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2701789 No.2701789 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normies eat up the "money doesn't buy happiness" meme?

>> No.2701799
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You know why.

>> No.2701809


Because it largely doesn't.
A more accurate representation of what money does is that it can buy off unhappiness.
As in, money can erase 99% of the causes of unease in a person's life, but the most it can do is bring you to point 0, you'll have to work yourself to go higher.

That still makes money incredibly important to happiness though.
Denying it is just sour grapes.

>> No.2701818

Because it literally doesn't after you make enough to sustain yourself without worry.

12k a year to 70k you will be happy
But if you continue to live in the same house and your income went to 70k to 200k not much changes. The amount of happiness you get gets lower. The biggest burst of dope comes from your initial money making period

>> No.2701859

because money doesn't buy you talent looks love or a solution to your existential crisis

it does however make you comfy

>> No.2702947

> 12k a year

>> No.2703009

Because they don't understand the complete chemical change that comes over you once you are finally truly financially independent. A whole part of your brain is freed to be more creative and relaxed, and you'll literally have no idea what it's like until you get there

>> No.2703048

The only two things that are absolute necessities in life are material comforts and a solution to one's existential crisis. If you're rich as fuck, you're comfortably enough to be able to have time to devote to solving your existential crisis. Fuck talent, looks or love. Those things aren't important. Survival and an answer to why you're here is all that matters.

>> No.2703062


>> No.2703065

because it doesn't and you don't know that because you don't have any money.

>> No.2703077

normies don't eat that up, wise men do

>> No.2703095

I have money and it does. I'm frugal and know what it's like to be middle-class. Weight off your chest knowing you can go to the store and buy anything without having to worry.

>> No.2703096

>As in, money can erase 99% of the causes of unease in a person's life,
Money can't fix lots of stuff.
Money can't fix the shit going on between your family,
money can't fix your dad from getting old
money can't fix your mom being diagnosed with cancer
Many of us here have more money than ever before , yet i don't think we are happier for it.

>> No.2703119


there are starving kids in africa who are happy and there are high powered financiers on wall street who are unhappy

you can't explain that

>> No.2703127
File: 24 KB, 450x360, dismissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because it's a sad excuse for being a total loser.

> suck at life
> "hurr durr who needs money anyway lol fuck thes materialistic world I don't need a mercedes and I don't need a job.. pls gibs me more foodstamps"

>> No.2703128


Because there are a lot of people living what could objectively be described as comfortable lives on big salaries and savings that are miserable and unhappy.
Usually because they have unsatisfactory relationships and a feeling that they don't fit in. But it can also be due to stagnation. Making progress in your life in areas you deem important is key to feeling happy or fulfilled.
Also happiness is fleeting and ranges from being content and upbeat to feelings of ecstasy. Some are not OK with average and want to chase that big high.

>> No.2703142


> Buy new stuff with money
> Buy new family
> Better have some money when old so you can afford some staff
> medicalthreatment costs money

>> No.2703146
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normies forces themselves to think this because that's how it is, and how it always will be

normies can only dream of being rich, most wont even get that sweet retirement because they get diagnosed with anus cancer and dies horrible

i sure as hell dont want to work anymore after i've hit the 30's, im putting all my spare money into bitcoin and ethereum, if it moons, i will be able to retire and live well

if it crashes and burns? who cares about the money thats been lost, i still had to work all my life if i hadn't lost anything DESU

>> No.2703150

simply think at this.
why many riches commit suicide? why are they so unhappy?
why niggas in africa dance and smile even though they haven't water and are starving? money are important (in our society but not in all the world) but the real happiness is inside of you. in your thoughts in your joy in you optimistic point of view. I'm afraid that if you think money=happiness is true then when you will become rich and you still will be unhappy you will kys.
bye anon

>> No.2703174

richies commits suicide when they have lost all their money or they got a lot of debt

niggers in negroland is happy because they dont work and can rape and burn witches all day without a jew to nag on you

bye anon, go swallow a bucket of apple seeds

>> No.2703186


Because it's true. You eventually arrive at a point with your finances where you no longer need to worry about being able to afford the necessities. You don't worry about the bills, about food, about being able to afford your car repairs, house repairs, new phone, new computer, etc....

At this point, most people become unhappy with the fact that they are not at the next tier of wealth where they can start affording more luxurious amenities (luxury cars, chartered jets, VIP sports seats, etc...) so you can get wrapped up in the endless pursuit of thinking about what you don't have

Also, money does not quell the innate human desire for companionship. The issue with this is the money itself becomes a conflict since most people in this world are poor degenerates.

>t. poorfag that got rich

>> No.2703196

are you really sure of what have you wrote? there are like 100 exemples that i can give to you without even focussing on remembering

>> No.2703205

holy words! plus noone is saying that money hasn't nominal value but the value of paper... how can you paragon this to a loving family anon cmon

>> No.2703207

I don't know about 12k, but there are studies showing that happiness increases with income but only to around 50k/y. After that it does not increase as fast.

>> No.2703220
File: 13 KB, 236x264, 08098e3c3a2d9e3ce0239f2c2d29f84b--blade-runner-internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy understands.

The millions I have made won't fix my mom's depressive spiral into suicidal alcoholism.

>> No.2703226
File: 52 KB, 368x496, 1447906075693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Income is not relative to happiness.
Happiness is based largely on internal factors.
Your net worth is external. Wanna know the difference between an unhappy fellow who's rich versus one that is poor? The poor one still has hope that if he had more money he would be happy. The rich are totally devoid of that hope, hence why they commit sudoku.

>> No.2703227

The only correct answer includes slave morality and ressentiment.

>> No.2703240

muh moral highground

>> No.2703248
File: 9 KB, 350x349, уф1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much shitposts implying that you can measure happiness.

>> No.2703258


>Also, money does not quell the innate human desire for companionship

I can get a dog/cat/llamas or fuck bitches if im not a middle east degenerate

>> No.2703267

Income absolutely affects happiness. While I agree that internal factors play a large part in it, you can't exclude external influences brought on by security of money (not worrying about bills, meals, healthcare, etc).

That being said, money != happiness

>> No.2703479

Because they are retarded, which is the same reason they are normies in the first place.

>> No.2703592

deep down they doesn't believe it, it is just like saying "Looks doesn't matter :)"

>> No.2703663

I'm just in this crypto shit until I make enough pay off my student loan debt. Tech, private sector, Upper-middle class and have a nice sleeping monster of debt to kill.

Once I'm debt free, I won't have to hear anyone talk about it and that will make me happy.

>> No.2703681

>my family

lol family is a joke, I was a bastard child, wish my mom had just aborted me instead of my dad divorcing and marrying her tbqh.

t. 50 BTC + whatever my alts are worth

Money really doesn't buy any sort of happiness

>> No.2703682

I mean they matter, but they're certainly not everything. The prettiest girl from my hishchool just popped out a black kid and is rapidly looking worse and worse now, my friends dad left his wife for a hot chick who's basically got the personality of a flat board, and he doesn't seem any happier than he was - looks and wealth just won't sustain you forever.

Real success is pursuing what you deem worthy, having healthy relationships, and generally not being a shitty person. Yeah it's a normie tier answer, but it's the truth, and no amount of who stroking materialism or sexy women who're just chasing your money is going to change that.

>> No.2703703

To make them feel better about themselves.

>> No.2703739

bc it doesn't. money buys freedom.

>> No.2703783

prole bunny can't into capex and opex of running a business
that's why bunny is a commie

>> No.2704047

>OP asserts money can buy happiness
>posts a picture only commies would fap to

>> No.2704099

Those millions might help my suicidal alcoholism though.


>> No.2704295

Normies don't think money buys happiness when it does.

They believe material goods buy happiness which is not often true due to diminishing returns.

The reality is if normies created passive income instead of spending all their money on material goods they would be much happier instead of wagecucking to 67.

Also saying, money doesn't buy happiness is a coping mechanism because normies always blow their savings to feel good instead of to invest and retire early.

>> No.2704318

Bitbean buys happiness

>> No.2704354

expensive hobbies bring happiness

>> No.2704721


I have a friend who is a monk. He walked away from an inherited fortune 40 years ago. He owns his robes, his shoes, and his food bowl. He is far and away the most content person I personally know.

>> No.2704842

You don't need a Mercedes retard. You WANT one. Huge diff

>> No.2705819

>Money can't fix the shit going on between your family
if the issues are money, it can
>money can't fix your dad from getting old
it can help him live longer and with better conditions
>money can't fix your mom being diagnosed with cancer
it can help her get the best treatment with the highest odds of survival
>Many of us here have more money than ever before , yet i don't think we are happier for it.
money doesn't BUY happiness, but it prevents or reduces the manymany things than can make us UNHAPPY

>> No.2705830

>Some are not OK with average and want to chase that big high.
isn't that just what it is, though? a feeling of high from it?
i wonder why drugs aren't more popular
i also wonder what motivates everyone to get out of bed every day

>> No.2705866

iktf all too well
we moon or morgue, bro

>> No.2705877

>The poor one still has hope that if he had more money he would be happy. The rich are totally devoid of that hope

>> No.2705882

problem is: if everyone lived like this, we would be either nowhere or nirvana (or maybe those are both the same place)

>> No.2705884

this is one of the best feelings: getting what you want from the grocery without having to worry about going up to the checkout lady and be like "sorry... i'll have to put that one back"

>> No.2705895

>Also, money does not quell the innate human desire for companionship.

>> No.2705907

>Eating out of a "food bowl"

>> No.2705916

>You don't need a Mercedes retard. You WANT one. Huge diff
I have to spend HOURS with my boomer uncle, and everytime i have to EXPLAIN to him the difference between a "need" and a "want"
"I need a new shovel"
"no, you want a new shovel because this one has a slightly better paint coat and looks new"

>> No.2706083


It all get mixed up when you eat it anyway.

>> No.2706102

why do retards write word salad memes for mundane shit like waking up?

if money bought happiness rich people would be happy. that is largely not the case, so there's no argument.

>> No.2706115

>money can't fix the shit going on between your family

Uh, ever here of divorce? 9/10 times I'll guarantee is financial. The other tenth is infidelity.

>money can't fix your mom from being diagnosed with cancer

But...it can treat it properly with no financial stress on her, you, or the family?

I swear it's like you've never spent money before

>> No.2706141


It doesn't seem to be a problem for my friend. Monks serve a purpose in their communities. The monk's life is not for everyone. The point is that one doesn't need a lot of shit to live a happy, contented life. In fact, I'll go so far as to say that having a lot of things adds suffering to our lives. It does not reduce it, not in the long run.

>> No.2706172

The problem with the money can buy happiness maymay is that it ignores shit like mental illness and chance events like your daughter getting run over. These are a large contributing factor to unhappiness.

>> No.2706285

You see,money doesn't just buy you better food,better car, better pussy - It also makes you a better person.

>> No.2706326
File: 32 KB, 520x217, 8889571_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always feel rich people are retards,just like poor people. I only need the right amount in order to live from it without worrying about it. The more money you have, the more you have to stress to conserve it. Fuck that. Also I enjoy the ride and the moon memes with you guys more than money itself

>> No.2706628

What is the monk stance on sex?

>> No.2706854


I would think that any of the monks I've known would tell you that sex is a sensual pleasure from which they choose to abstain.