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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 250x250, AVAXLamboPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27106451 No.27106451 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX bros! I have 25 of these prime as fuck AVAX Lambo Pepe collectibles to send to your wallets. Don't miss out on this exclusive once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to score one of these bad motherfuckers. Picture it now... you, your computer with the Avalanche wallet up, and some babe that just couldn't resist gobbling your cock after she looks over your shoulder and sees this monument of culture gracing the screen. Freshly minted and primed to enrich your life. You'll be kicking yourself in ten years when one of these babies will be able to buy you a house. First come, first served faggots. Upon delivery, I accept optional donations in return of similarly based, but obviously inferior, Pepes.

>> No.27107019

Vroom vroom Jonny P

>> No.27107144



>> No.27107287

When lambo

>> No.27107310

This is an Ethereum wallet bro


>> No.27107682

How does this work?

>> No.27107702


You're gonna make it.

>> No.27107978

I look forward to that moment in the future op, thankyou.

>> No.27107992

Soon fren

>> No.27108054


Did this cost you AVAX?
It says "44.804600000 AVAX" for value.

>> No.27108105

mans just cosplaying santa claus

>> No.27108192

In the Avalance wallet go to studio->create family and mint collectible. You should be able to figure the rest Anon.

>> No.27108195
File: 351 KB, 1000x1000, avax_swagger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls send lambo pepes i need it

>> No.27108279


>> No.27108326



>> No.27108371

Mint a collectible? You mean I could sell collectible furry porn? Can I mint a collectible that's just the word NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER or could that get censored?

>> No.27108390

Cost me .001 AVAX or .01 USD. What can I say? My work has value. I might have found a new career with that gain potential.

>> No.27108645

I genuinely hope you do bro. Send me proof if success.

>> No.27108671

Yeah please send me one if you make it, my address is >>27108326

>> No.27108878


>> No.27108899

Post your collectibles, bros.

I'm afraid making NIGGER collectibles could get me in trouble somehow. It would be great to celebrate black lives matter though.

>> No.27108927

It aint much, but it's honest work.

>> No.27108956
File: 68 KB, 873x425, pepe collectibles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme know which pepe you would like, frens.
Here's my address if you would be so kind

>> No.27109065

Comfy Hold plz

OP here

>> No.27109123

Thankyou op :)

>> No.27109180

FBI already has your 4chan post history it's ogre, may as well make NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NFT'S

>> No.27109213


>> No.27109304

Received. Nice speed.

>> No.27109309
File: 12 KB, 448x49, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're not made for this anon, trying to scam. Jannies should probably ban you.

If I look at the transfer it says this beside value. Maybe I don't understand?

>> No.27109439

Likewise, thanks for the lambo pepe, fren!

>> No.27109550


Amazing! Send what ever you can, they all look great.


>> No.27109574

I don't think I understand either. Good question. I'm just gonna assume my actions have value and pump my ego. Good question for the discord or telegram.

>> No.27109596

First step in getting crypto... hopefully get some for free

>> No.27109718


As long as it didn't cost you anything I'm happy.

Just take it that the AVAX gods have valued your NFT at 44 AVAX, based.

>> No.27109900

Hey thank my man. Hope you're still around. People like you make this board interesting.


>> No.27109938
File: 150 KB, 800x450, mirmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound based. Redpill me on avax.
Anyway here's my address

>> No.27110134

Just doing the AVAX gods' will. Thank fren

>> No.27110255
File: 167 KB, 1079x2048, Wrench_Fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very Nice thing to do fren. Unfortunately I'm a longtime /o/tist and newfren to /biz/.

No need for a Lambo yet, I'm ok with my shitbox for now... But could someone more experienced tell me what this is all about? Seems pretty cool.

>> No.27110326
File: 156 KB, 500x500, 1611970006710.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

>> No.27110382

OP just so you know I have saved your x-chain address, I will mint something special next week and give it to you :)

>> No.27110486


pls gib

>> No.27110505
File: 145 KB, 600x600, 1610837589497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent. This platform is so based, I needa go acoomulate some more avax methinks

>> No.27110635

Thanks anon


>> No.27110762

Sub second transaction finality, 4500+ TPS network-wide, secure up to ~80% attack, super low transaction fees, ETH bridge and decentralized exchanges soon, head honcho been working on crypto since before bitcoin, institutional support, solid partnerships, good relations with chainlink. Off the top of my head.

>> No.27110828

Sir pls kindly do the needful for the pepe

>> No.27110871

With the Avalanche (AVAX) wallet you can mint collectibles to send to others. In future could function of proof of ownership for digital art and other assets I suppose. Wanted to take her for a test spin.

>> No.27111187

How long does it take to come into my wallet? i don't see any deposits yet.

>> No.27111193


Thanks! Yeah it's the comfiest platform

>> No.27111201
File: 17 KB, 290x477, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone make this into a coin

>> No.27111248

Do the needful sir. My village is very hungry.

>> No.27111293

My dude
Anything for the pepe

>> No.27111315
File: 31 KB, 740x426, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does cost AVAX to create a family.

>> No.27111561

I've never in my life spent 12 cents more recklessly.

>> No.27111647


Yeah, I was worried it cost him 44 AVAX. You can see in my shot that for some reason it has this value on the AVAX Explorer, I don't understand it.

>> No.27111865

I'm gonna dig for answers tomorrow. I need answers.

>> No.27111974

This reminds me of

>> No.27111977
File: 133 KB, 989x1024, 1605737786878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27112083

When i look up OP's wallet address on explorer.avax.network, I get no results.

>> No.27112111

Thanks senpai. I'll send you a star trek version of the same apu when i mint.
To put it supersimply, there are two kinds of (smartcontract based cryptos') tokens, normal tokens, which are indistinguishable from each other like a $1 bill from another $1 bill; and collectibles where every single unit is peculiar e.g. mona lisa painting

>> No.27112181

Explorer doesn't show my address either. Something wrong with the explorer front end i think.

>> No.27112357

OP here. I get that too. But I also get that when I look up my BTC address. It's been confusing the fuck out of me. Has to do with my ledger perhaps? Maybe the tech gods blessed me with a truly anonymous wallet. That, and the pepe is somehow worth 44 AVAX... what the fuck is happening to me?

>> No.27112405

Oh i didn't realise that second collectible was sent by someone else

>> No.27112435

It should be pretty much instant. Avascan of your address says it went through, try doing a chain import
Np! I'm looking forward to it

>> No.27112548

I still didn't get anything either. Oh well. Thanks anyway anon

>> No.27112748

what if hunter biden's peepee was made into a coin? haha

>> No.27113160

Idk. I see success on the explorer too. Refresh the wallet? Bash your keyboard over the table? You have options.

>> No.27113163

Ah, ok i can see the tx on another avax explorer. the address I posted is a binance avax wallet, i think it just takes longer to get to binance.

>> No.27113295
File: 58 KB, 1024x536, Number_one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Thank you frens! You're #1.

That's actually really cool and seems like it could be very useful.

As a newfren to biz, my lil bitcoin "stock" doin sumthin. But this feature kinda just sold me on AVAX. Any other suggestions for a clueless faggot like me?

>> No.27113318

Not sure about Binance. Report back if it actually works with Binance. Doubt Binance programmed that capability into their site.

>> No.27113358
File: 113 KB, 366x764, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is neat

>> No.27113442

thanks fren


>> No.27113493

Brush up on DeFi. The backlash and regulations they try to push on us after this GameStop fiasco will make people even more disgusted. Decentralized finance is the only way out. Normies will figure that out eventually.

>> No.27113503


I love to know the answer too, where you digging? I'll keep an eye out.

>> No.27113598


Blessed one

>> No.27113663

Gonna probe the discord and telegram. If nothing, a hand written letter to the big cheese himself.

>> No.27113728
File: 32 KB, 280x314, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27113783

Avascan says you received some nfts, try going to the advanced tab in your wallet and hitting import x

>> No.27113980
File: 183 KB, 1080x2300, Screenshot_20210129-231650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not into meme lines much but i was looking at the chart to consider swinging this crab action, and i have to ask: does this 14 day chart look like a giant bull flag to you?

>> No.27114218

Forgot about this, but got lambo OP :)

>> No.27114478

New DEX should launch soon and news about an ETH bridge. Devs said that would come in January. Monday may provide bullish news... or they're struggling with launch. Though to tell. I feel like it'll break out in the near future. Probably 2 days before I receive my wage slave bonus check and reduce my accumulations right on cue.

>> No.27114933

This feature originates from eth so go and research and try to understand eth as much as you can. After that you can try to understand other platforms.
and after you're fluent in everything check out Terra ecosystem/platform. It is going to be the portal for normalfags into crypto
Nigga binance doesn't support collectibles. You dun goofed.

>> No.27114959


Comfy Hold please


>> No.27115047




>> No.27115348

Anything for fren

>> No.27115628

>Probably 2 days before I receive my wage slave bonus check and reduce my accumulations right on cue
I felt dat anon.

>> No.27115702

I seem to be getting an error message when I try to send to your address

>> No.27115839

I ran into that. Refreshed the wallet, logged back in and that straightened it out. Happened once over about 20 transfers.

>> No.27115856


>> No.27115862

The price being flat as fuck has me so hard bros. Is just no one trading? Are we all staking?

>> No.27116000

Just wait for it anon. This project is still under the majority of people's radars.

>> No.27116131

OP thanks I just got mine, you are BASED amd REDPILLED and I hope you get mad gains in the future.

Watch your inbox over the next week for real

>> No.27116170
File: 131 KB, 1134x568, 1611537997350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, weird, I'm finding the wallet's a little buggy when trying to do transactions frequently.
The calm before the storm.

Also, does anyone know what happens if you send to an old X-chain address?

>> No.27116247

Nigga I am acumulating like a mad cunt, I will finally get my 2k tomorrow god willing

>> No.27116283

wagmi bro. Make them gains. See you on the moon.

>> No.27116401

>Also, does anyone know what happens if you send to an old X-chain address?
It still goes through

>> No.27116522

Ohh I am, the crabbing after the last pump is the best possible thing that could happen to us. We all get to stake and acoomulate and hardly anyone has worked it out. Top 5 coin nigger.

>> No.27116635

At first I couldn't tell if I was early or wrong, but now I know I was early. Normies don't even know yet amd it's not for sale to burgers.


>> No.27116748

I made 0.5btc yesterday on a futures bet and yolo'ing in and out of Doge. Cashed out and flipped it all into Avax. Keep acoomulating bro.

>> No.27116905

Makes me jealous af, been grinding to get 2000 for the last 3 weeks.

>> No.27116935

OK which one of you pumped it. I was literally 10 minutes away from buying more.

>> No.27116966

It just feels too perfect. Everything is exactly what you would want to see from a top 5 coin at this stage.

>> No.27116984


Same ahah, always perfectly late

>> No.27117060

Post x-chain addy, I will try mint my first NFTs next week. I'll send you one too boyo

>> No.27117146

Sorry bro

>> No.27117181

same, I think its because Voyager came back up

>> No.27117396

Cheers mate but I don't trust the collectables. I know that sounds crazy but I just hate anything to do with web wallets and I have been too lazy to migrate it to Ledger.

>> No.27117564

Respectable. See you in lamboland fren

>> No.27117753

Lambos are for plebs. Avax chads will have drivers.

>> No.27117765

Is ok. Crab action will treat me well for a little longer.

>> No.27117866

send pls i'm quite poor


>> No.27118108

You're on the list, check back in a week or so

>> No.27118497


Hyped to see what NFT you make.

This is the comfiest AVAX thread in a while

>> No.27118796

It's because we all know we are GMI. We don't need to FUD. We don't need to shill. We have seen the future and acted appropriately.

>> No.27118810

Noted your address, you're on the list too fren. I'll mint within the next week or so.

>> No.27118828

May this NFT be the spark that lights the way to gains and prosperity.

>> No.27119006

Me too

Limit order in. Sleep now. I'll catch up to requests in the morning. always remember, wagmi.

>> No.27119043

sleep tite anon, luv u

>> No.27119228

Best AVAX thread in a while, shitposters must be distracted by GME and Doge, etc.

This is the citadel right here.


>> No.27119613
File: 74 KB, 543x758, 1610856941476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, this thread is too fucking comfy.
What's the likelihood that the node requirement is lowered to 500AVAX? I don't think I'm making it to 2000 before this moons.
>t. poorfag student

>> No.27119876

100% gonna be lowered to 500, probably in apricot update. Cant be assed to pull up link, but it was voted on a bit back to lower to 500.

>> No.27120046


Yeah a lot of people seem to be pushing for it to be 500. I've been struggling getting to 2000 as well, getting close but then it green candled again haha.

>> No.27120604

Huge pump as soon as FUCKING VOYAGER finished their maintenance. Was trying to buy the whole day. Being a burger is suffering.

>> No.27120684


At least this preps us for what it will be like when it's on exchanges the US can use easily.

Please stop the pump for a little bit so I can buy. Maybe when I wake up, time to sleep bros.

>> No.27120828

one lambo pls

>> No.27121098
File: 14 KB, 391x391, 81tClIy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, thanks frens, that's reassuring. I'll give it more of a look tomorrow.
>green candled again
You're definitely not alone. I was being a pussy and only acoomulated a few hundred AVAX at $3 before the green dildos fucked me

>> No.27121390

almost to 2k sir if you would kindly.

>> No.27121559

same here, then I kept waiting for it to go back down. Had to buy in for 2k at like 8$...

>> No.27121893

I was waiting for fiat to move and banks being dinosaurs like they are meant I missed buying at $3.5 and bought at $12.8. Still slightly annoyed. I could have had beyond the 2k by now.

>> No.27122223

HELL YEAH! thanks

>> No.27123605

same exact shit dude...dec 29th was when I started the transfer but goybase didn't let me withdraw for 8 days. I fomo'd in with some link but at least i didn't come out at a loss (unless you include unrealised link gains)

>> No.27124062


Don't worry man, we're here now and that matters. Nice to not be alone with getting screwed over by systems out of our hands.


>> No.27124879

comfiest hold in crypto rn
wagmi brother

>> No.27125611

So good :)


>> No.27126015
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 1611366608948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

