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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26955373 No.26955373 [Reply] [Original]

where the FUCK did all of these dogecoin pump posts come from??? do these retards really believe this shit is going to $1?

>> No.26955547
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why the fuck do dogs always look at me with that expression? I hate dogs..

>> No.26955633

Dogecoin is a meme joke

We are living in meme joke times, with GME and moviestock exploding

I bought just in case.

>> No.26956186

We are in the age of mass targeted shilling to manipulate markets. A good strategy is to actually short against whatever trends are being fed to the goyim.
Expect a bumpy ride for a month as the pump cycle progresses but you will collect once the whales dump.
I'm currently shorting silver

>> No.26956237

I think it’s Twitter hype prompting our local pajeets to buy in and shill hard. My brother called me today asking how to buy because of twitter post and thinks it’ll go to $1. My friend texted me 4 hours later and asked me if he should buy doge and if I think it could hit $20. They don’t care about crypto normally. At least my brother hasn't mentioned crypto to me since 2017/18.

>> No.26956241

dubs speak truth

>> No.26956285

It's literally /biz/ taking advantage of the newfags flooding the site because of the gamestop fiasco.

>> No.26956314

Its fud for gme. You cant detect shills at this point?

>> No.26956476

It is and I'm going to throw a thousand bucks at it on January 31st if Kraken finally gets its shit together.

>> No.26956576

maybe because you keep on putting your cock inside them you sick fuck

>> No.26956885

Someone bought a shitload of dogecoin and hired a bunch of people to shill it. That's my theory.

>> No.26957017

Never gonna make it, i put 70$ just for fun already doubled it, sold and bought again with gains, its skyrocketing again cuz its hitting normies, now people in mexico are looking into it now, now or never friends

>> No.26957031
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I'd imagine they would make a happy expression if I did that. Do I have inaccurate expectations for dogs?

>> No.26957134

this, enjoy the pump faggot

>> No.26957138

Because twitter ecelebs are spamming it.

>> No.26957239
