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File: 93 KB, 1884x1000, wallet04-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2697928 No.2697928 [Reply] [Original]

I've been lurking here for years, let's do a first post. Ask me anything, I will answer all I can.

>> No.2697936

no one keeps 5000 btc on fourth tier exchanges like bittrex.

but nice try.

>> No.2697947

Do you day trade or buy early and hold? If hold, what would are your picks for the long term (6 months - 2 years)?

>> No.2697948

Will you give me some cuz im poor?

>> No.2697955,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why so? I am a newfag.

>> No.2697955

>he disovered the developer tools of his browser

>> No.2697961

Op, how long did it take you to build that up? ( if this is not a joke)

>> No.2697963

Why is your computer date april 7th

>> No.2697988


If you want to prove it, send 666 here 19CrH47stonwEgfD4dg578JukCfdsoP4oT

If you do, I'll post screenshot and send them all back

>> No.2697992
File: 8 KB, 613x120, HEYBIZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /biz/,

I've been lurking here for centuries, let's do a first post. Ask me anything, i will answer all i can.

>> No.2698001

That's a good point, I'm on bittrex only for 3 weeks starting today. I should get a solid 6% before going back to 3 other exchanges.

Not one, neither other. I manage information and try to manipulate coins with certain volume, I can't trade with efficiency more than 500k. I started from 20k $ dou.
I won't tell where I'm investing cause It could have opposite effect, ask me about a particular coin and I will tell you a bit.

give me adress

>> No.2698005

>this is more legit than OP
do you hodl dgb?

>> No.2698008

You must be:

a) A Rockefeller-like jew with superpowers
b) A liar

Give 777 BTC, and I will believe you.
BTC: 1Dy1SP19eAN1xjQB5Myvygyf9u9VKcYQQ8

>> No.2698012


>> No.2698020

post holdings or it's bullshit

also fuck beggars

>> No.2698023

9 years and 3 months. I know people that has got it in less time but I didn't want to act like they do.

I'm in Barcelona right now.

Btw to the rest of the people: You won't see me shilling anything in here, have no need to fake anything, don't really care about it.

>> No.2698027

>That's a good point, I'm on bittrex only for 3 weeks starting today. I should get a solid 6% before going back to 3 other exchanges.

this isn't what whales do. do some research if you want to roleplay on 4chan.

>> No.2698028


haha hey bro its me


>> No.2698031

>ask me about a particular coin and I will tell you a bit.
Your opinion on aragons future?

>> No.2698034



>> No.2698037

what do you think about viacoin mr whale

also, if you feel like giving to a poor third world lurker:

>> No.2698038

Disfruta del clima, amigo. La temperatura debería bajar un poco mañana.

>> No.2698041

and its current state

>> No.2698042

what do you think of TRST
what do you think of ANS

Any juicy tips? I only hold though so bear that in mind. It's fun to see people who have a shitload of BTC or other coins lmao, congrats dude

>> No.2698043
File: 14 KB, 250x214, 1461882400901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you please send me 2 btc? i know it's a lot but i'm trying to get the fuck out of this market because i keep making horrible decisions. i don't deserve it but i just want to escape from this ride.


>> No.2698045
File: 133 KB, 780x818, 1428102400715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you start out? Do you feel safe storing that much on exchanges? I mean hell, do you feel safe even having that much in crypto

If you would be so kind to help me leave this shitty country I'm living in so I can return home and make my home nation great again


>> No.2698051

What did you start with?


>> No.2698053

Here's my portfolio:
50% DGB
40% BitBean
5% ARK
5% BTC

>> No.2698057

Feel free to send a bit this way, got fuck all money but would like to buy some cheap alts and hold them forever


>> No.2698060

Its sad when people are so hardened they can't believe. Way to go OP. A success story should motivate, not turn into hatred. Maybe one day I can get somewhere like that.

>> No.2698069

This is a gibs thread? I need help paying child support form a bitch that ruined everything for me and now homeless.

>> No.2698072


prove it anon


i would actually appreciate it if you send some bitcoins thank you sir

>> No.2698087


I only have 0.002 BTC invested, so anything would greatly help

>> No.2698103

Gracias, aun estoy aprendiendo español.

I promisse im not trying to discuss even it could sound agressive, but you have no idea what whales try to do. Not even me can follow the big ones some times.

I'm having hard times discussing it with some friends so I can't say for sure. We will not touch Aragons in the next months, thats for sure. But that's not a bad thing for you.

Won't talk about TRST cause I did no personal deep research about it.
Ans looks good, but its pretty manipulable right now so it turns into a shitty pump/dump coin. If It could turn itself strong enough, would probably make things easier for you all and harder for me. Only time will tell, but if that happens, Ans will be interesting.

>> No.2698146

Okay. If not larping thanks. Was going to buy more ANT anways.

>> No.2698157


What banks do you use to transfer into fiat
I am in spain too right now its been a week and was trying to meet a crypto bro

>> No.2698176
File: 299 KB, 1080x720, feel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have 1000$ to invest. How should I split the money and why?

>> No.2698186

Ahora mismo podrías pasar por español. Vas por buen camino. ¡Ánimo!

Ah, cuando hablé de 777 BTC lo decía en broma, pero si te sientes generoso y vas a dar a alguien más, me apunto ;)

>> No.2698189

I've got 50% of all my economic wage in crypto, This is exceptional dou, I usually got it in 3-4 different exchanges.

>How did you start out?
I was obsesed, all people that made so much as me were the same way: We would sleep 7 hours and be the rest in front of the computer writting and drawing what we would think was happening. I had to stop cause I was killing myself cause adderall. After around 6 months I found patterns, in 4 different coins and following it I did x6 in 3 months.
Wanna get in here? It sounds boring but its like this: Put just 1000$ knowing you are gonna lose them and try the patterns you think you find (Hey, when this goes down, this goes up, hey when THIS one reaches 32% over the typical average value, THIS OTHER goes -21% in his average value, and then recovers, it happened every X months! Lets try it!, something like that), only 2 every 10 will be at least a bit valid, but once you find them, you will start making serious gains.

I'm writting all the adresses that are being posted in here, Will deploy some btcs randomly after I finnish answering.

>> No.2698192

what is the most important things to balance when you are researching a coin

>> No.2698194

I'm autistic and poor. Plz gib btc

>> No.2698197


Send me some bitcoins please


>> No.2698200

can you send me some

>> No.2698201

>I'm in Barcelona right now.
Qué disfrutes.

Now I want to ask you a few questions:

Have we entered a mid-long term bear market?
What do you think will happen in late July and early August right before and after segwit?
Thoughts on EOS? Looks promising.

And please do not tip the beggars, it's harmful for our board.

>> No.2698209


What's your opinion on antshare? How long should I hold? Until which price?

>> No.2698214

This is what I've been attempting and have been making gains, started out very small as don't have much to sacrifice into it so the gains are also very small at the moment, thats incredible though, congratulations on the success story and all those harsh years clearly paid off

Godspeed in life anon, look after your family with that wealth

>> No.2698218

P-Please, senpai.


>> No.2698226

Honest question:

Do you know how taxes work here in Spain regarding Crypto? It seems not even Hacienda has a clear idea, but I'm sure if I make more than 50K and go back to fiat, they'll have something to say about it. They're currently making miners pay IVA, but they don't say anything about trading.

Thanks a lot.

>> No.2698231

What was your most profitable trade?


>> No.2698242

Genuinely a good person if you follow through

>> No.2698247


Donate 0.1 btc for 7 years of luck and good trading.

>> No.2698252

Please whalebro, share a couple btc with this fellow Spaniard working as a waiter wagecuck for tourists.

Por favor, trabajo 60h a la semana y solo me pagan 35...


>> No.2698255

So you're talking about inter-coin patterns? Do they really have to do anything with each other?
Just started out with 1k threw it at a couple of projects that I personally found exciting and with potential. what do you think about iconomi?


>> No.2698261

What can I stick in my but for you o mighty and generous Gorillionaire?

>> No.2698262

What do you think about newly listed coins? Is it worth it to put some in and wait for the inevitable pnd? I'm currently holding 5 in which I researched and liked, and 1 in which was listed recently that hasn't been pumped yet.


>> No.2698263

I'm the spanish guy who made the tax question.

Forgot to post my address:


>> No.2698273


Just to put that there.

Now my question.

Have you ever considered possibly diversifying past Crypto or looking into any other asset classes?

Also do you see any future volatility in the price of bitcoin that makes you question the coin markets?

>> No.2698275



Just started this last week and enjoying it, more productive than videogames, got a long list of coins i'm researching and been learning about mining and trying it for the last few days.

Any coins in particular you would recommend for long holds?

>> No.2698276

Supuestamente, son los mismos impuestos que el resto de capital de riesgo.

Aunque bueno, cuando saque mi pasta tengo seguro que Montoro ni va a olerla.

>> No.2698277

Thanks brother

>> No.2698288

i just started trading crypto, used to trade forex and lost my money deaing with the chinese, what are the other exchanges you use other than bittrex? currently on trex too


>> No.2698290

Do you think it's worth still investing in BTC and ETH this far in? Will we see another breakout past 3k?


>> No.2698295

you are the best if honest
god loves you


>> No.2698296

Not him but, I've been searching the same. This thread might help you:

If you want to be sure, ask a professional adviser (especially if you have a nice amount of btc, and don't want legal problems).

>> No.2698301

Accept you will lose them and then >>2698189

I'm in Spain cause I had to come to do some stuff with BBVA, they really let me move all I want in the way I want.

Gracias !

The most important things to balance in my case are not the most important things to balance in your case. I would assure that I can't be contradicted with another whale, etc.
You should take four things in mind before investing in medium/long term: The team, the objective, the viability (Can it be really done?) and the volume. Don't invest in coins that can be easily manipulated. I would give you an example but I alredy said I wouldn't, however its easy to see which projects are getting popular and are viables.

>Have we entered a mid-long term bear market?
I know it sounds like a way to avoid your question but I can't answer better: Looks like we are in a new phase, if you search for similar patterns to the actual one you can find a lot, in btc itself, but i promisse this to you: It's new.
It could slowly go to 2,2 and then slowly grow up again or something different, I have no idea. However, IF I WOULD HAVE TO BET (Don't take this for a fact), I would say we are not in a bearish phase, in fact, I did bet for it.

You are asking questions too specific. Ans has at least a 60% chances of turning into one of the most important ones, however the other 40% is too big to invest, (At least for me). Also is too manipulable and weak right now. If you decide to buy, you should let them rest at least for 6 months, however, remember that a 40% chance of failing is a lot.

>> No.2698308
File: 39 KB, 638x479, powerpoint-kerajaan-kutai-dan-tarumanegara-10-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, i don't know you but if you can, please donate some bitcoins and allow me to have a bit of freedom to change my life around:


>> No.2698309



>> No.2698316
File: 80 KB, 1982x1133, 50a2859e8b45364159d4920300bd1057f09abc84cfab7bb7aa490bfe7e0a44ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even 1BTC would change my life op



>> No.2698317

Any thoughts on GRC and GNT ? They seem really undervalued. Specially GRC.

I bought few arks also, it doesnt look to good for now, but MACD and RSI make me believe its time to buy more. Just a guess though. What ya think ?

Please spare some for me also, still bizpoorfag.


>> No.2698344


I started crypto just last month. What are the best resources to learn? Any books/subreddits/websites/twitter accounts/youtube channels? How can I learn as much as possible. I have 3 months of holidays and I have a strong passion to learn and become rich. Thanks.

>> No.2698350


I hate myself for not buying this when ron paul told me to years ago. Abour 2009 or 2010. I couldnt find out where to buy it as there werent exchanges like coinbase back then and I am computer illiterate.

Any Idea what will happen to BTC when it forks in August? I am scared to bet against bitcoin but theres a lot of fud around the fork

>> No.2698363

Hey OP, were you a university student at any point when you began investing? If so, what is one piece of advice you have for me?

plus if you can donate a btc that will be half my tuition for the semester , thank you.


>> No.2698366

I am developing a site that will be helpful for cryptocurrencies and need some money for the front end, I would appreciate if you could send some. Anything would help and will always remember who helped me on this stage, I really hate to beg.


Thanks, anon.

>> No.2698371

What do you think about Litecoin? Obsolete or will the chikkun really rise?

Also if you're feeling generous I would really appreciate anything you can throw away, would never try to seek pity but anything coming my way will contribute seriously to my mental and physical health. Thx again and goodluck
btc: 1HfE71ZLE9LxRcA9R1chi3uTgjZteno8kp

>> No.2698383


Will etherum be the #1 coin in the future? Will it rise over bitcoin?

>> No.2698389

are there any specifics tools i can use to analyze how different price movements in one crypto affect the others besides going through the exchanges prices and cataloging everything at specific times or days?

>> No.2698406
File: 449 KB, 500x375, 2u5x7wg[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuando saque mi pasta tengo seguro que Montoro ni va a olerla.

>> No.2698410

thoughts on bitbay?


>> No.2698411


Gracias a todo tio! Saludos de Mallorca :)

Sabes algo gente en Palma que tiene btc para cambiar con efectivo?

Gracias a todo tio! Saludos de Mallorca :)

Sabes algo gente en Palma que tiene btc para cambiar con efectivo


>> No.2698417

Best advice for someone getting into Crypto? I'm completely new to /biz/ but the energy on here has fascinated me

>> No.2698418

Gracias. Back to English cause I don't want others to feel excluded.

Yes, you can always make small transfers (it was anything below 3000€ right?) and then take it out, but what if you want to buy something big like a house? They're going to start digging the moment you pay a large amount in cash.

>> No.2698419

how do you not let money get in the way of friends, family and love?


>> No.2698431

Congratulations - wish I have had the foresight in 2010, but oh well.


Only got 0.1 BTC for the future so anything will help. Such is the life of a full-time student.

>> No.2698432


Sine you said you were keeping track for random drops, I figured I'd come back by.


>> No.2698434


Help me become rich. If I can't give my gf a lambo she'll send me out to suck dick and I can't afford knee pads.

>> No.2698437

god bless if true, a poorfag can't find out without trying
BTC: 1PjHKfshmXUFQ1aAck7HUY2RDf8NxDemv

>> No.2698439
File: 177 KB, 720x718, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its my mothers birthday tommorow
i want buy her something nice, please

>> No.2698445

How much have you cashed out to fiat? What, if anything, have you bought thanks to crypto gains?

Hate to be a beggar but if I get anything will know you're legit and give me hope to one day reach your level.


>> No.2698451
File: 8 KB, 250x250, boolberry-f9136bde31361efcfcbc26e940c973f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on boolberry? Seems really interesting imo

btc: 16P5FHgyYdE9yM8h7bpqAwyKHiujb2AoAb

>> No.2698452

Thoughts on BLOCKNET?

>> No.2698453

ILY anon

>> No.2698459

I will tomorrow meet the BBVA bank guys to inform me about it, so I'm sorry but I still don't know anything.
>Hint: Just open a bank account in a more attractive place .

You have no idea how much relation are between them, the investors of certain coins tend to panic towards other certain coins, is extremely helpfull when discovered.
Have no deep info on iconomi.

I would forever save in my pendrive a picture with a flower sticked in your ass, srsly.

I really like one of the new coins, won't tell the name, but one of them is pretty promissing.

>Have you ever considered possibly diversifying past Crypto or looking into any other asset classes?
Alredy did, but for some reason not with efficiency, I guess I should change my habits.

>Also do you see any future volatility in the price of bitcoin that makes you question the coin markets?
There is something extremely deep in here, this answer will probably be forgoten and fade, but the key in crypto is the btc volume. (((you))) are interested in it growing all it can, specially with elder people and normie people who looks how his investment in btc is going once a week. (((They))) are not interested in such a thing, for it would make the crypto market really stable, creating a chance to make something real for it.
It sounds retarded, but normie people and elder are the ones who are gonna decide if crypto gets the throne or just remains as it is.
If the chance would meet the opportunity, the fear in the media would appear, x100 of what exists right now, that would be our/your harder and last barrier.
Don't really take all of this as a fact, ofc.


Ye, we will see the breakoout past 3k.
However, we are far from it (less than one year dou). But believe me, when it breaks, you wil want to be in there. All of those market crashes are not even crashes, what we had years ago were real crashes. We are just in self-regulations.

Be carefull with ETH dou

>> No.2698461

New investor trying to play it smart not fast. What was your biggest noob mistake?


>> No.2698462

Reading between the lines it sounds lik you don't do TA, you just buy low and then "manage" information about said coin?

In other words market manipulation, which is illegal.

>> No.2698464

So you trade with that size? would you talk about the difficulties you experience trading large size and what you do about efficiency of your execution? Do you use a execution algo?

>> No.2698468
File: 58 KB, 920x607, 1619365_653103164748082_927621853_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holee fuck, need money to buy this gf

I think you'll all agree it's valid cause


>> No.2698473

Remember to keep facing challenges in life, to have everything you want will make you empty


>> No.2698479

>Started on bittrex 3 weeks ago
Bittrex allows withdrawals of 1 BTC per day, this is obvious larp. Retarded people all on his dick.

>discovered inspect element

>> No.2698480

we're all gonna make it anon
I know we're annoying but if you have anything to spare: 15PAVCdvNEDoMh8DAQ9MQrJdEs34s2zQaQ

>> No.2698493

Please please please send me a bitcoin:

...plz i will literally shit my pants

>> No.2698500

Si me tengo que mudar a Suiza me mudo, con eso te lo digo todo.

>> No.2698503

>I've been lurking here for years
>I've been lurking here for years
>I've been lurking here for years
>I've been lurking here for years
>I've been lurking here for years
>I've been lurking here for years

>> No.2698505

>what is enhanced verification

>> No.2698511

Holy shit man that's impressive.
Even a little bit of a help would be highly appreciated, even though I hate begging but


BTC address

>> No.2698521


Please donate BTC, even $5 would be lit

How much did you orignally invest when you started with cryptocoins?

>> No.2698530

I was actually thinking about opening an account there too.

>> No.2698538

>...obsesed, all people that made so much as me were the same way: We would sleep 7 hours and be the rest in front of the [charts]...
This seems to be the thing successful traders say they have in common, they all say they where obsessed and spent huge amount of time studying the charts.

>> No.2698550
File: 105 KB, 540x720, 1489919151001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2698564

OP, how exactly does one study and pick up patterns? Could you give a specific example of a past pattern that you have picked up that has come and gone? Seems to be mostly random numbers movements for me and surges when a big news event happens with the Coin.

>> No.2698565

OP, What is the biggest risk you took investing in crypto that paid off. Could be particular coin or just something in general.

My personal biggest mistake was not keeping my btc and instead investing in SR

*holds hand out while covring face with shame*


>> No.2698566
File: 56 KB, 1355x565, here is mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yours is great but ...

>> No.2698569

Go fiverr, search "bitcoin", and find a guy who from europe or USA that offers teaching you to daytrade in crypto, a fantastic and really efficient way to learn.

I can't see the future, but I wouldn't bet for it. In fact, I didn't, another competitor, newer, stronger, and far more attractive has come to play and even if it loses, both will get hurted.

I did search for those tools for so long and never found them. Maybe you'r the lucky one and find a perfect bot to detect those.

I distrust.

Look up, the answer about fiverr.

I let them get in the way a lot of times. I could have more money if I didn't let it happen.
However, nobody disturbs me at night.


I don't have deep info. However I did listen some positive and interesting stuff from legit people, they could be wrong dou, they were wrong before.

The answer to your last question is extremely long and complicated, so I will be lazy and just answer the scond one: Poor people trading don't make richer the rich one. We need strong pumps and dumps in strong but NOT TOO strong coins to make decent gains.

I travel a lot.

A lot of successfull traders have it in common, and even more unsuccessfull traders have it too.

>> No.2698570

A man can dream

>> No.2698574

With how much money did you start?
How did you get to this position?

If you don't mind

>> No.2698583

Good for you. Thanks for posting and best of luck with future endeavors, bizbro. Ignore the haters.

>> No.2698590

so you just studied the charts day in day out? charts on exchanges are the biggest problem for me, polo has shit charts, trex has okay charts but harder to switch through. maybe something like cryptowatch would be good for just pure study

>> No.2698607

Just starting out and following your advice brothaman. Feel free to drop by if youre serious


>> No.2698611


You seem to be so good at this. I tried with 50 bucks and yesterday I lost almost everything. I've been studying it all the time and highest I got was like 70 bucks.

If you have some change to give please do so.


>> No.2698624

thanks for the answer /biz/bro. will look into coin relations.

>> No.2698625

Nobody (and I mean nobody) gives away free money. Why would they? Especially not to so many people. People they know absolutely nothing about. I find it really offensive that someone like OP would get anyone's hopes up to receive free btc.

We are poor and we stay poor if we don't actively try and change it. There are no good people around.

>> No.2698631

Just got into crypto investing a couple of months ago and have pretty much followed what you describe: Put 2k in, expect to lose it, and try and find patterns. So far I have made $500 which I am relatively happy about.

Are there anti-patterns that people usually fall into? I am reading Letters to my Broker and find it insightful, let us know if you have other recommended readings.

PS: 1 btc would be sweet: 1NoqyFxT8TCeHADBPMFB553UNsSbSNF4Fa

>> No.2698649
File: 773 KB, 1079x1066, 20170703_190840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread i'll ask a question:

>you have to make a 3-6 point checklist before executing a buy order.

>what would that checklist be?




Posting address 3x so u know i want 3x as bad as anyone else. I worked my way up to 300 from a 100 dollar investment. Ty if you can op

>> No.2698664

Whats the most illegal thing you've done that helped you get dolla?

Not asking for details or anything like that, but I'm a 3rd world nocoiner seriously considering buying a cloned card to finance my crypto gambles. It'd take too long for me to get the founds to make worthwhile investments. And since I plan on hodling most of my assets and daytrading a small portion, I'd miss the action.

0.035 BTC would get me what I want, but having entertained me with honest (sounding, at least) replies is cool.


>> No.2698665

What is the best way to cash out to fiat?

>> No.2698669

Do you have any sort of end game per se? That is, have you thought about when and how you will attempt to convert your crypto riches into everyday fiat, and what are you planning to do in the long term?

My ultimate mimimum goalpost is accumulating 100 BTC. That's enough to live a life of comfy peace where I'm from. And I don't see a need to get more. Just want to be at peace with myself and my loved ones and work on things I really enjoy doing.

Also, address if you're feeling generous. Whatever you think is a sensible amount.

>> No.2698674

>>2697928 (OP)
I have made some gains from trading the past couple of months, but i get really tempted to withdraw at times. When do you think it will be enough to have?

>it's never enough


>> No.2698677

I've been studying the charts and I am learning, need some BTC to get going :D


>> No.2698679

Te ayudas de programas externos(bots) para la manipulación del precio?

Actualmente estoy desarrollando algo en python, y necesito ver hacia donde lo puedo encauzar.

This is spanish board now.

>> No.2698688
File: 68 KB, 640x640, 1444713632441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would appreciate some coins. Inspiring if not larpfest.


>> No.2698689

Alredy gave 3 btcs to 4 different addresses, will give one more.
>We are poor and we stay poor if we don't actively try and change it. There are no good people around

You'are a fucking retarded, if I would have stayed the way I was I would be such as miserable as my close friends were.
Fucking get adderall if you have to, but you have two testicles between your legs and one brain. Use them.

>There is no good people?
You know nothing.

-7/-9% price reduction in 11-25 minutes. with a min.+7/+9% price pump prior to it.

Repetition pattern at least of 75%.

Verification of at least fibonacci.

Good position at Bollinger bands.

(And obviously my own research screaming to invest)

A pump/dump whale invest would be different and really don't want to talk about it.

>> No.2698700

trying the very same thing than you my friend, I think the big problem with programming a bot that works is to have a prediction model that would be right >50% of times, which implies having a LOT of data, and this data is expensive... You can also try with a martingale strategy but in this case you need a lot of money to be sure to win

>> No.2698717

I dont have a single bitcoin so i made this new wallet to see if you could bless me, thank you OP.


>> No.2698722

Wich should I invest more in, curreincies or assets?
btc: 16P5FHgyYdE9yM8h7bpqAwyKHiujb2AoAb

>> No.2698726

>You'are a fucking retarded, if I would have stayed the way I was I would be such as miserable as my close friends were.

I did not say that we stay poor in any case. I said that we stay poor IF WE DON'T ACTIVELY TRY AND CHANGE IT. How does saying that make me retarded? How is what I am suggesting any different than what you did? Or am I wrong in assuming that you actively tried to change your situation when you started?

>You know nothing.
I know one thing. I know that no one has ever given me anything for free.

>> No.2698727


>> No.2698751

Hey OP i have read your posts and i really admire you for your endurance and discipline! 9 years have gotten you to the point where you are right now. Congratulation for that, you deserved it!

Funny fact is that i have met my GF of 2 years at barcelona in a holiday i really like that town so much. My gf always tells me how much the wants to go with me there one more time and watch the fontana magica again. She always has tears in here eyes. Would you be so kind to make her wish true so that we can go there this summer? I do not even need 1 BTC. 0.3BTC would be enough for both of us to make this holiday.

My adress is:

Thank you and i hope you have a great time in the beautiful barcelona!

>> No.2698753
File: 63 KB, 2600x2015, 1481172221087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>charts on exchanges are the biggest problem for me...has shit charts
You could develop your own tools to study charts. Top is a early prototype of custom developed software and bottom is TradingView for comparison.

>> No.2698754
File: 61 KB, 1216x668, LabradorRetriever_hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice is better than money friend. I was tempted to post my BTC address but instead I enjoyed a good thread with you and will ask for nothing else. Have a good day!

>> No.2698755

Let me be the last person you give a btc to. I promise I will make 10x that using it in your honour.


>> No.2698757

Actually dats missleading, the win/loss ratio have nothing to do whit the the real profit, im gonna explain this in spanish cuz my head its overload right now lol

Lo importante siempre es tener un sistema que minimice perdidas, el que estoy desarrollando esta basado en trendfollow y pasa por fórmulas simples que le dicen al bot cuanto puede comprar de x moneda sin poner en riesgo el total del capital >2%

Cortar perdidas/dejar ganancias

(Pero que voy a saber solo soy un NEET :'()

>> No.2698768

>Alredy gave 3 btcs to 4 different addresses
Do you follow any criteria? It's just to know if I can go to sleep, or I must wait a bit more.

Congratulations to the chosen ones.

>> No.2698771
File: 32 KB, 375x500, 1498876900237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I'm trying to buy a house and it's really hard in this area and I'll probably be homeless if I can't get it. Pls I actually work unlike half of these NEETs here.


>> No.2698773
File: 73 KB, 456x750, 1497995804619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please op


>> No.2698790

I'm in if you are interested in joining forces

>> No.2698793

Damn, I'm jelly as fuck. I'd really appreciate it if you could send some change my way:


>> No.2698802

Whatever I look at, obsession and dedication leading to the discovery of patterns is at the root of success.
It is nice to see confirmation that I might be on the right path.

Thank you for sharing what you know with the rest of us!


>> No.2698811
File: 587 KB, 581x363, Bike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of xvg?

Also some btc, could help my business.....

I will build you a bike if you are in the united states.

>> No.2698815

See my answer about fiverr, thats the best you can do.

Damn, I read two years ago a fantastic book and I forget the tittle, will post it If i remember back.

When hitting 100M I'm leaving everything.

That's on you, I would never leave If my health would let me.

Yo no se escribir muy bien pero intentare responder. Well no, better english. Nah, there is a point where bots are useless, if you want to earn some hundreds of dollars a day go ahead, but they will do more damage than anything else when trying to hit 1-2M.


Oh sorry, I read another thing. 2AM here.
I had a lot of love and affection around me thou, have to admit it helped me.

Catalufo is a catalan guy right

Will give you 1 whole btc if you post the wallet. I promisse.

The people which posted the funniest things is ever the choosed.

>> No.2698818


>> No.2698823

What do you do for fun? I'm near BCN, neet for 5 years, I'm just geting shitfaced everyday if you want to do some drugs, I promise I won't kindap you :3

>> No.2698826

Don't quit your day job though, even if biz tells you otherwise. Remember that hundreds of thousands of people have been staring at charts for decades, and they are all better than you.

>> No.2698829

Espero que puedas ayudar a un compatriota que pasa por un mal momento. Te lo agradecería infinitamente.


>> No.2698832
File: 152 KB, 1079x1108, 20170703_214417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic advice thank you so much!

Screencapped if anyone else wants

Are you willing to precisely explain the 75% repetition part, i dont understand.



I know i wont get any coins but if posting my address gives me a 1/gorillion chance i have to try. Either way, i can probably use this knowledge to earn more than a handout over time.

>> No.2698834

pls donate to make my wife happy 12wHMoRTc6mbhGn7NvPdqybG8HLUMW95ik

>> No.2698846

I hope I get someday where you are with observing.

I would already be happy about 10 bucks to cover trading/transaction fees.

>> No.2698849
File: 192 KB, 639x782, 1498828635107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people which posted the funniest things is ever the choosed.
I am fucked then.

Enjoy life, mate. Do it for us!

>> No.2698851

What do you think of NMR, does it have a chance not to be a shitcoin, it has an interesting concept then most. Thanks in advance whale anon.

>> No.2698852

Could you check my post please?

>> No.2698853
File: 133 KB, 1080x1167, 1498697044353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help a brother out desu. i lost almost everything :'(

>> No.2698854

>gave 3 btc
List them

>> No.2698858

Tengo un puerco en mis bolsillos de mi pantalones.


Tengo solo 0.02 BTC invertidos, tan solo 0.05 BTC haria mi ano.

>> No.2698872

When I was a kid I thought millimeters were "minimeters" it made sense to me that they were mini-meters.

Hope it made you laugh (1NoqyFxT8TCeHADBPMFB553UNsSbSNF4Fa)

>> No.2698875

Nice google translator, faggot.

>> No.2698886


>> No.2698888

If you are man of honesty,


Been trying to make enough money to help take of my grandmother who raised me

>> No.2698891

I wish I was a funnier guy but I'm not. If you send me anything I'll be grateful

>> No.2698894

Faggot? Suena como un queso. Ha de estar muy delicioso, donde me puedo comprar un poco de queso faggot?

>> No.2698899

1-2M seems like a fucktone to me actually (Since im developing my bot and will get a try on 100bucks(this 20yold guys...)) And i pretrend to sell the bot to some normies once its porfitable so...

Its the ANS>ETH real?

Also (hate beggar post but lol first one dat can be real)


>> No.2698903

Send me one BTC and i guarentee you to lose everything this night!


>> No.2698908
File: 85 KB, 710x710, IMG-20160624-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay that's hard to turn down but even if you don't send anything it's cool man 1C9pE4grWmJjBLJZjYLLXp3qzLgAesMuS6

>> No.2698911

My fucking sides dude, you're not aware of how retarded you sound.

>> No.2698917

help a poor student out

>> No.2698924


I'm a wagecuck whose car radiator broke, I don't want to beg but I've seen the thread and everyone else is doing it. Any chance you could pass me 0.032BTC so I don't have to ask my boss for an advance and can still get to jobs? That's all I need for a replacement part.


Congratulations on your success, hope you live the rest of your life the way that makes you most happy.

>> No.2698925

Mi puto queso cabron hijo de sopotamare. Me lo antojaste ahora me dices donde lo compro.

>> No.2698931

big if true


>> No.2698934

I go balls deep, son.

>> No.2698941

You can do it too, I'm no different from you.

75% repetition from the last 24 to 72 hours.
If you find a pattern that looks good, try to make sure that, if we say the coin has suffered 20 changes in the last 48 hours, 15 of them were following this patttern. Maybe you will be able to do just a 4% of profit from every trade, but if you can repeat that pattern 5 times a day, with 2 btc of volume you'r doing 1000$ a day.

Will be hard at start, you will fail, lose money etc. but there will be a point where you say "hey, today it worked, 5 trades at 4%,", and then it will happen more and more.

When you hit 100k$ your strategy will have to change, but I guess you'r far from it yet.

Ans will not be a shitcoin, I've got clear info about it. I don't know what will happen with ETH thou.

I will donate to some adresses more and go to sleep soon.

Hey, this was fun, I may do it a pair more of times. Too many beggers dou, that was a mistake from me.

>> No.2698945
File: 24 KB, 529x345, IMG_20170704_032907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creampie me, senpai.

>> No.2698947
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 1485306427493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in the process of starting a CBD distribution business in the south united states (where there is no medical)...due to a loophole in FDA regulations which supercedes the definition of Cannabis, I will be a sole supplier of this powerful medicine in my area.

already raised a bit over 250k with venture capitalist in town (thank you for your connects dad)...but im looking for a crypto investor to help me skirt some bullshit taxes (which is completely legal to do).

SO, if OP (or anyone) sends 10k in BTC (must screencap in reply post) I will grant 2% shareholder status (up to 4 investors, have too many sugar cane industrialist asking for shit).

(must post email with the screencap though) will contact, my brother is a lawyer so I will waive the legal fees for non tradable corp share acquisition.


If you dont know about shareholder profits and dividends (tax free money), please do not apply.

hope to share with whomever

>> No.2698949


Can you help me out for some change please

>> No.2698956

So you did it all straight edge?

>> No.2698959

Hi again.

Do you remember if the guy from Fiverr was from the Netherlands? There're lots of people clearly trying to scam, selling magic formulas for BTC, but this is the only one who seemed a bit legit.

>> No.2698962

can I have a bitcoin? or like half?


>> No.2698963

Thanks for all the info I'll keep this pasted in a notepad for later use.


>> No.2698967
File: 217 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey op I'm a trust baby so I don't even need it but give me a Bitcoin anyway because you're a nigger


Also have some oc

>> No.2698972
File: 217 KB, 680x454, golden-retriever-dog-names.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it. You like golden retrievers, worth a shot

>> No.2698976

what time scale do you trade in?

>> No.2698978

what timeframe candles did you really start to notice patterns on? daily, 4h, 30min?

>> No.2698979
File: 29 KB, 300x250, pepe sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please donate. i've been going through some tough shit lately and it would give me a bit of hope


>> No.2698981
File: 29 KB, 635x600, 7678t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Why did OP ignore this post but answer questions which were asked later in the thread? If OP isn't larping there is no reason whatsoever that you can't list the addresses you donated the BTC too. It would take five seconds at most. I checked the first 10. Nothing. Also, take note of the fact that not one person has chimed in with "holy shit he actually sent them" or anything like that.

>> No.2698987
File: 10 KB, 267x333, BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't answer :S

>> No.2698988
File: 341 KB, 1251x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a couple more pictures I drew why not..


>> No.2698989


How much did you start trading with? How did you earn the start up capital?

Right now I'm teaching myself tangible skills to try and earn some money conventionally because I can't afford to take those sorts of risks - but I'm worried I'll miss out on the era of instability of crypto.

Do you think that the markets will become less volatile in the years to come?

>> No.2698995



>> No.2698999
File: 154 KB, 502x341, 124543632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a good thread after all those useless shill threads. Thanks for all the insights. It is very exciting for me to be a part of the whole cryptoworld regardless of what happens in the end.

All the best in the future!

>> No.2699001

I did 3 things I disliked from myself:
Spanish bankers.

Anything else, I wont enter in detailes neither.

I just know a person who is teaching a friend of mine and he is french (I will not link his fiverr or anything), sorry. But ye, you'r not looking for magic formulas or w/e but for learning.

>> No.2699003

>You can do it too, I'm no different from you.
I appreciate the motivation. Good night, amigo.

>> No.2699005
File: 295 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2699011

Why would you lie on the internet anon?

>> No.2699016

Well, shit. I've never begged before - but in this case it might actually be legit. Stooping to a new low.


If I get anything I will put it into learning daytrading, already lost 250 of my 300 $ but I consider it a lesson learned.

Thanks for the info in any case op.

>> No.2699020
File: 217 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo tengo fiesta en me pantalones! Pot favor!


>> No.2699024

Thanks! I'll look for him...

No, I'm not looking for magic formulas. I was actually complaining about people trying to scam others...

I almost forget:


>> No.2699034
File: 169 KB, 1219x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dame mas gasolina!

>> No.2699036

Please send me some BTC O wise one, I've tripled my initial investment of 0.01BTC but it's a meagre beginning, help me grow.


Thank you for your help and guidance

>> No.2699041
File: 183 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharpie in pooper anyone?


>> No.2699050

digits, therefore truth and good fortune.

>> No.2699055
File: 125 KB, 900x506, lewd 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HQ in New York
>founded by israelis
They've even ventured to my shithole, never would have guessed.

And I guess anything related to bankes could include illegal stuff.

Thxs m8, have a nice one on the land of those who conquered us.

>> No.2699061

I'll tell you one anecdote from my visit to Spain. Back in my country I loved to eat what they called "chorizo español". So, wjen I visited Spain, I felt the urge to taste to try it out again, but of course, in the land it was made. So, I spent about 30 mins at the supermarket trying to find it, only to realize that "chorizo español" in Spain was just "chorizo". People still make fun out of me.

I hope to be one of the lucky ones.


>> No.2699063

Hey OP, just getting into the crypto-sphere and I've been doing as much reading on it as I possibly could. I'm currently studying game design and intend to use money made through this to set myself up as an indie when I graduate. Just wanna know, if you were to do it over, where would you start? What coin would you buy right now, if hypothetically you had a few hundred $$$ lying waiting for you to make a decision? I'm not looking short term, I just wanna learn the ropes in the coming three years and see how far it gets me by graduation.

worth adding my wallet; 18h84SZDCqwi21qfsQugKLcuMSVcT7kec3

>> No.2699068

Advice for an 18 year old?

>> No.2699069
File: 77 KB, 725x483, 725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy80Yzc2ODQ3OGI5OGE4M2UwOTJlOWU3YTcwODg3NzU0Yi5qcGc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel comfortable begging, but I would kick myself if i missed out on a chance to get into the crypto market strong with a whole bitcoin. Either way, you're a good guy for sharing info with us and coins with some lucky people.


>> No.2699072
File: 50 KB, 452x410, 1497495519387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will give you 1 whole btc if you post the wallet. I promisse.

This address never got the "1 whole BTC." OP has not quoted a single specific poster saying "sent" or anything like that. I've been spot checking addresses all over the thread and nobody has a recent transaction. No one has verified that they received any BTC. OP, explain this bullshit.

>> No.2699074


For 1 or .5 BTC a day you can feed a starving college boy

>> No.2699076
File: 43 KB, 1374x610, mikeattention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tha differs, but i would say an average of 3 hours to completely admit a pattern.

Sex, it's easy when money it's in the middle.

Y, they will become less volatile. But thats not good for you.

Good night everyone.

gonna give the last btc and go to sleep, will repeat the post in some weeks.


>> No.2699079





>> No.2699082
File: 117 KB, 1024x752, 1477609826020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has the most who is most content with the least


>> No.2699095
File: 537 KB, 1800x1322, 1476464105837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better version

yeah hasn't payed a single one, he's just a giant larping wageslave

>> No.2699107

just started investing. hope im not late to the party. any coin sent would be appreciated.


>> No.2699113

My mother just died. I have been having a tough time lately. Using sick time at work and not getting paid. Trying to make gains in crypto but with my small bankroll my gains are limited. If you could find it in your heart any amount of BTC would give me a bump. I will not be cashing it out. I will be trying to turn it into something of value. Thank you in advance kind sir. Here is a throw away email if you'd like to talk to me.



I love you

>> No.2699131

Thanks for the advice, will be looking forward to your next post. How will we kknow its you though? Have a steemit account?

>> No.2699134
File: 80 KB, 500x421, fSSh7df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one's gotten anything
i expected this but I'm still disappointed

>> No.2699150

3 hours to analyze it for you or 3 hours for them to complete the pattern?

>> No.2699151

Jesus, we get some info which its better than a freaking useless tip...

You guys deserve nothing than ethernal wageslave.

>> No.2699161

why didn't you reply to the post, anon. your mom would be alive.

>> No.2699171

yeah i suggest everyone save his posts who gives a shit if he sent out BTC, if hes right about the patterns and the interconnectivity of certain coins then all thats left is to look for it ourselves

>> No.2699198

I bet I'm the only chick here, does my feminity deserve BTC? Hoes before Bros?

I'm up to my neck in ans, if it fails I'm doomed. How many coins do you think a new investor should try to manage at once?


>> No.2699214

Prove your femininity. You know the proper way.

>> No.2699227

if youre still here and want to help a someone with only 0.1 btc...

>> No.2699233
File: 77 KB, 720x720, 1487288139298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a prime example of why 90% of the posters on /biz/ are designed to be lifetime bagholders and scam victims. NO ONE has received jack shit, and yet you have scores of posters begging and fawning over the advice of some fucking pajeet troll based on one photoshopped image. Half the fucking point of the blockchain is that you can publicly confirm transactions. It would take two seconds for OP to tell us which addresses he sent the BTC to, but he hasn't. And yet still, 100 more people are going to be posting after me talking about "boo hoo I'm a broke faggot college kid my dog died can you send me BTC pls 123123xyxyxy21397x81 THANKS FOR THE ADVICE MATE!" What's even sadder is that the posters pointing out how fake and retarded this is get (you)s from other irrationally upset posters trying to suck up to the LARPer. I don't understand why this board can't be smarter than this. Why can't the mods just ban anyone who pretends to do a "giveaway" without taking two seconds to prove that they are legit?

>> No.2699235

you're wasting your breath m8

>> No.2699253

You're right, but nothing will change.

>> No.2699259

Girls don't have a penis.
If OP wasn't larping they could just sign a message from a wallet with a lot of capital. No need to even transact anything.

>> No.2699268

100% chick

>> No.2699270

Useless SPIC op never sent shit

what a jew

>> No.2699274

It doesn't matter. None of that matters.

It's much more interesting than the "ANS IS MOONING GUYSSSS!!!!" and "BANCOR IS A BUNCH OF KIKES" threads, and for that I thank OP.

>> No.2699277

About 2 months back after the XRP crash, I too found some patterns. I noticed that around 9 pm cst, that 4 or 5 of the biggest volume coins woulc converge at whole numbers, assuming they were trading bots. Then there would be movement, but I haven't been able to keep on top of it because of a job, sleep, life, etc. I was obsessed. Started with 3k when eth hit 30, turned that into 25k in about a month, then rode a bad margin and lost 20k xrp and 7 eth. I joke with a friend I got into it that the end boss is brutal, but holy fuck its a fun game.

My question to you is where do you go for info into research, and how do you know that you can trust anything? I bought into dgb at 90 sats, and sitting on a little now after taking profit, thought it was all shilling, but sometimes biz has some insight... hah! Curious how much you just day trade or how much you actually invest. BTC is reserve so I can't see that being a bad investment but at the same time I am worried what to do when july 20 or so rolls around. Tether doesn't seem safe. Terribly formed questions here, but I would love some insight if you are still lurking.


>> No.2699284

Thanks for your knowledge sir

>> No.2699314

Thank you for sharing anon!


>> No.2699331

Are you hiring? Can you become my mentor?

>> No.2699347
File: 68 KB, 736x736, IMG-20160525-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know lol but it's like it's hard to turn down if someone might force a btc on ya. i meant what i said it was a fun conversation it's not like anyone should be paid to chill on here and talk to people

>> No.2699370

Not only did I not receive anything but I LOST 0.5 BTC. Help how do I get it back??

>> No.2699381

But how?

>> No.2699411

Well, because as stupid and unlikely as it sounds that someone would just enter /biz/, start talking about secret connections between coins and give away 4-5 BTC to random addresses, your brain always tell you "just in case, you're not giving him any kind of sensitive information, just post it".

>> No.2699433

nevermind, i see it now.. jesus christ

>> No.2699462


Your top 5 trades of all time?


>> No.2699483


thanks for info, address for a 31 yo forlorn cripple

>> No.2699516

A lot of good, down to earth info here cheers anon


>> No.2699543


Doing well for trading so far need more volume tho, help a pleb out <3

>> No.2699569


help out a noob

>> No.2699576

Q1) Do you always get your investments right?
Q2) What's the most you've ever lost?
Q3) What ICO's are you in right now and how much did you invest?

Also, one coin, one coin only.

>> No.2699582

There probably already is too many post, but OP if you could give me some pointers and a little BTC that would be dope im always tryna learn in a rough spot just trying to make it and turn this into a passion.


>> No.2699685

get this hothead out of here

>> No.2699705

Trying to pay for a car. Thanks for the help in this thread.


>> No.2699730

neet trying to overcome by making a game. help me fund myself

>> No.2699746

If you sponsor the lambo fund i'll be forever grateful, kind senpai

>> No.2699753
File: 11 KB, 423x159, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can be rich too!!!!!

>> No.2699756
File: 531 KB, 1280x720, FrequentLastGrison.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help a total loser out please

>> No.2699761

gib money plez 3MdbazqkNbsokHRMhF7c9ZNceEBck5WJ2x

>> No.2699776

sent ;))

>> No.2699921

Am very poor please give money

>> No.2699953

holy shit, did yo figure out the pattern?

>> No.2699987

Jfc the begging in this thread is pathetic

>> No.2700029


>> No.2700081
File: 52 KB, 490x394, graf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2700084
File: 708 KB, 606x4347, piss brain meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls halp based whale

>> No.2700127
File: 106 KB, 960x652, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a good lad, have a good 4th!

>> No.2700147

could you please deploy some here too?

Thank you my mastar

>> No.2700210
File: 217 KB, 750x709, Sagrada_Familia_haschelsax_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to share my concern about manipulated coins.

Which do you suspect to be strongly manipulated by monopolies and early adopters?

Barcelona was a fine town. Gaudi!


>> No.2700225


Please can I have some money? I'll be a good goy and put it in a vanguard index fund.

>> No.2700866

holly shit this thread makes me nauseous.
so many pathetic faggots begging and pleading for 1 btc

Fucking poors

>> No.2700872

nice i just bought 100k

>> No.2700937

yeah but i just dont know how it repeats yet, the pic he posted is spot on, interval periods that halve the time to the next one. i dont know if its actual manipulation or some sort of fucked up fractal but if he says its been going on longer than that i just need to see how the pattern restarts itself. still need to look into his interconnected coin claim, he says hes been at it for 9 years so the 4 coins he says are interconnected need to be fairly old

>> No.2700947

You're probably just kidding, but I'm going to try:

>> No.2700976

>half this thread is wallets

Fucking beggars

>> No.2700990
File: 70 KB, 476x309, image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many BTC wallet addresses for a person with bad intentions to track. I'd like to advise you to not post them, as OP is generally NOT going to actually deliver. Anywho, your choice.

>> No.2701003

What this person is gonna do with all the addresses? He can't do anything.

>> No.2701073

perhaps, but this thread really highlights the amount of absolute beggars on /biz/ which tells me that 99% of you have less than $50 in crypto

>> No.2701076

Hi, would you invest in EOS?

>> No.2701198

All censorship can piss off. No need to censor you, or OP.

I think your message has merit, and believe me, those of us with some experience are thinking the same thing.

>> No.2701271

I'm certain asking for addresses is data collection.

>> No.2701408

is nmr going to go up again?

>> No.2701413

would love to know your thoughts on XVG

>> No.2701430

btc: 1KHygSp1gWbjWqDTpm51rUV9owb4A9bDmz

I've been trading for two weeks, only scraping together 100$ because I live payday by payday, if I get anything Ill spend it on a wedding gift for my best friend who just got married last weekend.

>> No.2701480

how much do you daytrade normally?
i've been in it for 3 weeks, trading in the small crypto's, think i made about 200 daytrading and 800 holding already, but need more info


>> No.2701532


Thank you. Besides all the shitposting I really like it here.

>> No.2701558

Dude this thread is so inspiring especially for new blood like me.

I got pajeet scammed in a pump and dump and I'm currently down .7 btc.

Would love a shiny new btc to go at it again.

I'm only learning the hard way to buy low and sell high, I get bad fomo and jump on any ship just to have it dump on me hours later.

It's a hard game. People think it's easy money but far from it...

>> No.2701567

prove it 13rAecwdaDszUVuxAyU6nWvxYa27MTXEju

>> No.2701568

Do you see ETH as a good long term investment?


>> No.2701580

Thanks for all the advice.

Some btc would be appreciated:

>> No.2701625

Hey, OP, can you please pump and dump /biz/coin on waves? You could easily cause massive lulz with probably less than 1 BTC and just a handful of threads.

>> No.2701653
File: 246 KB, 480x556, 1494316491351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. It's me, your bother


>> No.2701674

ftl OP do it in bitcoin

>> No.2701681

Op, well done so far if its real.
I wish you the luck until 100M. Enjoy the ride man!

>> No.2701723

Thank you for the bitcoins, OP!


>> No.2701744

So many beggars in here. Grow up and do your own work .

>> No.2701947


I would really appreciate any BTC you have to give OP.

>> No.2702157


Funds for a governor Run of Rhode Island, need to end this corruption and make politicians public servants.

>> No.2702166

Will quit adderall and smoking if you send some my way xd. Just playing Adderall is a godsend. But help a 18 year old out working and putting a modest amount into crypto.


>> No.2702175

ty very much kind sir for offering a better life

>> No.2702177

>paying for poison
Not sure if you can make profit in real life, mate.

>> No.2702191
File: 49 KB, 414x335, corr-untitled-2-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also what do you think about
ETC (vs ETH)
picture unrelated

>> No.2702243

Any opinion on IOC?

>> No.2702260

I am prescribed adderall. Is that what you by paying for poison? Also I have a vape pen I use to much which is really fucking gay so I guess it's not "smoking", I have done really well at my job though respected by managers and I have a lot saved up for a young guy.

>> No.2702270

Actually I was talking about that "smoking" thing.

>> No.2702525

congrats on killing it legend, could do with a bit of BTC help !


>> No.2702530

congrats man ! could really do with some help


>> No.2702532


how much of that is from getting in early and how much from trading?

>> No.2702570

you sir are the idiot

>> No.2702594
File: 550 KB, 426x640, 1498478030130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask me anything
can i beg?
Thanks OP!

>> No.2702607

fair call, not even going to argue on that hahaha

>> No.2702712


>When you hit 100k$ your strategy will have to change, but I guess you'r far from it yet.

Can you elaborate on this?

I recently turned 10 btc into 100 (over $300k at the btc peak), mostly by playing a lot of the alt pops sequentially, but then I found myself in a whole new order of magnitude and lost 2/3 of it quickly. I'm back down to ~38 btc, ~$100k and don't want to lose more.

You speak the truth, in that every time I find myself super profitable, I can no longer trade the same way with more $$ and end up setting myself way back.

What types of changes should be made to trading strategies once you double or triple your money?

probably have a lot more btc than most of the beggars on here, but it's worth a shot: 17gbjM48vRJRoXn66bakB4aGJZLkzPKEhB

>> No.2702862


Gib please

>> No.2702895

I'm a poorfag from a 3rd world country OP, please help


>> No.2702934

it was fun/informative reading this thread, there's nothing to add except I've been in Barcelona and I liked it a lot


>> No.2702950
File: 268 KB, 1440x1682, 1488544689801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Pajeet LARP trolled all you idiots.

>> No.2702950,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'd accept a little help, my bubble popped and im 300 short on rent. Not normally one to ask but when in rome I guess, 1C6mYi3KjLT6Y2fRGXmsTwUW8fTMspS2tP