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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27016464 No.27016464 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fucking shit. What the fuck have you guys been up to? Can I get TL;DR of the last 4 days? I were hiking for a few days with very limited internet and when I get back /biz/ and plebbit has broken the GME and robinhood. Also what the fuck is up with Nokia?

>> No.27016679

Read the news homo

>> No.27016869

Strap in lad, you're about to witness the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind.

>> No.27016877

We're all getting rich

>> No.27016880

Reddit taken over this board

>> No.27017011

r/wallstreetbets is pumping gamestop stock because it is (or perhaps was) overshorted based on publicly available information. Momentum from the pump caught the news and now it's gone global because of how ridiculous the price is.

>> No.27017021

so basically Reddit is fucking over wall street and we're all investing to help while simultaneously getting paid.

>> No.27017530

Go all in on NOK.
This is your last chance

>> No.27018584

A subreddit called /r/wallstreetbets started pumping GME a few days ago, and /biz/ anons got onboard with it. Some other stocks like Nokia and BBBY also started getting pumped, as well as Dogecoin which saw a maximum of 8 cents. Yesterday, Robinhood limited peoples' ability to buy these stocks, leading everyone from congresspeople to the general public thinking they're trying to manipulate the market.

Currently, people are trying to pump Dogecoin especially, as well as other assets.

>> No.27018943

somebody is outjewing the jew

>> No.27019059

I hope you bought silver anon

>> No.27019078

We defeated Fascism in the White House and now we're defeating it on Wall Street.

>> No.27019209
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Crashing the stock market and starting holocaust 2.0, you?

>> No.27019621

weak bait

>> No.27019688

I hate niggers!

>> No.27019768

You missed out on a unique opportunity to become a millionaire within 3 days

>> No.27020001

But you are siding with white supremacists

>> No.27020041

Just a matter of time until you Trumpists try to storm the NYSE

>> No.27020169


>> No.27020236

We are bringing down america

>> No.27020304
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>> No.27020412

we're crashing a hedge fund
with no survivors

>> No.27020837

>We defeated Fascism in the White House
So you defeated a fascist dictator with an election? You do realize that by doing so it proves he wasn't a fascist dictator, right?

>> No.27020951


There has been a great deal of stolen valor from the fash on this website trying to take praise for the actions of redditors, who may I add, are overwhelmingly leftwing.

>> No.27021108

>Ignoring the part where he literally claimed the election was stolen (lies) and then sent his stormtroopers to attack the Capitol.

Textbook Fash.

>> No.27021171
File: 549 KB, 1344x1089, 929C34B8-4CBC-4A6C-8060-DE0FC025A57F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

market crash otw according to prophecy

>> No.27021236

Or they can't say either way...

>> No.27021261

He attempted a coup and had his supporters storm the capital...

>> No.27021291

we teamed up with Reddit to crash Wallstreet and its working

>> No.27021411

glow in the dark trying to bait out nazi screenshots >>27020951

>> No.27021454

uhhhhh sweety......
u hav to go back

>> No.27021484

lol wall st is all kikes retard

>> No.27021613

>>Ignoring the part where he literally claimed the election was stolen (lies) and then sent his stormtroopers to attack the Capitol.
You do realize that fascist dictator wouldn't just bitch and moan on twitter and wouldn't have his rednecks show up with their phones to takes selifes right? He would order his military to defend him at all costs.
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.27021709

This. Millions of poorfags are about to donate their net worth to Wall Street in one swift move! You couldn't make it up

>> No.27021775

no hes just jewish

>> No.27021835


Someone’s about to owe me a metric fuck-ton of money because some idiot decided to short my favorite company’s stock and now it’s doing really well.

Also they’re crying over it.

>> No.27021941
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/biz/'s master plan is finally coming to fruition

>> No.27021956

>He attempted a coup and had his supporters storm the capital...
??? So were the Dems attempting a coup of the SCOTUS when they stormed the Senate builidng over Kavanaugh? Or maybe it was just 2 cases of idiot extremists going too far.
You zoomer retards should look up how fascist dictators operate. They don't cry on twitter then tell their followers to go home peacefully when things get too hot. Trump could have threatened to use nukes, or put tanks in front of the White House.
A real fascist would have sent out kill squads against Joe Biden and the Dem leadership. Christ you people are so dumb.

>> No.27021962

Basically...niggers tongue my anus

>> No.27023803
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Can... Can you do that?

>> No.27024247

yes, but it will be extremely painful

>> No.27024435
File: 197 KB, 514x652, 67543255756534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-nothing.. just whatever you do, DON'T buy gamestop stock today!

>> No.27024682


>> No.27025307

fags will still say its collusion

>> No.27026495

huge week next week, earnings out and it's gonna be yuge...

>> No.27028805

This is your brain on Newsmax