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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27080480 No.27080480 [Reply] [Original]

Bots? Is WSB usually this carefree? No source, just a fake twitter account retweeting someone who calls themselves Walter Bloomberg.

>> No.27080796

Redditors are retarded, what else is new?

>> No.27081114
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Let them fall for it

>> No.27081173


yeah i guess but seriously, is wsb always this stupid? every popular post is either a stupid movie meme or a huge claim with no sourcing.

>> No.27081346

YOLO is their rallying cry. Maybe 50 of the now 6 million subs (was like 3.5 million a couple days ago) have ever opened an Investopedia article. In the past several days, it seems to have been invaded by commies who think they're sticking it to the man.

That said, do hold, and do buy. Squeeze is just beginning.

>> No.27081358

kek thats like pajeet-tier levels of shilling

>> No.27081872

it was under 2.5 million before this shitstorm, it's way worse, old WSB is fucking over

>> No.27081878

>That said, do hold, and do buy. Squeeze is just beginning.
where do you get reliable info on shorts?

>> No.27082029

So 4chan then?

>> No.27082147

It's reddit. If someone calls him a fag they get banned

>> No.27082238

Every time redditors get a majority presence anywhere it becomes a communist tranny shithole
I’m surprised they aren’t permabanning anyone for antisemitism

>> No.27082417


you don't have to use the f word to call out a fake account. i think these people caught the jew flu.