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26947913 No.26947913 [Reply] [Original]

When GME crashes the economy and we enter recession - what will hedgies try to do? Short sell some more. It will be war for years.

>> No.26948327

GME shows the power the little guy has when they work together and show the fragility and fraud of the current financial system.GME may very well mark the beginning of a new era with regard to information and power in financial markets. But GME is not important a hedge fund or two will get liquidated a few redditers who sell the top will make other worldly returns but gme will still be a failing company and nothing will change in the financial world

What if I told you there were other assets far more shorted than the 138% that GME is, assets whos price is suppressed and managed to uphold the current, dying, corrupt, broken fiat ponzi scheme? I am of course talking about gold and silver

Gold and silver are suppressed in similar ways to how gme had more stock sold than actually exists. Banks sell contracts of gold that do not exist on the comex and put up massive sell walls when ever there is a price increase to manage the price of gold higher and not let it escape higher on a rip tanking confidence in the dollar, they then close these contracts in cash or roll them over with more paper gold. Rough estimates suggest that for every ounce of gold there are 88 claim checks on it, or 88 ounces of paper contracts. For silver that figure is roughly 185 times.

To put that more simply a run on the exchanges and bullion banks to cash in the paper contracts for real physical metal would cause a 88x short squeeze, and they have so little physical metal it would only take one or two large orders for the comex to be completely empty.

Understand this: More gold is traded every week than has ever been mined in all of human history!

If a few whales from reddit and here actually bought gold futures contracts and demanded their delivery in a similar fashion to gme they collapse central banking. Let that sink in, we have that power if we work together! If you are against this, then you are the kike.

Buy AG
Buy Physical

(((THEY))) can print money, but (((THEY))) can't print metals

>> No.26949040


I have 25 shares (bought at like 230 or something) of PSLV. I am 100% willing to throw down another 250 on this. might throw down another 1000 if I can convince my wife we arent annihilating her college debt fund. should i diversify or go all in on one (out of PSLV, SLV, and AG)?