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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27057591 No.27057591 [Reply] [Original]

Robinhood sucks, whats a good alternative?

>> No.27057752

Suddenly fucking over big business is conservative?

>> No.27057869

eat shit faggot

>> No.27058210

what about cripto?

>> No.27060121

go 2 tha efferiumz store my nigga

>> No.27060375

Garrison used to be libertarian but now he just parrots whatever /pol/ is saying

>> No.27060441

Does anyone have the picture of the bro explaining GameStop short to the blonde girl?

>> No.27060525

TD Ameritrade

>> No.27060610

Kill yourself retard

>> No.27060781

always has been

>> No.27060895


>> No.27060980
File: 192 KB, 1080x996, Its wallstreet babe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.27061014

Yes. Republicans =/= conservative learn the difference.

>> No.27061021

Mirror Protocol? Has anyone made a synth for gme for it yet?

>> No.27061097

Based thank bro.

>> No.27061156


>> No.27061167

Boomers still think millenials are the guys pulling this shit up.

>> No.27061166

Are you retarded?

>> No.27061205

Garrison is definitely left wing. He makes those childlike comics with labels on everything to make conservatives seems stupid.

>> No.27061229

Snx hasn’t.

>> No.27061349

u 'tarded, bro?

>> No.27061384

It's populist - a right-wing movement - yeah.

>> No.27061444
File: 107 KB, 1004x518, 1611939868426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zyklon Ben isn't a "conservative," anon.

>> No.27061594

I'm sure pretty much everyone supports free market capitalism on this board, not corporate cronyism where elites are never allowed to lose.

>> No.27061660

Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison is now officially on our side

>> No.27062012

over 24 hours waiting for kyc to clear on tradezero makes me want to kms

>> No.27062170

they would be based if their user interface wasn't some fucking godawful 1990s boomer shit.

>> No.27062364

Current non-politician conservatives are not the pre-2016 conservatives, Trump completely changed the attitude of conservatives.

>> No.27063558

he is libertarian, which is the ultimate pro-corporation ideology

>> No.27064157

Trump lost, cope.

>> No.27064492


>> No.27066662

The stock market as it is right now is the complete opposite of libertarian.

>> No.27066821

Crypto faggot. You're welcome.

>> No.27067072

After four years of Trump, you still don't know the difference between nationalists and globalists, do you?

>> No.27067632


>> No.27067787

Always has been.

>> No.27067900


>> No.27068443

you have been brainwashed to think in terms of left and right like a good puppet

>> No.27070720

>4chan in the forefront
that guy is literally retarded

>> No.27073259

Literally no one here is a “conservative” you simple bitch.

>> No.27073937

Always was, faggot.
Neo-cons are fucking cucked whores who suck Jew dick.

>> No.27074123

it always was. NPCs don't get this.

>> No.27074276


>> No.27074420


>> No.27074464

You know what they say, never risk more than you're willing to lose.

>> No.27074613

fidelity is the only broker who didn't stop trades this week.
and I'm not shilling them because I know some brokers there I'm shilling them because they clearly are the good guys in all this

>> No.27074755

>Shekelsteinowitzberenkike Capital Mgmt™ is "big business"
Fuck your nephew's business and you, rabbi.

>> No.27074948

Do they sell overflow like RH does?

>> No.27075032

Yes. Even the hardest right conservatives hate the recklessness of these hedge funds. Libertarians hate them because they aren't playing by the true rules of the free market.
Commies hate them because they want everyone to be poor. Hippies hate them because they are materialistic.

NO one (NO ONE) likes them besides a certain sect of people who have been making money off of money since the beginning of time

>> No.27075230

Biden won and things have only gotten worse. I'm coping with that, you useless bag of shit.

>> No.27075280
File: 652 KB, 1800x1308, 1611883761754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dare you go outside of my definition of what a conservative is
>you are supposed to worship big companies and love pulling up your bootstraps to go work for jews

>> No.27075282

You being a dupe for corporate democrats who write regulations that benefit big players and their donors isn't redpilled you faggot... Dem voters easily get played by big corps all the time.

>> No.27075427

meant for

>> No.27076235

Why does he have to label everything?

>> No.27078349

So the fags like you can understand it

>> No.27078572

Ben 'the tel aviv terror' works mostly on commission.

>> No.27078584


>> No.27078630

Thanks for posting the real version.

>> No.27078954

Would it be easy to transfer my share from Robinhood?

>> No.27079826
File: 1.05 MB, 603x799, 123455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]