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27096729 No.27096729 [Reply] [Original]

Wait an minute.

Why arent we all shorting GME now that its insanely overvalued and we know for sure its going to crater within the next week or so?

Wouldn't we make tons of money doing this?

Im new pls forgive if dunb question

>> No.27096800

retard. it goes up next week.

>> No.27096867

that's the hedgies' play, and it will probably be a winner

they covered at $90 then shorted again at $350

>> No.27096974

no one in their right mind would be a counterparty to that trade, and you don't have the connections to naked short the stock next week when the squeeze really happens.

>> No.27097080

>Why arent we all shorting GME
I am.

>> No.27097206

never bet against the big guys, because they don´t play by the rules.

Suck it up and short, get rich while all these guys thinking they are investing heros and saving the world for buying GME get fucked in the ass by big corps breaking the law and manipulaitng the market in their favour.

>> No.27097238
File: 23 KB, 500x281, 8A206C6A-BD13-487E-8EE4-C48E23E696F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have just been exposed to the worst possible situation with shorting and still you want to.

Go ahead. I’m not selling.

>> No.27097310
File: 71 KB, 828x612, nosell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking big guys aren't hodling too

>> No.27097411

Because the shorts have to cover

>> No.27097471

>you short GME
>it goes up to 500
>app/brokerage liquidates your position because you don't have the funds

>> No.27098112

Also there literally no shorts available. So good luck with that.

>> No.27098781

>a stock at $350 with over 100% shorted
Sure, if you wanna file for bankruptcy

>> No.27098866
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how do shorts work? dont we have like 2 weeks before they come due?

cant you wait till it gets to say 300 then short it at 50 in a month or something?

isnt a short like "im betting you 1000 shares that in 30 days the share price will be under 300" or something?

isnt shorting like that free money?

>> No.27099052

Kind of, but you forgot about the total risk involved if the stock ISNT lower.

>> No.27099094
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I still can't believe I sold my 20 shares for an average of $35. JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP.

>> No.27099322

if it goes to 2k then you are basically saying "oh yeah i know you borrowed me 1 billion, but actually i owe you 20 billion that i don't have. what if the squeeze comes going? whoever lend you wont take that risk and as soon as it starts rising too much you'll be forced to buy back and pay the loss as a very expensive loan. if you short it now you will literally go broke before the end of the week. you will lose EVERYTHING.

>> No.27099482

Shorting is sort of like betting, just rigged.
Example: You borrow 100 stocks valued at $10 and sell them. The bet is that the stock falls below $10. If it falls in the allotted time, you buy it back and return the stocks, pocketing the change. The rigged part is that because the people doing shorts are massive companies with enough capital to crash stocks by themselves they basically guarantee the stock will fall. A lone investor will never be able to cause that kind of market pressure.

>> No.27099511

its only free money if you have the collusion machine to drive the business to zero. if, for example, you didn't have that, then its not free money at all.

>> No.27099784

if the squeeze happens, you would get rich shorting anything EXCEPT gamestop

>> No.27100004

that’s buying puts. it’s safer than shorting. shorting has no time limit but if it pumps you get insta-fucked. in crypto you would lose your investment but in stonks you could lose everything you own.

>> No.27100113

Lol get fuvked

>> No.27100453
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exactly, other big institutions are on board with reddit and us but not saying anything out of fear of getting secd. you would be dumb to think they wouldnt do this. Institutions fight each other all the time. This is huge, expect alot of companies dying and institutions floundering while many others spring from the ashes of the hedgers death. the squeeze isnt happening, these are all disinfo shills trying to get people to panic sell to get better lube when the other big dogs decide its time for the sexy time.

>> No.27100565

sorry the squeeze hasnt happened yet*