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File: 5 KB, 200x200, dgb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2705501 No.2705501 [Reply] [Original]

I started reading about crypto two weeks ago, literally what the fuck happened to this coin lmao

>> No.2705529

nothing really.

it accumulated slowly and then a discord group got into it and started shilling it hard and days before the T4i CitiBank challenge it went up to 2.5K sats and as soon as it was announced that they didn't win they all just dumped and made it look like a bad coin

not going to lie bough I dumped about 3MM at 2.3K but I'm keeping 7MM that I've been holding since 150-190 sats cause I'll kill myself if this coin moons

in reality it's got some decent tech and it's still the only gaming crypto which started getting accepted by some merchants so I guess time will find out but better safe than sorry

reading all the shit about people buying pizzas and just buying stupid shit with bitcoin and ETH when it was dirt cheap just makes ya think

>> No.2705562

81 billion coins in total. it's ceiling is 1 dollar a coin and it will take bitcoin adopting segwit and becoming a global currency to reach that.

>> No.2705575

8* billion.

Could easily reach Ripple's market cap. Whales are accumulating the shit out of it for cheap now thanks to the paid autistic FUD going around

>> No.2705584

Dude. No one is accumulating. It's just faggot whales running margins all day.

>> No.2705587

>thanks to the paid autistic FUD going around

I'm gonna guess you're a bagholder

>> No.2705614


ah it's 8 billion in circulation now, 21 billion in total

>> No.2705635

noone is buying it. ever.

it should've gone down at 1400 sats that night, but since they decided to bang digichan so hard that she mindbroke, well, this is what you get now.

>> No.2705639

Nice one! I just bought 100k

>> No.2705648


That's such a retarded thing to say.
>noone is buying it. ever.
Yet I bet you're portfolio consists of yobit pnds lol faggot

>> No.2705651

Hello Prandeev

hope the boss is giving you a raise soon, you certainly deserve it!

>> No.2705662

This coin was relatively low-profile until word got out that they were going to be part of an international tech demo/competition sponsored by Citi Bank and partners.

Almost no one read the actual literature about the event and there was a speculative run-up of the price. When the day of DGB presentation came, another group won a "peer award" given that day. This was voted on by other presenting groups, not Citi or their partners. People who bought without educating themselves went ape-shit.

So, here we are at the present level and some more awards are supposed to be given out this month, but some autists are FUDing for one reason or another. You also have a lot of people who are getting in over their heads with this crypto stuff and pissed they don't see 1000% gains an hour after they buy something.

I have been holding since 2014 and will continue to hold and accumulate more if it gets low enough for me to do so.

>> No.2705840

yeah enjoy your pets.com currency you fucking moron

dgb is a pump and dump, this is the dump. get fucking obliterated.

2k bag must be hard, huh?

>> No.2705855

reminder to go all in at 500

>> No.2705858

stop this revisionist history

DGB hit 2600 sats DAYS before the competitive, had a shitty little pump back to 2200 from 1800 the day before and died. that 400 sat pump was the speculation, the 2600 sat move was the real pump and dump.

This coin is dead and gone, garbage and trash, and will be thrown to the cold world as the trash it is.

>> No.2705873


DGB is a good purchase, please buy it

it is the future of cryptocurrency

they have a real minecraft server launching soon, this will surely make it go mainstream

>> No.2706758





>> No.2706811
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 6ee68141967445e6a815a8489e01eb94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is his problem?

>> No.2706821

Wow, didn't read the literature or the past threads...

You're 2 for 2 anon....

>> No.2707142

Obviously paid or part of a Pump n Dump group.

That list was compiled just from a couple of hours at nights btw, I work full-time in the day, but popped on once and saw him on here, still fudding away lol.

Thinking of it, not seen him around at all today. Not sure about yesterday. Before then he'd been on for 2-3 weeks straight, literally every day.

>> No.2707184

the fuck does that even mean? I just recited the fucking history of digishit. enjoy your digibags you faggot

also, the 'literature'? this is a shit coin LMAO, what fucking literature HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.2707335

It's accumulating...

>> No.2707466

its the new PoSW, or JUST coin