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26957398 No.26957398 [Reply] [Original]

ive always hated vidya and especially people who use it, youre no better than street junkies, youre telling me the global economy is gunna collapse becuase of mario karting cunts? youre tellin me im gunna die a martyr for nintendoofuses? I knew God hated me

>> No.26958729

Peleliu is an awful, wretched island that has, currently, a population of 500 and is otherwise a shitty place to be. Yet it had to happen as part of Operation Forager.

Suck it the fuck up you faggot. This isn't about video games, movie theaters, or anything else. This is bigger than that.

>> No.26959080

im literally alone in my apartment cryin, i had plans man, its all gone to shit, pandemic, fuckin gameshot, i fuckin you hate you people so much, my heart skips beats, im choking when i thinnk about you all, clenching tight

>> No.26959354

get fucked loser lmao. it was all for nothing and you didn't even have fun along the way.

>> No.26959415

I didn't do this, I got cockblocked from getting in multiple times anyway so I'm probably worse off than you are. You don't see me making a thread blubbering about it.