stocks at a time? they really dont care about these insignificant numbers.

>> No.27112609

It’s based on the fact that the stock has been shorted well above the ‘pool’ of shares from which they will be pulling from. In that sense, it makes complete sense. You spend too much time on social media if you think its about fighting the billionaires. Most just want to make some good money.

>> No.27112634

GME and AMC are the first and second most shorted firms in the world, by crazy amounts too.

>> No.27112650

yeah if theyre pleased theyre gonna cash out. point is, big hedge funds dont need to cash out anytime soon. their broker also isnt worried about a billionaire having the funds to pay back

>> No.27112718

Amc was like sharing 3.0 a week ago and ended this week at 14 that’s not going up and down

>> No.27112737

investing in a pump and dump is a horrible way to make money

>> No.27112867

most people didnt buy before it was all over CNN. it was $20 yesterday, went down 75% and then up another 50%. really bad idea for people that dont have money to throw around. AMC is very clearly a business that will fail post covid, so it doesnt make sense long term either.

>> No.27112944

Clearly they are visibly agitated if you’ve watched CNBC at all this week. It’s surprising but most have held GameStop despite the FUD this week. Most people do believe it will reach a high point and if they are following this on WSB and don’t need cash immediately, they likely favor the massive upside here.

>> No.27113037

Stop talking about things you have no idea about. You just look dumb. These firms are paying billions on interest to keep their short positions, they cannot just wait it out.

>> No.27113107

>hurrr they have infinite money and can outwait you.
Doesn't know we're multiplying their stack by 0.

>> No.27113145

If you are smart you will buy amc next week shorts have to cover

>> No.27113212
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this will inspire normies to dump FAANG for retail stores, saving the economy from death by covid

>> No.27113232

billions on interest? ok lol dont think so.
if they have a 10% 6 month loan they can absolutely wait it out. squeeze will be done in a week. billionaires are not panicking despite what the media says.

>> No.27113271


GME because it was one of the most shorted stocks on a list of the most shorted stocks. Don't know about AMC but assume it was similar, or just shilled because its a corona meme stock.


That was the plan for the people who got in <$20. Once the hype machine started that's all that mattered. The short % now is all retail probably.

>> No.27113280

How is that calculated? Would it be like 20% of the difference between the current price and the price they shorted it at per share? How often do they have to pay interest on their positions?

>> No.27113320

if youre smart you dont buy penny stocks. waste of time.

>> No.27113396

youre not having any effect on them. the squeeze will end, people will stop caring, and the billionaires will win. its how it works and this isnt any different. for a lot of people its just their exciting first time

>> No.27113573

Amc isn’t a penny stock retard

>> No.27113579

Remember the strategy:
"We can remain retards longer than they can stay solvent"
It's irrational in nature and so a force to reckon with.

>> No.27113733

$13 is pretty damn small

>> No.27113829

yeah im sure a couple internet heros will wait so long they have no profit, but any regular person is much better off just selling their stock for that 300% profit and leaving.