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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27048676 No.27048676 [Reply] [Original]

Sergey's old buddy from before Link, the CEO of Unification... has finally launched their Oracle... $2m mcap right now.... even BIRD went to $11m ... this will most likely go to $50m - $100m mid to long term.



>> No.27048926

I’m running a FUND validator to try to win 1 in the lottery but I bought 1 too just in case

>> No.27050196

You had me at $2m mcap oracle

>> No.27051208
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CEO was friends with Sirgay pic related. Here's /biz/'s favorite chunky boi talking about the time he ate his first Big Mac.

>> No.27052026

Do I buy FUND or xFUND?

>> No.27052128

xFUND . That’s what powers the Oracle and what is purchased to use the product

>> No.27052292
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I won't buy into something that is up 400% in a week. Choke on my dick paid shill and make sure to kys

>> No.27052306

Yeah I’ve bought every Oracle since Link and they all have done amazing... no brainer to me

>> No.27052538

Haha okay then wait for a dip? It was $1,400 yesterday it’s $800 today.... eat your wheaties and take a Xanax... I don’t care what price you buy it at that’s up to you... wait and scalp if you want. Just saying it’s not gonna stay at $2m mcap.

>> No.27052781

I'm seething because I know a dip won't happen
go fuck yourself nigger next time you come to shill here do it when it's below 1 million mcap
I'm tired of telegram tourists coming here to pump their bags

>> No.27052833

Then buy after it's up by another 400% next week. This isn't going below $800 especially when it's at 2M MCAP. A trash project like BIRD was able to hit 10M MCAP despite having less connections than the FUND team.

>> No.27052905

Only 24 of them are minted per day? That means in 4 years there will only be a 35k supply?

Seems like a good bet just comparing to other Oracles.

>> No.27053182

Ok... it wasn’t easy to get it below $1m mcap it was at that mcap almost the instant they started generating.

I got BIRD at $2m mcap, thought I was late, I’m up 6x so far lol. This is a WAY better project. Maybe even better than DIA or Tellor and both of those are at $50m or so.... BAND and AE over $100m ... Link in the billions. $2m is still cheap it’s only been trading for less than a week.

>> No.27053444

You fucking moron.
It was shilled on /biz/ on the 25 right before it started gaining any fucking traction, and yet the fags from this board called it a damn scam.

>> No.27053449
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Okay you've replied twice to me meaning you're serious about this and not a retard
I'll look more into this, thanks anon. Altough I'm still a little worried about how it rose up so fast in value after getting listed, I don't like buying into positive trends but maybe it's deserved in xFund's case.

>> No.27053639

Oh well I had my sights and my funds focused on other stuff at the time

>> No.27054053
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jesus fuck now imagine someone who missed out because of these posts

>> No.27054153

That’s always the case.

But, it’s prettttty fucking obvious this is a legit move... even if it’s at the ENORMOUS cap of $2million lol

>> No.27054537

Oooooooof yeah I’m sorry if anyone read that. I spoke with the team at great lengths before buying about which token represents the Oracle. $xFUND is what powers it.

You can try and earn one of the daily 24 $xFUND’s generated by running a validator node for $FUND but that’s it.

If you want to buy what is the equivalent of $LINK, $TRB, $DIA, $BIRD etc... that would be $xFUND

That’s why you don’t listen to biztards who write scam in all caps on everything lol

>> No.27055047


Yeah, for all intensive purposes, $xFUND is the “Oracle” as that’s the token that’s used to use it. You got played by an anon. Most likely an anon whos heavy in $FUND and salty that he doesn’t have ETH to buy it, or that the ability to mine it isn’t a high enough APY with only 24 going to the lotto each day

I’m really bullish on xFUND

>> No.27055475

oh wait maybe a dip is happening after all

>> No.27055607

Anon, we tried to tell you at 150k mcap, now we are giving you a second chance on a nice dip at ~2m mcap

A lot coming from bizdev and CTO this week.. load up while you can

Literal paneer anon team with no working product BIRD is at 12m mcap... if ur not buying xfund here, anon I ....

>> No.27055695
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>New Oracle on the block

>> No.27056072

surprised this thread didn't instant archive like usual. /biz/ hates making money.

>> No.27056375


You stupid faggots don’t listen who’s fault is that suck my dick & die

>> No.27056656

>xFUND friends say /biz/ instead of biz
That's how I know you aren't a jeet.

>> No.27056861

Hahaha right. I thought this thread was gnna instadie while everyone focuses on doge or something

>> No.27057096

I always want to buy the dip, and then I don’t... and goes further. I think this is the dip I have to suck it up and go in on. I prefer sub $1m on anything I buy but my greed gets me a lot

>> No.27057112

this is a jeet free zone brother.

>> No.27057241

It’s a long play. $2m mcap is cheap still, I understand the greed but... I don’t think anyone’s getting this sub $1m

>> No.27058720

Check probit charts for fund,
resistance is literally 10x away from the current price in sats this can still 5x at least.
biz can just pump it until the resistance and sell literally free money
If for somereason you still don't believe in the project just use it as a pump and dump lmao

>> No.27060930

Just look at the charttttt ahhhhhh

>> No.27061701

I got in sub 1milli. Luckiest move Ive ever fallen into. I cant tell you how good I sleep at night now. Smug asf

>> No.27061862

yeah thats a comfy entry for sure

>> No.27061999

>sitting next to someone = friends
the lengths shills go to

>> No.27062009

Can you stake this thing?

>> No.27062448

Take an informed gamble. 1ETH can turn into 10 or 20 here easily. Other options out there are weak. Bluechips? Barely a x2. Defi shit coins? Good luck with those rugs. The way I see it, that 1 ETH wont be doing much in those later situations and its pocket change so what have you got to lose?

>> No.27062741

Oh btw, SaaS working partnership to be announced in a week. Staking to be introduced. Oracle tag to be added to Coingecko. Good luck looking for an entry in a few weeks. Dont keep doing things the /biz/ way

>> No.27063347

yes, you can stake FUND to get new xFund

>> No.27063461
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>so what have you got to lose
A little, but still big nonetheless. The reason why I'm looking for good projects at a low marketcap is because I don't have much to invest, to begin with. I went from $100 to $600 being lucky by buying DAIQ at the absolute bottom and selling a local top. Since then, I've been doing research and I'm really unsure of what I should put them in and sleep for a month. I'm still kinda new in the space but I try to follow the buy low - sell high mantra

>> No.27064301

So according to this: https://xfund.unification.io/ There is only 2716 CS and 2952 TS? And its $900 per xFUND currently?

>> No.27064472

All in and shut the fuck up no one cares about your $600. Be thankful you’re being spooned to 6k. Or better yet go find a doge thread

>> No.27064579

fuck off nigger

>> No.27064615

No they actually are friends though lol

>> No.27064658

Yes now sage and let the thread die

>> No.27064827

>literal poor person calling others nigs

Disgusting filthy miscreant

>> No.27064935
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we gotta start somewhere anon

>> No.27065293

this is the one tho for sure, idk what youre guys convo above turned into but... back to xFUND lol

>> No.27065414

Yeah thats fair enough, i feel you. But also >>27064472 is right. No paid shills here, just some people who have stumbled into a legit project before its been spotlighted to the plebs - dyor into it a bit more and im sure you'll find what youve been looking for. Hope you make it man

>> No.27066208

wait so if i do all the things needed to validate i have a chance at getting 1 out of the 24 minted a day right?

>> No.27066254

This is unironically our next chance to grab a 5 figure token, other than maybe YELD.
Buy at least 1 xFUND.

>> No.27066595

Its a weighted lottery so theoretically youd be in qoth a chamce but in reality you earn more lottery tickets the more fund you have. More tickets = higher probability of winning

>> No.27066970

Where do I buy?

>> No.27068316

Where else do you buy all the low cap gems?


But I prefer this chart here for scoping out entries: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xab2d2f5bc36620a57ec4bb60d6a7df2a847deab5

>> No.27068408
File: 26 KB, 640x640, F4A1C5D8-2000-4380-939F-4307D2F59C6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay anons I bought after more reading. Not selling until 1 xFUND = $10 000

See you in 2-3 months

>> No.27068413

How hard to set up validator node? I've got a windows machine and CAN set up a GCM instance

>> No.27068463

xfund is on uniswap, fund is its own thing i think

>> No.27068916

Paper hand bitch

>> No.27069834

fund is used to create xfund
more fund=morexfund

>> No.27070262

yeah, going to read through the info on fund later today probably, thx

>> No.27071365


>> No.27071714

Gimme more info about this CEO and his relationship with Sirgay and I'll ape in with 1-3 ETH depending on how convincing it is

>> No.27072209

I wanna know this as well ^

>> No.27072516

Go through the TG that’s what I did, or read the AMAs

>> No.27073116

What!? Do my own DD?!? The fuck you think I'm on 4chan for?

>> No.27073419

guys cryptomasteminds is shilling xfund its about to explode

>> No.27073828
File: 112 KB, 1280x960, photo_2021-01-29_13-15-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sergey (LINK) and Neyma (xFUND and FUND founder) in an open panel discussion

>> No.27074150

Buy fund & Xfund - or stay poor fags

>> No.27074388
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>> No.27074795
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0xab2d2f5bc36620a57ec4bb60d6a7df2a847deab5 if you need it. You can verify it on etherscan

>> No.27075023

CEO did a good AMA on Selective Apes TG with Uniswap Detective a few days ago. Check it out.

>> No.27075122

I still think it pales in comparison to ORAI's potential but I got a bag.

>> No.27075273

You're clearly im this space so dont try to fud. You only look silly. Copy paste the contract address from dextools or coingecko in and youll find it. Ends in 881

>> No.27075895
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Brought this to you at $100 biz and it's now $1k.
I will still bring xFund to you at $10k and you will wish you bought at $1k.
Don't fuck this up.

>> No.27076092

bought some

don't shill /biz/ in your telegram group next time though

>> No.27077303
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>> No.27078693

Wow this thread is still going? Lol

>> No.27078818

Wait did someone shill it? You can’t even post links in the Unification TG... regardless this shit is gnna explode so who da fuck cares

>> No.27079914

t. Professor Yang

>> No.27081229

Some pajeet posted this thread's link in Infinity gains

>> No.27081979

Ahhhhhh ok

Well, this certainly instant a typical infinity gains call... actual product, non rug... so I doubt that’ll do much there.

>> No.27082312

I’m in. This actually looks like a top tier Oracle... thanks for posting

>> No.27082629
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