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File: 220 KB, 2000x1000, 21epq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27080279 No.27080279 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.27080344


>> No.27080374


>> No.27080378

It means you're literally a billionaire now.

>> No.27080432

uhh... wasn't GME supposed to moon into $10k by this point? what happened bros

>> No.27080470

They could also just be waiting for monday. Don't they have all monday to pay?

>> No.27080475


>> No.27080547

They're just kicking the can. Kike 101

>> No.27080581

They have 2 days to gather up all the shares before interest begins accumulating

>> No.27080586
File: 143 KB, 1206x656, barb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the first time american jews have actually been punished for something since Leo Frank got lynched?

>> No.27080621

Mexican showdown is going to drag...

>> No.27080687


>> No.27080699

>They're just kicking the can. Kike 101
Thats fine with me. I like holding gamestop

>> No.27080749

What is their strategy? Where are they getting the money to pay for their shit short positions?

>> No.27080782

congrats, you're a retard. you left just before the party started

>> No.27080789

government bailout

>> No.27080802
File: 102 KB, 409x409, 1569020901242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh gamma squeeze
>muh garunteed free money
>muh diamond hands
Get fucked reddit, we know this show. You are all gonna dump on each other in a magical red dildo that will make your head spin.

>> No.27080982

are you a retard lol

>> No.27080994
File: 396 KB, 1080x1080, 0001-16100862352_20210127_234202_0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off shill

>> No.27080995

Alright never selling, ever, gotcha.

>> No.27081008

>government bailout
So we'll crush Biden's approval rating too

>> No.27081066
File: 910 KB, 800x600, 1595922813986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed the dip to $250 because I had to make dinner for the girlfriend. I only have .778 of a share.

>> No.27081067


>> No.27081148

You're genuinely stupid and don't understand how overshorted floats work.

>> No.27081187

>Biden gets inaugurated
>GameStop immediately crashes the economy
I love 2021 lol

>> No.27081245

Literally fucking retarded, or shill

>> No.27081246

They went home.
It’s Friday

>> No.27081289
File: 116 KB, 400x800, 1542583412513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you weren't nigger and if you unironically sold at 320 you only playedyourself.

>> No.27081403
File: 61 KB, 2048x330, D288CD55-8862-4998-96EA-E3617A6B645C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shills getting more desperate lol

>> No.27081450


>> No.27081528
File: 15 KB, 480x360, base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that if your sell limits are not $1000 or higher, you are officially a faggot for letting (((((THEM))))) borrow your shares for cheap

>> No.27081560

They literally don't care about his approval ratings. The plan since primaries was to bring Kamala in, Biden was just the vessal to do it because people remember him as Obama's VP and he was the safe old white guy to democrats. He was going to be forced to step down no matter what, with his approval tanking they're going to toss him out as soon as his cabinet are in place and this impeachment nonsense is over so that Kamala can come in looking relatively clean by comparison.

>> No.27081581

Kike nigger trying to cause fear

>> No.27081592

they probably paid whatever the ridiculous borrow rate is to borrow shares another week, trying to wait out the Coomers.

>> No.27081610
File: 39 KB, 993x662, %2Fmethode%2Ftimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2Fbin%2Fd88c38d2-cff7-11e9-bfe0-b5ac4ce6ca95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds Uncle Joe fucks us and GME gets delisted?

>> No.27081634

>If we trade GME after hours Friday, we're panicking
>If we don't trade GME after hours Friday, we're on the private jet to the Bahamas for the weekend
Which is it?

>> No.27081717
File: 29 KB, 295x418, fiefsdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weren't convincing on /pol/ you're not convincing here.
neck yourself

>> No.27081735


>> No.27081743

Raise a limit to 7777.77

>> No.27081767

/biz/ is compromised. my posts are eaten whenever I question the GME bull narrative.

>> No.27081782
File: 38 KB, 600x800, 0ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i sold at 320

>> No.27081793

doesnt have the power to do that.

>> No.27081801

THERE IS NO OVERSHORTED FLOAT. The jews will sort this out over the weekend behind closed doors. You are a moron if you think they are just sitting here butt naked waiting for the commoners to fuck them in the ass. They will print imaginary money and bail themselves out like they have done all throughout history. The jew NEVER loses. The shorts will NOT SQUEEZE because they don't exist. You are falling for a literal meme parroted by people who opened a robinhood account 2 days ago and are still waiting for funds to settle. ITS OVER.

>> No.27081815


>> No.27081839

please explain to me how they keep freezing seemingly but there's no rapid change in value ot initiate freeze???

>> No.27081883



>> No.27081914

What is there to question? Everything is pretty clear cut.

>> No.27081927

Or they got what they needed yesterday while they blocked out retail traders.

>> No.27081994

Don't worry, if you wanna buy I have a fair price of 140.088 for you, if you don't like, well, don't worry, I will keep it until you change your mind :)

>> No.27082061



>> No.27082077
File: 597 KB, 975x770, 1611895829210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now they're going full overdrive on the shilling

>> No.27082090

U sound gay

>> No.27082144

Since you’re such a funny guy I’ll let you buy my shares back at $9,500 instead of the $10,000 I was waiting for. Oh and yes hedgie, I WOULD like fries with that

>> No.27082189
File: 7 KB, 171x204, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gives me the chills

>> No.27082201
File: 715 KB, 1509x2455, 8eba740cdce538e03787d66c4f30d5e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boarbara you dirty slut

>> No.27082207
File: 37 KB, 960x720, Tendie Board Meeting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The loss potential for companies on the hook for these questionably legal short-sold stocks is literally infinity.
By exceeding 100% of the stocks that could be shorted (hedges *knowingly* shorted it over 138%) they broke the market math, like a divide by zero.
Thus, by that same math that governs markets, the potential for price per share goes to infinity. This debt keeps accumulating until they have bought back shares.

We hold the shares, but, obviously there is not "infinity" dollars available on Earth.
But what it does represent is that, for ANYBODY in the ENTIRE chain of accountability for ownership of these loans on short stocks, owes literally everything they have.

As you can imagine, a lot of the wallstreet types caught in this giant net of debt are not happy.
As you can also imagine, nobody in the world is happy they did the same thing that created the 2008 crash, except perhaps now bigger

But consider this :
Shit is coming upstream with climate change, and you or i who are small can't do shit about it, because ever since '08 and this pandemic more of our wealth gets siphoned up to these companies and ultra rich that just sit on it
The capital being sat on represents the assets we need to move into action and labor with work that is focused on unfucking ourselves from climate death. Going green, nuclear, bioplastic, electric vehicles, better public infrastructures, sequestering carbon, rebuilding animal populations

This moment is a chance for THE redistribution of wealth the human race needs at this moment of time to survive, and the best chance of it with the least violence involved.
If the wealthy just sit on capital refusing to do anything with it as the world slowly dies, humanity's last collective action will be cannibalizing itself on the way down, like crabs in a bucket

>> No.27082240


>> No.27082258

The jews lost this one time, and it costs them everything.

>> No.27082266


>> No.27082267
File: 263 KB, 500x425, 94d3f05753423a41e419269850bdce15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did it look after hours on previous days?

>> No.27082299

All the people who were going to profit off of GME, already did. They left you with the bill.
If you bought GME over 300, thats it, you hopped on the bus at the last fucking stop of the night. It's not going anywhere. If you think you can prove me wrong, go ahead. The influencers and cutting edge traders who got in on the ground floor are the ones who walk away with the get rich quick stories, but if you got in after the news picked up on it, you're just another sucker.

>> No.27082300

>parroted by people who opened a robinhood account 2 days ago and are still waiting for funds to settle
this is me and I'm still up $80

>> No.27082303
File: 101 KB, 601x442, 5c68f74253dbf98355465f9e00b4006d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the overshorted float
shorts are $20B down this month, taking $3B loans from their lenders and brokerages are drawing down tens of millions on credit lines

>> No.27082369

I was thinking the same, but they're Jews so they will probably meet tomorrow morning to plan the strategy and we will see the movements on Monday's Premarket.
They are vile, they never give up when it comes to money.

>> No.27082401

You are a fucking retard hold and you win. Friday deadline is Jew trickery and you fell for it

>> No.27082445

Short it please.

>> No.27082467

friday was always a meme to get you to sell today. next week is where the action happens

>> No.27082470

A jewish hand typed this, only retards sold right before the squeeze. Friday news was a FUD spreaded everywhere.

>> No.27082471

Soaring. Especially today. If the German GME does well, it moons.

>> No.27082477
File: 36 KB, 356x374, 1589056669559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you @ 1000

>> No.27082533

more like 5000

>> No.27082536

It means they've stopped the market manipulation. They know they've lost and nobody will sell now.

>> No.27082548

There is no end date, people saying Friday are Melvin shills. The short is still open that’s what matters. They are now paying interest on every share they borrowed and they can’t hold them long, if we keep our shares and hold the price up they will HAVE to buy them soon. The higher we get the price the sooner it happens

>> No.27082553

it's bizarro 08 where instead of wealth being flushed down the toilet before a bailout it's being handed to normal people alongside big dogs. Banks backing the hedgies are going to cry for a bailout and probably get it

>> No.27082554

I have 3800 in GME with Robinhood and 800 with TD Ameritrade. When this is all over will I have made enough to buy a nice ass guitar (~6000)?

>> No.27082558

If they print out imaginary money, they give that money to us, cause massive inflation and riots follow. Easy.

This very month a bunch of delusional fucktards stormed the US Capitol building WHILE ALL THE SENATORS ARE IN THERE.
The US has more guns than citizens, far above any other country in the world.

Time is running out for hedgies.

>> No.27082562

Nah. At the end of the day we’ve all paid what... couple hundred for a stock?

Shits great and it’s making me nostalgic as fuck. I’m gonna hang in there.

>> No.27082567

Lets see your short receipt

>> No.27082620
File: 980 KB, 305x320, 154498127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ONLY HAVE ONE SHARE AND IT WON'T LET ME BUY MORE I even put $2,000 more dollars into my account. I bought at $100 so I'll just make pocket change....

>> No.27082663

$1488 minimum.
+$109 for every shill thread I see.

>> No.27082664

First it was tens of thousands. then it was ten thousand. then it was five thousand. then it was two thousand. now it's one thousand. next weel it'll be five hundred.
First it was today that was The Day. Then it became monday. But now it's today, and the "wait till friday/monday" became "wait until next week". It's already becoming "wait until next month", and "there is no deadline -- just hold FOREVER"
It's over. This was some Qanon bullshit

>> No.27082675

>jews are all powerful and you can never defeat them goy
blow it out your ass

>> No.27082680

You can tell me ANY DATE and screencap it, and I guarantee GME will not be above $400 on that date. This shit is straight TOILET WATER at this point and you retards still drinking it. Lower highs every day as brokers figured out they can just stop you from trading. You are cornered here and the jew is squeezing you dry. PROUD TO HAVE SOLD AT $320

>> No.27082688

Ignore retards like THIS

>> No.27082690

buy dogecoin lol

>> No.27082691

I bought 1 share. Am I going to make it anon?

>> No.27082709
File: 17 KB, 225x350, 192757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It mooned already retard...
>Space ships go to the moon & come back fast af every time.

>redditfag u/deepfuckingvalue cased out around the 400$ peak.
He knew what he was doing. He was even making a mean ass profit on his Pre-short GME stonks & this was just a Christmas bonus for himself.

>GME stonk is going to bleed you out like a stuck pig.
Just because you hold the stock doesn't mean wallstreet didn't hinge their bets during market today.
YOU ALL GOT JEBAITED HARD wanting a piece of the baloon pie like most stock clowns.

>Besides you honestly think hedgefunds & shorters will run out of money from this? the get millions & billions daily in profit.
They knew most of you fucks would hold today, its all anyone has been posting on the internet.
They can probably make that money back in a couple days/weeks/on other shorts when you all are gone & out of the game/loop.
The professional stockbrokers who do shorts daily know how to mitigate damage as well, those fuckers bought the dip this morning & sold today at minimal profit margins above their pre-short stock value to cover their ass. they only got to pay back what they borrowed

There was no cup & handle indicating another candlestick, just a slow down ward trickle in its value as if it was a stable market on the slight decline.

Y'all GME "diamond hands" fags are actually shit eaters who got played & were too late to the party...

>> No.27082748




>> No.27082766
File: 77 KB, 860x949, opm4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that nobody is buying proves whatever my point is.
>the fact that people were buying yesterday proved my point
>the act that people were selling the day before that proved my point

that's handy logic to have

>> No.27082784
File: 679 KB, 1200x1200, teamsweat-cover-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been doing nothing but trading stonks and listening to NTR for the past week and a half!

>> No.27082789

Wait for Monday and buy roughly around the middle or end of the day.
The squeeze isn't gauranteed to happen on any particular day. As long as their shorts aren't paid, you're still game to buy in.

>> No.27082792

how's 1 million dollars sound?

>> No.27082809
File: 53 KB, 392x289, ROBINHOOD WILL BLOCK SELLS DURING THE SHORT SQUEEZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27082829

Didn't most shorts get out yesterday. Wasn't that the reason for the kikery?

>> No.27082833

Dogecoin is gonna get assblasted once the holders see the price peak, it´s gonna leave people on negative balances once it falls.

>> No.27082840
File: 21 KB, 597x559, 1611955937103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i cant limit sell. it keeps rejecting me

>> No.27082864


>> No.27082870

>if right based
>if wrong jew

>> No.27082908

THIS THIS THIS!!! Bagholders will be unloading to jump on the new crypto craze. Retards who held this trash are stagnating while professionals (such as myself) have already made 20x gains on Dogecoin and Donut combined. Smart people cashed out for the weekend crypto craze. Not even WSB is talking about GME anymore. It's over.

>> No.27082911
File: 7 KB, 250x198, 1477674895123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that too but only 4,000 coins. At least I bought in at 0.01... It won't let me buy any more of that either
Unironically $10,000 would set me free from all debt, I doubt it would be that though

>> No.27082939

one hundred forty dollars and eight point eight cents? yea, that's still a buy

>> No.27082947

this. retarded niggers holding onto their shares. entire day went by and price only went down but muh “TRUST THE PLAN NEXT WEEK” retarded shit lmao. it’s literally over and other than some Reddit scree grab you have no evidence to think otherwise. I’ll even buy some when it dips down just to be safe but if you’re still holding you’re a retard

>> No.27082955

$4998 here.

>> No.27082961

The shorts are still high and GME is up like 68% from yesterday, stick it up your ass shill.

>Only 60% a day? That's nothing, goy! You should invest in dogecoin instead it'll go up by 1000% a day we swear!

>> No.27082981
File: 26 KB, 492x491, man07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else not fapped in the last three days?

idk ive been glued to charts this has been fun enough for me to not even reach for the peen

>> No.27082984
File: 590 KB, 1133x1133, SS Nazi Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put 5k in my account, bought 5 shares, but now I can't buy more nor can I transfer the remaining balance anywhere to buy through, say, Fidelity, because it hasn't even finished processing on RH yet, let alone the time it would take to get to Fidelity. Guess I'm just going to sit with 5 and call it good enough. Here's to sticking it to the kikes.

>> No.27083009

Everyone wanted to buy it and no one could all week, everyone was holding yet it was dipping all week. What does that tell you? Next week is gonna be interesting.

>> No.27083012

I think alot of people who put in at the 3 digit figures aren't doing it for the money.

>> No.27083018

Someone’s not smoking his jenkum
Goes great with your DIP

>> No.27083050

$10,000 is doable, fren. people underestimate how much the kikes fucked themselves on this one

>> No.27083054

>This was some Qanon bullshit
it only became qanon bullshit on wednesday
the initial ramp was very real

>> No.27083061

If GME actually goes to 1000 I will unironically name my daughter after /biz/ and wsb

>> No.27083070

please explain why the after market is so slow today compared to previous days and also why it seems they're freezing it for no reason??

>> No.27083077

same i haf one gme @280 and threw the rest of my insta in tesla until monday

>> No.27083102

Yes true fren, at least we have some shares at all

>> No.27083111


If you try to transfer shares out from Robinhood, they will keep your GME shares, and give you the dollar value for them.


>> No.27083114

My dude, even 500 would be a huge gain for me

>> No.27083136


>> No.27083151

link to music?

>> No.27083155

It was above 400 today

>> No.27083164

I’m sure you did sell. Against all logic, you got tilted and tripled down on your mistake, and now you will buy your short $320 share back from me for $32,000. And when you’re done giving me my money in crisp, new greenbacks, I expect an apology

>> No.27083185


>> No.27083239


>> No.27083244

you can't be that dumb?

>> No.27083290

just because you're too stupid to understand what a short squeeze is doesn't mean it isn't true or some kind of conspiracy shit

>> No.27083303

KEK, was that chart supposed to be a swastika?

>> No.27083316


>> No.27083337

>the redditors who stand to gain from a ramp were actually memeing you to sell
very confused logic

>> No.27083384
File: 3.23 MB, 480x270, 1610492910146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he unironically sold at 320

>> No.27083400

how did you guess?

>> No.27083442

he's getting replaced by kamala anyways... They can use him like the cheap empty suit he is, have him fuck over the masses left and right, and act like the slate has been cleaned with the new kamala by sheer force of propaganda which got him elected in the first place. In the brave new world you're told what to think peasants.

I typed this up before even reading this anon's post: >>27081560

>> No.27083470

I'm not. I'm just going to keep the 5 shares on robinhood and ride with that. better than nothing. what remains of my balance I'll just have sent back to my checking account.

>> No.27083505


The shorts got covered and new got put on, we know this because short interest is down and we saw huge blocks being sold yesterday, 340k and 440k blocks. That's a short being put on.

>> No.27083511

What is there to do? Most of retail doesn't do AH and they're not selling.
It's a staring contest between retail and hedges now.

>> No.27083540

today held roughly the same level as wednesday's close, goldfish-brain

>> No.27083556

This. Fuck the kikes. Fuck the shills. Fuck the paper handed bitch. But most of all fuck the hedge fund assholes that are getting away with this shit

>> No.27083561

lol, everybody is yelling HOLD HOLD HOLD but they all realize they can't make any money except by selling, eventually

reddit is going to wake up on monday and panic sell

>> No.27083608

yesterday after hours was much more active and without unexplained freezes?

>> No.27083619

Okay so I set up a Fidelity account to get the fuck outta RH. Can you transfer shit after hours or will I be fucking myself and I should wait to transfer after the moon?

>> No.27083641


This is my exact situation.
I opened a Fidelity individual account for trading, and got money wired into it today, no waits.

>> No.27083671
File: 505 KB, 905x927, GME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27083672

>why the after market is so slow today compared to previous days
friday always is

>> No.27083677
File: 69 KB, 500x509, 1578335800902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He sold at 320.
It just hit 325 pussy.

>> No.27083696

No. Today is when they start getting contract calls for their money. And, also, the hedge fund companies start getting interest/penalties on their loans for the stocks they owe because it's the last business day of the month. So, now we just wait them out. How much interest/penalties can they take. In other words, how long till they sell all the shit in their houses and run out of lifeline.

>> No.27083744

Is this a thread for people who still don't understand why oil didn't go negative a second time?

This will be "fixed" during a time the dirty peasantry cannot do shit about it.

>> No.27083764


Should I buy?? I'm a fucking dipshit who hasn't bought anything yet. I don't want to miss it! Should I buy now, wait until Monday or just buy AMC instead??

>> No.27083803

the short squeeze is what happened from $3 to $300
it has already gone 10x the squeeze on volkswagen in 2008

>> No.27083829
File: 299 KB, 750x1334, E8488E8D-48E9-47D7-9F94-71A62D6CB11E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're banking on you ignoring it at this point, they really have given up, and they're banking on that being the strategy that wins

>> No.27083831

These are absolutely massive funds, together they probably AUM closer to 200+ billion.

If you think they can't cover before you end up with bags you're dead wrong.

>> No.27083881

Depends on the contract. Many contracts say the close of last business day of the month. Who knows...theirs could say by the 1st of the following month. Either way, hodl.

>> No.27083888

Buy as soon as you possible can on Monday

>> No.27083898

Yep. Look for multiple SEC and Biden admin comments over the weekend about this past week. Wall Street will be in the clear by 9:30 am Monday morning. Only bag holders remain

>> No.27083915

Lmao at 500 I still make a couple grand

You just sound left out

>> No.27083917

it's not freezes, just long periods with no trades

>> No.27083924

Institutional investors loading up on the stock for Friday.

>> No.27083929

We'll probably never see that. More likely the over positioned cunts will default. That's not a bad thing. Seeing them chapter 11'd was the reason I bought. I can care less about the profits, as I don't mind being a low beast making a living on my own. It feels good not needing an aristocracy, even at the loss of my humanity.

>> No.27083933

>The jew NEVER loses.
Why are you denying the holocaust?

>> No.27083943

what happens if they hold it until bankruptcy

>> No.27083968


>> No.27083983
File: 19 KB, 393x380, 1574431500433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Short sellers are heroes

>> No.27083993

Is there any way, at all, that jews can wiggle out of this?

>> No.27084007
File: 71 KB, 750x823, 1608302696301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sold at 320
Not the sharpest tool in the shed are you anon?

>> No.27084010

just buy amc and drop 20 bucks into crypto a week until you retire and you'll be fine

>> No.27084019

Im euro, we use dot instead of comma and comma instead of dot so no easy money for you

>> No.27084042

They have already closed their old shorts and opened up new shorts. In any case anything they have to cover they can cover, and they have the whole next week to do so as well.

They got out and are doing just fine.

>> No.27084058

unfathomably based

>> No.27084073
File: 147 KB, 1782x1023, Sell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.27084076

Checked, this

>> No.27084112

Checked 'em and you wrecked 'im

>> No.27084126

Doing something ilegal

>> No.27084133
File: 56 KB, 362x282, Mr A Dispensing Redpills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27084161

>whacha doin there, rabbi?

>> No.27084182

Can't they just pay interest/fines for a while until it dumps again

>> No.27084193
File: 5 KB, 249x155, 1611610332953s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger quit typing in caps that is like the one
rule, ban this faggot nigger no nothing shill

>> No.27084207

Lmao at paper handed bitches. See you kikes at 2000$. Bitch better have my money

>> No.27084212

Need info on how to get rich off crypto fast.

>> No.27084214

reddit bots

>> No.27084226

Holy shit the mental gymnastics are unreal

>> No.27084240
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nu/biz/ is so fucking retarded it blows my mind
they are not doing fine
they are scrambling to avoid complete liquidation

>> No.27084253

The loaned shares have to go back to their lenders. Someone has to buy them back. It will go up the chain of command all the way to the fed if it has to.

>> No.27084271
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Anon, it didn't go up because nobody could buy. If anything the fact it was still rising while nobody could buy meant it was so fucking valuable that just existing was adding value to it. Imagine how high it'd be if they didn't halt trades and use bots. It'd be at least 2k after this week.

>> No.27084273

You answered the call didn't you

>> No.27084312


>> No.27084338

20 bucks a week into one of the top 5 coins
it's too easy

>> No.27084386
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>> No.27084390

lmao, what a nigger

>> No.27084411

They already got out of their old short positions and put up new ones you retard.

You are not going to outlast tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars, sorry to say.

>> No.27084416
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Same. I'm just bitter because I know whatever I end up selling on is going to be a quarter as much as it would've been if they didn't use illegal scumfuck tactics throughout this entire week.

>> No.27084430

What are the top 5 coins?

Why not just put it all into bitcoin?

>> No.27084433

>he thinks redditors and not the hedgefunds who have to pay on the shorts are encouraging early selling
As predicted only paper handed pussy plebs sold. Everyone else is still holding because they love their stock.

>> No.27084437

And now they will suddenly let you buy, against the orders of their masters? YOU HAVE BEEN SCREWED. Retards haven't realized that they are trapped in a corner.

>> No.27084468

Most likely not enough options to be traded or their jew friends are hodl it to fuck them on monday

>> No.27084501


>> No.27084508

Most of them will be first timers.
Many of them are ITT.

>> No.27084514
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just put it in bitcoin

>> No.27084537

the jew never loses? so you're saying the hallofcost never happened?

>> No.27084569
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>> No.27084578

so uh, what happens if someone approaches gamestop behind closed doors and tells them if they dont immediately liquefy the company or produce more shares to tank the price their families will be harmed. there's almost $100 000 000 000 on the line if not more, its not exactly a far fetched possibility

>> No.27084626

yeah okay
did everyone just fucking forget they took a $3 billion loan from Citadel a day ago?

>-8% short interest
>113% short float
>they got out
pick one

>> No.27084633

Every minute is another L for melv and the rest of the hedgie gang as long as people hold. They'll keep bleeding out of their ass as long as people hold.

>> No.27084635
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>let us buy
>Implying letting the public buy during the short squeeze matters
Anon..... we aren't the customers now.

>> No.27084643

>he makes his wife dinner

>> No.27084648

You really don't know what you're trying to talk about. What you saw was the repeat from the 17.10, the next one will be the big one.
Let alone that it'll go way higher than what VW had back then, not that you'd know, let alone understand why.

>> No.27084670

>produce more shares to tank the price
They would need to announce this weeks in advance

>> No.27084701
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>> No.27084707


>> No.27084709

Retard here. Where do the shares come from that are owed to all the people exercising their calls right now? Does lender own the underlying asset or is it bought off the (now closed) market?

>> No.27084711

>old short positions are closed
>new short positions are opened
>short float doesnt really move
How new are you?

>> No.27084722

Based and principled man.

>> No.27084758
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>> No.27084759

total short interest dropped to 113%, VW only needed 50% to go parabolic.

>> No.27084766

They're all too busy in the boardroom pissing themselves.

>> No.27084789

just like he dsnt have the power to steal an election, yet somehow, he did

>> No.27084797


>> No.27084799
File: 94 KB, 200x200, 1567785813194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't give 2 shits how wide we dilate melvins asshole i just want my fucking TENDIES

>> No.27084812


>> No.27084815

>paper hands
>i like the stock
yes, those are the reddit memes, but the $3 shorts covered a week ago and gave all their money to u/dfv
that's why melvin needed a bailout
my theory is that a lot of the current short interest put on at $300-$350, some higher

>> No.27084820

t. CEO of Citadel

>> No.27084834

You shouldn't be trading as stupid as you are...

>> No.27084844

They could get sued for selling shares that will OBVIOUSLY immediately tank. They will not print more shares unless they want all the good that has come their way to instantly vanish

>> No.27084851

Give her the middle name 'Moon'

>> No.27084894

You're comparing oranges and apples. 50% of short gamma expired today, the risk is down from 11-10bn to 4bn.

They are doing fine, you are not squeezing anything.

>> No.27084902

Correct take

>> No.27084912

What if the market manipulation was only useful until the last spike over 400. Was that it boys? Are we walking into the valley of death? Help a retard like me out.

>> No.27084918

Nothing to close now sweaty
Monday the price will fall below $190 but it's another jew trick

>> No.27084937

you know you're telling me exactly what i'm saying and the squeeze still exists because it's still massively overshorted? right?

>> No.27084953

>short gamma
explain to me what short gamma is right now

>> No.27084984

It's unironically going up, up, and away on Monday.

>> No.27085015

It’s the sabbath that’s why

>> No.27085086

It's Friday, the jews have to flee to get to their coffins, and everyone else goes and gets loaded.

>> No.27085097
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Over brought by over 140% they all need to buy then sell then buy again. Price only goes up from here.

>> No.27085112

>cover your short at massively pumped price
>immediately short again, covering most-if-not-all of your losses thanks to massively pumped price
unless this pump is duplicated next week, the shorts will end up with massive profits because GME is still a shit company

>> No.27085116

porsche does not suddenly own 75% of gamestop you dumb nigger

>> No.27085120

Opened an account a few days ago and I'm up $7200. Suck my dick.

>> No.27085118

If you're a poultry handler does that make you a chicken tender?

>> No.27085126

FUD you mean
>we were told friday

yeah, you were told friday by a bunch of fuckin retards. they are accumulating interest right now because that will be cheaper than covering right now. they're banking on Friday FUD scaring enough people into selling

>> No.27085145

DFV is still in, he just posted an hour ago

>> No.27085166

For AMC and GME what was stoping them from getting rid of all their shorts when they tanked to $6 and $120 when no one was allowed to buy?

>> No.27085167

My biggest concerns are

1) GME has until Sunday night to do an offering. Their shelf offering is peanuts but they have securities they can convert to dilute with
2) government rats working overtime to make sure nobody gets any of that Dead Sea cheddar

>> No.27085209

I agree. They took loans to create new shorts at even higher values. They think you're gonna fold.

It's a game of who blinks first. And we already know they cheated, so we have no gain in blinking, ever.

>> No.27085217

>the repeat from the 17.10
i have no idea what this means
>it'll go higher than vw
i understand exactly why redditors think >100% short of float will cause this, and they're wrong

>> No.27085222

>just existing was adding value to it
This is how I know this thing is going to crash right back down
Like .1% of you actually know what's going on

>> No.27085260

No they literally cannot do any offering until April

>> No.27085283

Yep all the more reason to hold. I dont mind, as I said I like the stock as much at .01 as i do at 10000.
>New shorts at higher interest.
We will bleed em dry cause on the dip i plan to buy, who holds the bag and is left to cry? hedgies cause ill never sell b4 i die.
>how long does diamond take to form anons? I will wait and HODL

>> No.27085299

liquidity and volume

>> No.27085314

If you're so confident in this position, why don't you short it too?

>> No.27085316

Are you implying that the hedge funds sold all their shares, to each other, at $100/share, and are now sitting on shares worth $100?

>> No.27085319

Holocaust? You mean the ww2 event that sealed the balfour declaration through Hitler telling every Ashkenazi Jew in germany qnd western europe to leave since 1938 then around 1941 started killing 90% of slavic jews who were mostly peasants and farmers?

What hitler did was a favor he essentially applied eugenics to the jewish population and gave the "survivors" free money

>> No.27085321
File: 250 KB, 511x398, i am free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy BTC and ETH. Invest in random whatever coins at your whim, but most of them are dogshit and never go anywhere. It's also very convoluted to understand why coins are good or bad, and people on both this board (and in general) will just throw buzzwords about them that will confuse you. You will probably baghold at some point, and feel shitty if you listen to them.
>t. bought in to LINK at a high of like 18 because of BIZ and then it dropped to like 10 and just held it because I felt too stupid to sell at a loss
Never play with money you can't afford to lose. What you are doing is effectively gambling. The instant you buy, it vanishes. Do not take out loans, if you're gonna 'haha meme' a buy, don't ever invest serious capital into it, and relax because the money isn't real, and it's pretty easy to make enough that you're playing with house cash in crypto anyways.

>> No.27085335

>a squeeze will happen because I say so
No, these new shorts are at much higher values, i.e. stock has to go to 600+ in order for anything to happen, the stock is trading at lower highs everyday throughout the week, you go figure out what happens next week.

Short gamma is basically indicates the delta decrease if the stock goes up.

>inb4 explain delta
Delta would be the change in the options price for every one point in the underlying asset.

>> No.27085337

but anon, most of those new shorts are in the green
there is no squeeze when the shorts are profitable

>> No.27085376

Not enough volume in trading. >>27085217
Theyre wrong because people will fold and cause a chain

>> No.27085383

it's up 68% today even with restricted trading
shorts down $8B today alone

>> No.27085388

I know that you guys are hodlers, but is it still an option to cash out if you want to? Or have they limited that as well?
t. tourist

>> No.27085404

take your meds faggot

>> No.27085426

>they are paying interest on borrowed shares

>> No.27085497

Will I have time to buy Feb 4th? My funds kick in on Etrade. They have a purchasing power hold on my account until then as well so I feel like I'm kind of fucked getting in late. Will the squeeze have happened by then?

>> No.27085498


Does that mean they would take a loss by doing it? If so wouldn't that be less than the raping they're about to receive when they have to buy at $350+?

>> No.27085539

>everyone is so stupid but me
if you knew what was going on you'd of bought in at $15 and be a millionaire out doing cocaine at your amazing predictive powers and not arguing with retards on a anime shitposting imageboard

>> No.27085542


>> No.27085560

it's up 68% on the day with restricted trading anon, you're acting like this doesn't still want to go up

>> No.27085576
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I did my part.

>> No.27085585




>> No.27085622

They're paying interest to drag this thing out. We hold, we win

>> No.27085665

It’s still 113% over shorted according to s3

>> No.27085686

They are loving side sideways trading, the amount of scalping they can do is unlike any other stock. Plus they frontrun all the orders and scalp those too. You're getting played big time.

>> No.27085731

>wooden doors
anon. stay on topic. most of the people killed in WW2 died by bombing campaigns or the effects of starvation after. This includes the concentration camps where the jews were supposed to be kept safe from the general fighting until they could see that they had to leave Europe to establish Israel, exactly as Herzl and the ZWC had discussed

>> No.27085751

see >>27085585
This is over goyim, just sell while you still can.

>> No.27085770

>redditfag u/deepfuckingvalue cased out around the 400$ peak.
Why do shills post shit so easily debunkable.


>> No.27085805

Where is the proof?

>> No.27085825

I legit think it's the hegdies running out of stock to fake a crash. Literally everyone is holding. When they dropped the stock price yesterday they probably expected a panic, not a whole bunch of retards itching for more. So it got auto bought and held. Now they have nothing to play with.

>> No.27085912





>> No.27085948

It has already happened. Went from 3 to 400 at its highest.
Its still closing with gains each day. And thats with most brokers limiting after having crashed the stock the day beforw (which STILL gained mind you)

we are doing it financially. As other anons said if they bankrupt themselves it goes all the way up the chain for massive bail outs.

Anyway the squeeze is still in at 97% woth the new batch which just meands we hold longer. This weeks gains will likely be next week lest they push them back by tripling down with more shorts at even higher interest which will bleed them EVEN FASTER

>> No.27085980


If they double down though all we have to do is call their bluff and make it go higher so they get fucked again.

>> No.27086017


>> No.27086018

no shit

>> No.27086029

>Literally everyone is holding.
How new are you? A huge quantity of these shares are in chalk hands.

>> No.27086045
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Ah yeah, the jews were letting it auto-rise after trying to nuke it's price for the past few days as a 6D mindfuck maneuver. Thankfully you were so smart you saw through it, unlike literally everyone else.

>> No.27086070


>> No.27086085

YOU MORONS ARE GETTING OWNED SO BAD. This is what they do. Let it reach HOD, open new shorts, short it down 60%, close the shorts, then let the retards buy back in. Simple minded redditors and tourists think that the recover to levels lower than it opened at is somehow "winning" and they will hold thinking it will go up the next day. Repeat until all shorts are payed off. You lose. Hodlers are retards. Proud to have sold after the scam was revealed today.

>> No.27086102

These guys have a win condition that will blindside us all, don't they?

>> No.27086135

bait you didn't sell

>> No.27086136

Doesn't matter. If you're short any, you have to return them at the price the market offers.

>> No.27086138

No you can sell whenever you want

>> No.27086141

With what money?

>> No.27086156

It's very easy to type words on the assumption that it's true Anon.
You're gonna need to bring better proof than that however.

>> No.27086174

$20k per share here

>> No.27086191

Interesting I am aware they mostly died through starvation (allied military blockades) and disease but I had never looked at it as concentration camps as a place to keep them save for the duration of the war. Interesting, I still feel like at some point they approved the eugenic aspect of the cleanse.

>> No.27086195


It's also common sense that they crashed the price by not letting anyone buy to give shorties an out. Why wouldn't they take that out at $6 and $120 then when the floodgates open and people can buy again short them again at $15 and $350.

>> No.27086201

Hedges closed their shorts already. Selling my bags on Monday.

>> No.27086202

this. there is a reason they spend millions moving their offices and fiber lines 1 inch closer to the backbone.

>> No.27086211

damn sorry you sold at 290 bro

>> No.27086236

wtf are you talking about
I was referring to the idea that a stock would be worth more for intrinsic reasons outside of actual buying and selling

>> No.27086239

It's not my problem that you aren't paying attention to the data available

now fuck off

>> No.27086248

sorry, not selling. good luck fighting on the trading floor for that last note that will be traded. you won't get mine.

>> No.27086296
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sell sell sell

>> No.27086307
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 84D6C0C8-42FB-4BEA-A17E-3B9A3A115719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe hedgies use robinhood and can only buy 5 shares

>> No.27086351

Any quick ways to transfer stock out of Robinhood? I have an etrade account, but I heard it takes 10 days to process, and I have some GME options expiring next week. Will limit sells work during the transfer, or will it be completely frozen?

>> No.27086371
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>> No.27086385

According to bloomberg, GameStop week closed at 400%

>> No.27086408
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>It also means that we may have to have another "Lehman Weekend" situation on our hands, only this time it will be a "Robinhood Weekend", and an urgent acquisition from a strategic buyer may be required to prevent the worst case outcome. We only hope that the billions in funds held in custody for clients is segregated should the company collapse (pinging Jon Corzine here).

>> No.27086417

Idiot you're trying to convince ME that your lies are more than just lies, not the other way around.
Provide some proof or fuck off.

>> No.27086422

Just sell and rebuy you probably won’t lose much

>> No.27086453

Enjoy your cope as you show your grandkids your one remaining dusty GME share and bask in the nostalgia of what could've been if you only just sold.

>> No.27086471

The jewish spies who stole US nuclear technology and sold it to the USSR/Israel got executed. I'm pretty sure that was the last punishment.

>> No.27086476

Whats this mean. I assume that its set to sell automatically at 1000. You make it sound like they get to use your share for some scheme for their profit if you hold a stock without an automatic sell at some price point.

>> No.27086489
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It's literally a lie

>> No.27086491

>sorry plebs can't give you a stimulus from shutting down the economy it takes time ok
>whatever you say mr goldbergstein 2 trillion coming right up, a bipartisan effort
not even the national guard in DC would save them then, that's literal 'let them eat cake' shit and even democrats aren't that stupid

>> No.27086516

>These are absolutely massive funds, together they probably AUM closer to 200+ billion.

>If you think they can't cover before you end up with bags you're dead wrong.
Their positions could cost them 50B, much more if GME sustains.

>> No.27086522

>let the retards buy back in
kek, ONE share at a time. kys

>> No.27086535

Nigga I have 0.25% of my net worth in this do you really think this is my final form

>> No.27086578

The local soldiers had to be allowed to run with the game of hate for jews, otherwise they wouldn't have kept the jews in the camps. And all populations have criminals, especially in prison conditions (didn't some college experiment prove this?). Reports of the germans liquidating camps seems to be based on questionable findings, or in limited quanitities, to say the least. One report, with corresponding image, showed a train supposedly full of dead people, and ignored that the roofs of a number of the cars had been shot/blown off. Like someone with an airplane and HE cannon shells ran a quality strafing run on what appeared to be German infrastructure.

>> No.27086581

post your nose

>> No.27086620



>> No.27086647


With grandpa's retirement fund. Other hedge funds have been lending the ones that lost money. I think these Jews are pretty good at finding money to risk even after losing a shit ton.

The only other possibility is that they didn't tank the price to dump their shorts they just did it to scare everyone away and kept them. That would take some serious balls though and would allow them to get away scott free but if it doesn't work they lose everything and the entire economy collapses. Even then they would just get a bailout.

>> No.27086667

>Smininem Moon (Last name)

>> No.27086793

>The jew NEVER loses.

except for 109 times

>> No.27086816

DC is a fortress right now. Do not underestimate their hubris.
Biden admin cant put a foot right though. Bail the hedgies out and cause civil unrest, fail to bail out the banks and there'll be economic consequences and social unrest.

This is a war against the people who subvert our nation, and the GME squeeze is only a warning shot.

>> No.27086820

Provide a source for this
I gave a source that disagrees with you, so if you don't post something that agrees with you, then you're to be disregarded

>> No.27086824

Oh you're back. Have proof yet aside from the verbal diarrhea?

>> No.27086836

Source? Last I saw today S3 said it was 113%

>> No.27086850
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>> No.27086859

What short seller who just covered his short would NOT immediately short GME again?

Think about it. They're pretty much guaranteed to cover massive profits on the impending dump and they HAVE TO because it's the only way to make up the massive losses they just took. They're not going to get their money back by moving over to GNUS.

>> No.27086873

lmaoing at your life
how much are they paying you to shitpost? you ARE getting paid, aren't you anon? don't tell me you're doing this for free

>> No.27086876
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It's a stock that everyone wants with a guaranteed sell that is fucking over the one group that is universally hated in the world. No shit people want it for intrinsic reasons. Are you living under a rock? This movement might be making good profits for people, but a lot of people are holding purely for integrity and protest. Might be dumb, but that's how it is.

>> No.27086946

The use of delousing agent was the only way to fight typhus at the time. And every transport of passengers risked picking up new strains of lice, because they're insects.
So every time they moved, they had to be stripped of clothing, shaved of hair, and showered in "gas." The US military used Xyclon to fight lice as well, on living people.

Some women love to tell tales, especially if they can 1-up on the women around them about how bad it was. Most of the women in these camps literally didn't have electricity before they were housed in these facilities, and the Communists had interest in passing the worst of the worst tales.
And of course you can lie to the goyim.

>> No.27086961

>I gave a source that disagrees with you
No, you posted a source that said aggregate amount of shorts haven't changed all that much, that's all it said you fucking imbecile.

You're in for a rough week starting monday when it dawns upon you that they covered their older shorts throughout this week and then put on new ones.

>> No.27087008


I do think that's what happened but even if they did that we can just make the price go even higher and get them a second time.

>> No.27087016

>short it down 60%, close the shorts, then let the retards buy back in.
>Shorter shorts 500k shares driving price down
>somehow rebuys all those shares to cover without driving the price back up while there is this much upward buying pressure

>> No.27087054

Did you not see all the news related to double downing on shorts etc? The fuck did you think they did shorted it at $2 while the price was in the hundreds? They got a new price to short at anon

>> No.27087064

How can we tell what the current shorts are shorted at?

>> No.27087082
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>he fell for the muh climate fear porn
This kind of shit really tempts me to sell, because ideologues like this have intrinsically weak paper hands. They're not greedy enough to hold for the long haul. If it drops below $100, they'll sell and think about donating to some climate scam before just blowing it on starbucks throughout the week. I'd much rather be holding with pajeet scammers and /biz/ bagholders, at least we're all just greedy fucks.

>> No.27087118

You don't understand how stocks are valued and you're making shit up.

>> No.27087136
File: 68 KB, 1394x764, Rewind time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hedge funds try shorting GME by more than 100% right after they all barely survive doing it the first time
At that point I'd assume all the jews are based as fuck and are secretly just trying to hand out billions of dollars to people across the world in a big wealth distribution with the only caveat being you have to not be so fucking lazy and dumb that you pass on free sacks of money. I know that wouldn't be why they're doing it, but it'd be funny.

>> No.27087178

Have you not seen the swings the last few days?

>> No.27087237

Yeah, no shit. I'm a retard making bank listening to rollar coaster sound effects while watching my stocks fluctuate. I don't know jack shit. Worst part is I still made more today than half the people using RH did with serious stock.

>> No.27087243

so i take it you're doing it for free, then

>> No.27087403

If they have to choose between crashing the market and cheating, they will definitely cheat

But in a normal weak shorting a stock over 100% would've gone unnoticed, brokers colluding with hedge funds and blatant market manipulation would've gone unnoticed, SEC protecting institutional investors would've gone unnoticed, the media, especially the "liberal" media, shilling for wallstreet would've gone unnoticed.

Now your average normie knows that stock market is a casino not because you can gamble, but because the house always wins. They also know that retail investors are smart enough to beat institutional investors, and it would be common occurrence if the game were fair.

>> No.27087410

dude they handed billions of dollars back and forth between themselves. while siphoning off peasants with deez bags.
they can do it over and over

>> No.27087426


AMC $10-16. GME $400-460.

>> No.27087435

It's the only thing they CAN do, and without another massive influx of new money into shares, they will get away with it.

>> No.27087509


>> No.27087512

Yeah, and they don't have the volume

>> No.27087526

>trust the plan
kys only retards and shills say this unironically

>> No.27087609

Thanks. The situation is not bad at all then.
Good luck, boys! Rob 'em blind!

>> No.27087621

Just requoting myself to let you morons know I'm right. Enjoy those bags

>> No.27087631

I'm not a stock guy but if the joos won why are they still doing everything they can to stop us?

>> No.27087668


That's what he's talking about when he says new shorts. They doubled down first thing Thursday then when the price tanked they got rid of all their old ones. The only other possibility is they kept them all and are in for the long haul which is very risky.

>> No.27087690

>they covered their older shorts throughout this week and then put on new ones.
yes, he got us guys. we're in for a rough week, because we literally took free money from the government to buy shares we never plan on selling.
They got us, we're holding the shares with no gain, while they hold the shares with interest against themselves.

Time to throw in the towel, just stand up and hodl.
>t. not an advisor, this isn't advice, don't invest unless you can lose it all, that might be the goal of some players around you.

>> No.27087725

He's clearly kidding and making fun of the q-tards. It's a /pol/ meme.

>> No.27087790
File: 43 KB, 641x405, GME PRICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does this imply?
pic related

>> No.27087807

Just requoting myself to let you morons know I'm right. Hold