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27001507 No.27001507 [Reply] [Original]

Millionaire Jewish hedge fund managers are losing their capital to internet memery and you're laughing, you're laughing

>> No.27001664

go back

>> No.27001883

laughing harder than i've ever laughed before, this will turn into the BIG crash that wasn't allowed to occur in 2008, because this time they can no longer print their way out of it. Smell ya USD

>> No.27001945
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>> No.27001979
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uh, yes

>> No.27001988
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kill all jews (in minecraft)

>> No.27002022
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its anoda shoah goys. plz stop

>> No.27002132
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>> No.27002148


>> No.27002402


kinda sad you think there are actually "millionaire jewish hedge fund managers" 100% in a GME short. At best 1/10th of a 1% of their total portfolio was screwed, while making insane returns on big tech and the rest of the stock market in the last year.

>> No.27002742
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 2224034A-75DA-4125-B1E4-2F9292AF61C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a rough few weeks Murray, ever since I...bankrupt those three Wall Street guys

>> No.27002902

Cohen hands typed this post

>> No.27004065

>you're serious, aren't you? You're telling me you actually bought those GME stocks?

>> No.27004834

>At best 1/10th of a 1% of their total portfolio was screwed
That's not how shorts work. Yeah, they might have dedicated 0.1% of their total capital into shorting GME and hoped to maybe double their money, but the risk is infinite and GME is up 2000% in the last month. So now that small amount is fucking them over massively. and let's be real, it wasn't 0.1% shorting GME, it was more like 10% or more. 20x that and now they're underwater for double their entire portfolio on a single bad trade.

Now a proper HEDGE fund would have HEDGED this trade by buying and holding call options to put a ceiling on the infinite risk. But they got greedy, didn't do that, and now the're fucked. A smart trader would have seen the writing on the wall, unwound the position early, and then waited for the bubble to go up and buy puts along the way. Or found some other scam to make the money back. But not only were the fund traders greedy, they were arrogant and thought they could force this bad trade through. Good fucking luck, every independent trader under the sun smells the blood in the water and they're all hopping onto the bandwagon.

>> No.27006066
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>risk is infinite