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27093787 No.27093787 [Reply] [Original]

LISTEN EVERYBODY: There’s a lot of people on here who have no idea what the hell they are talking about. DO NOT SELL. You will regret it later. The apps are crashing because hundreds of thousands of people are trying to buy. Robinhood isn’t allowing instant transfers because they can’t afford to loan everybody money while the bank processes your deposit. This common practice. It’s always been like this for years. Anybody who tells you different is dumb money and has no idea what they’re saying. You can buy doge once your money clears. THE PRICE IS GOING TO SKY ROCKET. SCREW THE MOON

We are the pioneers. WE (400,000 who are in this thread) DECIDE THE PRICE.

We have a chance for generational wealth. Don’t be stupid.

THIS IS FOR THE HOLDERS: I have a plan. Hear me out. If you agree; upvote

Let’s all collectively agree to set the floor at .05. The majority of people here should have purchased their dogecoin below this price.

This means that if we buy anytime it starts to dip under .05 it will raise back to at least that threshold. it doesn’t have to be much 5 dollars by 400,000 people is monumental.

Next step. When it reaches $1 sell EXACTLY 10% of your coin. NOT all. This way we can get some net profit no matter what happens. So if In the off chance it does completely crash you already made profit. Since the 10% will cover your initial investment and some change.

After that the remaining 90% just HOLD YOUR ROCKET TO THE STARS


>> No.27093838

its over

grow up

>> No.27093864

I feel like doge is over and there's no more hype
Am I wrong?

>> No.27094012

Should i just sell this shit?

>> No.27094104

Sell signal

>> No.27094111

Just sell. This pump is over. But it will happen again.

>> No.27094123

Its a penny stock so fuck it. Ride or die!

>> No.27094178


Lmao!!!!! Desperate people who bought in at .07 expecting another GME to occur

>> No.27094200

Reddit spacing
You need to go back

>> No.27094334
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Hold my friends we have the future in are hands

>> No.27094381

mfw my friend bought 300k at 0.05, is my friend fucked?

>> No.27094384

Based and Dogepilled. In about 3 hours, we are going to see massive pumping to a minimum of 1c. Prepare your assholes faggots!

>> No.27094491


>> No.27094596

Just bought some

>> No.27094803

14 million doge is created out of thin air every day. Doge provides no service, and holds no intrinsic value. Sell now before it's too late. Cut your losses and buy physical silver.

>> No.27094963

Probably not fucked but theres no way this thing is skyrocketing to 1$ maybe not even .10 but its a big gamble expecting people to follow this trend like people did for GME.

>> No.27094977

doge has some of the lowest transaction fees around! much better than btc or ltc or eth fee wise

>> No.27095329

a little yeah
the hope is that people are just waiting for their bank transfers to be useable in RH or whatever, and they'll throw $5 at doge

>> No.27095835


>> No.27097488

as soon as meteorite mining becomes mainstream silver will become worthless.

>> No.27097754

Yes, you are wrong.
You have to look at dogecoins overall growth over the last few years. It has been a steady performer since the beginning. There is going to be increased volatility as more people start getting into dogecoin, but I can almost guarantee it will grow.
Just chip in whatever you feel is comfortable and you will be riding rockets to the moon.

>> No.27097941
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No HODL the line!

>> No.27099744
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Fuck off back to r*ddit with your spacing, we don't want you shilling your pathetic, delusional meme shit here.

>> No.27099922

This level of delusion is just sad to watch

>> No.27100786

someone's mad they didn't get in yesterday lmao

>> No.27101261

I don't have any liquid left and even if I did I've never ever fomo'd into something that's pumping, ever, that's literal nigger-tier investing

>> No.27101761

one thing i have been wondering.. i thought that you have to have the massive full block chain on your disk to create a wallet that you have full control over. is it really possible to create them without that now?

>> No.27101841
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>> No.27101859

Where the fuck am I?

>> No.27101951

Stop being so mad because you panic sold rajeesh

>> No.27102018

The sheer stench of Reddit coming from this thread, blegh

>> No.27102028

>steady performer
Literal Q-tier nonsense. Just wait 5 days bro, it'll go up, no seriously.
You are all going to lose a fuckton of money

>> No.27102060

There is nothing to be comfortable about regarding Dogecoin. You can't be this deluded

>> No.27102117

You're going to be holding thousands of worthless, I mean WORTHLESS coins for years

>> No.27102150

good argument bro! keep coping :)

>> No.27102155


>> No.27102181

shit has stagnated and is moving slow as fuck

>> No.27102283

dont buy anymore doge right now
just sit on it

>> No.27102348
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I wanna believe but honestly this is reaching Q levels of retardation

>> No.27102371
File: 21 KB, 587x231, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucking down because everyone was using VOYAGER to buy, which is completely down and has been since this morning. be patient.

>> No.27102392


>> No.27102464

God why are these exhanges so fucking dogshit

>> No.27102576

Potential life changing plays here

Can pump to $1 with enough meme power. MrBeast asking about crypto on twitter rn. Would be HUGE

>> No.27102580

>Hear me out. If you agree; upvote
did you seriously just copy and paste this from a reddit post

>> No.27102715

lmao anyone with any intelligence sold last night

Anyone who still has coins is holding the bag

>> No.27102721

all exchanges are manipulated

>> No.27102723

you don't believe this right?

>> No.27102753
File: 5 KB, 199x254, 1611947020167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are there retard posts on my forum with words like upvote.
Fuck you niggers, you have to go back.
You bought a meme coin last night with more than you could afford to lose?
A very old, known pump and dump coin?
I'm sorry anon, but spamming here isn't going to help.
Go the fuck back where you came from.

>> No.27102764
File: 6 KB, 321x314, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living organisms are just machines that copy the processes of hydrothermal vents, therefore products of living organisms thrive on repetition
finding a fractal like this, even if its just a bit, means its gonna stabilize
remember this for next time, and remember, keep holding

>> No.27103028
File: 43 KB, 309x380, doge m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to learn how to stocks, just watch mandelbrot zoom videos all day

>> No.27103065

It's over. For the love of God get the fuck out of there. Take your wins and leave.

>> No.27103115
File: 150 KB, 717x759, d6cbaa1b6393a825bcc09dbc215ed133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still being in this.

>> No.27103325

I had 77k I bought when it was below a penny and sold 20k of it at nearly 2 cents then bought more at 6cents i feel dumb

>> No.27103374

Could you be any more transparently a Redditor? Stop trying to rally people to your gay little cause that you don’t even understand. Fuck off and kys you fucking moron

>> No.27103735


How much money did you guys put in this stupid crypto that you can't hold?

>> No.27103760

This is some autism. So you think there is a metaphysical mathematical wave that regulates human behavior like how you can look at a weather forecast map?

>> No.27103831

something tels me there will be another pump tonight
not selling, actually thinking about loading up more

>> No.27103870

PnD: The pasta

lmao cope harder dogshit bagholders

>> No.27103982
File: 845 KB, 2000x1200, CEO of BASED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

distribute this among the normies and get ready to pierce through the Van Allen belt at supre sanic speed.

>> No.27104095

Growth..as in no development in github for over 2 years now

>> No.27104538



>> No.27104590

lol. while these pnd schemes are cute, are there any actual projects with potential that cost under $.01?

>> No.27104679

Ok now I think it’s an Indian scam

>> No.27105419


>> No.27105803

Checked and truth pulled but ((they)) will still ((manipulate)) it so who knows

>> No.27105987


>> No.27106298

Yes, that's true sadly. Elon Musk was the single reason it shot up - nothing related to performance.

>> No.27106965


How can you cite weather forecasts and still be this dense?