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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26990193 No.26990193 [Reply] [Original]

>it's da JOOOOOOOS who are rigging GME
Grow up.

>> No.26990347

Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.26990395

please leave this shit on /pol/

>> No.26990398
File: 19 KB, 411x357, CJ9JEI9UcAEl-NQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope and seethe

all the money in the world wont buy my gme. You will bleed for all you are worth.

Never fucking selling.

>> No.26990414

You will never be a woman.

>> No.26990449
File: 562 KB, 1353x2133, Kikes being kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deny of blatant reality

>> No.26990466

>(((Plotkin))) runs the hedge fund that shorted GME
>(((Cohen))) bailed him out
Spot on, OP.

>> No.26990465
File: 58 KB, 390x576, Ilerminaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. It's silly everyone knows it's the 'cabal' and teh Ilerminaty

>> No.26990479

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.26990554

unironically yes

>> No.26990613

Stop carrying water for kikes

>> No.26990624

The elephant in the room is that finance is the chief tool of Jewish supremacy.

>> No.26990629
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>> No.26990650
File: 1.67 MB, 3000x2400, Fed chairs from 1979 to 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fed chairs since Vietnam war era ... and now one of them runs your Treasury department too.

>> No.26990745

Dude that's Supercalifragilisticexpialisnitisemtic

>> No.26990766

literally is just jews fighting other jews and we're just along for the ride

>> No.26990894

How do we fight Big Tech

>> No.26990904


>> No.26990970

1% = 43%

>> No.26991011
File: 78 KB, 237x299, 1609349809916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's da JOOOOOOOS who are rigging GME
>Grow up.

>> No.26991012
File: 306 KB, 828x967, AD059EC7-87B2-4242-80DD-A50A057800E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think Henry Ford would have allowed pic related? Well what’s different now? Ford relies on international finance, which is controlled by Jews, and they use their power to control Ford and impose jewish values, not White values.

>> No.26991080

Ben Shalom Barnanke (2nd from right) is currently working at Citadel.

>> No.26991085


>> No.26991101

109 countries

>> No.26991196

lol disgusting poorniggers thinking they can beat the system stay poor retards hahaha

>> No.26991286

Except they installed a goy for the ultimate collapse.

>> No.26991329

if we can beat our meat we can beat the system

>> No.26991487

Nigger coon kneegrow
Fuck kikes
Fuck trannies
Nigger nigger nigger
Fuck niggers

>> No.26991602

so many of them managed to overcome the horrible oppression of antisemitism, truly stunning and brave

>> No.26991636

He is their top senior advisor.

>> No.26991680

I don't think Paul Volker was a Jew

>> No.26991712

You're right, it's the hedge fund managers, brokers and lobbyists who are to blame.
The fact they are all jewish is just a coincidence

>> No.26991720

Lol if your not here to become the become the new Jews your fucking retarded go back to plebit

>> No.26991768


>> No.26991862

I used to at least entertain the thought before about jewish involvement into various things. Now, after being constantly being called a Jew for just not religiously cooming on gme I can’t see it as anything else but idiotic q tard ramble. Ironic how people who call everyone else the jews are the ones who are driven by their greed and laziness towards work.

>> No.26991871

replace with 'jew' with 'elite' and this is 100% what's happening though

you're a fucking moron if you can't see the that

>> No.26991897

except it is though - faggot


Jews are the quintessential supremacist group and have been since sumeria

>> No.26991932

Shut the fuck up kike

>> No.26991974

but is it not?

>> No.26991980

fuck off kike

>> No.26992016

Fuck off kike

>> No.26992050

No you're right, he was just German, almost as bad.

>> No.26992057

See, my point exactly

>> No.26992056

(They) are heavily over-represented in positions of power. Especially positions pertaining to finance/banking, media, and politics.

>> No.26992074

But the Jews are. I'm a liberal, by the way. Also death to trannies and kikes.

>> No.26992131

Why are all the retail trading apps cucking anyway? Isn't it good for them to draw more interest to their apps?

>> No.26992208

Because they're in bed with the joos.

>> No.26992218

Did you know they used to put a copy of Ford's book TIJ in each new car in the 50s. For real.

>> No.26992225

It’s a cohencidence

>> No.26992245

ah, the old "you're just jealous" canard combined with willful ignorance. Anyone who cares more about the messanger than the facts on the ground is a dishonest actor and should be ignored. Fuck off, kike.


>> No.26992269

fag retard

>> No.26992293

Israel has no right to exist
USS Liberty
Blood libeal
Moloch worship

>> No.26992321

the holocaust wasn't real but it should have been

>> No.26992327

But this drives customers away? Isn't that counterproductive to jewery?

>> No.26992344
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>> No.26992371
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>Screamed COPE at magaboomers for months
>Now screaming at internet racists who just became rich by screwing your masters over

>> No.26992397

God fucking damnit I own all Fords because of how based Henry was. What should I buy now? What’s the /pol/ approved car brands?

>> No.26992424

Because they are protecting first day investors from investing in a bubble. Just because people are trying to stop you from doing something extremely stupid doesn’t mean there is a golden pot at the end of that path.

For example, if someone is trying to stop you from jumping off a building it doesn’t mean that they are stopping you from unlocking some kind of path to wealthiness.

>> No.26992534
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>> No.26992546

do you think they give a fuck about retail commissions? their big money comes from the hedge funds that are currently on the brink of losing billions, it's no different to big companies donating to politicians

brokerages have never given a fuck about retail, the ones that claim to do so are lying through their teeth

>> No.26992589

There wasn’t even a hint of accusation of jealousy there, re read you single digit iq. I just draw the ironic parrarels between Chinese cartoon losers and big nose tribe.

>> No.26992606

I LOVE that jews can't say 'jews' in a negative sense. It's fucking amazing. They're a hyper-neurotic superstitious race with things like Gematria mattering to them. They won't even draw crosses.

So you can always tell a kike out online because it gets too agitated and frantic if it were to type jew negatively.

>> No.26992628

how much is your family worth to you?
please sell your GME before we need to intervene

>> No.26992680

they do care about retail because they sell our order flows to the high frequency trading firms so they can frontrun us

>> No.26992699

They literally stand less to lose in a lawsuit than betraying their little clique.

>> No.26992788

I've made it off LINK take your retarded politics back to >>>/pol/ poorfag.

>> No.26992834

that depends on the brokerage, some are better than others, but ultimately they don't care for retail because their money comes from the investment from hedge funds either directly or via large commissions/otc

>> No.26993062

Die you fucking piece of shit

>> No.26993266


>> No.26993292

>same faggot being the /pol/ police in every thread
suck on a shotgun shell nigger

>> No.26993536


>> No.26993785

Get fucked m8 no way

>> No.26993968

Pure coincidence

>> No.26993983

The only thing they are protecting them from right now is making money.
Plus they always make you sign agreements that discards any responsibility from them if you lose money and let you do it all the fucking time, and bubbles are everywhere. But NOW they "care".
Drop the act.

>> No.26994147

you have to go back my dude /pol/ is everywhere and /pol/ ideology is inevitable NIGGER

>> No.26994261

Trumpfags love Jews what do you mean

>> No.26994278

Exactly, they went through a lot. It's not their fault.

>> No.26994451

imagine being an anti-semite when they just happen to be jewish
there are more billionaires or other people not on our side that aren't jewish, and yet you only point out the jewish ones

>> No.26994574

hi melvin, back to plebbit where ppl care. delete this post now

>> No.26994677

Maybe it has to do with them leading the movement, making the plans and giving the orders. I dunno. Maybe you're right and all their crimes are ine good faith. Jews can't do anything wrong ever because something something hitler.

>> No.26994734
File: 122 KB, 724x841, jewish overrepresentation in current scandal1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26994735

this isnt plebbit newfag. cope then kys

>> No.26994861

You are a male
Fords were always gay

>> No.26995075
File: 84 KB, 500x611, joe biden pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it were a white person, you wouldn't care
>people pointing out my cognitive dissonance and failed ideology means they must be from reddit
Enjoy the next eight years with a president who actually cares about all people.

>> No.26995212

Another whale DOWN

>> No.26995253

>if it were a white person, you wouldn't care
I'm not a kike. Meaning I'm not evil, so I would care.
If I were a jew though, now I wouldn't care.

>> No.26995266

I can't wait for when biden bails out these hedgefunds, has SEC reset the prices and these magatards are both penniless and presidentless

>> No.26995471

>Going against the people of the United States in favor of corporate interests
not true, biden cares about (you)

>> No.26995804

Jews are less than 2 percent of the population of the united states but are around a quarter of American billionaires.

>> No.26995950

they would have been banned off of reddit if they were. Imagine what an absolute slave you have to be to take the side of billionaires.

>> No.26996058

Jews are the scapegoat for people who refuse to assign any blame to the system of capitalism and the wealthy ruling class at large, they would rather have people hating a specific group of people than the system

>> No.26996120

OP, who is a faggot, BTFO

Just a Cohencidence.

>> No.26996184

because Jews are on average better educated and their culture highly promotes them learning more than the average person at an early age with how much they study the Torah. This naturally sets them up for being lawyers. On top of this, historically Jews had more wealth because they were forced into being merchants and bankers because no one else would do those jobs
Make your next absurd claim, please your anti-semitic conspiracy theories are cute

>> No.26996211

kek always the same deflection.
That fallacy didn't work the last 109 times. But 110th the charm.

>> No.26996265
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>> No.26996301


It’s the truth though. It’s the boogeyman for people who don’t want to hold capitalism accountable for its failures.

>> No.26996304
File: 183 KB, 1740x533, kikesIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You chutzpah has no power here, kike.

>> No.26996378

jews are the ones who made the system into what it is and are controlling it, retard.