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26985134 No.26985134 [Reply] [Original]

says 193 but also says 389 pre market.. What's the point of knowing that? If I bought now, I'd be able to buy at 193, right?

>> No.26985319
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>If I bought now, I'd be able to buy at 193, right?

>> No.26985520

This. Wtf are you on OP? The pre-market is what it will open at. Melvin has a gun in his mouth im guessing. Gonna be a fun day lads. Hold that GME until next week im thinking tue-wed are going to be the wildest shit we've ever seen.

>> No.26985533


>> No.26985559

No you got fucked by after hours pump

>> No.26985642

Idk shit about stocks. I wanted to buy here. SO BUYING RN IS A GOOD IDEA, RIGHT?

What's the 193 mean then?

>> No.26985727

also, I can't buy shit anyways because I only had one broker (robincuck) and the other ones are pending. Fuck me. I wanted to be a part of the short squeeze

>> No.26985749
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>> No.26985864

it means other markets around the world are open right now and trade this stock. you can buy AMC for 11.50€ in frankfurt for example

>> No.26986013

Buy 400 and keep setting sell order at 500k every single day.

>> No.26986104

What happens if you dont have a sell order set?

>> No.26986193

Imagine having such an archaic finance system that in the 20th century they actually have to close trading when people finish work. Fucking joke

>> No.26986194

btw is it possible to measure the pumpage the short squeeze will create?

>> No.26986322

Why can people not understand these basic fucking concepts lol.
You can buy a stock or whatever you want at any price imaginable if you find somebody willing to sell it at that price.
The closing number is literally the last trade made yesterday. You can buy GME at market open today at the lowest price anybody is willing to sell, which is going to be closer to premarket than close.

>> No.26986334

193 was the closing
open is around whatever pre-market says

>> No.26986380

t. brainlet

>> No.26986449
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>I'd be able to buy at 193, right?

>> No.26986454

If you believe the jews can't just completely shut everything down and free market will prevail, buying is a good idea no matter if you do it at 200 or 600. If you believe the jews can just halt everything and basically do whatever the fuck they want, don't buy

Nobody knows at this point but they've already shown to fight extremely dirty and as always, america will probably bend a knee to them

>> No.26986532

???? Nothing happens and you keep your stock. Are you silly?

>> No.26986635

Whats the point in it then? Just if you're not going to be at your computer?

>> No.26986818

Just hold for TWO MORE WEEKS

we are some we are few

Patriots in control

1k eoy

Never selling


>> No.26986891

Hmmm... ya. I don't trust the hands of people.. hard to say.. Fuck it. I'll just buy one. Watch it go to 10k lol.

>> No.26986908

Unironically this. Don't pay attention to their fud shit. They wouldn't be here paying people to post if they weren't freaking the fuck out. Today is going to be absolutely wild. Im gonna take a power nappy before the market opens. Good luck lads, to the moon we go.

>> No.26986967

Ooh cool. So no short squeeze yet? I can't buy yet since I needed to open with a new broker

>> No.26986999

Be nice to frens, you gotta start somewhere.

>> No.26987096

Btw anyone know about what price needs to be reached to trigger the short squeeze?

I have to wait like a day more before being able to deposit money and even that might not be instantly available either(?). Am I fucked??

>> No.26987151

Oh I don't know. I don't even have any cause I'm one of those people who feel they'll just shut it down completely if they want. I just wanted to combine some of my favorite cope into one post

>> No.26987212

Look at the VW short squeeze high (lasted 2 days I think). I think they were shorted <80%. GME is shorted 120%+

>> No.26987244

Ah.. Well I mean as long as no one sells.. it's in the hands of retailers now

>> No.26987304

>>If I bought now, I'd be able to buy at 193, right?
Kek. You wish

>> No.26987318

If it ends above $115-$200 we win today. Next week will be gains town.

>> No.26987375
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brainlet here
is there an expiry date for melvin's shorts? if not, at what point are they forced to start buying?

>> No.26987527

I hope I can deposit before it's too late.. might throw 1 or 2k. I've been a bitcoin maximalist, but this short squeeze potential and fucking wallstreet is making me moist. Maybe I can make up what I lost (lost .8 btc sub 10k trading the bear market so huge opportunity cost. Only have a little over 1 now).

>> No.26987618

no way its gonna be 194$ right?

>> No.26987747

For all the retards, look at the right number, that's what its at.

>> No.26987815
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Somewhere around this

>> No.26987843


>> No.26987928

You can

>> No.26987967

hopefully they go full kvetch, im gambling that the market falls off a cliff starting today.

>> No.26988036

wym? I have to wait to get cleared on the broker exchange

>> No.26988088

if i recall correctly they are paying interest on the value of the stock, so if the stock is high value they pay huge interests. And getting the price higher will even fuck them more and more. Thats why the squeeze is stronger the longer it goes. People need to hold to rape them completely

>> No.26988093

anyone expecting a dip and hour or so after market opens? I'm hoping to buy more when it does

>> No.26988165

Only if you locked the price on your trezor.

>> No.26988217

You can!

>> No.26988702

Nobody knows

>> No.26988995

its 325€ in germany right now
go figure

>> No.26989014

this might be a retarded question, but are other big dog hedgies in competition with melvin and any other investors tied up in this short also piling on to GME to make money on this squeeze or do they stand to lose too much due to general entaglement with the market as a whole?

>> No.26989215

He's gonna short ladder again and again and other unforeseen shenanigans. The creature will fight before it's death

>> No.26989457

193 is the stock exchange closing price (from market hours which are 9:30am to 4pm EST).
Premarket is extended hours trading, its what it is going for RIGHT NOW if you have a broker that gives you access to Extended hours.

>> No.26989536

I don't know if they can get away with it. They went to heavy handed in their manipulation yesterday. it will be over 400 at open, so all that shit they did was for nothing and only gave it more exposure. Gonna be a fun day boys!

>> No.26989801
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don't leave without me

>> No.26989869

193 is yesterday's close price. It won't change till market opens in a few hours. If at open the price is above 193, it's at $300+ right now, then that's a green day.

>> No.26990021

My space suit is already on fren. Get ready for the wildest day the markets have seen in a while.

>> No.26990200

Another question, what is preventing Blackrock and other hedge funds from not dumping their gme holdings to save the market. Blackrock is top dog and I'm sure they rather have everything business as usual even if that means leaving billions on the table.

>> No.26990498
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But I can't buy yet. Robinbitch pulled a cuck move and the new brokers I'm opening an acct for haven't approved me yet

>> No.26990768

Don't worry, you're getting tricked by a bunch of fags spouting memes. The stock is active in other markets and how it is moving is indicative of how it will move when it opens. Nobody's going 'to the moon' today or any of that faggy shit. If you want in buy carefully at a dip. Don't buy at a stupid price because 'no worries itz goin to da moon! XD HODL'

>> No.26990872

What if reddit was actually wrong and there isn't a squeeze? All there is 100% evidence of is mass buying.

>> No.26990996


>> No.26991035

When is Reddit right? Use your brain. If this was some big dooming moment for Wall Street they wouldn't advertise it on all news networks and sites letting people know to buy.

>> No.26992593

You sound retarded desu. Paid jew

>> No.26992667

tfw no one will ever post that pic of apu looking straight into the camera

>> No.26992693
File: 150 KB, 899x897, 5B0B68C7-1DB1-4B26-92D8-E0FC75BF4154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I found. Basically when they start to cover their position they will start to get fucked and what's fucking them up is the interest rates

>> No.26992968

It's not actually archaic. It's yet another special kike benefit that allows them to trade when the regular people can't so they can change market conditions on a whim.