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27053183 No.27053183 [Reply] [Original]

The squeeze already happened. We saw a slow dump today but Monday will be a massacre with everyone trying to escape. Sell now.

>> No.27053336

nice try shill ahahha

>> No.27053610

I'll buy your bags. How does $12/ea sound?

>> No.27053671

see you in an hour, kike

>> No.27053896

Yep. Market closes soon. You are becoming reddit's bagholders.

>> No.27053900
File: 46 KB, 779x515, notselling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not selling hedgie

>> No.27053989

People will believe you if you post more antisemitism

>> No.27054007

Save retail
Kill faang

>> No.27054070


>> No.27054076

fuck off melvin

>> No.27054108

ive lost 17k this week, i'm out
this is a scam

>> No.27054157

who the fuck is selling at 250 lmao

>> No.27054205


>> No.27054241

Redditors are still coping
They are now creating q anon conspiracies why the price will be 400k by next week

>> No.27054270
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>> No.27054316
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>> No.27054378

its too late for them, they are locked in over the weekend and during that locked in period the markets will fabricate the price down and fix it, they have lost all their money now and they cant escape. its over for them.

>> No.27054464

I bought 1 share and tried to set a sell limit for 10,000 so I don't lose it, but Vanguard stopped me before I executed saying my account might get accused of freeriding if I go through with the sell since the funds aren't in my account, do I just have to hope I don't get jewed?

>> No.27054624
File: 2 KB, 189x83, GMEShortFloat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you faggots try this shit when we can easily look up the Short Float? Pic related.

>> No.27054678

Why do you faggots even make these threads?
How miserable are you?

>> No.27054960
File: 348 KB, 450x493, 1382194537631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching The Establishment™ bear down their full corrupt might against Trump and getting fucking battered and banned by society just for being conservative for the last few months, this is highly amusing to watch.
Redditfags making the exact same daily cope threads we all did:
while the irony is completely lost on them.

>> No.27054984

yes anon, infinite money. the value of things can only go up up up even when the company is at the brink of bankrupcy and it's basically worthless.

You FOMOed?

>> No.27055044

Yeah last week people were talking about being $420 being incredible, $1000 is pure greed at this point, if you put in $40 last week your already 900% if you sold at $400. All these faggots calling everyone shills are FOMOtards who bought near the top and have more to lose

>> No.27055203

Nice try hedgie

>> No.27055350


Shut up qtards-letdown we're saving retail from faang

>> No.27055444

post nose

>> No.27055466

nice try jew

>> No.27055605

If you're wrong, you're fucked.
What sense does it make to hold through the weekend? If there's no gap down monday morning rebuy.

>> No.27055685

i believe it but i can't sell on the off-chance that you're wrong and it moons. i'm just here to make a buck it's not like i sold my kidney to play with this stock.

>> No.27055789

Because that's the same old number you've posting for days.

>> No.27055930
File: 16 KB, 640x400, 1605697322522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold half at $450 yesterday for x3.5
>not selling other half unless it reaches at least 1k otherwise holding forever

>> No.27055977
File: 21 KB, 296x280, agagagag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell now
>before market bell
>on the day contracts expire
Hard no.

>> No.27056034


Because this started to screw Melvin, not make a quick buck. Quick bucks are lies

>> No.27056142

I'm buying on the dip first thing Monday these kikes NEVER LEARN

>> No.27056259

This short float is old shorters closing out at a loss and new shorters picking up at these insane stock prices. Everyone is going to have to hold for a really long time because there won’t be a squeeze. At this point when one short closes a position another one picks it up. Institutions are passing the buck along and the only people caught holding bags were Melvin and Citadel.

>> No.27056262

> next to no volume

Nice try, Schlomo.

>> No.27056710

no after hours?

>> No.27056882

I am already in peace with stonk going to 0

you can't outlast men who have nothing to lose.

>> No.27056932

If they pulled out, that means every single person in the world sold to them already, so who are you telling to sell?

>> No.27057042
File: 17 KB, 749x429, OHHHHHH WAGIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beginning of the dump coincides almost exactly with east coast wageslave's 12:00 PM lunch break
it's not jewish trickery, you're literally watching normies panic sell at a loss because GME didn't meme itself to $10,000/share today. you're only hurting yourself, retard.

>> No.27057126


thanks for the warning, kind stranger!

edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.27057189

Where can you look up the most current short float info? Would unironically appreciate a link if there is a good source of that type of info.

>> No.27057198
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>> No.27057423
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>> No.27057544

> He didn't buy the dip.

>> No.27057574
File: 252 KB, 785x1000, 1611712786718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The squeeze already happened. We saw a slow dump today but Monday will be a massacre with everyone trying to escape. Sell now.

>> No.27057625

kek, fucking dying over here.

>> No.27057665

>The squeeze already happened.

>> No.27057743
File: 331 KB, 972x2123, Screenshot_20210129-084610_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27057766


>> No.27057819

>not true believers

pls kike

>> No.27057834

Funny of you to think I ever considered the money I invested to ever go back into my bank account. I am going to buy more just to spite you

>> No.27057870

>t. ben goldenstein

>> No.27057934

It went down from 140% ya fucking dingus. This is this morning's Short Float.

>> No.27058000

why are you so concerned?

>> No.27058083
File: 7 KB, 240x210, wojak cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-diamond hands you guys!!

I'm not a smart investor, but I know it's time to get the fuck out if I start to hear my fellow investors express sentiments such as "I don't care if I lose all my money"

>> No.27058092

lol, kys in Pokemon Red & Blue.

>> No.27058248
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DOGE to 1$

>> No.27058356
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They think we will surrender so easy?

>> No.27058378

Good goy, send all shekels to Israel you antiSemite

>> No.27058634

I'm a /tv/ tourist and don't stock trade at all but I can't imagine investing a large sum of money into this and not selling when it reached like double what I paid for
idk seems stupid to me

>> No.27058808
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Don't care. Never selling.

I will hold if it moons to $100,000 a share
I will hold if it drops to $0.10 a share
This isn't about making or losing money, it's about making jews suffer for stealing my foreskin. Fuck you jews.

>> No.27058847

I bought 257 shares at an average of $38 and have absolutely zero fomo. The original plan was to sell at $300, but as time goes on I realize this movement is more important than profits. If I have the chance to cripple 1 single Jew than take my god forbidden sheks

>> No.27059087

Why do people keep saying that GME is going to the moon? Is it just normies and newfags?

>> No.27059250

I bought at 300 today, 5 shares. Can I make a profit off this or am I screwed and a bag holder for you?

>> No.27059326

This thread is going to get bumped repeatedly until it closes, and similar threads will get made after it.

>> No.27059889

You can absolutely make a profit. Buying at $300 is rough but there’s still 62 million shorts that need to be covered. This is a game of who will budge first. The shorts or the retailers.

>> No.27059917

This. The red lines mean nothing to me. I’ll remake my $600 in a month. Easily worth it to watch kikes sweat

>> No.27059989

kill yourself

>> No.27059993
File: 28 KB, 272x272, the-laughing-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the squeeze has already happened

Sage goes in all fields

>> No.27060083

Volume would be much higher if RH weren’t market manipulating. People would be buying much more

>> No.27060158

I already got out. Bought 1 (uno) share and got $100 usd from it.

>> No.27060243

Fuck that's crazy. Not selling

>> No.27060763

>making the exact same daily cope threads we all did
If you bought into the Q shit, that's on you and you alone. Most people didn't agree, they just got tired of arguing you.

>> No.27061131

the squeeze happens next week retard. Calls expire today after hours

>> No.27061256

im so sorry for your loss

>> No.27061277

they're trusting their life savings with some "short interest" data that's all over the place
this is either mass hysteria or a pump manufactured by people holding shares they got at less than $100

>> No.27061412
File: 84 KB, 618x577, 1611934927401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The squeeze already happened. We saw a slow dump today but Monday will be a massacre with everyone trying to escape. Sell now.

>> No.27061591

TDA wouldn't even let me set a sell limit at $10k for my 50 shares, it was throwing an error and saying to make sure i'm trading the right security

>> No.27063152

Calls don’t fucking expire. Stop taking in what people say and regurgitating it like you know what the fuck you’re talking about.

>> No.27065051

thank you anon. i will hold and hopefully i will make a few hundred bucks. thats all i want.