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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2704875 No.2704875 [Reply] [Original]

In time, day traders are going to ask themselves why they never bought at least 1000 ripple. They are going to ask themselves until they die. Every good thing they experience in life would just be eclipsed, by the memory of missing out on the most expensive coin in existence.

>> No.2704910

I'm only helping you out with this warning.

>> No.2704965


>> No.2704979

Nice just bought 100k!

>> No.2704982

It's a scam, just like I thought. HOLDRS will get BTFO.

>Third point: How has the market cap increased by 4X over time, but the price stayed roughly the same? My analysis of this is that the founders are dumping millions of XRP per month for other coins/fiat. Originally, they were selling about 300 million XRP per month... You know, to fund their operations... Now they have a new contract in which they can sell off 1 billion XRP per month. So every time you buy Ripple, you're putting your money is someone else's pockets. If the founders would just HODL, the price would be around $1 per XRP. But as it currently stands, we the people have to match them for every couple million they pull out of their own system. Once they run out of Ripple they are willing to sell, then the price might rise... But how long will that be? How many of your hard-earned dollars are you willing to give to bank moguls that are already rich?

>> No.2704993

100 BILLION coins in circulation.

how is it even going to break $1?

>> No.2705011

Remember, there's extreme skepticism, just like for bitcoin when it was new.

>> No.2705040

so basically it's an extremely stable coin at 10k sats and may one day go way up? Sounds like a good buy.

>> No.2705070

You're not so smart are you?

>> No.2705086

Or you could just buy Bitcoin?

>> No.2705098

Because the ceiling is much higher with XRP

>> No.2705102

Someone post the pic of Wojack being shackled in the ripple fidget spinner, gets me every time but i need to save it

>> No.2705111

kek, whatever you say kiddo

>> No.2705241

Thank yourself in the future.

>> No.2705289

it's literally not though.
read that article >>2704965
unless the devs have new info coming out on how to make this thing profitable, I would just ignore it.

>> No.2705322


lmao. You're saying read that '''''article''''' (by the way, it's a fucking blog post lmao), and in that post, he says "yeah I read it off another article so I believe it". And you're saying you believe THAT article. Broken telephone much?

Also, it's some random faggot who wrote that LMAO. It has 0 traction even on steemit. The dude who posted that link is the author himself.

>> No.2705419

Delete this

>> No.2705459 [DELETED] 

For thirty centavos i hold a small bag. What could go wrong? I think itll hit 50 centavos in another couple years ez

>> No.2705504

There are things in life that are too good to be false.

>> No.2705604

my sides

>> No.2705638

Can you prove it wrong though? I believe in Ripple's concept, but the claims he makes about market cap and how much XRP Ripple holds are black pilling me

The consumer launch in October and the partnership with Japanese banks are giving me hope for the currency nevertheless

>> No.2705708

prove what wrong?

He just made shit up, the burden of proof is on HIM, not me. Where's the fucking evidence the founders are dumping XRP on the market? What's the fucking analysis?

Oh yeah, his ass.

>> No.2705725

I held 4k, but now only hold 1k. I'm not getting rid of that 1k for a while, bought at 29 cents

>> No.2705726
File: 186 KB, 1255x638, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his only ''analysis" he offers is this flat period we're having - according to that logic, guess the founders dumped all their XRP in april, huh?

fucking ridiculous.

>> No.2705742

not even mentioning that half the market looks exactly like XRP at the moment.

>> No.2705806


I-I-I've got some bad news for you, anon...

>> No.2705821
File: 40 KB, 543x405, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>46k ripple margin long

>> No.2706191

bamp for awareness

>> No.2706336

Are you the one that thought 10500 was the sweet entry point for your long?

>> No.2706358

Nah, my average buy-in is .00009914 and I need to sell about .00009960 to break even

>> No.2706377

>trying to reason with a cripple

at least some of the digifags either came around to their senses and moved on or killed themselves already.

>> No.2706523


fuck this shiteemit shit shilling, niggers write crap and shill here links for views so they get paid

fuck off

>> No.2706585

It's a short scam and you know it

>> No.2706632

i just got more ripple few minutes ago, you ask me why ?

if you follow ripple you will see they are fucking kicking ass all over the place

we are here not talking about shitcoin but 3rd fucking coin on the market today

> graph looks like it accumulating with tendency to fucking BLOW UP - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DDOgdCuXYAAil1Y.jpg:large

> price doesn't go down it is stable

>> No.2706681

good analysis - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SbdXWMOtSI&feature=youtu.be

>> No.2707097

>price doesn't go down it is stable
It's dropping fast atm.

>> No.2707226
File: 446 KB, 808x805, 1497969440993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta be kidding me

>> No.2707229
File: 63 KB, 1401x470, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not preparing to take advantage of this

>> No.2707288

I bought 25k XRP back in 2013. Forgot where it was stored. Fuck it, i didnt like it anyway.