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File: 24 KB, 453x207, Screenshot from 2021-01-29 08-28-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27027291 No.27027291 [Reply] [Original]

is this bad?

>> No.27027652

The low shorts are covered. The trap has been set.

>> No.27027738

brokers are still only allowing to sell..
short squeeze will only be next week..

hold it

>> No.27027933

I think that means people are still shorting, which is a good thing I believe.

>> No.27027963

I have 1 share do I get out and buy amc

>> No.27028327


what does this mean

>> No.27028739

It means no one is selling.
It means no one is selling.
It means no one is selling.

It means that your fucking plumber down the street is holding even though the number already says he is up half a million dollars.
It means the hedgies are trading back and forth frantically to make it appear like the stock is dropping.

It means they are fucked.
No one is selling. No one is betraying. Everyone is hodling. Hold the fucking line, ignore the shilling, buy $GME. Your grandchildren will thank you.

>> No.27028901

We're fucked.

>> No.27028978
File: 123 KB, 900x506, tanking the hedgefund.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would if I wasn't trapped on robinhood right now...

...BUT, you can count on my diamond hands. Those fuckers made sure of that when they took away my freedom to buy.

>> No.27029163
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 1609535759780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, I know the score. I'm going to hold until it goes up to 10k, and then when the big squeeze happens I'm going to go jump on bitcoin and ride that up. Fuck being a wageslave, this is my chance to make a million bucks and never have to work again.

>> No.27029176

post source

>> No.27029233

it means every institution that got caught out has now covered, and a few savvy traders know that dumbass redditors have maxed out their credit cards to buy calls. these guys are now short knowing that you have no more money to double the volume you already moved.
you don't just have to hold. you have to double down. buying looooooong dated puts today. see you in 2022 when gamestop's actual operation matters again.

>> No.27029402


>> No.27029471

lol gamestop will be liquidated by Q3

>> No.27029481

65m outstanding
9.6m short

>> No.27029612


>> No.27029648
File: 32 KB, 536x536, qgFCHqa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]






>> No.27029734 [DELETED] 


So why are the rest waiting for the squeeze? nice dubs btw

>> No.27029828
File: 97 KB, 895x727, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the short volume was always this low for weeks, why did Melvin liquidate?

>> No.27029885
File: 38 KB, 856x788, gmechain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the madness of crowds," perhaps.

>> No.27030295


Thx for the advice anon, im selling with profits, the game was fun while it lasted

>> No.27030406

the file i linked is short interest daily. melvin pulled their retard move on borrowed money, almost certainly. i have no pity for them. WSB still gets to go down as loveable retards for dicking them hard. but, all the rest of this is a combination of FOMO, irrational exuberance, and erroneous "us vs. them" ideas.

>> No.27030544 [DELETED] 


>> No.27030801

Go back

>> No.27030883


>> No.27030975

Short volume isn't the same as short interest. You want to know short interest. And nobody knows for sure, they're all estimates.

>> No.27031042

ok sorry

>> No.27031128

Ugh Jesus fucking leave

>> No.27031312


gtfo newfag

>> No.27031641


>> No.27031845

Checked and neck yourself

>> No.27031888
File: 101 KB, 601x442, 5c68f74253dbf98355465f9e00b4006d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold your fucking shit morons

>> No.27032027

Definitely selling now.

>> No.27032183

selling at 113% float
good job biz
never change

>> No.27032425

Go back you nigger kike

>> No.27032669

You’re gmi

>> No.27032851

it's fine this literally can't fail

>> No.27032896

Go back

>> No.27033092


>> No.27033135

puddi puddi you dumb fucking newfag get the fuck off my site

>> No.27033265

redditor detected

>> No.27033288

Volume isn't interest. All this means is that people are STILL BUYING MORE SHORTS.

>> No.27033359

The UPDWG says otherwise

>> No.27033394


greentext, but no idea on dubs

nice b8 m8

>> No.27033404

Ah yes, the obscure meme that was puddi puddi, nice one LARPer

>> No.27034041

Literally this. 113% on the original shares shorted means they haven't covered the significant losses. Any additional shorts now is just shorting on the way down the squeeze that they are paying interest on until the squeeze happens.

>> No.27034859


>> No.27035757

i fucking hate jews and i fucking hate reddit immigrants, FUCK OFF, WERE FULL!!!

>> No.27037573

Not a shill here to demoralize, just want an answer. With the ability to buy stock yesterday down yesterday, did that give a window of opportunity to hedges to cover their shorts and now we are just watching retards trade among themselves without harming the 1%?

>> No.27038236


shorts have not yet covered, only 8% in the last week

>> No.27038554
File: 768 KB, 2236x1440, Sidbeisn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the chances when the squeeze actually happens apps like Robinhood, TD and the others will just stop people from selling?

It's literally the only thing I'm afraid of, especially after yesterdays shenanigans

>> No.27039167

The hedgies dug a hole so deep they can't get out in a couple of hours, it'll be trading in the thousands for days assuming everyone doesn't set the same meme exit.

>> No.27039246

Thank you

>> No.27039478

They literally aren't allowed to do that

>> No.27039527
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1611775623525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We would know if the squeeze happened hedgie retard.
You don't just buy 70million shares without people noticing.

>> No.27039918

The hedge has to pay more the longer they put off buying people's stuff, it would only hurt them

>> No.27040625


i fully expect RH to shut down all or most of next week, if not this weekend.

others will be able to sell but at its peak value my bet is that all RH users will get absolutely fucked and that Citadel+RH have already made the decision that its easier to get sued by the gov/users than it is to let its users sell.

i'm split on gme 50/50 between fidelity and rh, but mentally i've already come to terms with the fact that rh will fuck me.

>> No.27041779
File: 15 KB, 309x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based I'm ready too

>> No.27041810

TD is probably safe right? They don't seem to have pulled any bullshit yet.

>> No.27042186


TD is just doing standard responsible stuff like limiting margin purchases of extremely volatile stocks

>> No.27042515
File: 132 KB, 1200x982, Plotting fren Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then when the big squeeze happens I'm going to go jump on bitcoin and ride that up.
This the call? Might try my had as well. May be a 4 stocklette but I hate my employers and wanna be done.

>> No.27042923

Stocks are blatantly manipulated and untrustworthy and bitcoin basically triples in value every year or so. I see no reason not to dump my winnings into it. I'd rather lose everything on the free market than make a slight gain on... whatever the fuck this even is.