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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2707091 No.2707091 [Reply] [Original]

Ready to have some FUN? ;)

>> No.2707113

Well it's website has traffic, doesn't appear to be a PND shitcoin

>> No.2707130

thanks detective newcoiner. Any more wisdom to share with us?

>> No.2707136

buy the dip

>> No.2707140

Is there a coin with a bigger CEO than Jez San? This is going to be big.

>> No.2707143

I will buy a lambo finally!

>> No.2707179

there are suckers on bittrex who bought into this shit at x5 and more...

>> No.2707183
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This shit is going to be big.

>> No.2707208

i'm looking at the site. I can really see some potential here. I'm about to drop half a bitcoin in just for fun and see what happens.

>> No.2707234

Got in at ICO because I think this will actually have some use rather than many of the other altcoins peddled here. Might buy some more whilst it's low

>> No.2707252

What was ICO price? What's a good entry point?

>> No.2707265

see where it stabilizes at for post ICO dump. It's pretty low right now. See if you can get in triple digit sats

>> No.2707275

nice just bought 100k

>> No.2707292


>> No.2707295

the logo is too gay. this coin ain't goin anywhere.

>> No.2707301

the developer is a big guy for you though

>> No.2707346

Im so hyped omfg

>> No.2707370

On the website in the showcase you can test blackjack & co.! This will rise to god

>> No.2707384

Casinos of all types are really fucking gay

>> No.2707388

You're a casino

>> No.2707398

Jea and thats why the casino making millions.


>> No.2707419

Can someone give me a quick rundown please?

>> No.2707424

nigger just go to the website linked in the first post
no spoonfeeding

>> No.2707436
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This is the first coin after btc in that i trust

>> No.2707464


>not offering a bogpill summary

I'm dissapoint.

>> No.2707475


>> No.2707482

Too cliche. Fun is extremely memeworthy though

>> No.2707491
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>4chan think my post is spam
Screencapping myself to spoonfeed you your shitty rundown >>2707419

>> No.2707504
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>mfw whale /biz/ janitors dont want the secret out.

>> No.2707507

.3 seems solid, but i'm thinking .5 or even 1 us dollar. And for no real reason. I just want it to be true.

>> No.2707531

Moon mission is finally here

>> No.2707551

How do we know the ico people won't dump on us?

>> No.2707555

no kidding, up 20% within the hour.

>> No.2707592

seems good

>> No.2707619

They will, just like every coin added on bigger exchanges gets p&d every single time.

>> No.2707669

In long term i see no loss here. Top product and top team and top marketing

>> No.2707699

The CEO of this founded pkr.com the mofo knows online gambling.

>> No.2707701
File: 142 KB, 694x770, 1466827626711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this low as fuack effort shilling
market cap is over $100m, sell if you're holding, don't buy if you aren't


>> No.2707711
File: 58 KB, 658x930, 1487860687406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make order for 50 or so
>thread updates, see this
>cancel order just in time
>make post
>close thread

Thanks lad.

>> No.2707789
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>> No.2707819

No. It will rise to min. 0.2$ in some weeks

>> No.2707915
File: 154 KB, 877x613, funfair1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pathetic shitcoin.

>> No.2707925

the fudding begins

>> No.2707931

The same shit people said about ANS, I'm all in on this.

>> No.2707934


>> No.2708005

comparing this shitcoin to ans, hahaaha enjoy your bags

>> No.2708076


Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.2708857
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my body isn't ready

>> No.2709144

Wow it's on a roll, I imagine it'll shit the bed in the next 24 hours though like CFI and Myst did, before taking a proper path up.

>> No.2709603

good guess
dropped from 1.5k to 1.1k in 10 minutes

>> No.2710125

Brought 10k at the dip. Coins with the stupidest logos often moons so hard. It looks fun!

>> No.2710535
File: 646 KB, 2000x2272, 1452897951104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not the correct market cap on coin marketcap website.
It is much less.
This coin will moon very nicely. But it will not happen overnight.
It will give nice trading and accumulating opportunities along the way however.

>> No.2710575

Also people will be buying it up until September Phase 2 Auction. So they can qualify as a Phase 1 coin holder and get benefits.

>> No.2710608

This is going to be fantastic

>> No.2710621

at least

>> No.2710656

Do yo need to hold the coin on their wallet to qualify or am I ok with bittrex?

>> No.2710685

sold for 3.5x
should have put in more

>> No.2710701

Well played, I'm holding for a while to see where this goes :)

>> No.2710702


Yeah I am all in on this. The only succesful dapps are all gambling related.

And this will be the best.

>> No.2710708
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I do not think they have said yet. But I asked what qualifies as phase 1 and they said up until phase 2 sale if you buy tokens before you are phase 1.
They are still working out details on how they will distribute they extra coins from dutch sale remainder. When they put in stone something and the word gets out, if it is something good assuming it will be, this will spike demand.

Only ever 3.x+ Billion coins to be in circulation and I think they slowly will also get burned over time.

>> No.2710713

i got MYST PTSD, no more holding. The only Token I beieve in is BAT

>> No.2710716

You can hold in an ether wallet

>> No.2710718


I bought via myetherwallet, are you suggesting there's some other benifit coming along?

>> No.2710733


2:59 AM
we're going to have to run a bunch of different scenarios and investigate the possibilities. we want to reward phase 1 token holders appropriately but we want to try and avoid triggered a tax event. if accountants say it wont trigger that then we're good already. but it was flagged here as a disadvantage and im inclined to agree, especially if we can come up with a similar mechanism that doesnt trigger tax.

>> No.2710734


I understand your position, but I think this token has a good chance of doing well in the long term

>> No.2710741

thanks man

>> No.2710751

someone just bought 1btc of these on bittrex

>> No.2710768

cool beans, be worth it.

>> No.2710770



*could be worth it.

good luck guys

>> No.2710772
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>let's have fun with mathematically predetermined outcomes

>> No.2710792


gambling on gamblers being gamblers?

>> No.2710796

I'm pretty much all in on this

>> No.2710809
File: 24 KB, 500x336, 1494967971550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is predetermined, luck and chance don't exist.

That said, people are retarded and they seem to love gambling.

>> No.2710838


I bet you're right....


>> No.2710865

The team has experience running a multi million dollar online casino too

>> No.2710866

Source on that?

>> No.2710884

The CEO, CTO and lead dev all had the same roles at PKR, the online poker site.

You can see it all on the site funfair.io

>> No.2710886

hmm, blockfolio is showing this as BTC/Funfair rather than ETH/Funfair. Is this normal?

>> No.2710921
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guys... what if WE'RE the gamblers and bittrex is the casino

>> No.2710927

Yes cause the Bittrex exchange is BTC/FUN


>> No.2710943

Hmm, "Circulating Supply


Epic bubble bro

>> No.2710947


I'm on this page:


>> No.2710949
File: 27 KB, 1206x229, 1488232257918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, round 2 coming up or maybe a downward trend into the sub 1000s for a few hours?

>> No.2711031

3/4th of that locked up until September.

>> No.2711122

I bought 100 before i knew what it was
Just out a sell order for anoter 1000 down

Gambling is always the way
I was right with 1st and i was right with skinz
This will give me some sweet roi

>> No.2711143

hopefully :)

>> No.2711156

I don't even hope at this point i just know

Good tech is cast aside as PnD and also treaded as such but as soon a coin with gampling aspects shows up people flock around it like crazy

>> No.2711168


Personally I think it'll do well medium to long term.

>> No.2711187

Woo, my $5 USD investment is already worth $15 USD.

Tendies are on me tonight.

>> No.2711212

That's true as long as you hodl untill it reaches a decent exit point you're good with about every coin

>> No.2711225

Yeah this guy knows

>> No.2711312

>Price crashes in September
>What a great investment!

>> No.2711374

Bought in triple digit sats like the anon said in the beginning of the thread. Where are we going fellow traders?

>> No.2711427

to the moon

>> No.2711481

Finally a proper company and business and not just a shitcoin ICO pump.

This is definitely a proper investment in the emerging blockchain market.

Stable company with big names behind it in an very fast groi my industry that understands money.

>> No.2711545

Just bought. Let's see where this brings us

>> No.2711562


This dude worked with Atari, Nintendo and was CEO for one of the most successful poker sites ,PKR.

Not owning tokens in this company is being retarded . Among all the hundreds of coins this is actually one of the most promising ones.


>> No.2711629


he's done well for himself

>> No.2711866

Why is the daily high at 230K? Usually it's 2BTC when a coin gets added. That's weird. Fucking weird. Weird I tell you, WEIRD

>> No.2711867

First under-the-radar coin I've found that I have this real good feeling about

>> No.2711887

are we having fun yet, bros?

>> No.2711897

You stop this right now.


>> No.2711957

TrueFlip.io > Fun fair
Putin > Trump

>> No.2712038

>ooooo shiny lights
>skinner box 2: electric boogaloo
I know that feel though, bro.

>> No.2712041


explain why?

>> No.2712079

Shitcoin. Provavelmente vai ficar abaixo dos 1000 sat igual a baleia está segurando CFI.

>> No.2712101

Look at the sales order that is in 1000 sat.
Whoever bought it above is stuck. Will get stuck in the coin carrying this bag. Same thing happening with CFI.

>> No.2712180


sounds like a fudder...

>> No.2712234

>Determining the long-term future of a coin based on the graph on the exchange it's been on for less than 24 hours

>> No.2712334

I bet it's that faggot whale that kept putting 10 btc walls last night. Killed all momentum.

>> No.2712362

I'm going in. Wish me luck

>> No.2712376


in like Flint

>> No.2712391

You gonna need with those walls.

>> No.2712403

bought at 990. Be back in a week. Until then,
Steem on bros

>> No.2712405

lol, go home

>> No.2712463
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Like this?

>> No.2712502

Not a big deal, it ate though one last night too. Gone in an hour.

>> No.2712795

Retard here. Why is there 4754 BTC in asks and only 72 BTC in bids on Bittrex?

>> No.2712806
File: 3 KB, 417x127, no fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2712819

means everyone wants to dump their bags on you

>> No.2712829

>actually considered buying at 1500 sats, but opted to go to sleep instead
>is happy

>> No.2712858

ruh roh

>> No.2712866

This shit seems tied to 1000 satoshis

>> No.2712884

Yes, as I said, but some here decided to call me an asshole for saying that.
Look at this wall on 1k sat and the other on 1010 sat.
Whoever bought above 1k sat is fucked. It will get stuck just like the whale is doing at CFI.

>> No.2713016

trading less than 24 hours.....

>> No.2713057


>> No.2713771


>> No.2713924
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Who would of thought? The house won again and left bagholding.

>> No.2714022

Money never sleeps.

It's not over yet

>> No.2714157

Even though I'm in true flip also. Funfairs teams skill level and competence is light years beyond true flip. Just go to trueflips slack and you will see what bumbling eastern Slavic idiots they are. They will be lucky to sell half of their goal in 30 days. Funfair sold out in like 4 hours and went above hard.

>> No.2714283

This is the Token breakdown

Total tokens created in Phase 1 Presale: 17,173,696,075

Contributors: 3,654,638,581 (21.30%)
Founders: 2,299,005,566 (13.38%)
Advisors: 184,824,667(1.07%

Phase 2 Foundation Trust: 11,035,227,259 (64.25%)

>> No.2714322

even if this shit drops to 1 sat i can just gamble it all ahahahahaah

>> No.2714434

umm...... guys?
bag time?
I hope you have been doing your shrugs

>> No.2714459

This as long as it accepted anywhere

Tho i don't know if you could a spin with a 1sata coin

>> No.2714513

im still up 250% from ico

>> No.2714585

Thoughts on etheroll/DICE?

>> No.2714735

What sites use fun tokens to play? I wanna gamble.

>> No.2714773
File: 984 B, 136x24, nofun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fun allowed