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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27110652 No.27110652 [Reply] [Original]

>he's still holding
You realize GME already capped out right? You don't actually think millions of people are going to get paid 1k a share and people will get life changing wealth, right?

>> No.27110812

newfags dont realize they are playing a zero sum game

>> No.27110874

hedgies need to close their contracts next week or will be penalized with loan shark tier interest rates. anyone who sold this week is a moron

>> No.27111078

Im creating a folder of captures for when GME issues more shares to and those get bought up by hedgies to close out their shorts. I mean...unless you think THE PEOPLE have enough capital for 30 million new shares at 200 a pop?

Sell Monday at open when it spikes or else you're asking to be a bagholder.

>> No.27111764
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>that nose
Can see it from here it's so big
Try harder

>> No.27111913

>Realizes jews control everything
>Hasn't realized their out is coming next week
Either you're memeing or retarded. If the latter, post positions or fuck off

>> No.27112854

Fren what do you think is the absolute highest it will spike to? 400? 500?