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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26953908 No.26953908 [Reply] [Original]

>hedge funds realize they are fucked thursday
>get brokers to stop trading so they can sort things out
>get tons of backlash
>have idea
>copy wallstreetbets but they control it instead and use crypto with no regulations
>pick the dumbest meme coin doge to shill
>manufacture an us vs them war for dogecoin and tell people to buy and hold and moon to $1
>retard psychology works, retards start buying
>twitter and /biz/ full of doge shills
>funds bought in right before the pump and have been lining their pockets to offset losses, easy when there's been $7 billion added in less than a day
>dump on smoothbrains who think that it will go to $1 and everyone who bought will be a millionaire because nobody has even a basic understanding of the markets let alone crypto (there's very little shorts, someone has to lose!)
>make a killing
>autists out of money so can't pump gme, amc, bb as high tomorrow
>autists that lose 80% complain
>Hedge funds argue that this is the reason they need regulations
>Regulate crypto + regulate stocks even more to their favor
The fact that someone convinced people that if they buy and hold that they'll all get rich is a common tactic used by pajeet pumpers. This is straight by the books.

>> No.26955816

Yeah wtf happened to this board.

>> No.26956024

Yea these retards are going to lose a bunch of money on doge but it's funny to us so lets just sit back and watch, only a couple will be smart enough to play the rest and cash out. There are people out there with 18+ bitcoins worth of Doge just waiting to unload and crash it after they cash out but these chumps don't even realize.

>> No.26956138

It's a strange bit of psychology
"buy and hold" is true for the stocks that actually have some value because they are shorted
Somehow this has been transplanted to dogecoin
But now I can't sell because I'm worried I'll get bogged and it will skyrocket to $1

>> No.26956150



>> No.26956464
File: 337 KB, 1242x1148, 5B1C26FD-51F3-456F-86B8-B7BBF29E9C26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tiny hedge fund with only $12b assets under management short game stop
>Bigger firms and whales decide to pump the stock to squeeze them
>Shill it to WSB the way shit coins get shilled here every fucking day
>Retarded redditors go all in
>Think they’re sticking it to Wall Street
>Really they’ve just driven an inconsequential find out of business while pumping the bags of the real players
>Institutions dump their bags out of hours while Reddit and /biz/ get stuck bag holding

>> No.26956479

Yep, exactly my thoughts.
Like, if you want your stack multiplied, why not invest in low market cap shitcoins?
Doge is already huge, when it falls it will be a huge pink tsunami.

And yeah, draining attention and money from GME is so fucking stupid, but it worked

Maybe the Jews are right?
Maybe normies are indeed soulless cattle?

>> No.26956629

dude people are still holding GME, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.26956768

The psychology is perfect. People on twitter:
>it's only .02 cents!! You can buy 10000 of these!
>We will all be millionaires!
>Don't let them win, we must stand together with this, diamond hands
Copying the exact feelings of GME over to doge. Except with GME it is actually an us vs them and you're selling into covering shorts and naked options.
Not saying altcoins shouldn't moon like 2015 days, but this timing is just extremely odd.
Other firms aside from melvin and citron shorted them. Those are just the two known biggest ones. That's why short % was 138%. One or two firms can't possibly short that many shares alone. There's billions in play here.

>> No.26956770

Kek better hope you're watchjing the chart when it starts to drop

>> No.26956834

Correct. GME made sense because of the short. Pump n dumping what amounts to an unknown (to normies) meme coin will do nothing. Your literally just circle jerking each other

>> No.26956985

I never said they weren't robinhood zoomers who couldn't buy GME moved their money to doge today and some probably sold to buy doge. WSB confirmed there were bots shilling for things like nokia.

>> No.26957035

Pick one battle at a time
It's hedgie hunting season

>> No.26957124

Put a semicolon after weren't

>> No.26957182

This was my concern too. This is like the ultimate pump and dump. Do people not realize how big the bags are for this coin? Holy fuck

>> No.26957385
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>> No.26957664

Exactly this. Why is doge rallying and not eth, or chainlik or ADA. Oh yes, the jew has interest in those. So buy doge coin instead of GME, goy, it won't interfere with our other interests

>> No.26958102

My GF made a shit load of money

>> No.26958664

Not a bad thing at all for those who got in and out. Always take retard money when you can, they clearly don't know how to spend it.

>> No.26959015

I just put really cheap $20 in yesterday I don't really give a fuck if it fails.

>> No.26959337

I like memes but do people unironically think dogecoin is the same as getting in on an absurdly overshorted stock lol
Why would you do this to your own mother

>> No.26959542

I had a bunch of doge lying around because it was a literal joke crypto, so I held until around an hour ago, dumped 1/5 of my bag to break even, and now the rest is literal meme money. I'm setting some limit sells and going to bed. If it crashes I just lose out on the meme, but if it goes anywhere near 1 I'll be golden

>> No.26959719
File: 248 KB, 1372x1952, 1584311622273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An opportunity to make a ton of money falls into your lap one day
>Unfortunately, it lands in laps of everyone else on a board you frequent
>You hate, HATE, most of the posters on the board because they're just a bunch of dumb faggots
>Come up with amazing plan
>"What if I use my inception powers to make all of these stupid faggots think this epic money making opportunity is actually a scam?"
>Put the plan into motion
>Sure enough, dumb motherfuckers are still fud'ing while you've literally quadrupled your money over the last week or so
>See this thread
>Laugh to self in cosmic 4-D language

Heh, nothing personal, kids.

>> No.26959953

i just gag reflexed while reading OPs pic,
god normies are so disgusting

>> No.26960185

i like this place

>> No.26960211

Cope. There's nothing wrong with getting into pumps and dumps if you know it's one, never said there was. This one is a joke though. Check twitter and look at what the peoole are buying it are saying. Proceed with risk or be a bagholder, I don't care, I've more than quadrupled from GME already.

>> No.26960347

I would rather loose money then buy into something called fucking “Doge Coin”

>> No.26960370

Do people really call their mom, "my girl"? Cause that's creepy.

>> No.26960511

>come to /biz/ on tendie eve
>everyone is phoo phooing GME and saying the short sellers already got out and people are just getting scammed
>endless threads of "PUMP MY BITCOIN"
you are a fucking disappointment. You are so fucking disappointing you let a reddit board get more famous than you.

>> No.26960555
File: 66 KB, 700x1000, 1583766226350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally doing and saying exactly what I programmed you to do

Pure pazaak, baby.

>> No.26960864

nah. it reads like it was passed through google translate once or twice, probably just some esl or ai

>> No.26961785

Wtf is that cringe screencap. Are they serious?

>> No.26961866

yea but our government literally allows these insects to interact with us despite them being completely opportunistic and predatory. what can you do.

>> No.26962261

the GME thing is bullshit also. it's all bullshit and hype. the GME thing sounds more legit because you can sound all technical. this doge coin thing was pure retardation. there was literally no argument as to why you should buy other than others should but. then again that's all crypto currency. I think the WSB guys just copied what crypto scammers do then pajeets copied what WSB guys do. kinda like how spaghetti westerns copied samurai films that copied old American westerns

>> No.26962402
File: 52 KB, 1200x782, Uew5Xpz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it realized gains or is it still in DOGE? She better keep an eye on the chart. This shit dumps FAST.

>> No.26962568

>wtf happened to this board.
Flooded by Redditors.
I can't wait for the flood of sad doge pics on the catalog since these newfags don't into pink wojaks, tomorrow will be glorious when the bagholders wake up to a 5x and dump