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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26970020 No.26970020 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine falling for a reddit pump and dump schemes. kek!

>> No.26970084

Holy fuck this isn't going to work you kikes

>> No.26970501
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>> No.26970669

Those loses doesn’t mean that you will be the one receiving it little man

>> No.26970737

I'm excited to find out what jew shit they did behind the scenes today and put them in the oven later

>> No.26970766
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>> No.26970802

Add $80b to Biden's stimulus fund.

>> No.26970862

Today is the day you die kike bitch
I hope your blood vessels pop like a balloon

>> No.26971077

The cat is out of the bag. Her conflict of interest is known by all. The "donations" she got are going to fuck her in the yiddish ass.

>> No.26971217

This dogecoin pop my crypto cherry, got me 150 euros profit. The anxiety might not be worth it though.I guess that's how gamblers feel.

>> No.26971387
File: 215 KB, 1080x1879, Screenshot_20210126-114557_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine paying me 1,000,000 for each share just because you were a greedy JewPig. Get fucked and i hope you'll be so much in debt that even God will keep on collecting your debt when you pass.

>> No.26971526

and you are about to lose all of it, welcome

>> No.26971690

sell now or youll lose it, buy back after it stabilizes in a couple days

>> No.26972199

People aren't understanding how loose people want to be with money right now because of GME hype, and how that relates to the fact that people will dump a fuck load into this meme coin. It's a gold rush, and a lot of you retards on here aren't picking up what the power of memes will do.

As soon as normies wake up, they're dumping money into DOGE because of the cute memes and "its still so cheap!"

>> No.26972264

Imagine you having to print billions of dollars because your hedge fund fuckhead friends made a retarded short of epic proportions

>> No.26973927

Imagine getting absolutely assraped by a bunch of redditors lmao.

I think its 4chans turn to get some of that good pussy buying PSLV and AG tommorrow morning and Ill consider selling in 5 years.

>> No.26974086

Lose what? I converted to stable coins, surely that won't go to shit in a day, right?

>> No.26974761

Maybe we'll get to see milky mommy aoc and her secret lover ted cruz prosecute the kike

>> No.26974848

>short squeeze
>pump and dump
bro you're so stupid you must be working at melvin capital

>> No.26974920

Ok, Weinstein.

>> No.26974994

Imagine being Janet Yellen. Imagine being a woman. kek

>> No.26975097

The public is daring the state to bail these fags out

>> No.26975548
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 77h50646261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pump and dump schemes

You will pay my $1488 a share.

>> No.26975795
File: 88 KB, 640x776, 1611767486539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see this.

>> No.26977370

what a hideous pustula