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26978199 No.26978199 [Reply] [Original]

I'm about to go balls deep into Uniswap. I wanted to wait for the deep, but it seems like the deep might be too small comparing to the Future gains.

My question is:
Should I also diversify my costs and split a small part (20-30%) into sushi swap just in case?

>> No.26978356

Those 2 already mooned. You have a better chance of 100x with 1inch

>> No.26978449

Went in on uni for another 2k earlier today. Always enjoyed the site, good long hodl

>> No.26978495

you'll get fucked once this drops like a rock, where the fuck where you when it was 2 dollars?
>too small comparing to the Future gains
find yourself 10 billion to throw into this and you'll measly double your money

>> No.26978522

in bull market those might easily get x10. I'm not aming at the moon. I'm just playing safe.

As for 1inch - sounds like complete shitcoin

>> No.26978625

why this should drop?

>> No.26978737

It's been pumping non-stop for months. Bet on a retrace of at least 15-25%. Do NOT market buy.

>> No.26978971

So I should aim at <$11? I think it won't get that low. While everything else was bleeding and crabbing, UNI was stable green all the time.

>> No.26979004

because it fuckin nearly 8x'd

>> No.26979236

I'm setting buys between $10-11
Just a heads up, Melvin Capital is in a liquidity crisis >>26976484
This will be affecting Robinhood as well.

>> No.26979822

Thanks, I'm using binance.

>> No.26980279
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Bro, a CENTRALIZED EXCHANGE is about to eat an unlimited potential loss. DeFi is about to go nuclear, I'm giving you a heads up not to lose your nerve. This trading day is going to be one for the history books if there's still a market when it's all over.

>> No.26980584

ok, so you are predicting binance crash? I have like 10 different coin bags there. Should I create wallet for each on my PC and migrate everything out of there?

>> No.26980724

No one knows what's about to happen. Set your orders and pray.

>> No.26980806

ok, will pray. but to whom? I don't believe in god

>> No.26980981

Doesn't matter, just pray. Pray that someone fucking hears you.

>> No.26982142
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IMO you're better saving your money and going balls deep into injective instead

Injective protocol will eat Uniswaps lunch when it goes live. UNI is doing well now but in another year or so it will be obsolete

>> No.26982827

Thanks, I've noted it. I'll do my research.

>> No.26983034

V3 is around the corner and Fee Switch is turned around March. Things are going uphill then. Especially with the recent centralised exchange drama Uni is going to go crazy

>> No.26983672

this was my initial thinking