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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 164 KB, 498x497, reddit_pepe_meme_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27088032 No.27088032 [Reply] [Original]

We sure made some great money didn't we? Great job squeezing those shorts today, boys! These stocks won't go up much higher, though, so it's time to sell.

Me personally, I sold half of mine today, and will sell the other half on Monday at open. The window is getting narrower and narrower to sell, so let's make some money.


>> No.27088109
File: 71 KB, 828x612, nosell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't tell if bait or actual kike. either way, post nose

>> No.27088167

shut up you fucking melvin bot

>> No.27088255

Correct and properly researched take my friend. GME has nowhere to go. The big jews have been swinging it down to fill new shorts and letting retards build it back up. The "Melvin Capital 130% shorted" meme is dead. There are no massive outstanding shorts that will squeeze magically next week. You bagholders have been baited like a QAnon boomer.

>> No.27088295
File: 1.51 MB, 500x430, 1611863532805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, of course, Sir, mine are totally sold now, haha, this was a good profit. I can take my family out to a nice meal now!

>> No.27088314


Yes, this is the plan, dumping the stock so the people fucking all the retail investors over can cash in.

>> No.27088354

Personally Im going to buy much more AMC it has potential for big grow just wait after end of pandemic curbs

>> No.27088457

same my tricky nosed friend!

>> No.27088517

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27088530
File: 18 KB, 1667x94, float short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still at 120% at close today, Kikerino.

>> No.27088574

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27088637

LMFAO obvious kike shills everywhere

>> No.27088659

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27088656
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>> No.27088691

can't tell if bots, paid interns, unpaid interns

>> No.27088720
File: 31 KB, 720x551, hank disturbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread is so Jewish just reading it made my fucking foreskin fall off.

>> No.27088740

Thank you, delighted we beat the shorts.
I'm so happy with my $1500 in profit. My bros thought it was totally awesome too.

>> No.27088745

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27088778

All my trades are for entertainment purposes only. And by entertainment I mean watching short sellers burn

>> No.27088874


Good fucking god if that isn't the biggest pile of cope I have seen since Hillary lost.

All these faggy "u MiSsEd tHe BoAt, SeLL nOw!" posts are literally kikes who sold early or never caught the ride in the first place.

Fuck off.

>> No.27088889

I was a bit spooked they'd be able to strike fear into the redditniggers over the weekend, but seeing as how incompetent you all are, I'm not worried anymore. Feeling pretty good now.
If anything, you're making people want to buy and HODL even more.
How much are they paying you by the way? Whatever it is, it's too much.

>> No.27088890

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27088976


>> No.27088986

Seriously though if we all "pretended" to be panicking would the algos be able to pick up on that and trigger a reaction? Could that work to pump the price even more?
Obviously I think that is a terrible idea and something I would do and I wouldn't recommend discussion about.

>> No.27089064

Is this bait or actual shilling?

>> No.27089073

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27089227

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27089278

/biz/ has ID's you stupid nigger

>> No.27089279

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27089346
File: 32 KB, 750x359, Milkshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give up Melvin. I'm eating your tendies.

>> No.27089354


>> No.27089407

Oi bay

>> No.27089410

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27089492

no no see actually they don't have to return their stocks until 35 days. i know everyone has been saying Friday but now they have to close in 35 days. also money, also Wednesday, also in two more weeks

>> No.27089544


There is a literal army of kikes on the board right now trying to fuck with everyone's confidence in GME & Doge. The Wall Street shekelsniffers have redeployed their /pol/ shills to /biz/.

>> No.27089588

link this. you could have edited the html. also who often is this updated?

>> No.27089654
File: 1.40 MB, 700x807, 990A178A-BABE-4A8E-B5A2-EB199C972026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding you fucking shill. I'll let you have my shares for $1500 for one, 4500 for two and 10k for 3. See you next Friday, faggot.

>> No.27089658

>retard who missed out is trying to spam

>> No.27089803

there is literally an army of pajeets who fake manipulate pump and dumps using jargon to get retards to buy

>> No.27089833

You don't know where they are short from. They could have shorts from $450

>> No.27090052


>> No.27090100
File: 69 KB, 414x419, 8d86d42dc0fd946fc0fdb586955ba19d341cd9307c5de7633811f1f997f0b488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

censuring on a chan board?
you guys are new to this. and you suck too.
fucking kike

>> No.27090242

I know, right?! Time to cash in for some tendies. LET'S F***ING GO!

>> No.27090488

that's why we will all hold until at least $1000

same things that are being said now were said when it jumped from 20 to 60. All of them. The logic is the same: no fundamentals, shorts have been squeezed, it will go back to $20. There is actually a very good report from Citron Research on the subject, you may wanna take a look at it

>> No.27090628

i only invest with money i don't need. which means i don't need the resulting profits either, i just use them to bolster my savings. i won't be selling gme, at this point i don't care if it ends up lower than it started. i'm holding.

>> No.27090891

newfag, but see through this obvious shill

>> No.27090989

I'm holding until 36k.
That's where people say it will be if it follows the same trend as VW. I'll gladly hold until I die

>> No.27091004

I understand your frustration but my minimum price is $30,000 or 6,000,000 chicken tendies (steamed in Zyklon-B) per share

>> No.27091076
File: 171 KB, 638x831, mc-donalds-jobapplication-3-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27091386

>have you ever been convicted of a crime?
nah bro, just a case pending for insider trading and market manip, nbd lol i'm just here cuz DeepFuckingValue ordered a 10-piece tendies with discontinued mulan sauce

>> No.27091592
File: 463 KB, 640x640, 1547076866823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never get it shlomo it's not about the money it's about sending a message

>> No.27091653

Leave you fucking Jewish piece of shit

>> No.27091898


>> No.27091926

actually pretty sure this is a counter-op. OP wants to rile up those with doubts with this obvious bait, and cement their decision to hold. keep fighting the good fight OP, personally i'll be holding for a long while yet.

>> No.27091937
File: 61 KB, 750x1024, 1604772874982m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off faggot I've got 80,000 DOGE and I'm going to HOLD

>> No.27092048

why hasnt MODS IP banned this faggot yet he keeps posting these threads

>> No.27092083

Good advice Mr Shekelberg, see you at shul tomorrow. Shabbat shalom.

>> No.27092234

You do realize your boss cant pay you anymore because he is broke right?

You're working for free you stupid cuck.

>> No.27092249

this is a christian blue board anon you're not allowed to post that.
you better delet quick or the jannies will come clean it up. For free, of course.

>> No.27092295
File: 64 KB, 600x600, 3a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why sell now when I can wait for the Monday dump, lower my average buy in and take more GME on the Gamma squeeze ride?

>> No.27092327

How do you do, fellow 4channers.

>> No.27092465

Lmao it's literally just one guy
Starting to think he's just memeing and reversepsychologying everyone to HODL

>> No.27092516

Kike defense force. See >>27089646

>> No.27092614
File: 174 KB, 700x350, 5e601fabfee23d16912a48c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>employees doing this shit
Nah man, these are interns working at a closeing house, these guys have been doing 70 hour weeks for free for the last 3 years.
Shame their company is going insolvent before they ever cashed a check.

>> No.27092643
File: 465 KB, 868x720, gme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I sell you for a fair price of 148800 USD and a tip. Don't worry, I am not going anywhere, I will just hold up on those shares a little bit until you changed your mind

>> No.27092658

the hero we didnt deserve

>> No.27092743

Threadly reminder that you don't have to cope if you didn't buy GME yet. Monday will be your chance, the elites will push back, price will go down, you can buy and get in.

>> No.27093070
File: 184 KB, 500x570, D9D66238-E542-44DF-BA8D-0580670E2968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold mine this morning! Got EXTRA lox on my bagel with all my epic gainz! What did you all get, fellow gamers?

>> No.27093160

I FOMOed Thursday so I'm going to use Monday to lower my average buy in.
I don't think they get it yet, we aren't just taking gains we are taking them down.

>> No.27093220

(((of course mr berg)))

>> No.27093276

what's your target for re-upping? if it drops much farther below $250 i'll probably buy a few more.

>> No.27093321

Have you just given up and you have a shitpost quota to fill?
If so we could just chat mate, we all know you weren't the person pulling the trigger on theses trades.

>> No.27093351

Screenshot this. This will be like when Trump lost.

>> No.27093573

oh yeah come here
put your mouth around my cock
suck my fucking cock you beautiful kike
mazel tov
mazel tov bitch
ima cum in your mouth now yh
oh yeah beautiful
sorry for the foreskin bro

>> No.27093678

Shorts have to Be covered on monday and thats when we land on the MOON With Elon as president and Doge as currency

>> No.27093689

Honestly I expect Monday to open for us goys ~$150, they are going to want it to look as bad as possible. If that's the case I'll be getting another 5 as low as I can.

>> No.27093891

>Shorts have to Be covered on monday
Nope, they could hyperthetically go forever but they don't have the cash for that. Guess they should have saved for a rainy day.