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File: 92 KB, 828x1792, GME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26996597 No.26996597 [Reply] [Original]

AMC will not see a short squeeze like GME. The environment does not exist for that, therefore the physics of GME will not occur with AMC.

GME and AMC are not the same. AMC IS a pump and dump and will be targeted by the SEC, GME is not.

Hedge funds tried to take out more short positions on GME than physically exist. People caught on to this and started spreading the word, causing people to buy in on GOOD INFORMATION. People are not buying into GME because they want to pump and dump, they're buying in because they know a SHORT SQUEEZE of epic proportions is about to occur. This is LEGAL.

I'm not saying that shilling AMC is illegal (although stocks are monitored while crypto is lawless and therefore not monitored), but AMC is a pump and dump. People are trying to justify it's rise as GME 2.0, but AMC can't be short squeezed... it's NOT oversold.

I have an extremely risky call position in AMC just incase it moons, but I'm guessing it won't. It doesn't have the righteous fury and the meme power behind it. The entire internet and celebrities from JA RULE to ELON MUSK are backing GME right now.

You are literally a complete retard if you go into AMC thinking it will be GME 2.0. GME is the real deal, the entire forces of the internet are behind it. People are predicting it goes to 5k+... which seems to be an actual possibility because sell orders were closing for close to $3000 yesterday

>> No.26996734

rent free

>> No.26996752

I only spent $15 anon, I think I’ll love. I’ll just hold on to my amc

>> No.26996841
File: 653 KB, 1558x1000, dont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26996844

live* I fucking hate being a phone faggot

>> No.26996845

I like movies

>> No.26996876

Based and lovepilled

>> No.26997159

I like the stock. I invested @ $4.96, I'm in the green baby. I can hold for like 3 years

>> No.26997418

Me too. AMC is local forme I’m in for the loooooon haul

>> No.26998793

Despite being a wagie, I'll throw away a 1000$ on GME if it's means Melvin kikes getting rekt